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./othercms/PHPFusion 9.10.20/includes/dynamics/includes/form_select.php
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP Fusion Inc
| Filename: form_select.php
| Author: Frederick MC Chan (Chan)
| Co-Author: Takács Ákos (Rimelek)
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).

 * Select2 dynamics plugin version 3.5 (stable)
 * Note on Tags Support
 * $options['tags'] = default $input_value must not be multidimensional array but only as $value = array(TRUE,'2','3');
 * For tagging - set both tags and multiple to TRUE
 * @param        $input_name
 * @param string $label
 * @param        $input_value
 * @param array  $options
 * Setting up a select chain
 * There will be 2 select box, Parent Select and Child Select
 * Parent Select has options value of: array(1 => 'Parent A', 2 => 'Parent B')
 * Parent Child has options value of: array(3 => 'Child A', 4 => 'Child B');
 * The way that these two select chain to each other is via $options['chain_index'] with a value of:
 * array(3 => 1, 4 => 1); ***
 * The above array is the 'id of child A' => 'id of parent of A'
 * key - current option value (i.e. +60)
 * value - parent value that this option value is chained against (i.e. Malaysia)
 * Implementation
 * 1. Do nothing for Parent Select
 * 2. In Child Select add:
 * $options['chainable'] - set to true
 * $options['chain_to_id'] - unique input_id of the Parent Select
 * $options['chain_index'] - the chain array (see ***)
 * Example code
 * form_select('parent', 'Parent Sample', $parent_callback_value, ['options'=>$parent_opts]);
 * form_select('child', 'Child Sample', $child_callback_value, ['options' => $child_opts, 'chainable'=>TRUE, 'chain_to_id'=>'parent', 'chain_index'=>$chain_index_opts]);
 * @return string
 * @package dynamics/select2
function form_select($input_name, $label, $input_value, $options = []) {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();

$title = $label ? stripinput($label) : ucfirst(strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $input_name)));

$default_options = [
'options'              => [],
'required'             => FALSE,
'regex'                => '',
'input_id'             => $input_name,
'placeholder'          => $locale['choose'],
'deactivate'           => FALSE,
'safemode'             => FALSE,
'allowclear'           => FALSE,
'multiple'             => FALSE,
'width'                => '',
'inner_width'          => '250px',
'keyflip'              => FALSE,
'tags'                 => FALSE,
'jsonmode'             => FALSE,
'chainable'            => FALSE,      // Set to True to Enable Chaining
'chain_to_id'          => '',         // Set which select it has to be chained to.
'db'                   => '',         // Specify which DB to map
'id_col'               => '',         // Chain Primary Key Column Name
'cat_col'              => '',         // Chain Category Column Name
'title_col'            => '',         // Chain Title Column Name
'custom_query'         => '',         // SQL query replacements
'value_filter'         => ['col' => '', 'value' => NULL], // Specify if building opts has to specifically match these conditions
'optgroup'             => FALSE,      // Enable the option group output - if db, id_col, cat_col, and title_col is specified.
'option_pattern'       => "&#8212;",
'display_search_count' => "5",
'max_select'           => FALSE,
'error_text'           => $locale['error_input_default'],
'class'                => '',
'inline'               => FALSE,
'tip'                  => '',
'ext_tip'              => '',
'delimiter'            => ',',
'callback_check'       => '',
'stacked'              => '',
'onchange'             => '',
'select2_disabled'     => FALSE, // if select2_disabled is set to true, then we will not use the select2 plugin
'parent_value'         => $locale['root'],
'add_parent_opts'      => FALSE,
'disable_opts'         => '',
'hide_disabled'        => FALSE,
'no_root'              => FALSE,
'show_current'         => FALSE,
'db_cache'             => TRUE,
'data'                 => []

$options += $default_options;

$input_value = clean_input_value($input_value);

$disable_opts = '';
    if (
$options['disable_opts']) {
$disable_opts = is_array($options['disable_opts']) ? $options['disable_opts'] : explode(',', $options['disable_opts']);
$list = [];

$select_db = [];
// New DB Caching Function.
if ($options['db'] && $options['id_col'] && $options['title_col']) {

// Cache result
$cache = !$options['custom_query'];

        if (empty(
$select_db[$options['db']]) || (!$cache or $options['db_cache'] === FALSE)) {
            if (!empty(
$options['cat_col'])) {
$select_db[$options['db']] = dbquery_tree_full($options['db'], $options['id_col'], $options['cat_col'], "ORDER BY ".$options['cat_col']." ASC, ".$options['id_col']." ASC, ".$options['title_col']." ASC", ($options['custom_query'] ?: ""));
            } else {
// if there is a custom query
if ($options['custom_query']) {
$select_result = dbquery($options['custom_query']);
                } else {
$select_result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$options['db']." ORDER BY ".$options['id_col']." ASC, ".$options['title_col']." ASC");

// then make into hierarchy
if (dbrows($select_result)) {
                    while (
$data = dbarray($select_result)) {
$list[0][$data[$options['id_col']]] = $data;
$select_db[$options['db']] = $list;
             * Build opt functions
if (!function_exists('get_form_select_opts')) {
// @todo: implement all options settings inherited from dbquery_select_hierarchy
function get_form_select_opts($data, $options, $id = 0, $level = 0) {
$list = [];
//array('text' => 'Parent Text', 'children' => array(1 => 'Child A' , 2 => 'Child B'));
if (!empty($data[$id])) {
                        foreach (
$data[$id] as $key => $value) {
// Displays defined pattern
$pattern = "";
                            if (
$options['option_pattern']) {
$pattern = str_repeat($options['option_pattern'], $level)." ";
// Build List
if (!empty($options['value_filter']['col']) && (!empty($options['value_filter']['value']) || $options['value_filter']['value'] !== NULL)) {
                                if (isset(
$value[$options['value_filter']['col']]) && $value[$options['value_filter']['col']] == $options['value_filter']['value']) {
$list[$key] = $pattern.$value[$options['title_col']];
                            } else {
$list[$key] = $pattern.$value[$options['title_col']];
// Build Child
if (isset($data[$key])) {
$child = get_form_select_opts($data, $options, $key, $level + 1);
                                if (
$options['optgroup']) {
$list[$key] = [
'text'     => $list[$key],
'children' => $child,
                                } else {
$list = (!empty($list)) ? $list + $child : $child;
                    } else {
// the list does not start with a root
foreach (array_keys($data) as $id) {
                            foreach (
$data[$id] as $key => $value) {
// Displays defined pattern
$pattern = "";
                                if (
$options['option_pattern']) {
$pattern = str_repeat($options['option_pattern'], $level)." ";
// Build List
if (!empty($options['value_filter']['col']) && (!empty($options['value_filter']['value']) || $options['value_filter']['value'] !== NULL)) {
                                    if (isset(
$value[$options['value_filter']['col']]) && $value[$options['value_filter']['col']] == $options['value_filter']['value']) {
$list[$key] = $pattern.html_entity_decode($value[$options['title_col']]);
                                } else {
$list[$key] = $pattern.html_entity_decode($value[$options['title_col']]);
// Build Child
if (isset($data[$key])) {
$child = get_form_select_opts($data, $options, $key, $level + 1);
                                    if (
$options['optgroup']) {
$list[$key] = [
'text'     => $list[$key],
'children' => $child,
                                    } else {
$list = (!empty($list)) ? $list + $child : $child;

                    return (array)
             * Build Chainable Reference
             * array key    current id
             *      value   parent id
if (!function_exists('get_form_select_chain_index')) {
get_form_select_chain_index($data, $options) {
$list = [];
                    if (!empty(
$data)) {
$data = flatten_array($data);
                        foreach (
$data as $value) {
$list[$value[$options['id_col']]] = $value[$options['cat_col']];

// Automatic build chain index.
if ($options['chainable'] && $options['chain_to_id'] && empty($options['chain_index'])) {
$options['chain_index'] = get_form_select_chain_index($select_db[$options['db']], $options);

        if (!empty(
$select_db[$options['db']])) {
// Build options and override declared options
$options['options'] = get_form_select_opts($select_db[$options['db']], $options);
        } else {
$options['options'] = ['0' => $locale['no_opts']];
$options['deactivate'] = 1;
    } else if (empty(
$options['options'])) {
$options['options'] = ['0' => $locale['no_opts']];
$options['deactivate'] = 1;

// Build a chain index and initialize the JS chain plugin
    // $options['chainable']    - true
    // $options['chain_to_id']  - parent id
    // $options['chain_index'] - a list of array of current id and the parent id as value (see get_form_select_chain_index function how it's done)
if ($options['chainable'] && $options['chain_to_id'] && !empty($options['chain_index'])) {



// Optgroup with Hierarchy
if (!function_exists('form_select_build_optgroup')) {
form_select_build_optgroup($array, $input_value, $options) {
$html = '';
$disable_opts = '';
            if (
$options['disable_opts']) {
$disable_opts = is_array($options['disable_opts']) ? $options['disable_opts'] : explode(',', $options['disable_opts']);

            foreach (
$array as $arr => $value) {

// where options is more than one value, pass to data attributes.
$data_attributes = '';
                if (
count($value) > 1) {
$data_options = [];
                    foreach (
$value as $datakey => $dataval) {
$data_options[] = "data-$datakey='$dataval'";
$data_attributes = " ".implode(' ', $data_options)." ";

$select = "";
$chain = (isset($options['chain_index'][$arr]) ? " class='".$options['chain_index'][$arr]."' " : "");
$text_value = isset($value['text']) ? $value['text'] : $value;
// if you have data attributes, you must have text key
if (!empty($text_value) && !is_array($text_value)) {
                    if (
$options['keyflip']) { // flip mode = store array values
if ($input_value !== '') {
$select = ($input_value == $text_value) ? " selected" : "";
$disabled = $disable_opts && in_array($arr, $disable_opts);
$hide = $disabled && $options['hide_disabled'];
$item = (!$hide ? "<option".$data_attributes."value='$text_value'".$chain.$select.($disabled ? 'disabled' : '').">".html_entity_decode($text_value)." ".($options['show_current'] && $input_value == $text_value ? '(Current Item)' : '')."</option>\n" : "");

                    } else {
                        if (
$input_value !== '') {
$input_value = stripinput($input_value); // not sure if it can turn false to zero not null.
$select = (isset($input_value) && $input_value == $arr) ? ' selected' : '';
$disabled = $disable_opts && in_array($arr, $disable_opts);
$hide = $disabled && $options['hide_disabled'];
$item = (!$hide ? "<option".$data_attributes."value='$arr'".$chain.$select.($disabled ? 'disabled' : '').">".html_entity_decode($text_value)." ".($options['show_current'] && $input_value == $text_value ? '(Current Item)' : '')."</option>\n" : "");
//$item = "<option value='$arr'".$chain.$select.">$text_value</option>\n";
                    if (isset(
$value['children'])) {
$html .= "<optgroup label='".$value['text']."'>\n";
$html .= $item;
$html .= form_select_build_optgroup($value['children'], $input_value, $options);
$html .= "</optgroup>\n";
                    } else {
$html .= $item;



    if (!
$options['width']) {
$options['width'] = $default_options['width'];
    if (
$options['multiple']) {
        if (
$input_value !== NULL) {
$input_value = explode($options['delimiter'], $input_value);
        } else {
$input_value = [];

// always trim id
$options['input_id'] = trim($options['input_id'], "[]");
$allowclear = ($options['placeholder'] && $options['multiple'] || $options['allowclear']) ? "allowClear:true," : '';

$error_class = "";
    if (\
Defender::inputHasError($input_name)) {
$error_class = " has-error ";
        if (!empty(
$options['error_text'])) {
$new_error_text = \Defender::getErrorText($input_name);
            if (!empty(
$new_error_text)) {
$options['error_text'] = $new_error_text;
addnotice("danger", $options['error_text']);

$html = "<div id='".$options['input_id']."-field' class='form-group ".($options['inline'] && $label ? 'row' : '').$error_class.' '.$options['class']."' ".($options['width'] && !$label ? "style='width: ".$options['width']."'" : '').">\n";
$html .= ($label) ? "<label class='control-label ".($options['inline'] ? "col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-3 col-lg-3" : '')."' for='".$options['input_id']."'>".$label.($options['required'] == TRUE ? "<span class='required'>&nbsp;*</span>" : '')."
.($options['tip'] ? "<i class='pointer fa fa-question-circle' title='".$options['tip']."'></i>" : '')."
: '';
$html .= $options['inline'] && $label ? "<div class='col-xs-12 col-sm-9 col-md-9 col-lg-9'>\n" : "";
    if (
$options['jsonmode'] || $options['tags']) {
// json mode.
$html .= "<div id='".$options['input_id']."-spinner' style='display:none;'>\n<img src='".fusion_get_settings('siteurl')."images/loader.svg'>\n</div>\n";
$html .= "<input ".($options['required'] ? "class='req'" : '')." type='hidden' name='$input_name' id='".$options['input_id']."' style='width: ".($options['width'] ? $options['inner_width'] : $default_options['width'])."'/>\n";
    } else {
// normal mode

$html .= "<select ".($options['select2_disabled'] == TRUE ? " class='form-control' " : "")." name='$input_name' id='".$options['input_id']."' style='width: ".(!empty($options['inner_width']) ? $options['inner_width'] : $default_options['inner_width'])."'".($options['deactivate'] ? " disabled" : "").($options['onchange'] ? ' onchange="'.$options['onchange'].'"' : '').($options['multiple'] ? " multiple" : "").">\n";
$html .= ($options['allowclear']) ? "<option value=''></option>\n" : '';
// add parent value
if ($options['no_root'] == FALSE && !empty($options['cat_col']) || $options['add_parent_opts'] === TRUE) { // api options to remove root from selector. used in items creation.
$this_select = '';
            if (
$input_value !== NULL) {
                if (
$input_value !== '') {
$this_select = 'selected';
$html .= "<option value='0' ".$this_select." >".$options['parent_value']."</option>\n";

         * Supported Formatting
         * ---------------------
         * Have an array that looks like this in 'options' key
         * array('text' => 'Parent Text', 'children' => array(1 => 'Child A' , 2 => 'Child B'));
         * or
         * array(1 => 'Option A', 2 => 'Option B');
if (is_array($options['options'])) {
// Test if this is an optgroup
$test_array = $options['options'];
            foreach (
$test_array as $v) {
                if (isset(
$v['text'])) {
$options['optgroup'] = TRUE;
            if (
$options['optgroup']) {
$html .= form_select_build_optgroup($options['options'], $input_value, $options);
            } else {
                foreach (
$options['options'] as $arr => $v) { // outputs: key, value, class - in order
$select = '';
$chain = '';
// Chain method always bind to option's array key
if (isset($options['chain_index'][$arr])) {
$chain = " class='".$options['chain_index'][$arr]."' ";

// do a disable for filter_opts item.
if ($options['keyflip']) { // flip mode = store array values
if ($input_value !== '') {
$select = ($input_value == $v) ? " selected" : "";
$disabled = $disable_opts && in_array($arr, $disable_opts);
$hide = $disabled && $options['hide_disabled'];
$html .= (!$hide ? "<option value='$v'".$chain.$select.($disabled ? 'disabled' : '').">".html_entity_decode($v)." ".($options['show_current'] && $input_value == $v ? '(Current Item)' : '')."</option>\n" : "");
                    } else {
                        if (
$input_value !== '') {
//$input_value = stripinput($input_value); // not sure if can turn FALSE to zero not null.
$select = (isset($input_value) && $input_value == $arr) ? ' selected' : '';
$disabled = $disable_opts && in_array($arr, $disable_opts);
$hide = $disabled && $options['hide_disabled'];
$html .= (!$hide ? "<option value='$arr'".$chain.$select.($disabled ? 'disabled' : '').">".html_entity_decode($v)." ".($options['show_current'] && $input_value == $v ? '(Current Item)' : '')."</option>\n" : "");
$html .= "</select>\n";

$html .= $options['stacked'];
$html .= $options['ext_tip'] ? "<br/>\n<div class='m-t-10 tip'><i>".$options['ext_tip']."</i></div>" : "";
$html .= \Defender::inputHasError($input_name) && !$options['inline'] ? "<br/>" : "";
$html .= \Defender::inputHasError($input_name) ? "<div id='".$options['input_id']."-help' class='label label-danger p-5 display-inline-block'>".$options['error_text']."</div>" : "";
$html .= $options['inline'] && $label ? "</div>\n" : '';
$html .= "</div>\n";
    if (
$options['required']) {
$html .= "<input class='req' id='dummy-".$options['input_id']."' type='hidden'>\n"; // for jscheck
// Generate Defender Tag
$input_name = ($options['multiple']) ? str_replace("[]", "", $input_name) : $input_name;
'input_name'     => clean_input_name($input_name),
'title'          => clean_input_name($title),
'id'             => $options['input_id'],
'type'           => 'dropdown',
'regex'          => $options['regex'],
'required'       => $options['required'],
'safemode'       => $options['safemode'],
'error_text'     => $options['error_text'],
'callback_check' => $options['callback_check'],
'delimiter'      => $options['delimiter'],
// Initialize Select2
if ($options['select2_disabled'] === FALSE) {
// Select 2 Multiple requires hidden DOM.
if ($options['jsonmode'] === FALSE) {
// not json mode (normal)
$max_js = '';
            if (
$options['multiple'] && $options['max_select']) {
$max_js = "maximumSelectionSize : ".$options['max_select'].",";

$tag_js = '';
            if (
$options['tags']) {
$tag_value = json_encode(array_values($options['options']));
// The format yield must be : `tags:["red", "green", "blue", "orange", "white", "black", "purple", "cyan", "teal"]`
$tag_js = ($tag_value) ? "tags: ".html_entity_decode($tag_value)."" : "tags: []";

            if (
$options['required']) {
                if ($('#"
.$options['input_id']."').select2('val')) { $('dummy-".$options['input_id']."').val($('#".$options['input_id']."').select2('val'));} else { $('dummy-".$options['input_id']."').val('');}
.($options['placeholder'] ? "placeholder: '".$options['placeholder']."'," : '')."
                    minimumResultsForSearch: "
                }).bind('change', function(e) {    $('#dummy-"
.$options['input_id']."').val($(this).val()); });
            } else {
.($options['placeholder'] ? "placeholder: '".$options['placeholder']."'," : '')."
                    minimumResultsForSearch: "

        } else {
// json mode
                var this_data = [{id:0, text: '"
                placeholder: '"
                data: this_data

// For Multiple Callback JS
if (is_array($input_value) && $options['multiple']) { // stores as value;
$vals = '';
            foreach (
$input_value as $arr => $val) {
$val = html_entity_decode($val);
$vals .= ($arr == count($input_value) - 1) ? "'$val'" : "'$val',";
add_to_jquery("$('#".$options['input_id']."').select2('val', [$vals]);");



 * Selector for registered user
 * @param        $input_name
 * @param string $label
 * @param bool   $input_value - user id
 * @param array  $options
 * @return string
function form_user_select($input_name, $label = "", $input_value = FALSE, array $options = []) {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();

$title = $label ? stripinput($label) : ucfirst(strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $input_name)));
$input_value = clean_input_value($input_value);

$default_options = [
'required'          => FALSE,
'regex'             => '',
'input_id'          => $input_name,
'placeholder'       => $locale['sel_user'],
'deactivate'        => FALSE,
'safemode'          => FALSE,
'allowclear'        => FALSE,
'multiple'          => FALSE,
'inner_width'       => '250px',
'width'             => '',
'keyflip'           => FALSE,
'tags'              => FALSE,
'jsonmode'          => FALSE,
'chainable'         => FALSE,
'max_select'        => 1,
'error_text'        => '',
'class'             => '',
'stacked'           => '',
'inline'            => FALSE,
'tip'               => '',
'ext_tip'           => '',
'delimiter'         => ',',
'callback_check'    => '',
'file'              => '',
'allow_self'        => FALSE,
'callback_function' => '',
'image_path'        => IMAGES."avatars/",

$options += $default_options;

$options['input_id'] = trim($options['input_id'], "[]");

$allowclear = ($options['placeholder'] && $options['multiple'] || $options['allowclear']) ? "allowClear:true," : '';
$length = "minimumInputLength: 1,";
$error_class = "";

    if (
Defender::inputHasError($input_name)) {
$error_class = "has-error ";
$new_error_text = Defender::getErrorText($input_name);
        if (!empty(
$new_error_text)) {
$options['error_text'] = $new_error_text;
addnotice("danger", $options['error_text']);

$html = "<div id='".$options['input_id']."-field' class='form-group ".($options['inline'] && $label ? 'row ' : '').$error_class.$options['class']."' style='width:".$options['width']."'>\n";
$html .= ($label) ? "<label class='control-label ".($options['inline'] ? 'col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-3 col-lg-3' : '')."' for='".$options['input_id']."'>".$label.($options['required'] == TRUE ? "<span class='required'>&nbsp;*</span>" : '')." ".($options['tip'] ? "<i class='pointer fa fa-question-circle' title=".$options['tip']."></i>" : '')."</label>\n" : '';
$html .= $options['inline'] && $label ? "<div class='col-xs-12 col-sm-9 col-md-9 col-lg-9'>\n" : "";
$html .= "<input ".($options['required'] ? "class='req'" : '')." type='hidden' name='$input_name' id='".$options['input_id']."' data-placeholder='".$options['placeholder']."' style='width:".$options['inner_width']."'".($options['deactivate'] ? ' disabled' : '')."/>\n";
    if (
$options['deactivate']) {
$html .= form_hidden($input_name, '', $input_value, ["input_id" => $options['input_id']]);

$html .= $options['stacked'];
$html .= $options['ext_tip'] ? "<br/>\n<div class='m-t-10 tip'><i>".$options['ext_tip']."</i></div>" : "";
$html .= \Defender::inputHasError($input_name) && !$options['inline'] ? "<br/>" : "";
$html .= \Defender::inputHasError($input_name) ? "<div id='".$options['input_id']."-help' class='label label-danger p-5 display-inline-block'>".$options['error_text']."</div>" : "";

$html .= $options['inline'] && $label ? "</div>\n" : '';

$html .= "</div>\n";

$root_prefix = fusion_get_settings("site_seo") == 1 ? fusion_get_settings('siteurl')."includes/" : INCLUDES;

$root_img = fusion_get_settings("site_seo") == 1 && !defined('ADMIN_PANEL') ? fusion_get_settings('siteurl') : '';

$path = !empty($options['file']) ? $options['file'] : $root_prefix."dynamics/assets/users/users.json.php".($options['allow_self'] ? "?allow_self=true" : "");

    if (!empty(
$input_value)) {
// json mode.
$encoded = $options['callback_function'] && is_callable($options['callback_function']) ? $options['callback_function']($input_value) : user_search($input_value, $options['delimiter']);
    } else {
$encoded = json_encode([]);

'input_name' => clean_input_name($input_name),
'title'      => $title,
'id'         => $options['input_id'],
'type'       => 'dropdown',
'required'   => $options['required'],
'safemode'   => $options['safemode'],
'error_text' => $options['error_text']

        function avatar(item) {
            if(! {return item.text;}
            var avatar = item.avatar;
            var level = item.level;
            return '<table><tr><td style=\"\"><img style=\"height:35px;\" class=\"img-rounded\" src=\""
.$root_img.$options['image_path']."' + avatar + '\"/></td><td style=\"padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px;line-height:1.2;\"><div><strong>' + item.text + '</strong></div>' + level + '</div></td></tr></table>';
        multiple: true,
.($options['max_select'] !== FALSE ? "maximumSelectionSize: ".$options['max_select']."," : '')."
        placeholder: '"
        ajax: {
            url: '
            dataType: 'json',
            data: function (term, page) {
                return {q: term};
            results: function (data, page) {
                return {results: data};
        formatSelection: avatar,
        escapeMarkup: function(m) { return m; },
        formatResult: avatar,
.(!empty($encoded) ? ".select2('data', $encoded );" : '')."



/* Returns Json Encoded Object used in form_select_user */
function user_search($users, $delimiter) {
$user_opts = [];

$users = explode($delimiter, $users);

    if (!empty(
$users)) {
        foreach (
$users as $user) {
$result = dbquery("SELECT user_id, user_name, user_avatar, user_level FROM ".DB_USERS." WHERE user_status=:status AND user_id=:id", [':status' => 0, ':id' => $user]);
            if (
dbrows($result) > 0) {
                while (
$udata = dbarray($result)) {
$user_avatar = !empty($udata['user_avatar']) ? $udata['user_avatar'] : "no-avatar.jpg";
$user_name = $udata['user_name'];
$user_level = getuserlevel($udata['user_level']);
$user_opts[] = [
'id'     => $udata['user_id'],
'text'   => $user_name,
'avatar' => $user_avatar,
"level"  => $user_level


 * Select2 hierarchy
 * Returns a full hierarchy nested dropdown.
 * @param        $input_name
 * @param string $label
 * @param string $input_value
 * @param array  $options
 * @param        $db       - your db
 * @param        $name_col - the option text to show
 * @param        $id_col   - unique id
 * @param        $cat_col  - parent id
 *                         ## The rest of the Params are used by the function itself -- no need to handle ##
 * @param bool   $self_id  - not required
 * @param bool   $id       - not required
 * @param bool   $level    - not required
 * @param bool   $index    - not required
 * @param bool   $data     - not required
 * @return string
function form_select_tree($input_name, $label, $input_value, array $options, $db, $name_col, $id_col, $cat_col, $self_id = FALSE, $id = FALSE, $level = FALSE, $index = [], $data = FALSE) {
$html = '';
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
$title = $label ? stripinput($label) : ucfirst(strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $input_name)));
$default_options = [
'required'        => FALSE,
'regex'           => '',
'input_id'        => $input_name,
'placeholder'     => $locale['choose'],
'deactivate'      => FALSE,
'safemode'        => FALSE,
'allowclear'      => FALSE,
'multiple'        => FALSE,
'width'           => '',
'inner_width'     => '250px',
'keyflip'         => FALSE,
'tags'            => FALSE,
'jsonmode'        => FALSE,
'chainable'       => FALSE,
'max_select'      => FALSE,
'error_text'      => $locale['error_input_default'],
'class'           => '',
'inline'          => FALSE,
'tip'             => '',
'delimiter'       => ',',
'callback_check'  => '',
'file'            => '',
'parent_value'    => $locale['root'],
'add_parent_opts' => FALSE,
'disable_opts'    => '',
'hide_disabled'   => FALSE,
'no_root'         => FALSE,
'show_current'    => FALSE,
'query'           => '',
'full_query'      => '',
$options += $default_options;

$options['input_id'] = trim($options['input_id'], "[]");
    if (
$options['multiple']) {
        if (
$input_value) {
$input_value = explode('|', $input_value);
        } else {
$input_value = [];
    if (!
$options['width']) {
$options['width'] = $default_options['width'];
$allowclear = ($options['placeholder'] && $options['multiple'] || $options['allowclear']) ? "allowClear:true" : '';
$disable_opts = '';
    if (
$options['disable_opts']) {
$disable_opts = is_array($options['disable_opts']) ? $options['disable_opts'] : explode(',', $options['disable_opts']);
/* Child patern */
$opt_pattern = str_repeat("&#8212;", $level);

    if (!
$level) {
$level = 0;
        if (!isset(
$index[$id])) {
$index[$id] = ['0' => $locale['no_opts']];

$error_class = '';
        if (\
Defender::inputHasError($input_name)) {
$error_class = "has-error ";
            if (!empty(
$options['error_text'])) {
$new_error_text = \Defender::getErrorText($input_name);
                if (!empty(
$new_error_text)) {
$options['error_text'] = $new_error_text;
addnotice("danger", $options['error_text']);

$html = "<div id='".$options['input_id']."-field' class='form-group ".($options['inline'] && $label ? 'row ' : '').$error_class.$options['class']."' ".($options['inline'] && $options['width'] && !$label ? "style='width: ".$options['width']."'" : '').">\n";
$html .= ($label) ? "<label class='control-label ".($options['inline'] ? 'col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-3 col-lg-3' : '')."' for='".$options['input_id']."'>".$label.($options['required'] == TRUE ? "<span class='required'>&nbsp;*</span>" : '')." ".($options['tip'] ? "<i class='pointer fa fa-question-circle' title=".$options['tip']."></i>" : '')."</label>\n" : '';
$html .= $options['inline'] && $label ? "<div class='col-xs-12 col-sm-9 col-md-9 col-lg-9'>\n" : "";
    if (
$level == 0) {
        placeholder: '"
        if (
is_array($input_value) && $options['multiple']) { // stores as value;
$vals = '';
            foreach (
$input_value as $arr => $val) {
$vals .= ($arr == count($input_value) - 1) ? "'$val'" : "'$val',";
add_to_jquery("$('#".$options['input_id']."').select2('val', [$vals]);");
$html .= "<select name='$input_name' id='".$options['input_id']."' style='width: ".(!empty($options['inner_width']) ? $options['inner_width'] : $default_options['inner_width'])."'".($options['deactivate'] ? " disabled" : "").($options['multiple'] ? " multiple" : "").">";
$html .= $options['allowclear'] ? "<option value=''></option>\n" : '';
        if (
$options['no_root'] == FALSE) { // api options to remove root from selector. used in items creation.
$this_select = '';
            if (
$input_value !== NULL) {
                if (
$input_value !== '') {
$this_select = 'selected';
$html .= ($options['add_parent_opts'] == TRUE) ? "<option value='0' ".$this_select.">$opt_pattern ".$locale['parent']."</option>\n" : "<option value='0' ".$this_select." >$opt_pattern ".$options['parent_value']."</option>\n";

$index = dbquery_tree($db, $id_col, $cat_col, $options['query'], $options['full_query']);
        if (!empty(
$index)) {
$data = dropdown_select($db, $id_col, $name_col, $cat_col, implode(',', flatten_array($index)), $options['query'], $options['full_query']);

    if (!
$id) {
$id = 0;

    if (isset(
$index[$id]) && !empty($data)) {
        foreach (
$index[$id] as $value) {
// value is the array
            //$hide = $disable_branch && $value == $self_id ? 1 : 0;
$name = $data[$value][$name_col];

$name = PHPFusion\QuantumFields::parseLabel($name);
$select = ($input_value !== "" && ($input_value == $value)) ? 'selected' : '';
$disabled = $disable_opts && in_array($value, $disable_opts);
$hide = $disabled && $options['hide_disabled'];
// do a disable for filter_opts item.
$html .= (!$hide) ? "<option value='$value' ".$select." ".($disable_opts && in_array($value, $disable_opts) ? 'disabled' : '')." >$opt_pattern $name ".($options['show_current'] && $self_id == $value ? '(Current Item)' : '')."</option>\n" : '';
            if (isset(
$index[$value]) && (!$hide)) {
$html .= form_select_tree($input_name, $label, $input_value, $options, $db, $name_col, $id_col, $cat_col, $self_id, $value, $level + TRUE, $index, $data);
    if (!
$level) {
$html .= "</select>\n";
$html .= (($options['required'] == 1 && \Defender::inputHasError($input_name)) || \Defender::inputHasError($input_name)) ? "<div id='".$options['input_id']."-help' class='label label-danger p-5 display-inline-block'>".$options['error_text']."</div>" : "";
$html .= $options['inline'] && $label ? "</div>\n" : '';
$html .= "</div>\n";
        if (
$options['required']) {
$html .= "<input class='req' id='dummy-".$options['input_id']."' type='hidden'>\n"; // for jscheck
$input_name = ($options['multiple']) ? str_replace("[]", "", $input_name) : $input_name;
'input_name'     => $input_name,
'title'          => trim($title, '[]'),
'id'             => $options['input_id'],
'type'           => 'dropdown',
'regex'          => $options['regex'],
'required'       => $options['required'],
'safemode'       => $options['safemode'],
'error_text'     => $options['error_text'],
'callback_check' => $options['callback_check'],
'delimiter'      => $options['delimiter'],



 * Optimized performance by adding a self param to implode to fetch only certain rows
function dropdown_select($db, $id_col, $name_col, $cat_col, $index_values, $filter = '', $query_replace = '') {
$data = [];
$query = "SELECT $id_col, $name_col, $cat_col FROM ".$db." ".($filter ? $filter." AND " : 'WHERE')." $id_col IN ($index_values) ORDER BY $name_col ASC";
    if (!empty(
$query_replace)) {
$query = $query_replace;
$result = dbquery($query);
    while (
$row = dbarray($result)) {
$id = $row[$id_col];
$data[$id] = $row;
