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 * This file initialize Widget "Param Switcher"
 * This file is used to switch between blocks with condition
 * (used by widgets "Param Switcher", "Tabbed Items")
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
 * Depends on: jQuery

jQuery( document ).ready( function()
if( typeof( evo_init_switchable_buttons_config ) == 'undefined' )
{ // Don't execute code below because no config var is found:

* Click event for button to switch between blocks:
* (this function change URL in browser address bar and make the clicked button to active style)
* @param object Params
window['evo_init_switchable_buttons'] = function evo_init_switchable_buttons( params )
// Default params:
params = jQuery.extend( {
selector:             '', // Selector for buttons of the group
link_class_normal:    '', // Link style class for normal(not active) params
link_class_active:    '', // Link style class for active params
wrapper_class_normal: '', // Wrapper style class for normal(not active) params
wrapper_class_active: '', // Wrapper style class for active params
defaults:             {}, // Default url params(May be specified per Item in "Switchable params")
add_redir_no:         false, // Add &redr=no to URLs
display_mode:         'list', // 'list', 'buttons', 'tabs'
}, params ),

jQuery( params.selector ).click( function()
// Remove previous value from the URL:
var regexp = new RegExp( '([\?&])((' + jQuery( this ).data( 'code' ) + '|redir)=[^&]*(&|$))+', 'g' );
var url = location.href.replace( regexp, '$1' );
url = url.replace( /[\?&]$/, '' );
// Add param code with value of the clicked button:
url += ( url.indexOf( '?' ) === -1 ? '?' : '&' );
url += jQuery( this ).data( 'code' ) + '=' + jQuery( this ).data( 'value' );
// Append default params:
for( default_param in params.defaults )
regexp = new RegExp( '[\?&]' + default_param + '=', 'g' );
if( ! url.match( regexp ) )
{ // Append default param if it is not found in the current URL:
url += '&' + default_param + '=' + params.defaults[ default_param ];
if( params.add_redir_no )
{ // Append this url param only when it is required:
url += '&redir=no';

// Change URL in browser address bar:
window.history.pushState( '', '', url );

// Change active button/link:
var current_selector = params.selector + '[data-value=' + jQuery( this ).data( 'value' ) + ']';
jQuery( params.selector ).attr( 'class', params.link_class_normal );
jQuery( current_selector ).attr( 'class', params.link_class_active );
if( params.display_mode == 'list' || params.display_mode == 'tabs' )
{ // List mode has a wrapper with active style class:
jQuery( params.selector ).parent().removeClass( params.wrapper_class_active ).addClass( params.wrapper_class_normal );
jQuery( current_selector ).parent().removeClass( params.wrapper_class_normal ).addClass( params.wrapper_class_active );

return false;
} );

// Modifications to listen event when URL in browser address bar is changed:
history.pushState = ( f => function pushState(){
var ret = f.apply(this, arguments);
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('pushstate'));
window.dispatchEvent(new Event('locationchange'));
return ret;

window.addEventListener( 'locationchange', function()
{ // Show/Hide custom fields by condition depending on current URL in browser address:
var switchable_blocks = jQuery( '[data-display-condition]' );
if( switchable_blocks.length == 0 )
{ // No custom fields with display conditions:
return false;

function get_url_params( url, multiple_values )
url = url.replace( /^.+\?/, '' ).replace( '&', '&' ).split( '&' );
var params = [];
url.forEach( function( url_param )
url_param = url_param.split( '=' );
params[ url_param[0] ] = multiple_values ? url_param[1].split( '|' ) : url_param[1];
} );

return params;

// Get params of the current URL:
var url_params = get_url_params( location.href, false );

// Show all custom fields by default:;

switchable_blocks.each( function()
{ // Check each custom fields by display condition:
var conditions = get_url_params( jQuery( this ).data( 'display-condition' ), true );
for( var cond_param in conditions )
var url_param_value = ( typeof( url_params[ cond_param ] ) == 'undefined' ? '' : url_params[ cond_param ] );
if( ( url_param_value === '' && conditions[ cond_param ].indexOf( '' ) === -1 ) ||
conditions[ cond_param ].indexOf( url_param_value ) === -1 )
{ // Hide the custom field if at least one condition is not equal:
jQuery( this ).hide();
} );
} );

// Init individual param switchers:
var param_switcher_configs = Object.values( evo_init_switchable_buttons_config );
for( var i = 0; i < param_switcher_configs.length; i++ )
window.evo_init_switchable_buttons( param_switcher_configs[i] );
} );