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 * @brief Dotclear metadata class.
 * Dotclear metadata class instance is provided by dcCore $meta property.
 * @package Dotclear
 * @subpackage Core
 * @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
 * @copyright GPL-2.0-only
if (!defined('DC_RC_PATH')) {

$core;  ///< <b>dcCore</b> dcCore instance
private $con;   ///< <b>connection</b>    Database connection object
private $table; ///< <b>string</b> Media table name

     * Constructs a new instance.
     * @param      dcCore  $core   The core
public function __construct(dcCore $core)
$this->core  = &$core;
$this->con   = &$this->core->con;
$this->table = $this->core->prefix . 'meta';

     * Splits up comma-separated values into an array of
     * unique, URL-proof metadata values.
     * @param      string  $str    Comma-separated metadata
     * @return     array  The array of sanitized metadata
public function splitMetaValues($str)
$res = [];
        foreach (
explode(',', $str) as $i => $tag) {
$tag = trim((string) $tag);
$tag = self::sanitizeMetaID($tag);

            if (
$tag != false) {
$res[$i] = $tag;


     * Make a metadata ID URL-proof.
     * @param      string  $str    The metadata ID
     * @return     string
public static function sanitizeMetaID($str)
text::tidyURL($str, false, true);

     * Converts serialized metadata (for instance in dc_post post_meta)
     * into a meta array.
     * @param      string  $str    The serialized metadata
     * @return     array   The meta array.
public function getMetaArray($str)
$meta = @unserialize((string) $str);

        if (!
is_array($meta)) {
            return [];


     * Converts serialized metadata (for instance in dc_post post_meta)
     * into a comma-separated meta list for a given type.
     * @param      string  $str    The serialized metadata
     * @param      string  $type   The meta type to retrieve metaIDs from
     * @return     string  The comma-separated list of meta.
public function getMetaStr($str, $type)
$meta = $this->getMetaArray($str);

        if (!isset(
$meta[$type])) {

implode(', ', $meta[$type]);

     * Converts serialized metadata (for instance in dc_post post_meta)
     * into a "fetchable" metadata record.
     * @param      string  $str    The serialized metadata
     * @param      string  $type   The meta type to retrieve metaIDs from
     * @return     staticRecord  The meta recordset.
public function getMetaRecordset($str, $type)
$meta = $this->getMetaArray($str);
$data = [];

        if (isset(
$meta[$type])) {
            foreach (
$meta[$type] as $v) {
$data[] = [
'meta_id'       => $v,
'meta_type'     => $type,
'meta_id_lower' => mb_strtolower($v),
'count'         => 0,
'percent'       => 0,
'roundpercent'  => 0,


     * Checks whether the current user is allowed to change post meta
     * An exception is thrown if user is not allowed.
     * @param      mixed     $post_id  The post identifier
     * @throws     Exception
private function checkPermissionsOnPost($post_id)
$post_id = (int) $post_id;

        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('usage,contentadmin', $this->core->blog->id)) {
            throw new
Exception(__('You are not allowed to change this entry status'));

# If user can only publish, we need to check the post's owner
if (!$this->core->auth->check('contentadmin', $this->core->blog->id)) {
$sql = new dcSelectStatement($this->core, 'dcMetaCheckPermissionsOnPost');
->from($sql->core->prefix . 'post')
where('post_id = ' . $post_id)
and('user_id = ' . $sql->quote($this->core->auth->userID(), true));

$rs = $sql->select();

            if (
$rs->isEmpty()) {
                throw new
Exception(__('You are not allowed to change this entry status'));

     * Updates serialized post_meta information with dc_meta table information.
     * @param      mixed  $post_id  The post identifier
private function updatePostMeta($post_id)
$post_id = (int) $post_id;

$sql = new dcSelectStatement($this->core, 'dcMetaUpdatePostMeta');
where('post_id = ' . $post_id);

$rs = $sql->select();

$meta = [];
        while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$meta[$rs->meta_type][] = $rs->meta_id;

$post_meta = serialize($meta);

$cur            = $this->con->openCursor($this->core->prefix . 'post');
$cur->post_meta = $post_meta;

$sql = new dcUpdateStatement($this->core, 'dcMetaUpdatePostMeta');
$sql->where('post_id = ' . $post_id);



     * Retrieves posts corresponding to given meta criteria.
     * <b>$params</b> is an array taking the following optional parameters:
     * - meta_id : get posts having meta id
     * - meta_type : get posts having meta type
     * @param      array                    $params      The parameters
     * @param      bool                     $count_only  Only count results
     * @param      dcSelectStatement|null   $sql         Optional dcSqlStatement instance
     * @return     mixed   The resulting posts record.
public function getPostsByMeta($params = [], $count_only = false, ?dcSelectStatement $sql = null)
        if (!isset(
$params['meta_id'])) {

        if (!
$sql) {
$sql = new dcSelectStatement($this->core, 'dcMetaGetPostsByMeta');

->from($this->table . ' META')
and('META.post_id = P.post_id')
and('META.meta_id = ' . $sql->quote($params['meta_id'], true));

        if (!empty(
$params['meta_type'])) {
$sql->and('META.meta_type = ' . $sql->quote($params['meta_type'], true));



$this->core->blog->getPosts($params, $count_only, $sql);

     * Retrieves comments corresponding to given meta criteria.
     * <b>$params</b> is an array taking the following optional parameters:
     * - meta_id : get posts having meta id
     * - meta_type : get posts having meta type
     * @param      array                    $params      The parameters
     * @param      bool                     $count_only  Only count results
     * @param      dcSelectStatement|null   $sql         Optional dcSqlStatement instance
     * @return     mixed   The resulting comments record.
public function getCommentsByMeta($params = [], $count_only = false, ?dcSelectStatement $sql = null)
        if (!isset(
$params['meta_id'])) {

        if (!
$sql) {
$sql = new dcSelectStatement($this->core, 'dcMetaGetPostsByMeta');

->from($this->table . ' META')
and('META.post_id = P.post_id')
and('META.meta_id = ' . $sql->quote($params['meta_id'], true));

        if (!empty(
$params['meta_type'])) {
$sql->and('META.meta_type = ' . $sql->quote($params['meta_type'], true));


$this->core->blog->getComments($params, $count_only, $sql);

     * Generic-purpose metadata retrieval : gets metadatas according to given
     * criteria. <b>$params</b> is an array taking the following
     * optionnal parameters:
     * - type: get metas having the given type
     * - meta_id: if not null, get metas having the given id
     * - post_id: get metas for the given post id
     * - limit: number of max fetched metas
     * - order: results order (default : posts count DESC)
     * @param      array                    $params      The parameters
     * @param      bool                     $count_only  Only counts results
     * @param      dcSelectStatement|null   $sql         Optional dcSqlStatement instance
     * @return     record  The metadata.
public function getMetadata($params = [], $count_only = false, ?dcSelectStatement $sql = null)
        if (!
$sql) {
$sql = new dcSelectStatement($this->core, 'dcMetaGetMetadata');

        if (
$count_only) {
        } else {
$sql->count('M.post_id', 'count'),
$sql->max('P.post_dt', 'latest'),
$sql->min('P.post_dt', 'oldest'),

->from($this->table . ' M')
dcJoinStatement($this->core, 'dcMetaGetMetadata'))
from($sql->core->prefix . 'post P')
on('M.post_id = P.post_id')
where('P.blog_id = ' . $sql->quote($this->core->blog->id, true));

        if (isset(
$params['meta_type'])) {
$sql->and('meta_type = ' . $sql->quote($params['meta_type'], true));

        if (isset(
$params['meta_id'])) {
$sql->and('meta_id = ' . $sql->quote($params['meta_id'], true));

        if (isset(
$params['post_id'])) {
$sql->and('P.post_id' . $sql->in($params['post_id']));

        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('contentadmin', $this->core->blog->id)) {
$user_id = $this->core->auth->userID();

$and = ['post_status = 1'];
            if (
$this->core->blog->without_password) {
$and[] = 'post_password IS NULL';

$or = [$sql->andGroup($and)];
            if (
$user_id) {
$or[] = 'P.user_id = ' . $sql->quote($user_id, true);

        if (!
$count_only) {
            if (!isset(
$params['order'])) {
$params['order'] = 'count DESC';


            if (isset(
$params['limit'])) {

$rs = $sql->select();


     * Computes statistics from a metadata recordset.
     * Each record gets enriched with lowercase name, percent and roundpercent columns
     * @param      record  $rs     The metadata recordset
     * @return     staticRecord  The meta statistics.
public function computeMetaStats($rs)
$rs_static = $rs->toStatic();

$max = [];
        while (
$rs_static->fetch()) {
$type = $rs_static->meta_type;
            if (!isset(
$max[$type])) {
$max[$type] = $rs_static->count;
            } else {
                if (
$rs_static->count > $max[$type]) {
$max[$type] = $rs_static->count;

        while (
$rs_static->fetch()) {   // @phpstan-ignore-line
$rs_static->set('meta_id_lower', dcUtils::removeDiacritics(mb_strtolower($rs_static->meta_id)));

$percent = ((int) $rs_static->count) * 100 / $max[$rs_static->meta_type];

$rs_static->set('percent', (int) round($percent));
$rs_static->set('roundpercent', round($percent / 10) * 10);


     * Adds a metadata to a post.
     * @param      mixed   $post_id  The post identifier
     * @param      mixed   $type     The type
     * @param      mixed   $value    The value
public function setPostMeta($post_id, $type, $value)

$value = trim((string) $value);
        if (
$value === '') {

$cur = $this->con->openCursor($this->table);

$cur->post_id   = (int) $post_id;
$cur->meta_id   = (string) $value;
$cur->meta_type = (string) $type;

$this->updatePostMeta((int) $post_id);

     * Removes metadata from a post.
     * @param      mixed   $post_id  The post identifier
     * @param      mixed   $type     The meta type (if null, delete all types)
     * @param      mixed   $meta_id  The meta identifier (if null, delete all values)
public function delPostMeta($post_id, $type = null, $meta_id = null)
$post_id = (int) $post_id;


$sql = new dcDeleteStatement($this->core, 'dcMetaDelPostMeta');
where('post_id = ' . $post_id);

        if (
$type !== null) {
$sql->and('meta_type = ' . $sql->quote($type, true));

        if (
$meta_id !== null) {
$sql->and('meta_id = ' . $sql->quote($meta_id, true));


$this->updatePostMeta((int) $post_id);

     * Mass updates metadata for a given post_type.
     * @param      string  $meta_id      The old meta value
     * @param      string  $new_meta_id  The new meta value
     * @param      mixed   $type         The type (if null, select all types)
     * @param      mixed   $post_type    The post type (if null, select all types)
     * @return     bool   true if at least 1 post has been impacted
public function updateMeta($meta_id, $new_meta_id, $type = null, $post_type = null)
$new_meta_id = self::sanitizeMetaID($new_meta_id);

        if (
$new_meta_id == $meta_id) {

$sql = new dcSelectStatement($this->core, 'dcMetaUpdateMeta');
$this->table . ' M',
$sql->core->prefix . 'post P',
where('P.post_id = M.post_id')
and('P.blog_id = ' . $sql->quote($this->core->blog->id, true));

        if (!
$this->core->auth->check('contentadmin', $this->core->blog->id)) {
$sql->and('P.user_id = ' . $sql->quote($this->core->auth->userID(), true));
        if (
$post_type !== null) {
$sql->and('P.post_type = ' . $sql->quote($post_type, true));

        if (
$type !== null) {
$sql->and('meta_type = ' . $sql->quote($type, true));

$to_update = $to_remove = [];

// Clone $sql object in order to do the same select query but with another meta_id
$sqlNew = clone $sql;

$sql->and('meta_id = ' . $sql->quote($meta_id, true));

$rs = $sql->select();

        while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$to_update[] = $rs->post_id;

        if (empty(
$to_update)) {

$sqlNew->and('meta_id = ' . $sqlNew->quote($new_meta_id, true));

$rs = $sqlNew->select();

        while (
$rs->fetch()) {
            if (
in_array($rs->post_id, $to_update)) {
$to_remove[] = $rs->post_id;
$to_update[array_search($rs->post_id, $to_update)]);

# Delete duplicate meta
if (!empty($to_remove)) {
$sqlDel = new dcDeleteStatement($this->core, 'dcMetaUpdateMeta');
where('post_id' . $sqlDel->in($to_remove, 'int'))      // Note: will cast all values to integer
->and('meta_id = ' . $sqlDel->quote($meta_id, true));

            if (
$type !== null) {
$sqlDel->and('meta_type = ' . $sqlDel->quote($type, true));


            foreach (
$to_remove as $post_id) {

# Update meta
if (!empty($to_update)) {
$sqlUpd = new dcUpdateStatement($this->core, 'dcMetaUpdateMeta');
set('meta_id = ' . $sqlUpd->quote($new_meta_id, true))
where('post_id' . $sqlUpd->in($to_update, 'int'))     // Note: will cast all values to integer
->and('meta_id = ' . $sqlUpd->quote($meta_id, true));

            if (
$type !== null) {
$sqlUpd->and('meta_type = ' . $sqlUpd->quote($type, true));


            foreach (
$to_update as $post_id) {


     * Mass delete metadata for a given post_type.
     * @param      string  $meta_id    The meta identifier
     * @param      mixed   $type       The meta type (if null, select all types)
     * @param      mixed   $post_type  The post type (if null, select all types)
     * @return     array   The list of impacted post_ids
public function delMeta($meta_id, $type = null, $post_type = null)
$sql = new dcSelectStatement($this->core, 'dcMetaDelMeta');
$this->table . ' M',
$sql->core->prefix . 'post P',
where('P.post_id = M.post_id')
and('P.blog_id = ' . $sql->quote($this->core->blog->id, true))
and('meta_id = ' . $sql->quote($meta_id, true));

        if (
$type !== null) {
$sql->and('meta_type = ' . $sql->quote($type, true));

        if (
$post_type !== null) {
$sql->and('P.post_type = ' . $sql->quote($post_type, true));

$rs = $sql->select();

        if (
$rs->isEmpty()) {
            return [];

$ids = [];
        while (
$rs->fetch()) {
$ids[] = $rs->post_id;

$sql = new dcDeleteStatement($this->core, 'dcMetaDelMeta');
where('post_id' . $sql->in($ids, 'int'))
and('meta_id = ' . $sql->quote($meta_id, true));

        if (
$type !== null) {
$sql->and('meta_type = ' . $sql->quote($type, true));


        foreach (
$ids as $post_id) {
