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./othercms/Just-CMS v1.3.2 Valentina/admin/lang/en_US.php
 * English Language File
 * Date:            6 December 2011
 * Revision:        Dec 2013
 * Version:            GetSimple 3.3.0
 * Traductors:         Chris Cagle
 * @package GetSimple
 * @subpackage Language

$i18n = array(

 * For: install.php
"PHPVER_ERROR"            =>    "<b>Unable to continue:</b> PHP 5.1.3 or greater is required, you have ",
"SIMPLEXML_ERROR"        =>    "<b>Unable to continue:</b> <em>SimpleXML</em> is not installed",
"CURL_WARNING"            =>    "<b>Warning:</b> <em>cURL</em> Not Installed",
"TZ_WARNING"                =>    "<b>Warning:</b> <em>date_default_timezone_set</em> is missing",
"WEBSITENAME_ERROR"    =>    "<b>Error:</b> There was a problem with your website title",
"WEBSITEURL_ERROR"    =>    "<b>Error:</b> There was a problem with your website URL",
"USERNAME_ERROR"        =>    "<b>Error:</b> Username was not set",
"EMAIL_ERROR"                =>    "<b>Error:</b> There was a problem with your email address",
"CHMOD_ERROR"                =>    "<b>Unable to continue:</b> Unable to write the configuration file. CHMOD 755 or 777 the <code>/data</code>, <code>/backups</code> folders &amp; sub-folders and retry.",
"EMAIL_COMPLETE"        =>    "Setup Complete",
"EMAIL_USERNAME"        =>    "Your username is",
"EMAIL_PASSWORD"        =>    "Your new password is",
"EMAIL_LOGIN"                =>    "Login here",
"EMAIL_THANKYOU"        =>    "Thank you for using",
"NOTE_REGISTRATION"    =>    "Your registration information has been sent to",
"NOTE_REGERROR"            =>    "<b>Error:</b> There was a problem sending out the registration information via email. Please make note of the password below",
"NOTE_USERNAME"            =>    "Your username is",
"NOTE_PASSWORD"            =>    "and your password is",
"INSTALLATION"            =>    "Installation",
"LABEL_WEBSITE"            =>    "Website Name",
"LABEL_BASEURL"            =>    "Website URL",
"LABEL_SUGGESTION"    =>    "Our suggestion is",
"LABEL_USERNAME"        =>    "Username",
"LABEL_DISPNAME"        =>    "Display Name",
"LABEL_EMAIL"                =>    "Email Address",
"LABEL_INSTALL"            =>    "Install Now!",
"SELECT_LANGUAGE"        =>  "Select your language",
"CONTINUE_SETUP"         =>  "Continue with Setup",
"DOWNLOAD_LANG"         =>  "Download Languages",
"SITE_UPDATED"            =>    "Your site has been updated",
"SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE"    =>    "This page is temporarily unavailable",

 * For: pages.php
"MENUITEM_SUBTITLE"    =>    "menu item",
"HOMEPAGE_SUBTITLE"    =>    "homepage",
"PRIVATE_SUBTITLE"    =>    "private",
"EDITPAGE_TITLE"        =>    "Edit Page",
"VIEWPAGE_TITLE"        =>    "View Page",
"DELETEPAGE_TITLE"    =>    "Delete Page",
"PAGE_MANAGEMENT"        =>    "Page Management",
"TOGGLE_STATUS"            =>    "Toggle Stat<em>u</em>s",
"TOTAL_PAGES"                =>    "total pages",
"ALL_PAGES"                    =>    "Pages",

 * For: edit.php
"PAGE_NOTEXIST"            =>    "The requested page does not exist",
"BTN_SAVEPAGE"            =>    "Save Page",
"BTN_SAVEUPDATES"        =>    "Save Updates",
"DEFAULT_TEMPLATE"    =>    "Default Template",
"NONE"                            =>    "None",
"PAGE"                            =>    "Page",
"NEW_PAGE"                    =>    "New Page",
"PAGE_EDIT_MODE"        =>    "Edit Page",
"CREATE_NEW_PAGE"        =>    "Add New Page",
"VIEW"                            =>    "<em>V</em>iew",
"PAGE_OPTIONS"            =>    "Page Optio<em>n</em>s",
"SLUG_URL"                    =>    "Custom URL (Slug)",
"TAG_KEYWORDS"            =>    "Tags &amp; Keywords",
"PARENT_PAGE"                =>    "Page Parent",
"TEMPLATE"                    =>    "Page Template",
"KEEP_PRIVATE"            =>    "Page Visibility",
"ADD_TO_MENU"                =>    "Add this page to the menu",
"PRIORITY"                    =>    "Priority",
"MENU_TEXT"                    =>    "Menu Text",
"LABEL_PAGEBODY"        =>    "Page Body",
"CANCEL"                        =>    "Cancel",
"BACKUP_AVAILABLE"    =>    "Backup Available",
"MAX_FILE_SIZE"            =>    "Max file size",
"LAST_SAVED"                =>    "Page last saved by %s on",
"FILE_UPLOAD"                =>    "File Upload",
"OR"                                =>    "or",
"SAVE_AND_CLOSE"        => "Save &amp; Close",
"PAGE_UNSAVED"            =>    "Page has unsaved changes",

 * For: upload.php
"ERROR_UPLOAD"            =>    "There was a problem with the file upload",
"FILE_SUCCESS_MSG"    =>    "Success! File location",
"FILE_MANAGEMENT"        =>    "File Management",
"UPLOADED_FILES"        =>    "Uploaded Files",
"SHOW_ALL"                    =>    "Show All",
"VIEW_FILE"                    =>    "View File",
"DELETE_FILE"                =>    "Delete File",
"TOTAL_FILES"                =>    "total files &amp; folders",

 * For: logout.php
"MSG_LOGGEDOUT"            =>    "You are now logged out.",

 * For: index.php
"LOGIN"                            =>    "Login",
"USERNAME"                    =>    "Username",
"PASSWORD"                    =>    "Password",
"FORGOT_PWD"                =>    "Forgot your password?",
"CONTROL_PANEL"            =>    "Control Panel Login",

 * For: navigation.php
"CURRENT_MENU"             =>     "Current Menu",
"NO_MENU_PAGES"         =>     "There are no pages that are set to appear within the main menu",

 * For: theme-edit.php
"TEMPLATE_FILE"         =>     "Template file <b>%s</b> has successfully been updated!",
"THEME_MANAGEMENT"     =>     "Theme Management",
"EDIT_THEME"                 =>     "Theme Editor",
"EDITING_FILE"             =>     "Editing File",
"BTN_SAVECHANGES"     =>     "Save Changes",
"EDIT"                             =>     "Edit",

 * For: support.php
"SETTINGS_UPDATED"    =>     "Your settings have been updated",
"UNDO"                             =>     "Undo",
"SUPPORT"                     =>     "Support",
"SETTINGS"                     =>     "Settings",
"ERROR"                         =>     "Error",
"BTN_SAVESETTINGS"     =>     "Save Settings",
"VIEW_FAILED_LOGIN"    =>     "View Failed Login Attempts",

 * For: log.php
"MSG_HAS_BEEN_CLR"     =>     " has been cleared",
"LOGS"                             =>     "Logs",
"VIEWING"                     =>     "Viewing",
"LOG_FILE"                     =>     "Log File",
"CLEAR_ALL_DATA"         =>     "Clear all data from",
"CLEAR_THIS_LOG"         =>     "<em>C</em>lear This Log",
"LOG_FILE_ENTRY"         =>     "LOG FILE ENTRY",
"THIS_COMPUTER"            =>    "This Computer",

 * For: backup-edit.php
"BAK_MANAGEMENT"        =>    "Backup Management",
"ASK_CANCEL"                =>    "<em>C</em>ancel", // 'c' is the accesskey identifier
"ASK_RESTORE"                =>    "<em>R</em>estore", // 'r' is the accesskey identifier
"ASK_DELETE"                =>    "<em>D</em>elete", // 'd' is the accesskey identifier
"BACKUP_OF"                    =>    "Backup of",
"PAGE_TITLE"                =>    "Page Title",
"YES"                                =>    "Yes",
"NO"                                =>    "No",
"DATE"                            =>    "Date",
"PERMS"                            =>  "Perms",

 * For: components.php
"COMPONENTS"                =>    "Components",
"DELETE_COMPONENT"    =>    "Delete Component",
"EDIT"                            =>    "Edit",
"ADD_COMPONENT"            =>    "<em>A</em>dd Component", // 'a' is the accesskey identifier
"SAVE_COMPONENTS"        =>    "Save Components",

 * For: sitemap.php
"SITEMAP_CREATED"        =>    "Sitemap Created! We also successfully pinged 4 search engines of the update",
"SITEMAP_ERRORPING"    =>    "Sitemap Created, however there was an error pinging one or more of the search engines",
"SITEMAP_ERROR"            =>    "Your sitemap could not be generated",
"SITEMAP_WAIT"            =>    "<b>Please Wait:</b> Creating website sitemap",

 * For: theme.php
"THEME_CHANGED"            =>    "Your theme has been changed successfully",
"CHOOSE_THEME"            =>    "Choose Your Theme",
"ACTIVATE_THEME"        =>    "Activate Theme",
"THEME_SCREENSHOT"    =>    "Theme Screenshot",
"THEME_PATH"                =>    "Theme Folder Location",

 * For: resetpassword.php
"RESET_PASSWORD"        =>    "Reset Password",
"YOUR_NEW"                    =>    "Your new",
"PASSWORD_IS"                =>    "password is",
"ATTEMPT"                        =>    "Attempt",
"MSG_PLEASE_EMAIL"    =>    "Please enter the username registered on this system, and a new password will be sent to its email address.",
"SEND_NEW_PWD"            =>    "Send New Password",

 * For: settings.php
"GENERAL_SETTINGS"    =>    "General Settings",
"WEBSITE_SETTINGS"    =>    "Website Settings",
"LOCAL_TIMEZONE"        =>    "Local Timezone",
"LANGUAGE"                    =>    "Language",
"USE_FANCY_URLS"        =>    "Use Fancy URLs - <b style=\"font-weight:100\">Requires that your host has <code>mod_rewrite</code> enabled</b>",
"ENABLE_HTML_ED"        =>    "<b>Enable the HTML editor</b>",
"WARN_EMAILINVALID"    =>    "WARNING: This email address does not look valid!",
"ONLY_NEW_PASSWORD"    =>    "Only provide a password below if you want to change your current one",
"NEW_PASSWORD"            =>    "New Password",
"CONFIRM_PASSWORD"    =>    "Confirm Password",
"PASSWORD_NO_MATCH"    =>    "Passwords do not match",
"PERMALINK"                 =>     "Custom Permalink Structure",
"MORE"                             =>     "more",
"HELP"                             =>     "help",
"FLUSHCACHE"        =>  "Flush All Caches",
"FLUSHCACHE-SUCCESS"=>  "Caches Flushed Successfully",
"DISPLAY_NAME"            =>  "A name for public display that is not your username",

 * For: health-check.php
"WEB_HEALTH_CHECK"    =>    "Website Health Check",
"VERSION"                        =>    "Version",
"UPG_NEEDED"                =>    "Upgrade Recommended",
"CANNOT_CHECK"            =>    "Upgrade Check Failed !",
"LATEST_VERSION"        =>    "Latest version installed",
"SERVER_SETUP"            =>    "Server Setup",
"OR_GREATER_REQ"        =>    "or greater is required",
"OK"                                =>    "OK",
"INSTALLED"                    =>    "Installed",
"NOT_INSTALLED"            =>    "Not Installed",
"WARNING"                        =>    "Warning",
"DATA_FILE_CHECK"        =>    "Data File Integrity Check",
"DIR_PERMISSIONS"        =>    "Directory Permissions",
"EXISTANCE"                    =>    "%s Existence",
"MISSING_FILE"            =>    "Missing file",
"BAD_FILE"                    =>    "Bad file",
"NO_FILE"                        =>    "No file",
"GOOD_D_FILE"                =>    "Good 'Deny' file",
"GOOD_A_FILE"                =>    "Good 'Allow' file",
"CANNOT_DEL_FILE"        =>    "Cannot Delete File",
"DOWNLOAD"                    =>    "Download",
"WRITABLE"                    =>    "Writable",
"NOT_WRITABLE"            =>    "Not Writable",

 * For: footer.php
"POWERED_BY"                =>    "Powered by",

 * For: backups.php
"PAGE_BACKUPS"            =>    "Page Backups",
"ASK_DELETE_ALL"        =>    "<em>D</em>elete All",
"DELETE_ALL_BAK"        =>    "Delete all backups?",
"TOTAL_BACKUPS"            =>    "total backups",

 * For: archive.php
"SUCC_WEB_ARCHIVE"    =>    "An archive of your website has been successfully created",
"SUCC_WEB_ARC_DEL"    =>    "The seleted archive has been successfully deleted",
"WEBSITE_ARCHIVES"    =>    "Website Archives",
"ARCHIVE_DELETED"        =>    "Archive deleted successfully",
"CREATE_NEW_ARC"        =>    "Create a New Archive",
"ASK_CREATE_ARC"        =>    "<em>C</em>reate New Archive Now",
"CREATE_ARC_WAIT"        =>    "<b>Please Wait:</b> Creating website archive...",
"DOWNLOAD_ARCHIVES"    =>    "Download Archive",
"DELETE_ARCHIVE"        =>    "Delete Archive",
"TOTAL_ARCHIVES"        =>    "total archives",

 * For: include-nav.php
"WELCOME"                        =>    "Welcome", // used as 'Welcome USERNAME!'
"TAB_PAGES"                    =>    "<em>P</em>ages",
"TAB_FILES"                    =>    "F<em>i</em>les",
"TAB_THEME"                    =>    "<em>T</em>heme",
"TAB_BACKUPS"                =>    "<em>B</em>ackups",
"PLUGINS_NAV"             =>  "Plu<em>g</em>ins",
"TAB_SETTINGS"            =>    "<em>S</em>ettings",
"TAB_SUPPORT"                =>    "Supp<em>o</em>rt",
"TAB_LOGOUT"                =>    "<em>L</em>ogout",

 * For: sidebar-files.php
"BROWSE_COMPUTER"        =>    "Browse Your Computer",
"UPLOAD"                        =>    "Upload",

 * For: sidebar-support.php
"SIDE_SUPPORT_LOG"    =>    "Supp<em>o</em>rt",
"SIDE_HEALTH_CHK"        =>    "Website <em>H</em>ealth Check",
"SIDE_DOCUMENTATION"=>    "Wiki Documentation",
"SIDE_VIEW_LOG"=>    "<em>V</em>iew Log",

 * For: sidebar-theme.php
"SIDE_VIEW_SITEMAP"    =>    "<em>V</em>iew Sitemap",
"SIDE_GEN_SITEMAP"    =>    "Generate Site<em>m</em>ap",
"SIDE_COMPONENTS"        =>    "<em>E</em>dit Components",
"SIDE_EDIT_THEME"        =>    "Edit T<em>h</em>eme",
"SIDE_CHOOSE_THEME"    =>    "Choose <em>T</em>heme",

 * For: sidebar-pages.php
"SIDE_CREATE_NEW"        =>    "<em>C</em>reate New Page",
"SIDE_VIEW_PAGES"        =>    "View All <em>P</em>ages",

 * For: sidebar-settings.php
"SIDE_GEN_SETTINGS"    =>    "General <em>S</em>ettings",
"SIDE_USER_PROFILE"    =>    "<em>U</em>ser Profile",

 * For: sidebar-backups.php
"SIDE_VIEW_BAK"            =>    "View Page Backup",
"SIDE_WEB_ARCHIVES"    =>    "<em>W</em>ebsite Archives",
"SIDE_PAGE_BAK"            =>    "Page <em>B</em>ackups",

 * For: error_checking.php
"ER_PWD_CHANGE"            =>    "Don't forget to <a href=\"settings.php#profile\">change your password</a> from that random generated one you have now...",
"ER_BAKUP_DELETED"    =>    "The backup has been deleted for <b>%s</b>",
"ER_REQ_PROC_FAIL"    =>    "The requested process failed",
"ER_YOUR_CHANGES"        =>    "Your changes to <b>%s</b> have been saved",
"ER_HASBEEN_REST"        =>    "<b>%s</b> has been restored",
"ER_HASBEEN_DEL"        =>    "<b>%s</b> has been deleted",
"ER_CANNOT_INDEX"        =>    "You cannot change the URL of the index page",
"ER_SETTINGS_UPD"        =>    "Your settings have been updated",
"ER_OLD_RESTORED"        =>    "Your old settings have been restored",
"ER_NEW_PWD_SENT"        =>    "A new password has been sent to the email address provided",
"ER_SENDMAIL_ERR"        =>    "There was a problem sending the email. Please try again",
"ER_FILE_DEL_SUC"        =>    "File deleted successfully",
"ER_PROBLEM_DEL"        =>    "There was a problem deleting the file",
"ER_COMPONENT_SAVE"    =>    "Your components have been saved",
"ER_COMPONENT_REST"    =>    "Your components have been restored",
"ER_CANCELLED_FAIL"    =>    "<b>Cancelled:</b> This update has been cancelled",

 * For: changedata.php
"CANNOT_SAVE_EMPTY"    =>    "You cannot save a page with an empty title",
"META_DESC"                 =>  "Meta Description",

 * For: template_functions.php
"FTYPE_COMPRESSED"    =>    "Compressed", //a file-type
"FTYPE_VECTOR"            =>    "Vector", //a file-type
"FTYPE_FLASH"                =>    "Flash", //a file-type
"FTYPE_VIDEO"                =>    "Video", //a file-type
"FTYPE_AUDIO"                =>    "Audio", //a file-type
"FTYPE_WEB"                    =>    "Web", //a file-type
"FTYPE_DOCUMENTS"        =>    "Documents", //a file-type
"FTYPE_SYSTEM"            =>    "System", //a file-type
"FTYPE_MISC"                =>    "Misc", //a file-type
"IMAGES"                        =>    "Images",

 * For: login_functions.php
"FILL_IN_REQ_FIELD"    =>    "Please fill in all the required fields",
"LOGIN_FAILED"            =>    "Login failed. Please double check your Username and Password",

 * For: Date Format
"DATE_FORMAT"                                    =>    "M j, Y", //please keep short
"DATE_AND_TIME_FORMAT"                =>    "F jS, Y - g:i A", //date and time

 * For: support.php
"WELCOME_MSG"                =>    "Thank you for choosing GetSimple as your content management system!",
"WELCOME_P"                    =>    "GetSimple makes managing a website as simple as possible with its best-in-class user interface. We strive to keep the system easy enough for anyone to use, yet powerful enough for a developer to enable all the features that are needed.</p><p><strong>Some first steps that might be useful:</strong></p>",
"GETTING_STARTED"        =>    "Getting Started",

 * For: image.php

"CURRENT_THUMBNAIL" => "Current Thumbnail",
"RECREATE"                     => "recreate",
"CREATE_ONE"                 => "create one",
"IMG_CONTROl_PANEL" => "Image Control Panel",
"ORIGINAL_IMG"             => "Original Image",
"CLIPBOARD_INSTR"     => "Select All",
"CREATE_THUMBNAIL"     => "Create Thumbnail",
"CROP_INSTR_NEW"         => "<em>ctrl-B</em> or <em>command-B</em> for square",
"SELECT_DIMENTIONS" => "Selection Dimentions",
"HTML_ORIG_IMG"         => "Original Image HTML",
"LINK_ORIG_IMG"         => "Original Image Link",
"HTML_THUMBNAIL"         => "Thumbnail HTML",
"LINK_THUMBNAIL"         => "Thumbnail Link",
"HTML_THUMB_ORIG"     => "Thumbnail-to-Image HTML",

 * For: plugins.php

"PLUGINS_MANAGEMENT"=> "Plugin Management",
"PLUGINS_INSTALLED" => "plugins installed",
"PLUGIN_DISABLED"   => "Disabled Plugin",
"SHOW_PLUGINS"            => "Installed Plu<em>g</em>ins",
"PLUGIN_NAME"             => "Plugin",
"PLUGIN_DESC"             => "Description",
"PLUGIN_VER"                 => "Version",
"PLUGIN_UPDATED"        => "Plugin Updated",

 * SINCE Version 3.0

 * For: setup.php

"ROOT_HTACCESS_ERROR" => "Failed to create .htaccess in root! Please copy <code>%s</code> to <code>.htaccess</code> and change <code>%s</code> to <code>%s</code>",
"REMOVE_TEMPCONFIG_ERROR" => "Failed to remove <code>%s</code>! Please do it manually.",
"MOVE_TEMPCONFIG_ERROR" => "Failed to rename <code>%s</code> to <code>%s</code>! Please do it manually.",
"KILL_CANT_CONTINUE" => "Cannot continue. Please fix errors and try again.",
"REFRESH" => "Refresh",
"BETA"=> "Beta / Bleeding Edge",

 * Misc Cleanup Work

# new to 3.0
"HOMEPAGE_DELETE_ERROR" => "You cannot delete your homepage", //deletefile
"NO_ZIPARCHIVE" => "ZipArchive extension is not installed. Unable to continue", //zip
"REDIRECT_MSG"=> "If your browser does not redirect you, click <a href=\"%s\">here</a>", //basic
"REDIRECT"=> "Redirect", //basic
"DENIED"=> "Denied", //sitemap
"DEBUG_MODE"=> "DEBUG MODE", //nav-include
"DOUBLE_CLICK_EDIT"=> "Double Click to Edit", //components
"THUMB_SAVED"=> "Thumbnail Saved", //image
"EDIT_COMPONENTS"        =>    "Edit Components", //components
"REQS_MORE_INFO"=> "For more information on the required modules, visit the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" >requirements page</a>.", //install & health-check
"SYSTEM_UPDATE" => "System Update", // update.php
"AUTHOR"                 => "Author", //plugins.php
"ENABLE"                 => "Activate", //plugins.php
"DISABLE"                 => "Deactivate", //plugins.php
"NO_THEME_SCREENSHOT" => "Your theme does not have a screenshot preview", //theme.php
"UNSAVED_INFORMATION" => "You are about to leave this page and will lose any unsaved information.", //edit.php
"BACK_TO_WEBSITE" => "Back to Website", //index & resetpassword
"SUPPORT_FORUM" => "Support Forum", //support.php
"FILTER" => "Filte<em>r</em>", //pages.php
"UPLOADIFY_BUTTON" => "Upload files and/or images...", //upload.php
"FILE_BROWSER" => "File Browser", //filebrowser.php
"SELECT_FILE" => "Select file", //filebrowser.php
"CREATE_FOLDER" => "Create Folder", //upload.php
"THUMBNAIL" => "Thumbnail", //filebrowser.php
"ERROR_FOLDER_EXISTS" => "The folder you are trying to create already exists", //upload.php
"FOLDER_CREATED" => "The new folder was successfully created: <b>%s</b>", //upload.php
"ERROR_CREATING_FOLDER" => "There was an error creating the new folder", //upload.php
"DELETE_FOLDER" => "Delete Folder", //upload.php
"FILE_NAME" => "File Name", //multiple tr header rows
"FILE_SIZE" => "Size", //multiple tr header rows
"ARCHIVE_DATE" => "Archive Date", //archive.php
"CKEDITOR_LANG" => "en", // edit.php ; set CKEditor language, don't forget to include CKEditor language file in translation zip

# new to 3.1
"XML_INVALID" => "XML Invalid", //template-functions.php
"XML_VALID" => "XML Valid",
"UPDATE_AVAILABLE" => "Update to", //plugins.php
"STATUS" => "Status", //plugins.php
"CLONE" => "Clone", //edit.php
"CLONE_SUCCESS" => "Successfully created %s", //pages.php
"COPY" => "Copy", //pages.php
"CLONE_ERROR" => "There was a problem trying to clone <b>%s</b>",  //pages.php
"AUTOSAVE_NOTIFY" => 'Page autosaved at', //edit.php
"MENU_MANAGER" => '<em>M</em>enu Manager', //edit.php
"GET_PLUGINS_LINK" => 'Download <em>M</em>ore Plugins',
"SITEMAP_REFRESHED" => "Your sitemap has been refreshed", //edit.php
"LOG_FILE_EMPTY"         =>     "This log file is empty", //log.php
"SHARE"         =>     "Share", //footer.php
"NO_PARENT" => "No Parent", //edit.php
"REMAINING" => "characters remaining", //edit.php
"NORMAL" => "Normal", //edit.php
"ERR_CANNOT_DELETE" => "Cannot delete %s. Please do this manually.", //common.php
"ADDITIONAL_ACTIONS" => "Other Actions", //edit.php
"ITEMS" => "items", //upload.php
"SAVE_MENU_ORDER" => "Save Menu Order", //menu-manager.php
"MENU_MANAGER_DESC" => "Drag-and-drop the menu items around until you have the order you want, then click the <strong>'Save Menu Order'</strong> button.", //menu-manager.php
"MENU_MANAGER_SUCCESS" => "The new menu order has been saved", //menu-manager.php

 * For: api related pages
"API_ERR_MISSINGPARAM" => 'parameter data does not exist',
"API_ERR_BADMETHOD" => 'method %s does not exist',
"API_ERR_AUTHFAILED" => 'authentication failed',
"API_ERR_AUTHDISABLED" => 'authentication disabled',
"API_ERR_NOPAGE" => 'requested page %s does not exist',
"API_CONFIGURATION" => 'API Configuration',
"API_ENABLE" => 'Enable the API',
"API_REGENKEY" => 'Regenerate Key',
"API_DISCLAIMER" => "By enabling this API you are allowing any external application that has a copy of your key to have access to your website's data. <b>Only share this key with applications you trust.</b>",
"API_REGEN_DISCLAIMER" => "When you regenerate your API Key, you will need to enter the new key into any external application using this API to connect to your website.",

"X" => "not translated",

 * Additions for 3.1
"DEBUG_CONSOLE" => 'Debug Console'

