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./othercms/PHPFusion 9.10.20/includes/dynamics/includes/form_checkbox.php
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP Fusion Inc
| Filename: form_checkbox.php
| Author: Core Development Team
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).

 * @param string $input_name
 * @param string $label
 * @param string $input_value
 * @param array  $options
 * @return string
function form_checkbox($input_name, $label = '', $input_value = '0', array $options = []) {

$locale = fusion_get_locale('', LOCALE.LOCALESET.'global.php');

$input_value = clean_input_value($input_value);

$default_options = [
'input_id'       => $input_name,
'inline'         => FALSE,
'inline_options' => FALSE,
'required'       => FALSE,
'deactivate'     => FALSE,
'class'          => '',
'type'           => 'checkbox',
'toggle'         => FALSE,
'options'        => [],
'options_value'  => [],
'delimiter'      => ',',
'safemode'       => FALSE,
'keyflip'        => FALSE,
'error_text'     => $locale['error_input_checkbox'],
'value'          => 1,
'tip'            => '',
'ext_tip'        => '',
'inner_width'    => '',
'reverse_label'  => FALSE,
'deactivate_key' => NULL,
'onclick'        => '',

$options += $default_options;

    if (
$options['toggle']) {
        if (!
add_to_head("<link rel='stylesheet' href='".DYNAMICS."assets/switch/switch.min.css'>");

$title = ($label ? stripinput($label) : ucfirst(strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $input_name))));

// 'input_id[]' becomes 'input_id-', due to foreach has multiple options, and these DOM selectors are needed
$options['input_id'] = trim(str_replace('[', '-', $options['input_id']), "]");

$error_class = '';
    if (
Defender::inputHasError($input_name)) {
$error_class = " has-error";
        if (!empty(
$options['error_text'])) {
$new_error_text = Defender::getErrorText($input_name);
            if (!empty(
$new_error_text)) {
$options['error_text'] = $new_error_text;
addnotice("danger", $options['error_text']);

$option_value = [];

    if (!empty(
$options['options']) && is_array($options['options'])) {

$options['toggle'] = FALSE; // force toggle to be false if options existed

if (!empty($input_value) && is_string($input_value)) {
$option_value = array_flip(explode($options['delimiter'], (string)$input_value)); // require key to value

// The options_value to set check to the input on its value permanently
$input_value = [];
        foreach (
array_keys($options['options']) as $key) {
$input_value[$key] = isset($option_value[$key]) ? (!empty($options['options_value'][$key]) ? $options['options_value'][$key] : 1) : 0;

// Provided that input value keys are 0, and type is not checkbox, we default to select the first one.
if ($options['type'] != 'checkbox' && empty($options['options_value']) && empty(array_sum($input_value))) {
$key = key($input_value);
$input_value[$key] = 1;


$checkbox = $options['inline'] && $label ? "<div class='col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-9 col-lg-9'>" : "";

    if (!empty(
$options['options']) && is_array($options['options'])) {

        foreach (
$options['options'] as $key => $value) {

// Adds deactivated options as hidden input
if ($options['deactivate_key'] !== NULL && $options['deactivate_key'] == $key) {
$checkbox .= form_hidden($input_name, '', $key);

$checkbox .= "<div class='".($options['type'] == 'radio' ? 'radio' : 'checkbox').($options['inline_options'] ? ' display-inline-block m-r-5' : '')."'>";

$checkbox .= "<label class='control-label m-r-10' for='".$options['input_id']."-$key'".($options['inner_width'] ? " style='width: ".$options['inner_width']."'" : '').">";

$checkbox .= "<input id='".$options['input_id']."-$key' name='$input_name' value='$key' type='".$options['type']."'

.($options['deactivate'] || $options['deactivate_key'] === $key ? 'disabled' : '').($options['onclick'] ? ' onclick="'.$options['onclick'].'"' : '').($input_value[$key] == TRUE ? ' checked' : '')." />";

$checkbox .= $value;

$checkbox .= "</label>";

$checkbox .= "</div>";

    } else {
$checkbox .= "<div class='".(!empty($label) ? 'pull-left' : '')." m-r-10'>";
$checkbox .= "<input id='".$options['input_id']."' style='margin:0;vertical-align:middle;' name='$input_name' value='".$options['value']."' type='".$options['type']."'".($options['deactivate'] ? ' disabled' : '').($options['onclick'] ? ' onclick="'.$options['onclick'].'"' : '').($input_value == $options['value'] ? ' checked' : '').">";
$checkbox .= "</div>";

$html = "<div id='".$options['input_id']."-field' class='".($options['toggle'] ? 'checkbox-switch ' : '')."form-group check-group ".($options['inline'] && $label ? 'row ' : '').(!empty($error_class) ? $error_class : '').($options['class'] ? ' '.$options['class'] : '')."'>";

$html .= (!empty($label)) ? "<label class='control-label".($options['inline'] ? " col-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-md-3 col-lg-3" : '')."' data-checked='".(!empty($input_value) ? "1" : "0")."' for='".$options['input_id']."'".($options['inner_width'] ? " style='width: ".$options['inner_width']."'" : '').">" : "";

$html .= ($options['reverse_label'] == TRUE ? $checkbox : "");

$html .= (!empty($label)) ? "<div class='overflow-hide'>".$label.($options['required'] ? "<span class='required'>&nbsp;*</span>" : '').($options['tip'] ? " <i class='pointer fa fa-question-circle text-lighter' title='".$options['tip']."'></i>" : '')."</div></label>" : "";

$html .= ($options['reverse_label'] == FALSE ? $checkbox : "");

$html .= $options['ext_tip'] ? "<br/><span class='tip'><i>".$options['ext_tip']."</i></span>" : "";

$html .= Defender::inputHasError($input_name) ? "<span class='m-l-10'></span>" : "";

$html .= Defender::inputHasError($input_name) ? "<div id='".$options['input_id']."-help' class='label label-danger p-5 display-inline-block'>".$options['error_text']."</div>" : "";

$html .= $options['inline'] && $label ? "</div>" : "";

$html .= "</div>";

'input_name' => clean_input_name($input_name),
'title'      => trim($title, '[]'),
'id'         => $options['input_id'],
'type'       => $options['type'],
'required'   => $options['required'],
'safemode'   => $options['safemode'],
'error_text' => $options['error_text'],
'delimiter'  => $options['delimiter'],
