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 * Configuration
 * @package Cotonti
 * @version 0.6.2
 * @author Neocrome, Cotonti Team
 * @copyright Copyright (c) Cotonti Team 2008-2009
 * @license BSD

// ========================
// MySQL database parameters. Change to fit your host.
// ========================

$cfg['mysqlhost'] = 'localhost';    // Database host URL
$cfg['mysqluser'] = 'root';            // Database user
$cfg['mysqlpassword'] = '';            // Database password
$cfg['mysqldb'] = 'cotonti';            // Database name
// MySQL database charset and collate. Very useful when MySQL server uses different charset rather than site
// See the list of valid values here:
$cfg['mysqlcharset'] = 'utf8';
$cfg['mysqlcollate'] = 'utf8_unicode_ci';

// ========================
// Main site URL without trailing slash.
// ========================

$cfg['mainurl'] = 'http://localhost';
$cfg['site_id'] = 'Some unique string specific to your site';
$cfg['secret_key'] = 'Secret key used for authentication, make it unique and keep in secret!';

// ========================
// Default skin and default language
// ========================

$cfg['defaultskin'] = 'sed-light';    // Default skin code. Be SURE it's pointing to a valid folder in /skins/... !!
$cfg['defaulttheme'] = 'sed-light';    // Default theme, only name, not like skinname.css. Be SURE it's pointing to a valid folder in /skins/defaultskin/... !!
$cfg['defaultlang'] = 'en';        // Default language code
$cfg['enablecustomhf'] = FALSE;        // To enable header.$location.tpl and footer.$location.tpl

$cfg['xtpl_cache'] = TRUE;        // Enable XTemplate structure disk cache
$cfg['html_cleanup'] = FALSE;    // Wipe extra spaces and breaks from HTML to get smaller footprint

// ========================
// Default built-in time zone settings
// See
// ========================

// ========================
// More settings
// Should work fine in most of cases.
// If you don't know, don't change.
// TRUE = enabled / FALSE = disabled
// ========================

$cfg['check_updates'] = FALSE;            // Automatically check for updates, set it TRUE to enable

$cfg['sqldb'] = 'mysql';                  // Type of the database engine.
$cfg['redirmode'] = FALSE;                // 0 or 1, Set to '1' if you cannot sucessfully log in (IIS servers)
$cfg['xmlclient'] = FALSE;              // For testing-purposes only, else keep it off.
$cfg['ipcheck'] = TRUE;                  // Will kill the logged-in session if the IP has changed
$cfg['allowphp_override'] = FALSE;         // General lock for execution of the PHP code by the core
$cfg['pfsmaxuploads'] = 8;
$cfg['authcache'] = TRUE;                // Auth cache in SQL tables. Set it FALSE if your huge database
                                        // goes down because of that
$cfg['customfuncs'] = FALSE;            // Includes file named functions.custom.php

// ========================
// Directory paths
// Set it to custom if you want to share
// folders among different hosts.
// ========================
$cfg['av_dir'] = './datas/avatars/';
$cfg['cache_dir'] = './datas/cache';
$cfg['defav_dir'] = './datas/defaultav/';
$cfg['pfs_dir'] = './datas/users/';
$cfg['photos_dir'] = './datas/photos/';
$cfg['plugins_dir'] = './plugins';
$cfg['sig_dir'] = './datas/signatures/';
$cfg['system_dir'] = './system';
$cfg['th_dir'] = './datas/thumbs/';

// ========================
// Directory and file permissions for uploaded files
// and files created with scripts.
// You can set it to values which deliver highest
// security and comfort on your host.
// ========================
$cfg['dir_perms'] = 0777;
$cfg['file_perms'] = 0664;

// ========================
// Important constant switches
// ========================

 * Defines whether to display debugging information on critical errors.
 * Set it TRUE when you experiment with something new.
 * Set it FALSE on production sites.
define('SED_DEBUG', FALSE);
 * Path to debug log file used by functions which dump debug data into it.
 * This file MUST NOT be available to strangers (e.g. via HTTP) or it can
 * compromise your website security. Protect it with .htaccess or use some
 * path accessible to you only via FTP.
define('SED_DEBUG_LOGFILE', '/tmp/cot_debug_'.date("Ymd_His").'.log');

// ========================
// Name of MySQL tables
// (OPTIONAL, if missing, Seditio will set default values)
// Only change the "sed" part if you'd like to
// make 2 separated install in the same database.
// or you'd like to share some tables between 2 sites.
// Else do not change.
// ========================

$db_auth            = 'sed_auth';
$db_banlist         = 'sed_banlist';
$db_bbcode            = 'sed_bbcode';
$db_cache             = 'sed_cache';
$db_com             = 'sed_com';
$db_core            = 'sed_core';
$db_config             = 'sed_config';
$db_forum_posts     = 'sed_forum_posts';
$db_forum_sections     = 'sed_forum_sections';
$db_forum_structure    = 'sed_forum_structure';
$db_forum_topics     = 'sed_forum_topics';
$db_groups             = 'sed_groups';
$db_groups_users     = 'sed_groups_users';
$db_logger             = 'sed_logger';
$db_online             = 'sed_online';
$db_pages             = 'sed_pages';
$db_extra_fields    = 'sed_extra_fields';
$db_pfs             = 'sed_pfs';
$db_pfs_folders     = 'sed_pfs_folders';
$db_plugins         = 'sed_plugins';
$db_pm                 = 'sed_pm';
$db_polls             = 'sed_polls';
$db_polls_options     = 'sed_polls_options';
$db_polls_voters     = 'sed_polls_voters';
$db_rated             = 'sed_rated';
$db_ratings         = 'sed_ratings';
$db_referers         = 'sed_referers';
$db_smilies         = 'sed_smilies';
$db_stats             = 'sed_stats';
$db_structure         = 'sed_structure';
$db_tag_references    = 'sed_tag_references';
$db_tags            = 'sed_tags';
$db_trash             = 'sed_trash';
$db_users             = 'sed_users';

$db_x                = 'sed_'; // Default: sed_, prefix for extra fields' table(s)
