Seditio Source
Root |
 * This file initialize Widget "Checklist Lines"
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
jQuery( document ).ready( function()
if( typeof( evo_init_checklist_lines_config ) == 'undefined' )
{ // No config found:

var config = evo_init_checklist_lines_config;
window.toggle_add_checklist_line_input = function( wrapper, show_input )
var new_checklist_line_input  = jQuery( '.add_checklist_line_input', wrapper );
var new_checklist_line_button = jQuery( '.checklist_add_btn' );
var new_checklist_line_close  = jQuery( '.checklist_close_btn' );

if( show_input == undefined )
show_input = jQuery( '.add_checklist_line_input', wrapper ).is( ':visible' ).length === 0;

if( show_input == true )
new_checklist_line_button.html( config.button_label_add );;;
else if( show_input == false )
new_checklist_line_button.html( config.button_label_add_an_item );

window.update_checklist_line = function ( input_field, checklist_line_ID )
jQuery.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'action.php',
data: {
'mname': 'collections',
'action': 'checklist_line',
'item_ID': config.item_ID,
'check_ID': checklist_line_ID,
'check_label': input_field.val(),
'check_checked': input_field.checked,
'crumb_collections_checklist_line': config.crumb_checklist_line,
dataType: 'json',
success: function( result )
if( result.status == 'add' )
{ // Add checklist line:
var wrapper = input_field.closest( 'div.checklist_wrapper' );
var checklist = jQuery( '.checklist_lines', wrapper );
var new_checklist_line = config.checklist_line_template;

new_checklist_line = new_checklist_line.replace( /\$checklist_line_ID\$/g, result.check_ID );
new_checklist_line = new_checklist_line.replace( /\$checklist_line_label\$/g, result.check_label );

new_checklist_line = jQuery( new_checklist_line );
checklist.append( new_checklist_line );
window.dragndrop_checklist_lines( new_checklist_line );

// Clear input field:
if( input_field.hasClass( 'add_checklist_line_input' ) )
{ // Clear input field:
input_field.val( '' );

// Reset textarea size:
var el = input_field.get( 0 );
el.setAttribute( 'style', 'height:' + ( el.scrollHeight ) + 'px;overflow-y:hidden;' ); = 'auto'; = ( el.scrollHeight ) + 'px';

else if( result.status == 'update' )
{ // Update checklist item:
var label = input_field.closest( '.checklist_line_label' );
label.html( result.check_label );
error: function()
console.error( 'Add/update checklist line request error.' );
} );

window.toggle_checklist_line = function ( checkbox_field, checklist_line_ID )
jQuery.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'action.php',
data: {
'mname': 'collections',
'action': 'checklist_line',
'item_action': 'toggle_check',
'item_ID': config.item_ID,
'check_ID': checklist_line_ID,
'check_checked': jQuery( checkbox_field ).is(':checked'),
'crumb_collections_checklist_line': config.crumb_checklist_line,
dataType: 'json',
success: function( result )
// Do nothing
error: function()
console.error( 'Add/update checklist line request error.' );
} );

window.delete_checklist_line = function ( obj, checklist_line_ID )
jQuery.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'action.php',
data: {
'mname': 'collections',
'action': 'checklist_line',
'item_action': 'delete',
'item_ID': config.item_ID,
'check_ID': checklist_line_ID,
'crumb_collections_checklist_line': config.crumb_checklist_line,
dataType: 'json',
success: function( result )
if( result.status == 'delete' )
{ // Delete checklist line:
var checklist_line = jQuery( obj ).closest( '.checklist_line' );
error: function()
console.error( 'Delete checklist line request error.' );
} );

window.reorder_checklist_lines = function ( checklist )
var checklist_line_order = [];
jQuery( '.checklist_line', checklist ).each( function( index, el ) {
checklist_line_order.push( jQuery( 'input', el ).val() );
} );

jQuery.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'action.php',
data: {
'mname': 'collections',
'action': 'checklist_line',
'item_action': 'reorder',
'item_ID': config.item_ID,
'item_order': checklist_line_order,
'crumb_collections_checklist_line': config.crumb_checklist_line,
dataType: 'json',
success: function( result )
// Do nothing for now
error: function()
console.error( 'Delete checklist line request error.' );
} );

window.dragndrop_checklist_lines = function ( selector )
// Make checklist line draggable:
jQuery( selector ).draggable( {
axis: 'y',
helper: 'original',
scroll: true, // scroll the window during dragging
scrollSensitivity: 100, // distance from edge before scoll occurs
zIndex: 999, // z-index whilst dragging
opacity: .8, // opacity whilst dragging
cursor: 'move', // change the cursor whilst dragging
cancel: 'input,textarea,button,select,option,a', // prevents dragging from starting on specified elements
stop: function()
// Remove style so dragged item "snaps" back to the list
jQuery( this ).removeAttr( 'style' );
} ).addClass( 'draggable_checklist_line' ); // add our css class

// Make checklist item droppable:
jQuery( selector ).droppable( {
accept: '.draggable_checklist_line', // classname of objects that can be dropped
hoverClass: 'droppable-hover', // classname when object is over this one
greedy: true, // stops propogation if over more than one
tolerance : 'pointer', // droppable active when cursor over
delay: 1000,
drop: function( event, ui )
{ // function called when object dropped
var checklist = jQuery( this ).closest( '.checklist_lines' );

// Move the dragged item:
jQuery( this ).after( ui.draggable );

// Send the order to the server for persistence:
window.reorder_checklist_lines( checklist );
} );

// Show new checklist line input on Add Item button click:
jQuery( '.checklist_add_btn' ).on( 'click', function() {
var wrapper = jQuery( this ).closest( 'div.checklist_wrapper' );
var input_field = jQuery( 'textarea.add_checklist_line_input', wrapper );
if( ':visible' ) )
{ // Add checklist line input is visible, send request:
window.update_checklist_line( input_field );
{ // Show the add checklist line input:
window.toggle_add_checklist_line_input( wrapper, true );
} );

// Hide new checklist line input on Close button click:
jQuery( '.checklist_close_btn' ).on( 'click', function() {
var wrapper = jQuery( this ).closest( 'div.checklist_wrapper' );
window.toggle_add_checklist_line_input( wrapper, false );
} );

// Edit checklist line label on click:
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.checklist_lines label .checklist_line_label', function( event ) {
var label = jQuery( this );
var content = label.html();
var checklist_line = label.closest( '.checklist_line' );
var checkbox = jQuery( 'input[type="checkbox"]', checklist_line );
var wrapper = checklist_line.closest( 'div.checklist_wrapper' );


if( label.has( 'textarea.checklist_line_input' ).length === 0 )
// Close new checklist line input:
window.toggle_add_checklist_line_input( wrapper, false );

// Show textarea input for checklist line label:
var input_template = jQuery( config.checklist_line_input_template );
var textarea = jQuery( 'textarea.checklist_line_input', input_template );
textarea.attr( 'id', 'checklist_line_input_' + checkbox.val() );
textarea.attr( 'name', 'checklist_line_input_' + checkbox.val() );
textarea.val( content ); 'checkId', checkbox.val() ); 'content', content );
label.html( textarea );

// Make textarea auto-resize:
var el = textarea.get( 0 );
el.setAttribute( 'style', 'height:' + ( el.scrollHeight ) + 'px;overflow-y:hidden;' ); = 'auto'; = ( el.scrollHeight ) + 'px';

} );

// Cancel checklist line label edit on blur:
jQuery( document ).on( 'blur', '.checklist_lines .checklist_line_label .checklist_line_input', function( event ) {
var input_field = jQuery( this );
var content = 'content' );
var label = input_field.closest( '.checklist_line_label' );
setTimeout( function() {
// Placed inside a setTimeout to prevent jQuery error:
label.html( content );
}, 10 );
} );

// Add/Update checklist line on Enter keypress:
jQuery( document ).on( 'keypress', '.checklist_line_input', function( event ) {
var input_field = jQuery( this );
if( event.keyCode == 13 )
if( input_field.val().length )
window.update_checklist_line( input_field, 'checkId' ) );
} );

// Update checklist line on checkbox click:
jQuery( document ).on( 'change', '.checklist_lines .checklist_line input[type="checkbox"]', function( event ) {
var checkbox_field = jQuery( this );
window.toggle_checklist_line( checkbox_field, checkbox_field.val() );
} );

// Delete checklist line on delete icon click:
jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.checklist_lines .checklist_line .checklist_line_delete', function( event ) {
var delete_link = jQuery( this );
var checklist_line = delete_link.closest( '.checklist_line' );
var checkbox = jQuery( 'input[type="checkbox"]', checklist_line );
var wrapper = checklist_line.closest( 'div.checklist_wrapper' );

// Close new checklist line input:
window.toggle_add_checklist_line_input( wrapper, false );

// Delete the checklist line:
window.delete_checklist_line( delete_link, checkbox.val() );

return false;
} );

// Auto-resize checklist line input:
jQuery( document ).on( 'input', 'textarea.checklist_line_input', function( event ) { = 'auto'; = ( this.scrollHeight ) + 'px';
} );

// Make checklist line draggable and droppable:
window.dragndrop_checklist_lines( '.checklist_lines .checklist_line, .checklist_droparea' );
} );