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./othercms/Just-CMS v1.3.2 Valentina/plugins/i18n_base/lang/en_US.php
= array(
'CLOSE_ALL' => "Show top pages only",
'DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_DESCR' => "Language of all pages with URLs without language code (like \"index\"), e.g. \"de\":",
'FILTER' => "Filter",
'FILTER_TITLE' => "Enter a part of a title or : and a tag/keyword",
'NEW_LANGUAGE_DESCR' => "If you want to add a new language, just create a page with a slug/URL ending with underscore and the language code (e.g. \"index_de\" for German).",
'OPEN_ALL' => "Show all pages",
'PAGES' => "View All Pages (I18N)",
'SAVE_FAILURE' => "<b>Error:</b> Invalid language code. Valid examples include \"en\" (english), \"de\" (german), \"es\" (spanish), \"fr\" (french), ...",
'SAVE_OPEN' => "Save current state of page list",
'SAVE_SUCCESS' => "The language has been successfully saved.",
'VIEW_HIERARCHICAL' => "Hierarchical",
'VIEW_TITLE' => "By Title",
'PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION' => "Internationalize content based on slug/URL names"