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* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.

namespace phpbb\lock;

* Database locking class
class db
    * Name of the config variable this lock uses
    * @var string
private $config_name;

    * Unique identifier for this lock.
    * @var string
private $unique_id;

    * Stores the state of this lock
    * @var bool
private $locked;

    * The phpBB configuration
    * @var \phpbb\config\config
private $config;

    * A database connection
    * @var \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface
private $db;

    * Creates a named released instance of the lock.
    * You have to call acquire() to actually create the lock.
    * @param    string                                $config_name    A config variable to be used for locking
    * @param    \phpbb\config\config                $config            The phpBB configuration
    * @param    \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface    $db                A database connection
public function __construct($config_name, \phpbb\config\config $config, \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface $db)
$this->config_name = $config_name;
$this->config = $config;
$this->db = $db;

    * Tries to acquire the lock by updating
    * the configuration variable in the database.
    * As a lock may only be held by one process at a time, lock
    * acquisition may fail if another process is holding the lock
    * or if another process obtained the lock but never released it.
    * Locks are forcibly released after a timeout of 1 hour.
    * @return    bool            true if lock was acquired
    *                            false otherwise
public function acquire()
        if (

        if (!isset(
$this->config->set($this->config_name, '0', false);
$lock_value = $this->config[$this->config_name];

// make sure lock cannot be acquired by multiple processes
if ($lock_value)
// if the other process is running more than an hour already we have to assume it
            // aborted without cleaning the lock
$time = explode(' ', $lock_value);
$time = $time[0];

            if (
$time + 3600 >= time())

$this->unique_id = time() . ' ' . unique_id();

// try to update the config value, if it was already modified by another
        // process we failed to acquire the lock.
$this->locked = $this->config->set_atomic($this->config_name, $lock_value, $this->unique_id, false);

        if (
$this->locked == true)
            if (
$this->config->ensure_lock($this->config_name, $this->unique_id))

    * Does this process own the lock?
    * @return    bool            true if lock is owned
    *                            false otherwise
public function owns_lock()
        return (bool)

    * Releases the lock.
    * The lock must have been previously obtained, that is, acquire() call
    * was issued and returned true.
    * Note: Attempting to release a lock that is already released,
    * that is, calling release() multiple times, is harmless.
    * @return null
public function release()
        if (
$this->config->set_atomic($this->config_name, $this->unique_id, '0', false);
$this->locked = false;