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./othercms/Just-CMS v1.3.2 Valentina/plugins/i18n_gallery/lang/en.php
= array(
'ADD_IMAGES' => "Add images"
, 'ADD_ALL_IMAGES' => "Add all images"
, 'ADMIN_SETTINGS_HEADER' => "Administration Settings"
, 'ADMIN_THUMB_DIMENSIONS' => "Administration thumbnail dimensions"
, 'AUTOSTART' => "Automatically start slide show"
, 'BACK' => "Back to overview"
, 'BOTTOM' => "Bottom"
, 'CREATE_GALLERY' => "Create New Gallery"
, 'CREATE_HEADER' => "Create New Gallery"
, 'CROP' => "Crop"
, 'DEFAULT_THUMB_DIMENSIONS' => "Default thumbnail dimensions"
, 'DELETE' => "Delete"
, 'DELETEGALLERY_TITLE' => "Delete Gallery"
, 'DELETE_CACHE' => "Delete thumbnail and image cache"
, 'DELETE_CACHE_FAILURE' => "The thumbnail and image cache could not be fully deleted."
, 'DELETE_CACHE_SUCCESS' => "The thumbnail and image cache was successfully deleted. Thumbnails and images will be recreated on demand."
, 'DELETE_FAILURE' => "The gallery could not be deleted."
, 'DELETE_ITEM' => "Delete Item"
, 'DELETE_SUCCESS' => "The gallery has been successfully deleted."
, 'DESCRIPTION' => "Description"
, 'DIMENSIONS' => "Dimensions"
, 'DONT_INCLUDE_CSS' => "Do not include CSS"
, 'DONT_INCLUDE_JQUERY' => "Do not include jQuery"
, 'EDITGALLERY_TITLE' => "Edit Gallery"
, 'EDIT_GALLERY' => "Edit Gallery"
, 'EDIT_HEADER' => "Edit Gallery"
, 'EFFECT' => "Effect"
, 'ERR_DUPLICATE_NAME' => "A gallery with this name already exists."
, 'ERR_EMPTY_TITLE' => "Please enter a title."
, 'ERR_INVALID_NAME' => "Please enter an alphanumeric name without blanks."
, 'ERR_NO_IMAGES' => "Please add at least one image."
, 'FILENAME' => "Filename"
, 'GALLERIES' => "View all Galleries"
, 'GALLERY_CODE' => "Code to include in a page"
, 'GALLERY_OPTIONS' => "Gallery Options"
, 'GALLERY_TITLE' => "Title"
, 'IMAGE' => "Image"
, 'INTERVAL' => "Time between slides (ms)"
, 'LANGUAGE' => "Language"
, 'LEFT' => "Left"
, 'MAX_DIMENSIONS' => "Maximum image dimensions"
, 'MAX_THUMB_DIMENSIONS' => "Maximum thumbnail dimensions"
, 'MISSING_DIR' => "One of the required directories could not be created. Please create the directories data/i18n_gallery and data/backups/i18n_gallery."
, 'NAME' => "Name"
, 'NAVIGATION_IMAGES' => "3D dots"
, 'NAVIGATION_NONE' => "--- no navigation ---"
, 'NAVIGATION_TYPE' => "Navigation type"
, 'NEXT' => "Next image"
, 'NO_TEXT' => "--- no text ---"
, 'OVERLAY' => "Over bottom of image"
, 'OVERVIEW_DESCR' => "You have defined the following galleries."
, 'OVERVIEW_HEADER' => "Gallery Management"
, 'PREV' => "Previous image"
, 'RIGHT' => "Right"
, 'SAVE_FAILURE' => "The gallery could not be saved."
, 'SAVE_GALLERY' => "Save gallery"
, 'SAVE_SETTINGS' => "Save Settings"
, 'SAVE_SETTINGS_FAILURE' => "The settings could not be saved."
, 'SAVE_SETTINGS_SUCCESS' => "The settings have been successfully saved."
, 'SAVE_SUCCESS' => "The gallery has been successfully saved."
, 'SETTINGS' => "Settings"
, 'SETTINGS_DESCR' => "Here you can adjust some global settings of I18N Gallery."
, 'SETTINGS_HEADER' => "Gallery Settings"
, 'SHOW_THUMB_TITLES' => "Show titles under thumbnails"
, 'SIZE' => "Size"
, 'TAB' => "Galleries"
, 'TAGS' => "Tags"
, 'TEXT_POSITION' => "Text position"
, 'TEXT_WIDTH' => "Text width or height"
, 'THEME' => "Theme"
, 'TITLE' => "Title"
, 'TOP' => "Top"
, 'TYPE' => "Type"
, 'UNDO_FAILURE' => "The gallery could not be restored."
, 'UNDO_SETTINGS_FAILURE' => "The settings could not be restored."
, 'UNDO_SETTINGS_SUCCESS' => "The settings have been successfully restored."
, 'UNDO_SUCCESS' => "The gallery has been successfully restored."
, 'VIEWGALLERY_TITLE' => "View gallery"
, 'PAGESIZE' => "Page size"
, 'PAGIFY' => "Paging"