Seditio Source
Root |
 * This file initialize JS for Comments
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois PLANQUE - {@link}
 * Depends on: jQuery
jQuery( document ).ready( function()
if( typeof( evo_comment_funcs_config ) == 'undefined' )
{ // Don't execute code below because no config var is found:

var config = evo_comment_funcs_config;

// General variables
var modifieds = new Array();

// Dashboard variables
var removed_ids     = new Array();
var displayed       = config.displayed;
var refresh_started = false;

window.isDefined = function isDefined( variable )
return ( typeof( variable ) != 'undefined' );

//Fade in background color
window.fadeIn = function fadeIn( selector, color )
if( jQuery( selector ).length == 0 )
if( jQuery( selector ).get(0).tagName == 'TR' )
{ // Fix selector, <tr> cannot have a css property background-color
selector = selector + ' td';
var bg_color = jQuery( selector ).css( 'backgroundColor' );
jQuery( selector ).animate( { backgroundColor: color }, 200 );
return bg_color;

window.fadeInStatus = function fadeInStatus( selector, status )
switch( status )
case 'published':
return fadeIn( selector, '#99EE44' );
case 'community':
return fadeIn( selector, '#2E8BB9' );
case 'protected':
return fadeIn( selector, '#FF9C2A' );
case 'review':
return fadeIn( selector, '#CC0099' );
case 'deprecated':
return fadeIn( selector, '#656565' );
case 'deleted':
return fadeIn( selector, '#fcc' );
case 'spam':
return fadeIn( selector, '#ffc9c9' );
case 'notsure':
return fadeIn( selector, '#bbbbbb' );
case 'ok':
return fadeIn( selector, '#bcffb5' );

window.delete_comment_url = function delete_comment_url( comment_id )
var selector = '#commenturl_' + comment_id;
fadeIn( selector, '#fcc' );

jQuery.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'async.php',
data: {
'blogid': config.blog_ID,
'commentid': comment_id,
'action': 'delete_comment_url',
'crumb_comment': config.crumb_comment,
success: function( result ) { jQuery( selector ).remove(); }
} );

window.show_modified = function show_modifieds()
for( var id in modifieds )
fadeInStatus( '#' + id, modifieds[id] );

// Set comments status
window.setCommentStatus = function setCommentStatus( id, status, request_from, redirect_to )
var divid    = 'comment_' + id;
var selector = '[id=' + divid + ']';

if( typeof( modifieds[divid] ) != 'undefined' )
{ // This comment is in process now, Wait the ending of previous action
modifieds[divid] = status;

var color         = fadeInStatus( selector, status );
var statuses      = get_show_statuses();
var expiry_status = get_expiry_status();
var currentpage   = get_current_page();
var item_id       = get_itemid();
var limit         = get_limit();

var ajax_data = {
'blogid': config.blog_ID,
'commentid': id,
'status': status,
'limit': limit,
'action': 'set_comment_status',
'request_from': request_from,
'moderation': 'commentlist',
'statuses': statuses,
'expiry_status': expiry_status,
'itemid': item_id,
'currentpage': currentpage,
'redirect_to': redirect_to,
'crumb_comment': config.crumb_comment,

if( config.is_admin_page )
ajax_data.is_backoffice = 1;

jQuery.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'anon_async.php',
data: ajax_data,
success: function(result)
delete modifieds[divid];
if( request_from == 'front' )
fadeIn( selector, color );
var statuses = ajax_debug_clear( result ).split( ':' );
var new_status = statuses[0];
if( new_status == '' )
{ // Status was not changed
var class_name = jQuery( selector ).attr( 'class' );
class_name = class_name.replace( /vs_([a-z]+)/g, 'vs_' + new_status );
jQuery( selector ).attr( 'class', class_name );
update_moderation_buttons( selector, statuses[1], statuses[2] );
else if( request_from == 'dashboard' || request_from == 'coll_settings' )
updateCommentsList( divid );
jQuery( '#comments_container' ).html( ajax_debug_clear( result ) );
jQuery( '.vote_spam' ).show();
error: function(msg)
if( msg && msg.statusText != '' )
evoAlert( msg.statusText );
fadeIn( selector, color );
delete modifieds[divid];
} );

// Display voting tool when JS is enable
jQuery( '.vote_spam' ).show();

// Set comments vote
window.setCommentVote = function setCommentVote( id, type, vote )
var selector = '#comment_' + id;
var color = fadeInStatus( selector, vote );

var highlight_class = '';
case 'spam':
highlight_class = config.button_class_button_red;
case 'ok':
highlight_class = config.button_class_button_green;

var ajax_data = {
'blog': config.blog_ID,
'commentid': id,
'type': type,
'vote': vote,
'action': 'set_comment_vote',
'b2evo_icons_type': config.b2evo_icons_type,
'crumb_comment': config.crumb_comment,
if( config.is_admin_page )
ajax_data.is_backoffice = 1;

if( highlight_class != '' )
jQuery( '#vote_'+type+'_'+id ).find( config.button_class_button ).addClass( highlight_class );

jQuery.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'anon_async.php',
data: ajax_data,
success: function(result)
fadeIn( selector, color );
jQuery('#vote_'+type+'_'+id).after( ajax_debug_clear( result ) );
} );

* Edit comment
* @param string Action: 'form', 'update', 'cancel'
* @param integer Comment ID
window.edit_comment = function edit_comment( action, comment_ID )
var content_obj = jQuery( '#editable_comment_' + comment_ID );

if( content_obj.length == 0 )
{ // No container with comment text found, Exit here and allow go to by link url
return true;

var comment_content = '';
if( action == 'update' )
var textarea_obj = content_obj.find( 'textarea' );
if( textarea_obj.length == 0 )
{ // No textarea with content
comment_content = textarea_obj.val();

type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'async.php',
data: {
'commentid': comment_ID,
'action': 'edit_comment',
'comment_action': action,
'comment_content': comment_content,
'crumb_comment': config.crumb_comment,
success: function( result )
content_obj.html( ajax_debug_clear( result ) );

// Init autocomplete usernames:
if( window.init_autocomplete_usernames )
} );

return false;

// Delete comment
window.deleteComment = function deleteComment( commentId, request_from, comment_type )
if( typeof( comment_type ) == 'undefined' )
comment_type = 'feedback';

if( comment_type == 'meta' && ! confirm( config.delete_confirmation_msg ) )
{ // Internal comments are deleted permanently, We should confirm this
return false;

var divid = 'comment_' + commentId;
var selector = '#' + divid;

if( typeof( modifieds[divid] ) != 'undefined' )
{ // This comment is in process now, Wait the ending of previous action
modifieds[divid] = 'deleted';

var color         = fadeIn( selector, '#fcc' );
var statuses      = get_show_statuses();
var expiry_status = get_expiry_status();
var item_id       = get_itemid();
var currentpage   = get_current_page();
var limit         = get_limit();

if( comment_type != 'meta' )
{ // Internal comments aren't moved into recycle bin, they are deleted permanently
var recycle_bin = jQuery( '#recycle_bin' );
if( recycle_bin.length > 0 && recycle_bin.html() == '' )
{ // Load and display a link to recycle bin
jQuery.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'async.php',
data: {
'action': 'get_opentrash_link',
'blog': config.blog_ID,
'request_from': request_from,
'crumb_comment': config.crumb_comment,
success: function(result)
recycle_bin.replaceWith( ajax_debug_clear( result ) );
} );

jQuery.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'async.php',
data: {
'blogid': config.blog_ID,
'commentid': commentId,
'action': 'delete_comment',
'request_from': request_from,
'itemid': item_id,
'comment_type': comment_type,
'statuses': statuses,
'expiry_status': expiry_status,
'currentpage': currentpage,
'limit': limit,
'crumb_comment': config.crumb_comment,
success: function( result )
var target_selector = ( comment_type == 'meta' ? '#comments' : '#recycle_bin' );
jQuery( selector ).transfer( { to: target_selector, duration: 700 }, function() {
delete modifieds[divid];
if( request_from == 'dashboard' || request_from == 'coll_settings' )
updateCommentsList( divid );
jQuery( '#comments_container' ).html( ajax_debug_clear( result ) );
jQuery( '.vote_spam' ).show();
error: function( msg )
if( msg && msg.statusText != '' )
evoAlert( msg.statusText );
if( color != '' )
fadeIn( selector, color );
delete modifieds[divid];
} );

// Ban comment url
window.ban_url = function ban_url( authorurl )
openModalWindow( '<span class="loader_img loader_ban_url absolute_center" title="' + config.loading_msg + '"></span>' +
'<iframe id="modal_window_frame_ban" src="' + config.admin_url + '?ctrl=antispam&action=ban&display_mode=js&mode=iframe&request=checkban&keyword=' +
authorurl + '&crumb_antispam=' + config.crumb_antispam + '" width="100%" height="500px" frameborder="0" style="display:none"></iframe>',
'90%', '', true,
[ config.perform_selected_operations_msg, 'btn-danger', '#antispam_ban' ], true, false, 'modal_window_frame_ban' );

var submitButton = jQuery( '.modal-footer button:submit' ).not( '[data-dismiss=modal]' );
submitButton.on( 'click', function() { addSpinner( this ) } );
jQuery( '#modal_window_frame_ban' ).on( 'load', function() {
if( submitButton.hasClass( 'btn-spinner' ) )
submitButton.removeClass( 'btn-spinner' );
submitButton.css( 'width', '-=24px' );

// Refresh comments on dashboard after ban url -> delete comment
window.refreshAfterBan = function refreshAfterBan( deleted_ids )
var comment_ids = String(deleted_ids).split(',');
for( var i=0;i<comment_ids.length; ++i )
fadeIn( '#comment_' + comment_ids[i], '#fcc' );
var item_id = get_itemid();
refresh_item_comments( item_id );

window.closedModalAfterBan = function closeModalAfterBan()
// Copy messages from modal to the page:
jQuery( '#server_messages' ).html( '' ).append( jQuery( '#modal_window_frame_ban').contents().find( '.action_messages' ) );
// Close modal window:

//Process result after publish/deprecate/delete action has been completed
window.processResult = function processResult( result, modifiedlist )
var resultObject = jQuery( '<div/>' );
resultObject.html( result );

var removed_count = 0;
// Remove those comments which were moderated during refresh
for( var id in removed_ids )
var removed_comment = resultObject.find( '#' + removed_ids[id] );
if( removed_comment.length !== 0 )
{ // The removed element is in the refreshed content
var new_visible_comment = resultObject.find( ".hidden_comment:first" );
new_visible_comment.removeClass( 'hidden_comment' );
removed_count = removed_count + 1;
// Clear removed_ids content, because it was already processed
removed_ids.length = 0;

// Update comments container content with up to date content
jQuery( '#comments_container' ).html( resultObject.html() );

var comments = jQuery( '#comments_container [id^=comment_]' );
if( comments )
{ // Set displayed comments number ( even hidden comments are counted )
displayed = comments.length;
displayed = 0;
for( var id in modifiedlist )
switch( modifiedlist[id] )
case 'published':
jQuery('#' + id).css( 'backgroundColor', '#339900' );
case 'deprecated':
jQuery('#' + id).css( 'backgroundColor', '#656565' );
case 'deleted':
jQuery('#' + id).css( 'backgroundColor', '#fcc' );

var comments_number = jQuery('#new_badge').val();
if(comments_number == '0')
{ // no comments, so remove the comment block
var options = {};
jQuery('#comments_block').effect('blind', options, 200);
{ // update comments awaiting moderation number
var new_value = parseInt(comments_number) - removed_count;

//Absolute refresh comment list
window.refreshComments = function refreshComments( request_from )
if( refresh_started )
{ // a refresh comments process was already started
refresh_started = true;

jQuery.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'async.php',
data: {
'blogid': config.blog_ID,
'action': 'refresh_comments',
'request_from': request_from,
'crumb_comment': config.crumb_comment,
success: function( result )
processResult( ajax_debug_clear( result ), modifieds );
jQuery( '#comments_container' ).slideDown('fast');
jQuery( '.vote_spam' ).show();
refresh_started = false;
error: function( msg )
if( msg && msg.statusText != '' )
refresh_started = false;
} );

window.startRefreshComments = function startRefreshComments( request_from, item_id, currentpage, comment_type )
if( request_from == "dashboard" || request_from == 'coll_settings' )
jQuery('#comments_container').slideUp('fast', refreshComments( request_from ) );
jQuery('#comments_container').fadeTo( 'slow', 0.1, function() {
refresh_item_comments( item_id, currentpage, comment_type );
} );

window.endRefreshComments = function endRefreshComments( result )
jQuery( '#comments_container' ).html( result );
jQuery( '#comments_container' ).fadeTo( "slow", 1 );
jQuery( '.vote_spam' ).show();

window.get_current_page = function get_current_page()
if( ( isDefined( jQuery( '#currentpage' ) ) ) && isDefined( jQuery( '#currentpage' ).attr( 'value' ) ) )
return jQuery( '#currentpage' ).attr( 'value' );
return 1;

window.get_limit = function get_limit()
var limit = jQuery( 'select[name$=_per_page]' );
if( ( isDefined( limit ) ) )
return limit.val();
return 0;

window.get_show_statuses = function get_show_statuses()
if( jQuery( '#only_moderation' ) && jQuery( '#only_moderation' ).is( ':checked' ) )
return '#only_moderation#';
else if( jQuery( '#only_valid' ) && jQuery( '#only_valid' ).is( ':checked' ) )
return '#only_valid#';

return '#all#';

window.get_expiry_status = function get_expiry_status()
var expiry_status = 'active';
if( jQuery( '#show_expiry_all' ) && jQuery( '#show_expiry_all' ).prop( 'checked' ) )
expiry_status = 'all';

return expiry_status;

window.get_itemid = function get_itemid()
var item_id = jQuery( '#comments_container' ).attr( 'value' );
if( ! isDefined( item_id) )
item_id = -1;

return item_id;

window.refresh_item_comments = function refresh_item_comments( item_id, currentpage, comment_type )
var statuses = get_show_statuses();
var expiry_status = get_expiry_status();

if( ! isDefined( currentpage ) )
currentpage = get_current_page();
if( ! isDefined( item_id ) )
{ // show all comments
item_id = -1;

if( typeof( comment_type ) == 'undefined' )
comment_type = 'feedback';

type: 'POST',
url: htsrv_url + 'async.php',
data: {
'blogid': config.blog_ID,
'action': 'refresh_comments',
'request_from': config.request_from,
'itemid': item_id,
'statuses': statuses,
'expiry_status': expiry_status,
'currentpage': currentpage,
'comment_type': comment_type
success: function( result )
endRefreshComments( ajax_debug_clear( result ) );
error: function( msg )
if( msg && msg.statusText != '' )
} );

//Decrease the number of comments awaiting moderation on the badge
window.decrease_comments_number = function decrease_comments_number( value )
var comments_number = parseInt( jQuery( '#badge' ).text() );
if( comments_number )
comments_number = comments_number - value;
jQuery( '#badge' ).text( comments_number );

//Update the comments list: Remove current comment from list, show next hidden comment and load new comments if it is required
window.updateCommentsList = function updateCommentsList( divid )
displayed = displayed - 1;
decrease_comments_number( 1 );
jQuery( '#' + divid ).remove();
jQuery( '.hidden_comment:first' ).removeClass( 'hidden_comment' );
if( refresh_started )
{ // Save removed comments divid, to make sure refresh will not put it back
jQuery( '.dashboard_post:visible' ).removeClass( 'dashboard_post_odd dashboard_post_even' );
jQuery( '.dashboard_post:visible:even' ).addClass( 'dashboard_post_even' );
jQuery( '.dashboard_post:visible:odd' ).addClass( 'dashboard_post_odd' );

if( displayed < 6 )
{ // Reload list to fill up the hidden comments list, so we always have enough comments to moderate.
refreshComments( 'dashboard' );

// Add classes for first and last roundbuttons, because css pseudo-classes don't support to exclude hidden elements
window.update_moderation_buttons = function update_moderation_buttons( selector, raise_status, lower_status )
var parent_selector = config.button_class_group + ' ';
if( typeof( selector ) != 'undefined' )
parent_selector = selector + ' ' + parent_selector;
selector = parent_selector + config.button_class_text;

// Clear previous classes of first and last visible buttons
jQuery( selector ).removeClass( 'first-child last-child btn_next_status' );
// Make the raise and lower button are visible
jQuery( selector + '.btn_raise_status_' + raise_status ).addClass( 'btn_next_status' );
jQuery( selector + '.btn_lower_status_' + lower_status ).addClass( 'btn_next_status' );
// Add classes for first and last buttons to fix round corners
jQuery( selector + ':visible:first' ).addClass( 'first-child' );
jQuery( selector + ':visible:last' ).addClass( 'last-child' );

} );