Seditio Source
Root |
* @version: 5.2
* @package: Elxis CMS
* @subpackage: Elxis Language
* @author: Elxis Team ( )
* @copyright: (C) 2006-2021 All rights reserved.
* @description: en-GB (English - Great Britain) language for component Search
* @license: Elxis public license
* @translator: Ioannis Sannos ( )

defined('_ELXIS_') or die ('Direct access to this location is not allowed.');

$_lang = array();
$_lang['SEARCH_OPTIONS'] = 'Search options';
$_lang['KEYWORD'] = 'Keyword';
$_lang['SIZE'] = 'Size';
$_lang['ANY'] = 'Any';
$_lang['EXTRA_SMALL'] = 'Extra small';
$_lang['SMALL'] = 'Small';
$_lang['MEDIUM'] = 'Medium';
$_lang['LARGE'] = 'Large';
$_lang['EXTRA_LARGE'] = 'Extra large';
$_lang['FILETYPE'] = 'Filetype';
$_lang['ANY_TIME'] = 'Any time';
$_lang['LAST_24_HOURS'] = 'Last 24 hours';
$_lang['LAST_2_DAYS'] = 'Last 2 days';
$_lang['LAST_10_DAYS'] = 'Last 10 days';
$_lang['LAST_30_DAYS'] = 'Last 30 days';
$_lang['LAST_3_MONTHS'] = 'Last 3 months';
$_lang['THIS_MONTH'] = 'This month';
$_lang['THIS_YEAR'] = 'This year';
$_lang['ORDERING'] = 'Ordering';
$_lang['DEFAULT_ORDERING'] = 'Default ordering';
$_lang['RELEVANCY'] = 'Relevancy';
$_lang['TITLE_ASC'] = 'Title ascending';
$_lang['TITLE_DSC'] = 'Title descending';
$_lang['BIGGER_FIRST'] = 'Bigger first';
$_lang['SMALLER_FIRST'] = 'Smaller first';
$_lang['NEWER_FIRST'] = 'Newer first';
$_lang['OLDER_FIRST'] = 'Older first';
$_lang['LEAST_ONE_CRITERIA'] = 'Provide at least one search criteria';
$_lang['LIMIT'] = 'Limit';
$_lang['ITEMS_PER_PAGE'] = 'Number of items to display per page.';
$_lang['COLUMNS'] = 'Columns';
$_lang['NUMBER_COLUMNS_DESC'] = 'Number of columns to display search options into.';
$_lang['SEARCH_INTO'] = 'Search into';
$_lang['SEARCH_IN'] = 'Search in';
$_lang['SEARCH_INTO_DESC'] = 'Select the areas in which the engine will perform the search.';
$_lang['FILESYSTEM'] = 'Filesystem';
$_lang['BOTH'] = 'Both';
$_lang['FSYSTEM_FOLDERS'] = 'Filesystem folders';
$_lang['FSYSTEM_FOLDERS_NOTE'] = 'Write the relative paths to up to 10 folders containing searchable items. Example: media/images/';
$_lang['FOLDER_PATH'] = 'Folder path';
$_lang['NO_AVAIL_ENGINES'] = 'There are no available search engines!';
$_lang['ENGINE_NOT_AVAIL'] = 'The requested search engine is not available!';
$_lang['SEARCH_IMAGES_DESC'] = "Search for images at %s by keyword, size, file type or date.";
$_lang['PAGINATION_LINKS'] = 'Pagination links';
$_lang['TOP'] = 'Top';
$_lang['BOTTOM'] = 'Bottom';
$_lang['FORM_POSITION'] = 'Form position';
$_lang['FORM_POSITION_DESC'] = 'Search form position in comparison to the search results.';
$_lang['ABOVE_RESULTS'] = 'Above results';
$_lang['BELLOW_RESULTS'] = 'Below results';
$_lang['SEARCH_NO_RESULTS'] = 'Your search returned no results.';
$_lang['SEARCH_CONTENT_DESC'] = "Search for articles at %s by keyword, category or date.";
$_lang['MOST_POPULAR_FIRST'] = 'Most popular first';
$_lang['ALL_CATEGORIES'] = 'All categories';
$_lang['SUBCATEGORIES'] = 'Sub-categories';
$_lang['SEARCH_SUBCATS'] = 'Also search in the selected category subcategories.';
$_lang['AUTHOR'] = 'Author';
$_lang['ALL_AUTHORS'] = 'All authors';
$_lang['IN'] = 'in';
$_lang['HITS'] = 'Hits';
$_lang['SHOW_AUTHOR'] = 'Show author';
$_lang['SHOW_AUTHOR_RESULTS'] = 'Show author in search results?';
$_lang['SHOW_HITS'] = 'Show hits';
$_lang['SHOW_HITS_RESULTS'] = 'Show hits in search results?';
$_lang['TODAY'] = 'Today';
$_lang['THIS_WEEK'] = 'This week';
//$_lang['THIS_MONTH'] = 'This month';//dublicate line 36
$_lang['RATING'] = 'Rating';
$_lang['SEARCH_YOUTUBE'] = 'Search for videos from YouTube.';
$_lang['SAFE_SEARCH'] = 'Safe search';
$_lang['NONE'] = 'None';
$_lang['MODERATE'] = 'Moderate';
$_lang['STRICT'] = 'Strict';
$_lang['SEARCH_AUTHOR_ITEMS'] = 'Search for items only by this particular user.';
$_lang['BY'] = 'by';
$_lang['ON'] = 'on'; //on {DATE}
$_lang['OPENSEARCH_INFO'] = 'OpenSearch allows you to share search results. Your site visitors
    are able to add your site\'s search engine into their browser\'s search box.'
$_lang['OPENSEARCH_TITLE'] = 'OpenSearch title';
$_lang['OPENSEARCH_TITLE_DESC'] = 'A short title to be displayed in the OpenSearch search box.
    Leave it empty to display your site\'s title.'
$_lang['SUGGESTIONS'] = 'Suggestions';
$_lang['SUGGESTIONS_INFO'] = 'Display search suggestions? Only for search engines that support this feature.';
$_lang['ADD_ENGINE_BROWSER'] = 'Add our search engine to your browser.';
$_lang['ADD_TO_BROWSER'] = 'Add to browser';
$_lang['ADD_TO_BROWSER_INFO'] = 'Display a link to add your search engine to browser.';
$_lang['SEARCH_SUMMARY'] = 'Search summary';
$_lang['SEARCH_RETURNED'] = "Your search returned %s results.";
$_lang['DISPLAY_FROM_TO'] = "Display %s to %s.";
$_lang['NALLOW_EDIT_ENG'] = 'You are not allowed to edit Search Engines!';
//Elxis 5.2
$_lang['SHOW_IMAGES'] = 'Show images?';
$_lang['ONLY_IFIMAGE_EXIST'] = 'Only if image exists';
$_lang['RESULTS_TEXT_POSITION'] = 'Results text position';
