Seditio Source
Root |
* @version: 5.3
* @package: Elxis CMS
* @subpackage: Elxis Language
* @author: Elxis Team ( )
* @copyright: (C) 2006-2021 All rights reserved.
* @description: en-GB (English - Great Britain) language for component Content
* @license: Elxis public license
* @translator: Ioannis Sannos ( )

defined('_ELXIS_') or die ('Direct access to this location is not allowed.');

$_lang = array();
$_lang['ARTICLES_ON_CAT'] = "Articles on category %s";

$_lang['GENERAL'] = 'General';
$_lang['POPUP_WINDOW'] = 'Popup window';
$_lang['CLASSIC_POPUP'] = 'Classic popup';
$_lang['LIVE_BOOKMARKS'] = 'Live bookmarks';
$_lang['LIVE_BOOKMARKS_DESC'] = 'Allows users to subscribe to XML feeds';
$_lang['FEED_ITEMS'] = 'Feed items';
$_lang['FEED_ITEMS_DESC'] = 'Number of items to show in XML feed';
$_lang['RSS_ATOM_FEEDS_CENTRAL'] = 'RSS and ATOM feeds central';
$_lang['XML_FEEDS_FROM'] = "RSS and Atom XML news feeds from %s";
$_lang['LIST_OF_FEEDS'] = "A list of the available RSS and ATOM XML feeds at %s.";
$_lang['NO_FEEDS_AV'] = 'There are no XML feeds available!';
$_lang['SITE_FEED'] = 'Site feed';
$_lang['FEEDS_CONTAIN_ARTS'] = 'The feeds below contain the latest public articles added on each category.';
$_lang['FEED_CACHE'] = 'Feed cache';
$_lang['FEED_CACHE_DESC'] = 'Hours to store XML feeds in cache till refresh';
$_lang['ARTICLE_IMAGE'] = 'Article\'s image';
$_lang['PAGE_STYLE'] = 'Page style';
$_lang['IMAGES'] = 'Images';
$_lang['IMAGES_UPLOAD_DESC'] = 'For each article image you upload Elxis generates a thumbnail and a medium size version of it.';
$_lang['IMG_THUMB_WIDTH'] = 'Thumbnail width';
$_lang['IMG_MEDIUM_WIDTH'] = 'Medium image width';
$_lang['IMG_THUMB_HEIGHT'] = 'Thumbnail height';
$_lang['IMG_MEDIUM_HEIGHT'] = 'Medium image height';
$_lang['SET_ZERO_AUTOHEIGHT'] = 'Set it to 0 for auto height calculation.';
$_lang['EMPTY_IMAGE'] = 'Empty image';
$_lang['EMPTY_IMAGE_DESC'] = 'What to display on articles without images?';
$_lang['DONT_DISP_IMAGE'] = 'Do not display an image';
$_lang['DISP_DEFAULT_IMG'] = 'Display default image';
$_lang['SHOW_CATEGORY'] = 'Show category';
$_lang['HIDE'] = 'Hide';
$_lang['SHOW'] = 'Show';
$_lang['ONLY_TITLE'] = 'Only title';
$_lang['SUBCATEGORIES'] = 'Subcategories';
$_lang['COLUMNS'] = 'Columns';    
$_lang['ARTICLES_ORDER'] = 'Articles order';
$_lang['DATE_CREATED_ASC'] = 'Created date ascending';
$_lang['DATE_CREATED_DESC'] = 'Created date descending';
$_lang['DATE_MODIFIED_ASC'] = 'Modified date ascending';
$_lang['DATE_MODIFIED_DESC'] = 'Modified date descending';
$_lang['ORDERING_ASC'] = 'Ordering ascending';
$_lang['ORDERING_DESC'] = 'Ordering descending';
$_lang['TITLE_ASC'] = 'Title ascending';
$_lang['TITLE_DESC'] = 'Title descending';
$_lang['NUMBER_ITEMS_PER_PAGE'] = 'Number of items per page';
$_lang['FEATURED_NUMBER'] = 'Featured number';
$_lang['SHORT_ARTICLES_NUMBER'] = 'Short articles number';
$_lang['LINKS_NUMBER'] = 'Links number';
$_lang['FEATURED_IMAGE'] = 'Featured image';
$_lang['MEDIUM_IMG_TOP'] = 'Medium image top';
$_lang['MEDIUM_IMG_LEFT'] = 'Medium image left';
$_lang['MEDIUM_IMG_RIGHT'] = 'Medium image right';
$_lang['LARGE_IMG_TOP'] = 'Large image top';
$_lang['LARGE_IMG_LEFT'] = 'Large image left';
$_lang['LARGE_IMG_RIGHT'] = 'Large image right';
$_lang['LAST_UPDATE'] = 'Last update';
//$_lang['FEATURED_DATE_AUTHOR'] = 'Featured date and author';
$_lang['CREATED_DATE'] = 'Created date';
$_lang['CREATED_DATE_AUTHOR'] = 'Created date and author';
$_lang['MODIFIED_DATE'] = 'Modified date';
$_lang['MODIFIED_DATE_AUTHOR'] = 'Modified date and author';
$_lang['AUTO_DATE'] = 'Automatic date';
$_lang['AUTO_DATE_AUTHOR'] = 'Automatic date and author';
$_lang['DATE_AUTHOR_POSITION'] = 'Date and author position';
$_lang['BY'] = 'by';
$_lang['IN'] = 'in';
$_lang['SHORT_IMAGE'] = 'Short image';
$_lang['DATE_AUTHOR'] = 'Date and author';
$_lang['SHORT_TEXT'] = 'Short text';
$_lang['SHORT_TEXT_DESC'] = 'Limit text on short articles to this number of characters.';
$_lang['SUBTITLE'] = 'Subtitle';
$_lang['SUBTITLE_DESC'] = 'A short text that will be used as subtitle';
$_lang['ONLY_SUBTITLE'] = 'Only subtitle';
$_lang['SUBTITLE_INTROTEXT'] = 'Subtitle and intro text';
$_lang['HEADER'] = 'Header';
$_lang['READ_ALSO'] = 'Read also';
$_lang['OTHER_ARTICLES'] = 'Other articles';
$_lang['PAGINATION'] = 'Pagination';
$_lang['NEXT_PAGES_STYLE'] = 'Next pages style';
$_lang['FEATURED_ARTICLES'] = 'Featured articles';
$_lang['SHORT_ARTICLES'] = 'Short articles';
$_lang['LINK_ARTICLES'] = 'Link articles';
$_lang['INNER_MODS_POS'] = 'Inner modules position';
$_lang['INNER_MODS_POS_DESC'] = 'You can display the modules which are set in this position internally into component Content.';
$_lang['LAYOUT'] = 'Layout';
$_lang['LAYOUT_DESC'] = 'The page layout for the category';
$_lang['FLAT'] = 'Flat';
$_lang['LAYOUT_LRB'] = 'Left-Right-Bottom';
$_lang['LAYOUT_TLR'] = 'Top-Left-Right';
$_lang['TAG'] = 'Tag';
$_lang['TAGS'] = 'Tags';
$_lang['ARTICLES_TAGGED'] = "Articles tagged as %s";
$_lang['NO_TAG_SPECIFIED'] = 'No tag specified or it is too short!';
$_lang['ARTS_FOUND_TAG'] = "%s articles found with this tag.";
$_lang['READ_TIMES'] = "It has been read %s times";
$_lang['ADDITIONAL_FUNC'] = 'Additional functionality';
$_lang['AUTO_LINKS'] = 'Auto links';
$_lang['ARTICLES_CHAIN'] = 'Articles chain';
$_lang['ARTICLES_CHAIN_DESC'] = 'Displays links to previous and next articles.';
$_lang['PREVIOUS_ARTICLE'] = 'Previous article';
$_lang['NEXT_ARTICLE'] = 'Next article';
$_lang['LINKS'] = 'Links';
$_lang['LINKS_IMAGES'] = 'Links with images';
$_lang['EMAIL_TO_FRIEND'] = 'E-mail to friend';
$_lang['SENT_ARTICLE_FRIEND'] = 'Send this article to a friend.';
$_lang['HI'] = 'Hi';
$_lang['INTERESTING_ARTICLE'] = 'An interesting article';
$_lang['LINK_ARTICLE_INTEREST'] = "%s sent you the link shown below to an article that you might find interesting.";
$_lang['YOUR_NAME'] = 'Your name';
$_lang['YOUR_EMAIL'] = 'Your e-mail';
$_lang['FRIEND_NAME'] = 'Your friend\'s name';
$_lang['FRIEND_EMAIL'] = 'Your friend\'s e-mail';
$_lang['ARTICLE_NOT_FOUND'] = 'The requested article was not found!';
$_lang['SEND'] = 'Send';
$_lang['MSG_SENT_SUCCESS'] = 'The message was sent successfully.';
$_lang['PROVIDE_YOUR_NAME'] = 'Please provide your name';
$_lang['PROVIDE_FRIEND_NAME'] = 'Please provide your friend\'s name';
$_lang['CTG_NFOUND_NACCESS'] = 'The requested category was not found or you are not allowed to access it!';
$_lang['PRINTABLE_VERSION'] = 'Printable version';
$_lang['ARTICLES'] = 'Articles';
$_lang['ARTICLE'] = 'Article';
$_lang['GEN_SETS_FOR_CATEGORIES'] = 'General settings for categories. These settings can be
    overwritten later on in category level.'
$_lang['GEN_SETS_FOR_ARTICLES'] = 'General settings for articles. These settings can be
    overwritten later on in article level.'
$_lang['CATEGORY_SETTING'] = 'Category setting';
$_lang['COMMENTS_SRC'] = 'Comments source';
$_lang['COMMENTS_SRC_DESC'] = 'Comments source and display method on pages where comments are allowed';
$_lang['ELXIS_PLAINTEXT'] = 'Elxis - Plain text';
$_lang['ELXIS_BBCOCE'] = 'Elxis - BBCode editor';
$_lang['DISQUS_SHORTNAME'] = 'DisQus shortname';
$_lang['DISQUS_SHORTNAME_DESC'] = 'Your account shortname on';
$_lang['LOCAL_SITE'] = 'Local site';
$_lang['LOCAL_SITE_DESC'] = 'Is this a local or inaccessible site?';
$_lang['ALLOW_COMMENTS'] = 'Allow comments?';
$_lang['ALLOW_COMMENTS_ARTICLE'] = 'Allow comments on this article?';
$_lang['ALLOW_COMMENTS_CATEGORY'] = 'Allow comments on this category articles?';
$_lang['NALLOW_POST_COMMENTS'] = 'You are not allowed to post comments.';
$_lang['PLEASE_LOGIN'] = 'Please login.';
$_lang['POST_COMMENT'] = 'Post comment';
$_lang['EMAIL_NOT_PUBLISH'] = 'Your e-mail address will not be published.';
$_lang['YOUR_MESSAGE'] = 'Your message';
$_lang['NO_COMMENTS_ARTICLE'] = 'There are no comments for this article.';
$_lang['MUST_WRITE_MSG'] = 'You must write a message!';
$_lang['COMMENTS_NALLOW_ARTICLE'] = 'Comments are not allowed on this article!';
$_lang['INVALIDSECCODE'] = 'Invalid security code!';
$_lang['COM_PUBLISH_APPROVAL'] = 'Your comment will be published after approval.';
$_lang['NEW_COMMENT_NOTIF'] = 'New comment notification';
$_lang['NEW_COMMENT_WAIT_APPR'] = 'A new comment posted waiting for your approval to be published.';
$_lang['NEW_COMMENT_PUBLISHED'] = 'A new comment posted and published automatically.';
$_lang['COMMENTED_BY'] = 'Commented by';
$_lang['YOUR_COMMENT_PUB'] = 'Your comment was published';
$_lang['YOUR_COMMENT_ARTICLE_PUB'] = "Your comment for the article %s was published.";
$_lang['CATEGORIES_LIST'] = 'Categories list';
$_lang['MAX_LEVEL'] = 'Max level';
$_lang['SEOTITLE'] = 'SEO Title';
$_lang['TREE_VIEW'] = 'Tree view';
$_lang['CONTENT_CATEGORIES'] = 'Content categories';
$_lang['WARN_DELETE_CATEGORY'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this category? Existing sub-categories will also be deleted!';
$_lang['CNOT_DEL_CATS_ARTICLES'] = 'You cannot delete categories containing articles!';
$_lang['PARENT_CTG'] = 'Parent category';
$_lang['PARENT_CTG_DESC'] = 'Make this category sub-category of another category by selecting it as parent.';
$_lang['SEO_LINK'] = 'SEO link';
$_lang['SEO_LINK_DESC'] = 'The full Elxis URI to the item. It is generated automatically during save.';
$_lang['NEW_CATEGORY'] = 'New category';
$_lang['EDIT_CATEGORY'] = 'Edit category';
$_lang['PARAMETERS'] = 'Parameters';
$_lang['DETAILS'] = 'Details';
$_lang['SEOTITLE_DESC'] = 'You can use lowercase latin characters, digits, dashes and underscores. The SEO Title must be unique!';
$_lang['TITLE_FEW_ALPHANUM'] = 'Title contains too few alphanumeric characters!';
$_lang['SEOTITLE_FEW_ALPHANUM'] = 'SEO Title contains too few alphanumeric characters!';
$_lang['VALID'] = 'Valid';
$_lang['FOLDER_NAMED'] = "There is a folder named %s!";
$_lang['FILE_NAMED'] = "There is a file named %s!";
$_lang['COMPONENT_NAMED'] = "There is a component named %s!";
$_lang['COMPONENT_ROUTED'] = "There is a component routed to %s!";
$_lang['OTHER_CATEGORY_SEO'] = "There is another category with SEO Title %s!";
$_lang['OTHER_ARTICLE_SEO'] = "There is an other article with SEO Title %s!";
$_lang['SEOTITLE_RESERVED'] = "SEO Title %s is reserved by the system!";
$_lang['DEL_CUR_IMAGE'] = 'Delete current image';
$_lang['ARTICLES_LIST'] = 'Articles list';
$_lang['AUTHOR'] = 'Author';
$_lang['ALL_CATEGORIES'] = 'All categories';
$_lang['WRITTEN_BY'] = 'Written by';
$_lang['MODIFIED_BY'] = 'Modified by';
$_lang['SAVE_ORDERING'] = 'Save ordering';
$_lang['WARN_DELETE_ARTICLES'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete selected articles?';
$_lang['ACTION_ONLY_OWN_ARTS'] = 'You can perform this action only on your own articles!';
$_lang['VIEW_ARTICLES'] = 'View articles';
$_lang['NEW_ARTICLE'] = 'New article';
$_lang['EDIT_ARTICLE'] = 'Edit article';
$_lang['CAPTION'] = 'Caption';
$_lang['CAPTION_DESC'] = 'A short text that will be used as caption for the image';
$_lang['METAKEYS'] = 'META keywords';
$_lang['METAKEYS_DESC'] = 'A comma separated list of article-specific keywords';
$_lang['FIRST_ARTICLE'] = 'First article';
$_lang['LAST_ARTICLE'] = 'Last article';
$_lang['ARTICLE_BODY'] = 'Article\'s body';
$_lang['INTRO_TEXT'] = 'Introduction text';
$_lang['MAIN_TEXT'] = 'Main text';
$_lang['WIDTHS_SUM_100'] = 'Widths sum should be equal to 100%!';
$_lang['POSITIONS'] = 'Positions';
$_lang['DIMENSIONS'] = 'Dimensions';
$_lang['FRONTPAGE_DESIGNER'] = 'Frontpage designer';
$_lang['FINISH'] = 'Finish';
$_lang['IMPORT_ELXIS_PLUGIN'] = 'Import Elxis plugin';
$_lang['PLUGIN'] = 'Plugin';
$_lang['CODE'] = 'Code';
$_lang['IMPORT'] = 'Import';
$_lang['GENERIC_SYNTAX'] = 'Generic syntax';
$_lang['NOT_AVAILABLE'] = 'Not available';
$_lang['COMPOSER'] = 'Composer';
//Elxis 4.1
$_lang['MOBILE_VERSION_FRONTPAGE'] = 'For the <strong>mobile</strong> version of the web-site you can either put in template position
    <strong>mobilefront</strong> the modules you want to be displayed in frontpage or use the grid with <strong>responsive options</strong>.'
//Elxis 4.2
$_lang['OPTIONS'] = 'Options';
$_lang['TYPE'] = 'Type';
$_lang['RESPONSIVE_OPTIONS'] = 'Responsive options';
$_lang['RESPO_GRID_HELP'] = 'How grid boxes to behave when device width is less than the minimum width (mobile devices).';
$_lang['BOX'] = 'Box';
$_lang['STRETCH'] = 'Stretch';
$_lang['MOBILES'] = 'Mobiles';
$_lang['HIDE_INTROTEXT'] = 'Hide intro text';
$_lang['HIDE_SUBTITLE'] = 'Hide subtitle';
//Elxis 4.3
$_lang['SITE_ARTS_CHRONO'] = 'Site articles in chronological order.';
$_lang['ARCHIVED_ARTS_FOR'] = 'Archived articles for %s'; //translators help: ... for {DATE}
$_lang['IMPORTANT'] = 'Important';
$_lang['IMPORTANT_DESC'] = 'Mark article as Important';
$_lang['RELATION_KEY'] = 'Relation key';
$_lang['RELATION_KEY_DESC'] = 'Any word that will be used as a keyword to relate this item with other similar items.
    For example articles that belong to the same story. This word will not be displayed anywhere.'
$_lang['RELATED_NUMBER'] = 'Related number';
$_lang['RELATED_NUMBER_DESC'] = 'Number of related articles to display at the bottom of the page as links.';
//Elxis 4.4
$_lang['SELECT_IMAGE'] = 'Select image';
$_lang['UPLOAD_IMAGE'] = 'Upload image';
//Elxis 4.6
$_lang['CREATE_MENUITEM_PAGE'] = 'Create a menu item to this page. To do so select the parent menu item in the
    menu collection(s) of your preference under which the new menu item will be placed. If you select Top Level
    the new menu item will not have parent items.'
$_lang['DONTCR_MENUITEM'] = 'Don\'t create a menu item';
$_lang['TOP_LEVEL'] = 'Top level';
$_lang['NEW_MENU_CREATED'] = 'New menu item created';
$_lang['IMAGE_SEARCH'] = 'Image search';
//Elxis 5.0
$_lang['KEYWORD'] = 'Keyword';
$_lang['VERY_TOP'] = 'Very top';
//Elxis 5.1
$_lang['HIDE_TITLE'] = 'Hide title';
//Elxis 5.3
$_lang['CNT_MLSEARCH'] = 'Multilingual search';
$_lang['CNT_MLSEARCH_DESC'] = 'Perform multilingual search in administration section when keyword is provided?';
$_lang['CNT_YES_TITLE'] = 'Yes, on title (SLOW QUERY)';
$_lang['CNT_YES_TITLESUB'] = 'Yes, on title and sub-title (SLOW QUERY)';
