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    <p>This page lists all the users on the system.</p>
    <p>To add (or modify) users' permissions, your password will be required in the <strong>Your password</strong> field.</p>

    <h4>Users list filter</h4>
      <dd>Search is based on the user ID. The <strong>*</strong> wildcard can be used to look only for a part of the user ID.</dd>

      <dt>Order by</dt>
      <dd>The users list can be ordered by their <em>ID</em>, their <em>Last Name</em>, their <em>First Name</em>, their <em>Display Name</em> (nickname) or the <em>Number of Entries</em> they created.</dd>

      <dd>Indicates the sorting method that will be applied to the result list (<em>Ascending</em> or <em>Descending</em>).</dd>

      <dt>Users per page</dt>
      <dd>Sets the number of users displayed in each page of the result list.</dd>

    <h4>Users batch actions</h4>
    <p>It is possible to make a batch of actions on several users at one time.</p>
      <li><strong>Set permissions:</strong> Set permissions for one or more blog(s).</li>
      <li><strong>Delete:</strong> Remove the selected user(s) from the system. A user who created entries cannot be deleted.</li>
    <p>If you decide to set users' permissions, you will be redirected to a new page listing the blogs available on your system. Check the blogs you want to set the permissions on, and press <strong>Set permissions</strong>.</p>

    <h4>Users permissions</h4>
    <p>For each blog, you can set the following permissions:</p>
      <li><strong>Administrator:</strong> Can administrate the blog entirely.</li>
      <li><strong>Manage their own entries and comments:</strong> The user can create entries and manage the comments on entries he created.</li>
      <li><strong>Publish entries and comments:</strong> The user can modify the publication status of his own entries and of his entries' comments.</li>
      <li><strong>Delete entries and comments:</strong> The user can delete his own entries as well as his entries' comments.</li>
      <li><strong>Manage all entries and comments:</strong> The user can manage all the entries of this blog, no matter if he's the author or not.</li>
      <li><strong>Manage categories:</strong> The user can create, modify and delete categories.</li>
      <li><strong>Manage their own media items:</strong> The user can add media items and modifye or delete his own media.</li>
      <li><strong>Manage all media items:</strong> The user can manage the media items from any user.</li>
      <li><strong>Manage pages:</strong> The user can add and modify pages.</li>
      <li><strong>Manage blogroll:</strong> The user can manage the blogroll of the current blog.</li>
    <p>The <strong>Super administrator</strong> status is set in the user profile.</p>