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 * This file implements the UI controller for the dashboard.
 * b2evolution - {@link}
 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * @package admin
 * @todo add 5 plugin hooks. Will be widgetized later (same as SkinTag became Widgets)
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

// load dashboard functions
load_funcs( 'dashboard/model/_dashboard.funcs.php' );

 * @var User
global $current_User;


if( empty(
$_GET['blog'] ) )
// Use dashboard for selected blog only from GET request
$blog = 0;
$Blog, $Collection );


// Site dashboard
$AdminUI->set_path( 'site', 'dashboard' );

$AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_init( false );
$AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add( TB_('Site'), $admin_url.'?ctrl=dashboard' );
$AdminUI->breadcrumbpath_add( TB_('Site Dashboard'), $admin_url.'?ctrl=dashboard' );

// Set an url for manual page:
$AdminUI->set_page_manual_link( 'site-dashboard' );

// Load jquery UI to animate background color on change comment status and to transfer a comment to recycle bin
require_js_defer( '#jqueryUI#' );

// Load the appropriate blog navigation styles (including calendar, comment forms...):
require_css( $AdminUI->get_template( 'blog_base.css' ) ); // Default styles for the blog navigation
// Colorbox (a lightweight Lightbox alternative) allows to zoom on images and do slideshows with groups of images:
require_js_helper( 'colorbox' );

// Include files to work with charts
require_js_defer( '#easypiechart#' );
require_css( 'ext:jquery/easy-pie-chart/css/jquery.easy-pie-chart.css' );

// Init JS to autcomplete the user logins
init_autocomplete_login_js( 'rsc_url', $AdminUI->get_template( 'autocomplete_plugin' ) );

// Display <html><head>...</head> section! (Note: should be done early if actions do not redirect)

// Display title, menu, messages, etc. (Note: messages MUST be displayed AFTER the actions)

// We're on the GLOBAL tab...

$collection_count = get_table_count( 'T_blogs' );
check_user_perm( 'blogs', 'create' ) && $collection_count === 0 )
// Display welcome panel:
$AdminUI->disp_view( 'collections/views/_welcome_demo_content.view.php' );


 * Administrative tasks

if( check_user_perm( 'options', 'edit' ) )
// We have some serious admin privilege:
     * @var AbstractSettings
global $global_Cache;

// Begin payload block:

'<div class="row browse"><div class="col-lg-12">';

// -- System stats -- //

$chart_data = array();
// Users
$chart_data[] = array(
'title' => TB_('Users'),
'value' => get_table_count( 'T_users' ),
'type'  => 'number',

// Blogs
$chart_data[] = array(
'title' => TB_('Collections'),
'value' => $collection_count,
'type'  => 'number',
$post_all_counter = get_table_count( 'T_items__item' );

// Posts
$chart_data[] = array(
'title' => TB_('Posts'),
'value' => $post_all_counter,
'type'  => 'number',

// Slugs
$chart_data[] = array(
'title' => TB_('Slugs'),
'value' => get_table_count( 'T_slug' ),
'type'  => 'number',
// Comments
$chart_data[] = array(
'title' => TB_('Comments'),
'value' => get_table_count( 'T_comments' ),
'type'  => 'number',

// Files
$chart_data[] = array(
'title' => TB_('Files'),
'value' => get_table_count( 'T_files' ),
'type'  => 'number',

// Conversations
$chart_data[] = array(
'title' => TB_('Conversations'),
'value' => get_table_count( 'T_messaging__thread' ),
'type'  => 'number',

// Messages
$chart_data[] = array(
'title' => TB_('Messages'),
'value' => get_table_count( 'T_messaging__message' ),
'type'  => 'number',

// Email Lists
$chart_data[] = array(
'title' => TB_('Email Lists'),
'value' => get_table_count( 'T_email__newsletter' ),
'type'  => 'number',
'max'   => 20,

// Campaigns
$chart_data[] = array(
'title' => TB_('Campaigns'),
'value' => get_table_count( 'T_email__campaign' ),
'type'  => 'number',
'max'   => 10000,

// Automations
$chart_data[] = array(
'title' => TB_('Automations'),
'value' => get_table_count( 'T_automation__automation' ),
'type'  => 'number',
'max'   => 20,

$stat_item_Widget = new Widget( 'block_item' );

$stat_item_Widget->title = TB_('System metrics');
$stat_item_Widget->disp_template_replaced( 'block_start' );

display_charts( $chart_data );

$stat_item_Widget->disp_template_raw( 'block_end' );

//---- END OF - System stats ----//

$block_item_Widget = new Widget( 'block_item' );

$block_item_Widget->title = TB_('Updates from');
$block_item_Widget->disp_template_replaced( 'block_start' );

// Note: hopefully, the updates will have been downloaded in the shutdown function of a previous page (including the login screen)
    // However if we have outdated info, we will load updates here.

    // Let's clear any remaining messages that should already have been displayed before...

b2evonet_get_updates() !== NULL )
// Updates are allowed, display them:

        // Display info & error messages

$version_status_msg = $global_Cache->getx( 'version_status_msg' );
        if( !empty(
$version_status_msg) )
// We have managed to get updates (right now or in the past):
echo '<p>'.$version_status_msg.'</p>';
$extra_msg = $global_Cache->getx( 'extra_msg' );
            if( !empty(
$extra_msg) )

$block_item_Widget->disp_template_replaced( 'block_end' );

        * DashboardAdminMain to be added here (anyone?)
'<p>Updates from are disabled!</p>';
'<p>You will <b>NOT</b> be alerted if you are running an insecure configuration.</p>';

// Track just the first login into b2evolution to determine how many people installed manually vs automatic installs:
if( $current_User->ID == 1 && $UserSettings->get('first_login') == NULL )
'This is the Admin\'s first ever login.';
'<img src="" alt="" />';
// OK, done. Never do this again from now on:
$UserSettings->set('first_login', $localtimenow ); // We might actually display how long the system has been running somewhere

     * DashboardAdminSide to be added here (anyone?)

echo '</div></div>';

// End payload block:

if( ! empty(
$chart_data ) )
// JavaScript to initialize charts
jQuery( 'document' ).ready( function()
    var chart_params = {
        barColor: function(percent)
            return get_color_by_percent( {r:97, g:189, b:79}, {r:242, g:214, b:0}, {r:255, g:171, b:74}, percent );
        size: 75,
        trackColor: '#eee',
        scaleColor: false,
        lineCap: 'round',
        lineWidth: 6,
        animate: 700
    jQuery( '.chart .number' ).easyPieChart( chart_params );
} );

function get_color_by_percent( color_from, color_middle, color_to, percent )
    function get_color_hex( start_color, end_color )
        num = start_color + Math.round( ( end_color - start_color ) * ( percent / 100 ) );
        num = Math.min( num, 255 ); // not more than 255
        num = Math.max( num, 0 ); // not less than 0
        var str = num.toString( 16 );
        if( str.length < 2 )
            str = "0" + str;
        return str;

    if( percent < 50 )
        color_to = color_middle;
        percent *= 2;
        color_from = color_middle;
        percent = ( percent - 50 ) * 2;

    return "#" +
        get_color_hex( color_from.r, color_to.r ) +
        get_color_hex( color_from.g, color_to.g ) +
        get_color_hex( color_from.b, color_to.b );

// Display body bottom, debug info and close </html>:
