Seditio Source
Root |
* @version: 5.2
* @package: Elxis CMS
* @subpackage: Elxis Language
* @author: Elxis Team ( )
* @copyright: (C) 2006-2021 All rights reserved.
* @description: en-GB (English - Great Britain) language for component CPanel
* @license: Elxis public license
* @translator: Ioannis Sannos ( )

defined('_ELXIS_') or die ('Direct access to this location is not allowed.');

$_lang = array();
$_lang['CONTROL_PANEL'] = 'Control panel';
$_lang['GENERAL_SITE_SETS'] = 'General website settings';
$_lang['LANGS_MANAGER'] = 'Languages manager';
$_lang['MANAGE_SITE_LANGS'] = 'Manage site languages';
$_lang['USERS'] = 'Users';
$_lang['MANAGE_USERS'] = 'Create, edit and delete user accounts';
$_lang['USER_GROUPS'] = 'User groups';
$_lang['MANAGE_UGROUPS'] = 'Manage user groups';
$_lang['MEDIA_MANAGER'] = 'Media manager';
$_lang['MEDIA_MANAGER_INFO'] = 'Manage multi-media files';
$_lang['ACCESS_MANAGER'] = 'Access manager';
$_lang['MANAGE_ACL'] = 'Manage Access Control Lists';
$_lang['MENU_MANAGER'] = 'Menu manager';
$_lang['MANAGE_MENUS_ITEMS'] = 'Manage menus and menu items';
$_lang['FRONTPAGE'] = 'Frontpage';
$_lang['DESIGN_FRONTPAGE'] = 'Design site frontpage';
$_lang['CATEGORIES_MANAGER'] = 'Categories manager';
$_lang['MANAGE_CONT_CATS'] = 'Manage content categories';
$_lang['CONTENT_MANAGER'] = 'Content manager';
$_lang['MANAGE_CONT_ITEMS'] = 'Manage content items';
$_lang['MODULES_MANAGE_INST'] = 'Manage Modules and install new ones.';
$_lang['PLUGINS_MANAGE_INST'] = 'Manage Content plugins and install new ones.';
$_lang['COMPONENTS_MANAGE_INST'] = 'Manage Components and install new ones.';
$_lang['TEMPLATES_MANAGE_INST'] = 'Manage Templates and install new ones.';
$_lang['SENGINES_MANAGE_INST'] = 'Manage Search Engines and install new ones.';
$_lang['MANAGE_WAY_LOGIN'] = 'Manage the ways users may login into the site.';
$_lang['TRANSLATOR'] = 'Translator';
$_lang['MANAGE_MLANG_CONTENT'] = 'Manage multilingual content';
$_lang['LOGS'] = 'Logs';
$_lang['VIEW_MANAGE_LOGS'] = 'View and manage log files';
$_lang['GENERAL'] = 'General';
$_lang['WEBSITE_STATUS'] = 'Website status';
$_lang['ONLINE'] = 'Online';
$_lang['OFFLINE'] = 'Offline';
$_lang['ONLINE_ADMINS'] = 'Online only for administrators';
$_lang['OFFLINE_MSG'] = 'Offline message';
$_lang['OFFLINE_MSG_INFO'] = 'Leave this field empty to display an automatic multilingual message';
$_lang['SITENAME'] = 'Site name';
$_lang['URL_ADDRESS'] = 'URL address';
$_lang['REPO_PATH'] = 'Repository path';
$_lang['REPO_PATH_INFO'] = 'The full path to Elxis repository folder. Leave it empty for the default
    location (elxis_root/repository/). We strongly recommend you to move this folder above the WWW
    folder and rename it to something not predictable!'
$_lang['FRIENDLY_URLS'] = 'Friendly URLs';
$_lang['SEF_INFO'] = 'If set to YES (recommended) rename htaccess.txt file to .htaccess';
$_lang['STATISTICS_INFO'] = 'Enable the collection of site traffic statistics?';
$_lang['GZIP_COMPRESSION'] = 'GZip compression';
$_lang['GZIP_COMPRESSION_DESC'] = 'Elxis will compress the document with GZIP before sending it to the browser and thus save you 70% to 80% bandwidth.';
$_lang['DEFAULT_ROUTE'] = 'Default route';
$_lang['DEFAULT_ROUTE_INFO'] = 'An Elxis formatted URI that will be used as the site\'s frontpage';
$_lang['META_DATA'] = 'META data';
$_lang['META_DATA_INFO'] = 'A short description for the web site';
$_lang['KEYWORDS'] = 'Keywords';
$_lang['KEYWORDS_INFO'] = 'A few keywords separated with commas';
$_lang['STYLE_LAYOUT'] = 'Style and layout';
$_lang['SITE_TEMPLATE'] = 'Site template';
$_lang['ADMIN_TEMPLATE'] = 'Administration template';
$_lang['ICONS_PACK'] = 'Icons pack';
$_lang['LOCALE'] = 'Locale';
$_lang['TIMEZONE'] = 'Timezone';
$_lang['MULTILINGUISM'] = 'Multilinguism';
$_lang['MULTILINGUISM_INFO'] = 'Allows you to enter text elements in more than one languages (translations).
    Don\'t enable it if you don\'t use it as it will slow down the site without reason. Elxis interface
    will still be multi-lingual even if this option is set to No.'
$_lang['CHANGE_LANG'] = 'Change language';
$_lang['LANG_CHANGE_WARN'] = 'If you change the default language there might be inconsistencies
    between the language indicators and the translations in translations table.'
$_lang['CACHE'] = 'Cache';
$_lang['CACHE_INFO'] = 'Elxis can save the generated HTML code by individual elements into cache for faster later re-generation.
    This is a general setting, you must also enable cache on the elements (eg. modules) you wish to be cached.'
$_lang['APC_INFO'] = 'The Alternative PHP Cache (APC) is an opcode cache for PHP. It must be supported by your web server.
    It is not recommended on shared hosting environments. Elxis will use it on special pages to improve site performace.'
$_lang['APC_ID_INFO'] = 'In case more than 1 sites are hosted on the same server identify
    them by providing a unique integer for this site.'
$_lang['USERS_AND_REGISTRATION'] = 'Users and Registration';
$_lang['PRIVACY_PROTECTION'] = 'Privacy protection';
$_lang['PASSWORD_NOT_SHOWN'] = 'The current password is not shown for security reasons.
    Fill this field in only if you wish to change the current password.'
$_lang['DB_TYPE'] = 'Database type';
$_lang['ALERT_CON_LOST'] = 'If changed the connection to the current database will be lost!';
$_lang['HOST'] = 'Host';
$_lang['PORT'] = 'Port';
$_lang['PERSISTENT_CON'] = 'Persistent connection';
$_lang['DB_NAME'] = 'DB Name';
$_lang['TABLES_PREFIX'] = 'Tables prefix';
$_lang['DSN_INFO'] = 'A ready-to-use Data Source Name string to be used for connecting to the database.';
$_lang['SCHEME'] = 'Scheme';
$_lang['SCHEME_INFO'] = 'The absolute path to a database file if you use a database such as SQLite.';
$_lang['SEND_METHOD'] = 'Send method';
$_lang['SMTP_OPTIONS'] = 'SMTP options';
$_lang['AUTH_REQ'] = 'Authentication required';
$_lang['SECURE_CON'] = 'Secure connection';
$_lang['SENDER_NAME'] = 'Sender name';
$_lang['SENDER_EMAIL'] = 'Sender e-mail';
$_lang['RCPT_NAME'] = 'Recipient name';
$_lang['RCPT_EMAIL'] = 'Recipient e-mail';
$_lang['TECHNICAL_MANAGER'] = 'Technical manager';
$_lang['TECHNICAL_MANAGER_INFO'] = 'The technical manager receives error and security related alerts.';
$_lang['USE_FTP'] = 'Use FTP';
$_lang['PATH'] = 'Path';
$_lang['FTP_PATH_INFO'] = 'The relative path from the FTP root folder to Elxis installation folder (example: /public_html).';
$_lang['SESSION'] = 'Session';
$_lang['HANDLER'] = 'Handler';
$_lang['HANDLER_INFO'] = 'Elxis can save sessions as files into Repository or into the database.
    You can also choose None to let PHP save sessions into the server\'s default location.'
$_lang['FILES'] = 'Files';
$_lang['LIFETIME'] = 'Lifetime';
$_lang['SESS_LIFETIME_INFO'] = 'Time till the session expires when you are idle.';
$_lang['CACHE_TIME_INFO'] = 'After this time cached items get re-generated.';
$_lang['MINUTES'] = 'minutes';
$_lang['HOURS'] = 'hours';
$_lang['MATCH_IP'] = 'Match IP';
$_lang['MATCH_BROWSER'] = 'Match browser';
$_lang['MATCH_REFERER'] = 'Match HTTP Referrer';
$_lang['MATCH_SESS_INFO'] = 'Enables an advanced session validation routine.';
$_lang['ENCRYPTION'] = 'Encryption';
$_lang['ENCRYPT_SESS_INFO'] = 'Encrypt session data?';
$_lang['ERRORS'] = 'Errors';
$_lang['WARNINGS'] = 'Warnings';
$_lang['NOTICES'] = 'Notices';
$_lang['NOTICE'] = 'Notice';
$_lang['REPORT'] = 'Report';
$_lang['REPORT_INFO'] = 'Errors report level. On production sites we recommend you to set it to off.';
$_lang['LOG'] = 'Log';
$_lang['LOG_INFO'] = 'Error log level. Select which errors you wish Elxis to write in system
    log (repository/logs/).'
$_lang['ALERT'] = 'Alert';
$_lang['ALERT_INFO'] = 'Mail fatal errors to site\'s technical manager.';
$_lang['ROTATE'] = 'Rotate';
$_lang['ROTATE_INFO'] = 'Rotate error logs at the end of each month. Recommended.';
$_lang['DEBUG'] = 'Debug';
$_lang['MODULE_POS'] = 'Module positions';
$_lang['MINIMAL'] = 'Minimal';
$_lang['FULL'] = 'Full';
$_lang['DISPUSERS_AS'] = 'Display users as';
$_lang['USERS_REGISTRATION'] = 'Users registration';
$_lang['ALLOWED_DOMAIN'] = 'Allowed domain';
$_lang['ALLOWED_DOMAIN_INFO'] = 'Write a domain name (i.e. only for which the system
    will accept registration e-mail addresses.'
$_lang['EXCLUDED_DOMAINS'] = 'Excluded domains';
$_lang['EXCLUDED_DOMAINS_INFO'] = 'Comma separated list of domain names (i.e.,
    from which e-mail addresses are not acceptable during registration.'
$_lang['ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION'] = 'Account activation';
$_lang['DIRECT'] = 'Direct';
$_lang['MANUAL_BY_ADMIN'] = 'Manual by administrator';
$_lang['PASS_RECOVERY'] = 'Password recovery';
$_lang['SECURITY'] = 'Security';
$_lang['SECURITY_LEVEL'] = 'Security level';
$_lang['SECURITY_LEVEL_INFO'] = 'By increasing the security level some options are enabled by force
    while some features may be disabled. Consult Elxis documentation for more.'
$_lang['NORMAL'] = 'Normal';
$_lang['HIGH'] = 'High';
$_lang['INSANE'] = 'Insane';
$_lang['ENCRYPT_METHOD'] = 'Encryption method';
$_lang['AUTOMATIC'] = 'Automatic';
$_lang['ENCRYPTION_KEY'] = 'Encryption key';
$_lang['ELXIS_DEFENDER'] = 'Elxis defender';
$_lang['ELXIS_DEFENDER_INFO'] = 'Elxis defender protects your web site from XSS and SQL injection attacks.
    This powerful tool filters user requests and blocks attacks to your site. It will also notify you for
    an attack and log it. You can select which type of filters to be applied or even lock your system\'s
    crucial files for unauthorized modifications. We recommend enabling at least option G.
    Consult Elxis documentation for more.'
$_lang['SSL_SWITCH'] = 'SSL switch';
$_lang['SSL_SWITCH_INFO'] = 'Elxis will automatically switch from HTTP to HTTPS in pages where privacy is important.
    For the administration area the HTTPS scheme will be permanent. Requires an SSL certificate!'
$_lang['PUBLIC_AREA'] = 'Public area';
$_lang['GENERAL_FILTERS'] = 'General rules';
$_lang['CUSTOM_FILTERS'] = 'Custom rules';
$_lang['FSYS_PROTECTION'] = 'Filesystem protection';
$_lang['CHECK_FTP_SETS'] = 'Check FTP settings';
$_lang['FTP_CON_SUCCESS'] = 'The connection to the FTP server was successful.';
$_lang['ELXIS_FOUND_FTP'] = 'Elxis installation was found on FTP.';
$_lang['ELXIS_NOT_FOUND_FTP'] = 'Elxis installation was not found on FTP! Check the value of the FTP path option.';
$_lang['CAN_NOT_CHANGE'] = 'You can not change it.';
$_lang['SETS_SAVED_SUCC'] = 'Settings saved successfully';
$_lang['ACTIONS'] = 'Actions';
$_lang['BAN_IP_REQ_DEF'] = 'To ban an IP address it is required to enable at least one option in Elxis defender!';
$_lang['BAN_YOURSELF'] = 'Are you trying to ban yourself?';
$_lang['IP_AL_BANNED'] = 'This IP is already banned!';
$_lang['IP_BANNED'] = 'IP address %s banned!';
$_lang['BAN_FAILED_NOWRITE'] = 'Ban failed! File repository/logs/defender_ban.php is not writeable.';
$_lang['ONLY_ADMINS_ACTION'] = 'Only administrators can perform this action!';
$_lang['CNOT_LOGOUT_ADMIN'] = 'You cannot log an administrator out!';
$_lang['USER_LOGGED_OUT'] = 'The user was logged out!';
$_lang['SITE_STATISTICS'] = 'Site statistics';
$_lang['SITE_STATISTICS_INFO'] = 'See the site traffic statistics';
$_lang['BACKUP'] = 'Backup';
$_lang['BACKUP_INFO'] = 'Take a new full site backup and manage existing ones.';
$_lang['BACKUP_FLIST'] = 'Existing backup files list';
$_lang['TYPE'] = 'Type';
$_lang['FILENAME'] = 'File name';
$_lang['SIZE'] = 'Size';
$_lang['NEW_DB_BACKUP'] = 'New database backup';
$_lang['NEW_FS_BACKUP'] = 'New filesystem backup';
$_lang['FILESYSTEM'] = 'File system';
$_lang['DOWNLOAD'] = 'Download';
$_lang['TAKE_NEW_BACKUP'] = 'Take a new backup?\nThis may take a while, please be patient!';
$_lang['FOLDER_NOT_EXIST'] = "Folder %s does not exist!";
$_lang['FOLDER_NOT_WRITE'] = "Folder %s is not writeable!";
$_lang['BACKUP_SAVED_INTO'] = "Backup files get saved into %s";
$_lang['CACHE_SAVED_INTO'] = "Cache files get saved into %s";
$_lang['CACHED_ITEMS'] = 'Cached items';
$_lang['ELXIS_ROUTER'] = 'Elxis router';
$_lang['ROUTING'] = 'Routing';
$_lang['ROUTING_INFO'] = 'Re-route user requests to custom URL addresses.';
$_lang['SOURCE'] = 'Source';
$_lang['ROUTE_TO'] = 'Route to';
$_lang['REROUTE'] = "Re-route %s";
$_lang['DIRECTORY'] = 'Directory';
$_lang['SET_FRONT_CONF'] = 'Set site frontpage in Elxis configuration!';
$_lang['ADD_NEW_ROUTE'] = 'Add a new route';
$_lang['OTHER'] = 'Other';
$_lang['LAST_MODIFIED'] = 'Last modified';
$_lang['PERIOD'] = 'Period'; //time period
$_lang['ERROR_LOG_DISABLED'] = 'Error logging is disabled!';
$_lang['LOG_ENABLE_ERR'] = 'Log is enabled only for fatal errors.';
$_lang['LOG_ENABLE_ERRWARN'] = 'Log is enabled for errors and warnings.';
$_lang['LOG_ENABLE_ERRWARNNTC'] = 'Log is enabled for errors, warnings and notices.';
$_lang['LOGROT_ENABLED'] = 'Logs rotation is enabled.';
$_lang['LOGROT_DISABLED'] = 'Logs rotation is disabled!';
$_lang['SYSLOG_FILES'] = 'System log files';
$_lang['DEFENDER_BANS'] = 'Defender bans';
$_lang['LAST_DEFEND_NOTIF'] = 'Last Defender notification';
$_lang['LAST_ERROR_NOTIF'] = 'Last Error notification';
$_lang['TIMES_BLOCKED'] = 'Times blocked';
$_lang['REFER_CODE'] = 'Reference code';
$_lang['CLEAR_FILE'] = 'Clear file';
$_lang['CLEAR_FILE_WARN'] = 'The contents of the file will be removed. Continue?';
$_lang['FILE_NOT_FOUND'] = 'File not found!';
$_lang['FILE_CNOT_DELETE'] = 'This file cannot be deleted!';
$_lang['ONLY_LOG_DOWNLOAD'] = 'Only files with the extension .log can be downloaded!';
$_lang['SYSTEM'] = 'System';
$_lang['PHP_INFO'] = 'PHP information';
$_lang['PHP_VERSION'] = 'PHP version';
$_lang['ELXIS_INFO'] = 'Elxis information';
$_lang['VERSION'] = 'Version';
$_lang['REVISION_NUMBER'] = 'Revision number';
$_lang['STATUS'] = 'Status';
$_lang['CODENAME'] = 'Codename';
$_lang['RELEASE_DATE'] = 'Release date';
$_lang['COPYRIGHT'] = 'Copyright';
$_lang['POWERED_BY'] = 'Powered by';
$_lang['AUTHOR'] = 'Author';
$_lang['PLATFORM'] = 'Platform';
$_lang['HEADQUARTERS'] = 'Headquarters';
$_lang['ELXIS_ENVIROMENT'] = 'Elxis enviroment';
$_lang['DEFENDER_LOGS'] = 'Defender logs';
$_lang['ADMIN_FOLDER'] = 'Administration folder';
$_lang['DEF_NAME_RENAME'] = 'Default name, rename it!';
$_lang['INSTALL_PATH'] = 'Installation path';
$_lang['IS_PUBLIC'] = 'Is public!';
$_lang['CREDITS'] = 'Credits';
$_lang['LOCATION'] = 'Location';
$_lang['CONTRIBUTION'] = 'Contribution';
$_lang['LICENSE'] = 'License';
$_lang['MULTISITES'] = 'Multisites';
$_lang['MULTISITES_DESC'] = 'Manage multiple sites under one Elxis installation.';
$_lang['MULTISITES_WARN'] = 'You can have multiple sites under one Elxis installation. Working with multisites
    is a task that requires advanced knowledge of Elxis CMS. Before you import data to a new
    multisite make sure the database exist. After creating a new multisite edit the htaccess
    file based on the given istructions. Deleting a multi-site does not delete the linked database. Consult an
    experienced technician if you need help.'
$_lang['MULTISITES_DISABLED'] = 'Multisites are disabled!';
$_lang['ENABLE'] = 'Enable';
$_lang['ACTIVE'] = 'Active';
$_lang['URL_ID'] = 'URL identifier';
$_lang['MAN_MULTISITES_ONLY'] = "You can manage multi-sites only from site %s";
$_lang['LOWER_ALPHANUM'] = 'Lowercase alphanumeric chars without spaces';
$_lang['IMPORT_DATA'] = 'Import data';
$_lang['CNOT_CREATE_CFG_NEW'] = "Could not create configuration file %s for the new site!";
$_lang['DATA_IMPORT_FAILED'] = 'Data import failed!';
$_lang['DATA_IMPORT_SUC'] = 'Data imported successfully!';
$_lang['ADD_RULES_HTACCESS'] = 'Add the following rules in htaccess file';
$_lang['CREATE_REPOSITORY_NOTE'] = 'It is strongly recommended to create a separate repository for each sub-site!';
$_lang['NOT_SUP_DBTYPE'] = 'Not supported database type!';
$_lang['DBTYPES_MUST_SAME'] = 'Database types of this site and the new site must be the same!';
$_lang['DISABLE_MULTISITES'] = 'Disable multisites';
$_lang['DISABLE_MULTISITES_WARN'] = 'All sites except the one with id 1 will be removed!';
$_lang['VISITS_PER_DAY'] = "Visits per day for %s"; //translators help: ... for {MONTH YEAR}
$_lang['CLICKS_PER_DAY'] = "Clicks per day for %s"; //translators help: ... for {MONTH YEAR}
$_lang['VISITS_PER_MONTH'] = "Visits per month for %s"; //translators help: ... for {YEAR}
$_lang['CLICKS_PER_MONTH'] = "Clicks per month for %s"; //translators help: ... for {YEAR}
$_lang['LANGS_USAGE_FOR'] = "Percentage languages usage for %s"; //translators help: ... for {MONTH YEAR}
$_lang['UNIQUE_VISITS'] = 'Unique visits';
$_lang['PAGE_VIEWS'] = 'Page views';
$_lang['TOTAL_VISITS'] = 'Total visits';
$_lang['TOTAL_PAGE_VIEWS'] = 'Page views';
$_lang['LANGS_USAGE'] = 'Languages usage';
$_lang['LEGEND'] = 'Legend';
$_lang['USAGE'] = 'Usage';
$_lang['VIEWS'] = 'Views';
$_lang['OTHER'] = 'Other';
$_lang['NO_DATA_AVAIL'] = 'No data available';
$_lang['PERIOD'] = 'Period';
$_lang['YEAR_STATS'] = 'Year statistics';
$_lang['MONTH_STATS'] = 'Month statistics';
$_lang['PREVIOUS_YEAR'] = 'Previous year';
$_lang['NEXT_YEAR'] = 'Next year';
$_lang['STATS_COL_DISABLED'] = 'The collection of statistical data is disabled! Enable statistics in Elxis configuration.';
$_lang['DOCTYPE'] = 'Document type';
$_lang['DOCTYPE_INFO'] = 'The recommended option is HTML5. Elxis will generate XHTML output even if you set DOCTYPE to HTML5.
On XHTML doctypes Elxis serves documents with the application/xhtml+xml mime type on modern browsers and with text/html on older ones.'
$_lang['ABR_SECONDS'] = 'sec';
$_lang['ABR_MINUTES'] = 'min';
$_lang['HOUR'] = 'hour';
$_lang['HOURS'] = 'hours';
$_lang['DAY'] = 'day';
$_lang['DAYS'] = 'days';
$_lang['UPDATED_BEFORE'] = 'Updated before';
$_lang['CACHE_INFO'] = 'View and delete the items saved in cache.';
$_lang['ELXISDC'] = 'Elxis Downloads Center';
$_lang['ELXISDC_INFO'] = 'Browse live EDC and see available extensions';
$_lang['SITE_LANGS'] = 'Site languages';
$_lang['SITE_LANGS_DESC'] = 'By default all installed languages are available in site frontend area. You can change this
    by selecting below the languages you wish only to be available in frontend.'
//Elxis 4.1
$_lang['PERFORMANCE'] = 'Performance';
$_lang['MINIFIER_CSSJS'] = 'CSS/Javascript minifier';
$_lang['MINIFIER_INFO'] = 'Elxis can unify individual local CSS and JS files and optionally compress them. The unified file will be saved in cache.
So instead of having multiple CSS/JS files in your pages head section you will have only a minified one.'
$_lang['MOBILE_VERSION'] = 'Mobile version';
$_lang['MOBILE_VERSION_DESC'] = 'Enable mobile-friendly version for handheld devices?';
//Elxis 4.2
$_lang['SEND_TEST_EMAIL'] = 'Send test email';
$_lang['ONLINE_USERS'] = 'Online for users';
$_lang['CRONJOBS'] = 'Cron jobs';
$_lang['CRONJOBS_INFO'] = 'Enable cron jobs if you want to run automated tasks like scheduled articles publishing.';
$_lang['LANG_DETECTION'] = 'Language detection';
$_lang['LANG_DETECTION_INFO'] = 'Νative language detection and redirection to the proper language version of the site on first visit to frontpage.';
//Elxis 4.4
$_lang['DEFENDER_NOTIFS'] = 'Defender notifications';
$_lang['XFRAMEOPT_HELP'] = 'HTTP header that controls if the browser will accept or refuse displaying pages from this site inside an frame. Helps avoiding clickjacking attacks.';
$_lang['ACCEPT_XFRAME'] = 'Accept X-Frame';
$_lang['DENY'] = 'Deny';
$_lang['SAMEORIGIN'] = 'Same origin';
$_lang['ALLOW_FROM'] = 'Allow from';
$_lang['ALLOW_FROM_ORIGIN'] = 'Allow from origin';
$_lang['CONTENT_SEC_POLICY'] = 'Content Security Policy';
$_lang['IP_RANGES'] = 'IP Ranges';
$_lang['UPDATED_AUTO'] = 'Updated automatically';
$_lang['CHECK_IP_MOMENT'] = 'Check IP moment';
$_lang['BEFORE_LOAD_ELXIS'] = 'Before loading Elxis core';
$_lang['AFTER_LOAD_ELXIS'] = 'After loading Elxis core';
$_lang['CHECK_IP_MOMENT_HELP'] = 'BEFORE: Defender checks IPs on each click. Bad IPs dont reach Elxis core.
    AFTER: Defender checks IPs only once per session (performance improvement). Bad IPs reach Elxis core before they get blocked.'
$_lang['SECURITY'] = 'Security';
$_lang['EVERYTHING'] = 'Everything';
$_lang['ONLY_ATTACKS'] = 'Only attacks';
$_lang['CRONJOBS_PROB'] = 'Cron jobs probability';
$_lang['CRONJOBS_PROB_INFO'] = 'The percentage probability of executing Cron jobs on each user click. Affects only cron jobs executed internally by Elxis. For best performance the more visitors your site has the lower this value should be. The default value is 10%.';
$_lang['EXTERNAL'] = 'External';
$_lang['SEO_TITLES_MATCH'] = 'SEO Titles match';
$_lang['SEO_TITLES_MATCH_HELP'] = 'Controls the generation of SEO Titles from normal titles. Exact creates SEO Titles that match exactly the original titles ones transliterated.';
$_lang['EXACT'] = 'Exact';
//Elxis 4.6
$_lang['CONFIG_FOR_GMAIL'] = 'Configure for Gmail';
$_lang['AUTH_METHOD'] = 'Authentication method';
$_lang['DEFAULT'] = 'Default';
$_lang['BACKUP_EXCLUDE_PATHS_HELP'] = 'You can exclude some folders from the filesystem backup procedure. This is extremely
    usefull if you have a large filesystem and backup fails to complete due to memory issues. Provide below the folders you want
    to exclude by giving their relative paths. Example: media/videos/'
$_lang['PATHS_EXCLUDED_FSBK'] = 'Paths excluded from filesystem backup';
$_lang['EXCLUSIONS'] = 'Exclusions';
//Elxis 5.0
$_lang['BACKUP_FOLDER_TABLE_TIP'] = 'For file system backup you can select to backup the whole Elxis installation or a specific folder.
    For database you can backup the whole database or a specific table. In case you get timeout or memory errors during backup (especially
    on large sites) select to backup individual folders or tables instead.'
$_lang['FOLDER'] = 'Folder';
$_lang['TABLE'] = 'Table';
$_lang['INACTIVE'] = 'Inactive';
$_lang['DEPRECATED'] = 'Deprecated';
$_lang['ALL_AVAILABLE'] = 'All available';//translators help: "All available languages"
$_lang['NO_PROTECTION'] = 'No protection';//translators help: No Elxis Defender filters enabled
$_lang['NEWER_VERSION_FOR'] = 'There is a newer version (%s) for %s';
$_lang['NEWER_VERSIONS_FOR'] = 'There are newer versions for %s';
$_lang['NEWER_VERSIONS_FOR_EXTS'] = 'There are newer versions for %s extensions';
$_lang['OUTDATED_ELXIS_UPDATE_TO'] = 'You use an outdated Elxis version! Update as soon as possible to %s';
$_lang['NO_BACKUPS'] = 'You have no backups!';
$_lang['LONGTIME_TAKE_BACKUP'] = 'You have a long time to take a site backup';
$_lang['DELETE_OLD_LOGS'] = 'Delete old log files';
$_lang['DEFENDER_IS_DISABLED'] = 'Elxis Defender is disabled';
$_lang['REPO_DEF_PATH'] = 'Repository is at the default path';
$_lang['CHANGE_MAIL_TO_SMTP'] = 'Change PHP Mail to SMTP or else';
$_lang['DISABLE_MULTILINGUISM'] = 'Disable multilingualism';
$_lang['ENABLE_MULTILINGUISM'] = 'Enable multilingualism';
//Elxis 5.2
$_lang['NOTFOUND'] = 'Not found';
$_lang['EXTENSION'] = 'Extension';
$_lang['CODE_EDITOR_WARN'] = 'We strongly recommend not to modify extensions\'s files because you will lose your changes after an update.
    Add your custom or overwrite CSS rules on <strong>user.config</strong> files instead.'
$_lang['EDIT_CODE'] = 'Edit code';
$_lang['EXCLUDED_IPS'] = 'Excluded IPs';
