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 * This file initializes the editable column JS
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
 * Depends on: jQuery
jQuery( document ).ready( function()
if( typeof( evo_init_editable_column_config ) == 'undefined' )
{ // Don't execute code below because no config var is found:

var keys = Object.keys( evo_init_editable_column_config );
for( var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ )
( function() {
var config = evo_init_editable_column_config[keys[i]];

if( jQuery( config.column_selector ).length > 0 )
{ // Initialize only when the requested element exists on the current page:
jQuery( config.column_selector ).editable( config.ajax_url, {
data: function( value, settings ) {
value = ajax_debug_clear( value );
if( config.field_type == 'select' )
var result = value.match( /rel="([^"]*)"/ );
if( config.options_eval )
{ // This is a hack for a specific case:
return eval( config.options_eval );
if( config.options instanceof Object )
return jQuery.extend( {}, config.options, { 'selected': result[1] } );
return config.options;
var result = value.match( />\s*([^<]+)\s*</ );
return result[1] == config.null_text ? '' : result[1];
type: config.field_type,
class_name: config.field_class,
name: config.new_field_name,
tooltip: config.tooltip,
event: 'click',
onblur: config.field_type == 'text' ? 'submit' : 'cancel', // Set onblur action to 'submit' when type is 'text' in order to don't miss the selected user login from autocomplete list
onedit: function( settings, original )
// Set width to fix value to don't change it on selector displaying:
var wrapper_width = jQuery( original ).width();
jQuery( original ).css( { 'width': wrapper_width, 'max-width': wrapper_width } );
callback: function( settings, original )
if( config.colored_cells )
{ // Use different color for each value
jQuery( this ).html( ajax_debug_clear( settings ) );
var link = jQuery( this ).find( 'a' );
jQuery( this ).css( 'background-color', link.attr( 'color' ) == 'none' ? 'transparent' : link.attr( 'color' ) );
link.removeAttr( 'color' );
{ // Use simple fade effect
if( typeof( evoFadeSuccess ) == 'function' )
evoFadeSuccess( this );
// Execute additional code:
if( config.callback_code )
{ // TODO: this is dangerous, we should look for a safer way to execute a callback
eval( config.callback_code );
submitdata: function( value, settings )
var return_obj = {};
return_obj[config.ID_name] = eval( config.ID_value ); // TODO: this is dangerous
return return_obj;
onerror : function( settings, original, xhr )
if( typeof( evoFadeFailure ) == 'function' )
evoFadeFailure( original );
var input = jQuery( original ).find( 'input' );
if( input.length > 0 )
jQuery( original ).find( 'span.field_error' ).remove();
input.addClass( 'field_error' );
if( typeof( xhr.responseText ) != 'undefined' )
input.after( '<span class="note field_error">' + xhr.responseText + '</span>' );
} );
} )();
} );