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* @version: 5.2
* @package: Elxis CMS
* @subpackage: Elxis Language
* @author: Elxis Team ( )
* @copyright: (C) 2006-2021 All rights reserved.
* @description: fa-IR (Farsi - Iran) language for component User
* @license: Elxis public license
* @translator: Ioannis Sannos ( )

defined('_ELXIS_') or die ('Direct access to this location is not allowed.');

$_lang = array();
$_lang['REGISTRATION'] = 'Registration';
$_lang['CRNEWUSERACC'] = 'Create a new user account';
$_lang['USERREGDISABLED'] = 'Users registration is not allowed!';
$_lang['REGISTER'] = 'Register';
$_lang['PASSWORD_AGAIN'] = 'Password (again)';
$_lang['REGISTERDESC'] = 'Fill-in the form bellow to register. Your personal details will stay private.';
$_lang['MINCHARDIGSYM'] = 'Minimum length 4 latin characters, digits, and the symbols _ and -';
$_lang['INVALIDSECCODE'] = 'Invalid security code!';
$_lang['ALREADYLOGIN'] = 'You are already logged-in!';
$_lang['MINLENGTH6'] = 'Minimum length 6 characters';
$_lang['ONLYMAILFROMALLOW'] = "Only email addresses from %s are allowed!";
$_lang['EMAILADDRNOTACC'] = "Email addresses from %s are not acceptable!";
$_lang['INVACCEXPDATE'] = 'Invalid account expiration date!';
$_lang['PASSNOMATCH'] = 'Passwords do not match!';
$_lang['UNAMETAKEN'] = "Username %s is already taken. Please select another.";
$_lang['EMAILTAKEN'] = "E-mail %s is already in use by an other user. Please select another.";
$_lang['SUCCESSREG'] = 'Successful registration';
$_lang['REGCOMPLSUCC'] = 'Your registration was completed successfully!';
$_lang['YOUMAYLOGIN'] = "You may now login using %s as your username and the password you provided.";
$_lang['REGINSPBEFLOG'] = 'Your registration will be inspected by a site administrator before you can login.';
$_lang['MAILACTLINK'] = 'An message containing an activation link was sent to your e-mail address.
    You must activate the account by clicking on the activation link before you can login.'
$_lang['THANKYOU'] = 'Thank you';
$_lang['CLICKTOLOGIN'] = 'Click here to login.';
$_lang['NEWUSERREG'] = 'A new user has registered';
$_lang['NEWUSERREGAT'] = "A new user has registered at %s";
$_lang['YMUSTMANACTLOG'] = 'You must manually activate this account so the user can login!';
$_lang['USERPROFILE'] = 'User profile';
$_lang['HI'] = 'Hi';
$_lang['THANKSYREG'] = 'Thanks for your registration';
$_lang['THANKREGAT'] = "Thank you for registering at %s";
$_lang['CLICKACTIVATE'] = 'Please click the link bellow to activate your account.';
$_lang['ACCOUNTACT'] = 'Account activation';
$_lang['INVACTCODE'] = 'Invalid activation code!';
$_lang['YACCACTSUCC'] = 'Your account has been activated successfully.';
$_lang['RECOVERPASS'] = 'Recover password';
$_lang['PASSRECOVNALL'] = 'Password recovery is not allowed. Please contact the site administrator
    to change your password.'
$_lang['SECLEVNALLRP'] = 'Web site security level does not allow the recovery of passwords. Please
    contact the site administrator.'
$_lang['PASSRECOVDESC'] = 'Fill-in your username and your e-mail address. If the information you provide are correct
    a new password will be generated and will be sent to your e-mail address.'
$_lang['USERNFOUND'] = 'The user was not found!';
$_lang['NEWPASSGENREQ'] = 'A new password generated for you after your request. You may now login using
your username and the password shown bellow.'
$_lang['NEWPASSSUCCGEN'] = 'A new password was successfully generated for you and sent to your e-mail address.';
$_lang['USERSCENTRAL'] = 'Users central';
$_lang['USERSCENTRALDESC'] = 'Welcome to the web site users central. From here you can navigate to
various user related pages depending on your login status and your access level and you can also set
your browsing preferences.'
$_lang['CRPASSACCFORG'] = 'Create a new password for your account in case you forgot the current one.';
$_lang['LOGINOWNACC'] = 'Login to the web site in case you already own a user account.';
$_lang['TIMEZONE'] = 'Time zone';
$_lang['CHATIMELOCAL'] = 'Change the displayed time to your local time.';
$_lang['SETPREFLANG'] = 'Set your preferable language.';
$_lang['USEROPTIONS'] = 'User options';
$_lang['PROFILE'] = 'Profile';
$_lang['EDITPROFILE'] = 'Edit profile';
$_lang['MEMBERSLIST'] = 'Members list';
$_lang['YLOGGEDINAS'] = "You have been logged-in as %s.";
$_lang['YLOGGEDINASAUTHEXT'] = "You have been logged-in as %s and authenticated by %s external provider.";
$_lang['REMEMBER_ME'] = 'Remember me';
$_lang['AUTH_METHOD'] = 'Authentication method';
$_lang['LOGIN_EXACC_PROVIDERS'] = 'Login with your existing account using any of the following providers.';
$_lang['LOGIN_WITH'] = "Login with %s";
$_lang['COUNTRY'] = 'Country';
$_lang['CITY'] = 'City';
$_lang['POSTAL_CODE'] = 'Postal code';
$_lang['GENDER'] = 'Gender';
$_lang['BIRTHDATE'] = 'Birthdate';
$_lang['REGDATE'] = 'Registration date';
$_lang['REGDATE_SHORT'] = 'Reg. date';
$_lang['LASTVISIT'] = 'Last visit';
$_lang['SELFDISPMEMBLI'] = 'Select which of the following fields to be displayed in members list.';
$_lang['MALE'] = 'male';
$_lang['FEMALE'] = 'female';
$_lang['NEVER'] = 'Never';
$_lang['REGMEMBERSTOTAL'] = "We have %s registered members in total.";
$_lang['CLICKCOLSORT'] = 'Click on a column header to change sorting order. Click again to toggle between ascending and descending.';
$_lang['SWITCHORDER'] = 'Switch ordering';
$_lang['ONLINE'] = 'Online';
$_lang['OFFLINE'] = 'Offline';
$_lang['NAVIGATION_LINKS'] = 'Navigation links';
$_lang['TOP'] = 'Top';
$_lang['BOTTOM'] = 'Bottom';
$_lang['TOP_BOTTOM'] = 'Top and Bottom';
$_lang['PROFILEUSERAT'] = "Profile of user %s at %s";
$_lang['ACCOUNTBLOCKED'] = 'This account is blocked!';
$_lang['ACCOUNTEXPIRED'] = 'This account has expired!';
$_lang['MEMBERSINCE'] = 'Member since';
$_lang['LOCALTIME'] = 'Local time';
$_lang['ADDRESS'] = 'Address';
$_lang['TELEPHONE'] = 'Telephone';
$_lang['MOBILE'] = 'Mobile';
$_lang['AGE'] = 'Age';
$_lang['AVATAR'] = 'Avatar';
$_lang['AVATAR_D'] = 'An image that will be used as avatar.';
$_lang['OCCUPATION'] = 'Occupation';
$_lang['IP_ADDRESS'] = 'IP address';
$_lang['TIME_ONLINE'] = 'Time online';
$_lang['CLICKS'] = 'Clicks';
$_lang['BROWSER'] = 'Browser';
$_lang['CURRENT_PAGE'] = 'Current page';
$_lang['EXPIRATION_DATE'] = 'Expiration date';
$_lang['ACCOUNT_DETAILS'] = 'Account details';
$_lang['ONTWITTER'] = "%s on Twitter";
$_lang['FOLLOWERS'] = 'Followers';
$_lang['FAVORITES'] = 'Favorites';
$_lang['FRIENDS'] = 'Friends';
$_lang['STATUSES'] = 'Statuses';
$_lang['BY'] = 'by';
$_lang['PERMALINK'] = 'Permanent link';
$_lang['BLOCKUSER'] = 'Block user';
$_lang['DELETEACCOUNT'] = 'Delete account';
$_lang['USERACCBLOCKED'] = "The account of user %s was blocked!";
$_lang['USERACCUNBLOCKED'] = "The account of user %s was unblocked!";
$_lang['USERACCDELETED'] = "The account of user %s was deleted!";
$_lang['PREFERENCES'] = 'Preferences';
$_lang['TWITACCOUNT'] = 'Twitter username';
$_lang['TWITACCOUNT_D'] = 'Your username on Twitter (if any)';
$_lang['ONLY_IF_CHANGE'] = 'Only if you want to change it!';
$_lang['CHMAILADMACT'] = 'If you change the e-mail your account will be blocked until a site administrator re-activate it.';
$_lang['CHMAILREACT'] = 'If you change the e-mail you will have to re-activate your account.';
$_lang['EMAILATCHANGED'] = "Your e-mail address at %s has changed.";
$_lang['UCHANGEDEMAIL'] = "User %s changed his e-mail address.";
$_lang['PROFUPSUC'] = 'Profile updated successfully.';
$_lang['USERMREACT'] = 'The user must re-activate his account before he can login.';
$_lang['ADMINMREACT'] = 'An administrator must re-activate this account.';
$_lang['AVATAR_WIDTH'] = 'Avatar width';
$_lang['USERS_MANAGER'] = 'Users manager';
$_lang['ACTIVE'] = 'Active';
$_lang['TOGGLE_ACTIVE'] = 'Toggle active';
$_lang['CNOT_ACTION_SELF'] = 'You can not perform this action on your self!';
$_lang['CNOT_ACTION_USER'] = 'You can not perform this action on that user!';
$_lang['SURE_DEL_USER'] = 'Are you sure? The user will be deleted as well as all of its comments and articles.';
$_lang['ARTICLES'] = 'Articles';
$_lang['ARTICLE'] = 'Article';
$_lang['PERSONAL_DETAILS'] = 'Personal details';
$_lang['ACTIVITY'] = 'Activity';
$_lang['NALLOW_HIGHER_ACCESS'] = 'You are not allowed to edit a user with higher access level than yours!';
$_lang['NEW_USER'] = 'New user';
$_lang['PROFILE_VIEWS'] = 'Profile views';
$_lang['TIMES_ONLINE'] = 'Times online';
$_lang['ACCOUNT_CREATED_SUC'] = 'Account created successfully';
$_lang['USER_GROUPS'] = 'User groups';
$_lang['MEMBERS'] = 'Members';
$_lang['CNOT_DEL_GROUP'] = 'You can not delete this group!';
$_lang['CNOT_MOD_GROUP'] = 'You can not modify this group!';
$_lang['CNOT_DEL_GROUP_MEMBERS'] = 'You can not delete a group with members!';
$_lang['GROUPNFOUND'] = 'The group was not found!';
$_lang['EDIT_GROUP'] = 'Edit group';
$_lang['NEW_GROUP'] = 'New group';
$_lang['GROUP_DETAILS'] = 'Group details';
$_lang['GROUPS_HIERARCHY_TREE'] = 'Group\'s hierarchy tree';
$_lang['GROUP_ACCESS_SITE'] = "Group %s access on site";
$_lang['ELEMENT'] = 'Element';
$_lang['IDENTITY'] = 'Identity';
$_lang['IDENTITY_HELP'] = 'For items that have multiple instances, like modules, set the instance id. For all the rest set 0.';
$_lang['ACTION'] = 'Action';
$_lang['MINLEVEL'] = 'Minimum level';
$_lang['GROUP_ID'] = 'Group ID';
$_lang['USER_ID'] = 'User ID';
$_lang['ACCESS_VALUE'] = 'Access value';
$_lang['ALLOWED'] = 'Allowed';
$_lang['ALLOWED_TO_ALL'] = 'Allowed to all';
$_lang['DENIED'] = 'Denied';
$_lang['MANAGE'] = 'Manage';
$_lang['BLOCK'] = 'Block';
$_lang['LOGS'] = 'Logs';
$_lang['MULTISITES'] = 'Multi sites';
$_lang['ROUTES'] = 'Routes';
$_lang['BLOCK'] = 'Block';
$_lang['FILES'] = 'Files';
$_lang['INSTALL'] = 'Install';
$_lang['UPLOAD'] = 'Upload';
$_lang['AUTH'] = 'Authentication methods';
$_lang['ENGINES'] = 'Search engines';
$_lang['GROUPS'] = 'Groups';
$_lang['FRONTPAGE'] = 'Frontpage';
$_lang['POST'] = 'Post'; //translators help: Post a comment
$_lang['UPLOADAVATAR'] = 'Upload avatar';
$_lang['BACKUP'] = 'Backup';
$_lang['FIRST_SAVE_GROUP'] = 'You must first save the group!';
$_lang['GROUPS_GENERIC_INFO'] = 'You can create up to 995 custom user groups. The strength of a group is based
    on its <strong>access level</strong>. The higher the access level is the more access the group will have on
    the site. Custom user groups can have access <strong>from 2 to 99</strong>. You can have 2 or more groups
    with the same access level. The <strong>Guest</strong> user group has access 0. <strong>External users</strong>
    are guests having logged in with external authentication methods like Gmail and Facebook. The external users
    are wicker than the standard users. It is required a minimum access level of <strong>70</strong> for a user
    to access the <strong>administration console</strong>. Some, system important, user groups can not be edited
    or deleted. Please read the Elxis documentation for more information.'
$_lang['ACL'] = 'Access Control Lists';
$_lang['USE_TRANSLATIONS'] = 'Use translations';
$_lang['OTHER'] = 'Other';
$_lang['OTHER_CATEGORY'] = 'Other category';
$_lang['OTHER_ELEMENT'] = 'Other element';
$_lang['OTHER_ACTION'] = 'Other action';
$_lang['ACLVALUE_HELP'] = 'By default access is declined. So, normally, it has not sence to set value to 0. Select 1 to provide access. Use other values are for special cases.';
$_lang['ELEMENT_IDENTIF'] = 'Element identification';
$_lang['USERS_IDENTIF'] = 'Users identification';
$_lang['GRANT_ACCESS'] = 'Grant access';
$_lang['WARN_WRONG_ACL'] = '<strong>Attention!</strong> Wrong ACL settings can lead to serious security and accessibility issues.';
$_lang['NOONE'] = 'No one';
$_lang['ACCRULE_EXISTS'] = 'Access rule already exists!';
$_lang['ACCRULE_MINLEVEL_EXISTS'] = 'Access rule for minimum level already exists!';
$_lang['MODID_NOTSET'] = 'The module instance ID was not set!';
$_lang['SECLEVEL_ACC_ADMIN'] = 'Current security level restricts access to ACL only to administrators!';
$_lang['SUCC_LOGGED'] = 'You have successfully logged in!';
$_lang['CLOSEWIN_IFNOTAUTO'] = 'Close this window if it does not close automatically.';
$_lang['SEL_OPENID_PROVIDER'] = 'Select OpenID provider';
$_lang['RETRY'] = 'Re-try';
$_lang['REQUEST_DROP'] = 'Request dropped!';
//Elxis 4.3
$_lang['SENDER'] = 'فرستنده';
$_lang['RECIPIENT'] = 'گیرنده';
$_lang['RECIPIENTS'] = 'دریافت کنندگان';
$_lang['SUBJECT'] = 'موضوع';
$_lang['CONTACT'] = 'تماس';
$_lang['MESSAGE'] = 'پیام';
$_lang['SEND'] = 'ارسال';
$_lang['SEND_ACCDET'] = 'ارسال جزئیات دسترسی';
$_lang['SEND_ACCDET_DESC'] = 'Send Username and Password to user. Works only on non-administrator accounts and on new user accounts or if you provide the password.';
$_lang['YCAN_LOGIN_DETAILS'] = 'You can login at %s by using the following access details.'; //translators help: ... login as {SITENAME} by ...
$_lang['ACCESS_DETAILS_SITE'] = 'Access details at %s'; //translators help: ... at {SITENAME}
$_lang['ACCDET_SENT_USER'] = 'Access details sent to user.';
//Elxis 4.5
$_lang['BOOKMARKS_NOTES'] = 'بوک مارک ها و یادداشت ها';
$_lang['BOOKMARK'] = 'چوب الف';
$_lang['BOOKMARKS'] = 'بوک مارک ها';
$_lang['IMPORTANT'] = 'مهم';
$_lang['ATTENTION'] = 'Attention';
$_lang['LATER'] = 'Later';
$_lang['NOTE'] = 'توجه داشته باشید';
$_lang['TODO'] = 'To do';
$_lang['PERSONAL'] = 'شخصی';
$_lang['HOTEL'] = 'هتل';
$_lang['INTERSECTION'] = 'تقاطع';
$_lang['PRODUCT'] = 'Product';
$_lang['APPOINTMENT'] = 'وقت ملاقات';
$_lang['REMINDER'] = 'یادآور';
$_lang['REMINDER_FOR_DATE'] = 'Reminder for %s'; //translators help: ... for {DATE}
$_lang['REMINDER_FROM_SITE'] = 'Reminder from %s'; //translators help: ... from {SITE}
$_lang['BOOKMARKS_NOTES_DESC'] = 'You can view and manage here your bookmarks, reminders and notes.';
$_lang['LINK'] = 'Link';
$_lang['REMINDER_DATETIME'] = 'Reminder date-time';
$_lang['SEND_NOTIFS_DISABLED'] = 'Sending automatic notifications is disabled in site settings!';
$_lang['PERSONAL_MESSAGES'] = 'پیام های شخصی';
$_lang['MESSAGES'] = 'پیام';
$_lang['PERSONAL_MESSAGES_DESC'] = 'Send personal messages to other users.';
$_lang['SEND_NEW_MESSAGE'] = 'ارسال پیام جدید';
$_lang['SEND_MESSAGE'] = 'پیام فرستادن';
$_lang['INBOX'] = 'صندوق';
$_lang['SENT_MSGS'] = 'ارسال شد'; //translators help: Sent (messages)
$_lang['RECEIVED_MESSAGES'] = 'پیام های دریافتی';
$_lang['SENT_MESSAGES'] = 'پیام های ارسال شده';
$_lang['NO_MESSAGES'] = 'There are no messages';
$_lang['HAVENEW_MESSAGE'] = 'You have 1 new message';
$_lang['HAVENEW_MESSAGES'] = 'You have %s new messages';
$_lang['OTHER_LOGIN_METHODS'] = 'Other login methods';
$_lang['NEW_BOOKMARK'] = 'نشانه جدید';
$_lang['NEW_REMINDER'] = 'یادآوری جدید';
$_lang['WAS_READ'] = 'was read';
$_lang['NOT_READ'] = 'not read';
$_lang['REPLY'] = 'پاسخ';
$_lang['PREFER_SQUARE_PIC'] = 'Prefer a squared picture of size 200x200 pixels or more.';
$_lang['OTHER_DETAILS'] = 'Other details';
$_lang['SEND_TO_ALL'] = 'ارسال برای همه';
$_lang['NONE_MALE'] = 'هیچ';//translators help: None, no recipient
$_lang['USER_SENDYOU_AT'] = '%s send you a message at %s. The message follows.';//translators help: {NAME} send ... at {DOMAIN NAME} ...
$_lang['VISIT_PAGE_REPLY'] = 'Visit the page below to reply.';
$_lang['MSG_SENT_RECIPIENT'] = 'Message sent to 1 recipient.';
$_lang['MSG_SENT_RECIPIENTS'] = 'Message sent to %s recipients.';
$_lang['TERMS_CONDITIONS'] = 'شرایط و ضوابط';
$_lang['DISPLAY_TERMS_CONDITIONS'] = 'Display text with Terms and Conditions on user registration?';
$_lang['TERMS_CONDITIONS_HELP'] = 'You can upload a .txt file containing the Terms and Conditions for users registration. This txt
    file must contain plain text, no HTML. For multilinguism up to 5 such files translated into different languages can be uploaded and bind into
    any language you want. For more than 5 languages the one in the default language will be used.'
$_lang['REGAGREE_TERMS_CONDITIONS'] = 'With your registration you agree to the following terms and conditions.';
//Elxis 5.0
$_lang['INACTIVE'] = 'Inactive';
$_lang['LATEST_PAGES'] = 'Latest pages';
$_lang['FROM'] = 'from';
$_lang['TO'] = 'to';
$_lang['GO_TO_THREAD'] = 'Go to thread';
$_lang['DISCUSSION_THREAD'] = 'Discussion thread';
$_lang['IAGREE_TERMS_CONDS_PRIVACY'] = 'I have read and agree to the registration Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.';
//Elxis 5.2
$_lang['RESETPASS_CLICKLINK'] = 'You, or someone else, requested a password reser on site %s. If you want to change your password click the link below.';
$_lang['NOREQ_PASSRESET'] = 'If you did not requested a password reset do not click the link and ignore this message. Your account is safe and no further actions are required.';
$_lang['LINKRESPASS_SENT'] = 'A link to reset your password sent to your e-mail address.';
$_lang['PASS_CHANGEDTO'] = 'Your password changed to %s';
