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 * This file contains general functions to display a characters counter on the input/textarea fields
 * To initialize the counter helper use html attributes for input/textarea fields:
 *  - 'data-maxlength="255"' for down counter,
 *  - 'data-recommended-length="60;65"' for up counter with color label; in this example <=60 - green/success label, >60 and <=65 - orange/warning label, >65 - red/danger label.

jQuery( document ).ready( function()
var evo_input_counter_selector = 'input[type=text][data-maxlength], textarea[data-maxlength], input[type=text][data-recommended-length], textarea[data-recommended-length]';

jQuery( evo_input_counter_selector ).each( function()
{ // Initialize counter element for each input where it is required:
jQuery( this ).after( '<span class="evo_input_counter">' + evo_input_counter_get_count( jQuery( this ) ) + '</span>' );
// Set relative position of the parent element for proper position of the counter elements:
jQuery( this ).parent().css( 'position', 'relative' );
// Store original right padding because it may be changed depending on counter width:
jQuery( this ).data( 'padding-right', parseInt( jQuery( this ).css( 'padding-right' ) ) );
if( evo_input_counter_get_type( jQuery( this ) ) == 'recommended' )
{ // Parse recommended data only on initialization time:
var recommended_length = jQuery( this ).data( 'recommended-length' ).toString().split( ';', 2 );
jQuery( this ).data( 'recommended-min', parseInt( recommended_length[0] ) );
jQuery( this ).data( 'recommended-max', parseInt( typeof( recommended_length[1] ) != '' ? recommended_length[1] : recommended_length[0] ) );
// Set counter status:
evo_input_counter_update_status( jQuery( this ) );
// Set counter position:
evo_input_counter_update_position( jQuery( this ) );
} );

jQuery( evo_input_counter_selector ).keyup( function()
{ // Update counter value on key up:
var counter_obj = jQuery( this ).next( '.evo_input_counter' );
if( counter_obj.length == 0 )
{ // Skip wrong input without counter element:
var prev_counter_length = counter_obj.html().length;
counter_obj.html( evo_input_counter_get_count( jQuery( this ) ) );
// Update counter status when its value was changed:
evo_input_counter_update_status( jQuery( this ) );
if( prev_counter_length != counter_obj.html().length )
{ // Update counter position when its width was changed:
evo_input_counter_update_position( jQuery( this ) );
} );

jQuery( window ).resize( function()
{ // Update positions of all initialized counters on window resize:
jQuery( evo_input_counter_selector ).each( function()
evo_input_counter_update_position( jQuery( this ) );
} );
} );

function evo_input_counter_get_count( input_obj )
if( evo_input_counter_get_type( input_obj ) == 'countdown' )
{ // Down counter:
return 'maxlength' ) - input_obj.val().length;
{ // Up counter:
// Decode html entities in order to count strings like &hellip; &eacute; &bull; &nbsp; as single char:
return jQuery( '<textarea/>' ).html( input_obj.val() ).text().length;

function evo_input_counter_get_type( input_obj )
return ( 'maxlength' ) !== undefined ) ? 'countdown' : 'recommended';

function evo_input_counter_update_status( input_obj )
if( evo_input_counter_get_type( input_obj ) != 'recommended' )
{ // This function only for recommended length inputs:

var counter_obj = '.evo_input_counter' );
if( counter_obj.length == 0 )
{ // Skip wrong input without counter element:

var curr_counter_val = counter_obj.html();
if( curr_counter_val <= 'recommended-min' ) )
{ // Use green label for recommended length:
counter_obj.removeClass( 'label-warning label-danger' ).addClass( 'label label-success' );
else if( curr_counter_val > 'recommended-min' ) && curr_counter_val <= 'recommended-max' ) )
{ // Use orange label for normal length:
counter_obj.removeClass( 'label-success label-danger' ).addClass( 'label label-warning' );
{ // Use red label for very long length:
counter_obj.removeClass( 'label-success label-warning' ).addClass( 'label label-danger' );

function evo_input_counter_update_position( input_obj )
var counter_obj = '.evo_input_counter' );
if( counter_obj.length == 0 )
{ // Skip wrong input without counter element:

// Calculate top position for counter element:
// - for <input> use middle vertical alignemnt,
// - for <textarea> use bottom vertical alignemnt.
var valign_size = ( input_obj.outerHeight( true ) - parseInt( counter_obj.outerHeight( true ) ) ) / 2;
var top = input_obj.position().top + valign_size;
if( input_obj.prop( 'tagName' ) == 'TEXTAREA' )
top += valign_size - parseInt( input_obj.css( 'padding-bottom' ) );

// Set position for counter element:
counter_obj.css( {
'top': top,
'left': input_obj.position().left + input_obj.outerWidth( true ) - counter_obj.outerWidth( true ) - ( 'padding-right' ) / 2 ),
} );

// Update right padding of the input element depending on counter width and source right padding size:
input_obj.css( 'padding-right', 'padding-right' ) + counter_obj.outerWidth( true ) );
} );