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* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.

namespace phpbb\template\twig\node;

event extends \Twig\Node\Node
    * The subdirectory in which all template listener files must be placed
    * @var string
protected $listener_directory = 'event/';

/** @var \Twig\Environment */
protected $environment;

    public function
__construct(\Twig\Node\Expression\AbstractExpression $expr, \phpbb\template\twig\environment $environment, $lineno, $tag = null)
$this->environment = $environment;

parent::__construct(array('expr' => $expr), array(), $lineno, $tag);

    * Compiles the node to PHP.
    * @param \Twig\Compiler A Twig\Compiler instance
public function compile(\Twig\Compiler $compiler)

$location = $this->listener_directory . $this->getNode('expr')->getAttribute('name');

        foreach (
$this->environment->get_phpbb_extensions() as $ext_namespace => $ext_path)
$ext_namespace = str_replace('/', '_', $ext_namespace);

            if (
// If debug mode is enabled, lets check for new/removed EVENT
                //  templates on page load rather than at compile. This is
                //  slower, but makes developing extensions easier (no need to
                //  purge the cache when a new event template file is added)
->write("if (\$this->env->getLoader()->exists('@{$ext_namespace}/{$location}.html')) {\n")

            if (
$this->environment->isDebug() || $this->environment->getLoader()->exists('@' . $ext_namespace . '/' . $location . '.html'))
->write("\$previous_look_up_order = \$this->env->getNamespaceLookUpOrder();\n")

// We set the namespace lookup order to be this extension first, then the main path
->write("\$this->env->setNamespaceLookUpOrder(array('{$ext_namespace}', '__main__'));\n")

            if (