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 * This file contains functions to open/close modal windows
 * (Only for NON bootstrap skins)

 * Build and open modal window
 * @param string HTML content
 * @param string Width value in css format
 * @param string Height value in css format
 * @param boolean TRUE - to use transparent template
 * @param string Title of modal window (Used in bootstrap)
 * @param string|boolean Button to submit a form (Used in bootstrap), FALSE - to hide bottom panel with buttons
function openModalWindow( body_html, width, height, transparent, title, button )
var overlay_class = 'overlay_page_active';
if( typeof transparent != 'undefined' && transparent == true )
overlay_class = 'overlay_page_active_transparent';

if( typeof width == 'undefined' )
width = '560px';
var style_height = '';
if( typeof height != 'undefined' && ( height > 0 || height != '' ) )
style_height = ' style="height:' + height + '"';
if( jQuery( '#overlay_page' ).length > 0 )
{ // placeholder already exist
jQuery( '#overlay_page' ).html( body_html );
// add placeholder for form:
jQuery( 'body' ).append( '<div id="screen_mask"></div>'
+ '<div id="overlay_wrap" style="width:' + width + '">'
+ '<div id="overlay_layout"><div id="overlay_page"' + style_height + '></div>'
+ '</div></div>' );
jQuery( '#screen_mask' ).fadeTo(1,0.5).fadeIn(200);
jQuery( '#overlay_page' ).html( body_html ).addClass( overlay_class );
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '#close_button, #screen_mask, #overlay_page', function( e )
if( jQuery( this ).attr( 'id' ) == 'overlay_page' )
var form_obj = jQuery( '#overlay_page form' );
if( form_obj.length )
var top = form_obj.position().top + jQuery( '#overlay_wrap' ).position().top;
var bottom = top + form_obj.height();
if( ! ( e.clientY > top && e.clientY < bottom ) )
return true;
return false;
} );

 * Close modal window
 * @param object Document object
function closeModalWindow( document_obj )
if( typeof( document_obj ) == 'undefined' )
document_obj = window.document;

jQuery( '#overlay_page', document_obj ).hide();
jQuery( '.action_messages', document_obj).remove();
jQuery( '#server_messages', document_obj ).insertBefore( '.first_payload_block' );
jQuery( '#overlay_wrap', document_obj ).remove();
jQuery( '#screen_mask', document_obj ).remove();
return false;

// Close ajax popup if Escape key is pressed:
jQuery( document ).keyup( function( e )
if( e.keyCode == 27 )
} );