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 * This file initialize the Widget "Poll".
 * This will restrict the number of max answers per user
 * and fix wrapping for answers that have are too long.
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
 * Depends on: jQuery
jQuery( document ).ready( function()
if( typeof( evo_widget_poll_initialize ) == 'undefined' )
{ // Don't execute code below because no config var is found:

jQuery( '.evo_poll__selector input[type="checkbox"]' ).on( 'click', function()
{ // Check max possible answers per user for multiple poll:
var poll_table = jQuery( this ).closest( '.evo_poll__table' );
var is_disabled = ( jQuery( '.evo_poll__selector input:checked', poll_table ).length >= 'max-answers' ) );
jQuery( '.evo_poll__selector input[type=checkbox]:not(:checked)', poll_table ).prop( 'disabled', is_disabled );
} );

jQuery( '.evo_poll__table' ).each( function()
{ // Fix answer long text width because of labels uses css "white-space:nowrap" by default:
var table = jQuery( this );
if( table.width() > table.parent().width() )
{ // If table width more than parent:
jQuery( '.evo_poll__title', table ).css( 'white-space', 'normal' );
jQuery( '.evo_poll__title label', table ).css( {
'width': Math.floor( table.parent().width() / 2 ) + 'px', // Use 50% of table width for long answers
'word-wrap': 'break-word' // Wrap long words
} );
} );
} );