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 * HTTP API: WP_Http_Encoding class
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage HTTP
 * @since 4.4.0

 * Core class used to implement deflate and gzip transfer encoding support for HTTP requests.
 * Includes RFC 1950, RFC 1951, and RFC 1952.
 * @since 2.8.0
class WP_Http_Encoding {

     * Compress raw string using the deflate format.
     * Supports the RFC 1951 standard.
     * @since 2.8.0
     * @param string $raw      String to compress.
     * @param int    $level    Optional. Compression level, 9 is highest. Default 9.
     * @param string $supports Optional, not used. When implemented it will choose
     *                         the right compression based on what the server supports.
     * @return string|false Compressed string on success, false on failure.
public static function compress( $raw, $level = 9, $supports = null ) {
gzdeflate( $raw, $level );

     * Decompression of deflated string.
     * Will attempt to decompress using the RFC 1950 standard, and if that fails
     * then the RFC 1951 standard deflate will be attempted. Finally, the RFC
     * 1952 standard gzip decode will be attempted. If all fail, then the
     * original compressed string will be returned.
     * @since 2.8.0
     * @param string $compressed String to decompress.
     * @param int    $length     The optional length of the compressed data.
     * @return string|false Decompressed string on success, false on failure.
public static function decompress( $compressed, $length = null ) {

        if ( empty(
$compressed ) ) {

$decompressed = @gzinflate( $compressed );
        if (
false !== $decompressed ) {

$decompressed = self::compatible_gzinflate( $compressed );
        if (
false !== $decompressed ) {

$decompressed = @gzuncompress( $compressed );
        if (
false !== $decompressed ) {

        if (
function_exists( 'gzdecode' ) ) {
$decompressed = @gzdecode( $compressed );

            if (
false !== $decompressed ) {


     * Decompression of deflated string while staying compatible with the majority of servers.
     * Certain Servers will return deflated data with headers which PHP's gzinflate()
     * function cannot handle out of the box. The following function has been created from
     * various snippets on the gzinflate() PHP documentation.
     * Warning: Magic numbers within. Due to the potential different formats that the compressed
     * data may be returned in, some "magic offsets" are needed to ensure proper decompression
     * takes place. For a simple pragmatic way to determine the magic offset in use, see:
     * @since 2.8.1
     * @link
     * @link
     * @link
     * @param string $gz_data String to decompress.
     * @return string|false Decompressed string on success, false on failure.
public static function compatible_gzinflate( $gz_data ) {

// Compressed data might contain a full header, if so strip it for gzinflate().
if ( "\x1f\x8b\x08" === substr( $gz_data, 0, 3 ) ) {
$i   = 10;
$flg = ord( substr( $gz_data, 3, 1 ) );
            if (
$flg > 0 ) {
                if (
$flg & 4 ) {
$xlen) = unpack( 'v', substr( $gz_data, $i, 2 ) );
$i          = $i + 2 + $xlen;
                if (
$flg & 8 ) {
$i = strpos( $gz_data, "\0", $i ) + 1;
                if (
$flg & 16 ) {
$i = strpos( $gz_data, "\0", $i ) + 1;
                if (
$flg & 2 ) {
$i = $i + 2;
$decompressed = @gzinflate( substr( $gz_data, $i, -8 ) );
            if (
false !== $decompressed ) {

// Compressed data from amongst others.
$decompressed = @gzinflate( substr( $gz_data, 2 ) );
        if (
false !== $decompressed ) {


     * What encoding types to accept and their priority values.
     * @since 2.8.0
     * @param string $url
     * @param array  $args
     * @return string Types of encoding to accept.
public static function accept_encoding( $url, $args ) {
$type                = array();
$compression_enabled = self::is_available();

        if ( !
$args['decompress'] ) { // Decompression specifically disabled.
$compression_enabled = false;
        } elseif (
$args['stream'] ) { // Disable when streaming to file.
$compression_enabled = false;
        } elseif ( isset(
$args['limit_response_size'] ) ) { // If only partial content is being requested, we won't be able to decompress it.
$compression_enabled = false;

        if (
$compression_enabled ) {
            if (
function_exists( 'gzinflate' ) ) {
$type[] = 'deflate;q=1.0';

            if (
function_exists( 'gzuncompress' ) ) {
$type[] = 'compress;q=0.5';

            if (
function_exists( 'gzdecode' ) ) {
$type[] = 'gzip;q=0.5';

         * Filters the allowed encoding types.
         * @since 3.6.0
         * @param string[] $type Array of what encoding types to accept and their priority values.
         * @param string   $url  URL of the HTTP request.
         * @param array    $args HTTP request arguments.
$type = apply_filters( 'wp_http_accept_encoding', $type, $url, $args );

implode( ', ', $type );

     * What encoding the content used when it was compressed to send in the headers.
     * @since 2.8.0
     * @return string Content-Encoding string to send in the header.
public static function content_encoding() {

     * Whether the content be decoded based on the headers.
     * @since 2.8.0
     * @param array|string $headers All of the available headers.
     * @return bool
public static function should_decode( $headers ) {
        if (
is_array( $headers ) ) {
            if (
array_key_exists( 'content-encoding', $headers ) && ! empty( $headers['content-encoding'] ) ) {
        } elseif (
is_string( $headers ) ) {
            return (
stripos( $headers, 'content-encoding:' ) !== false );


     * Whether decompression and compression are supported by the PHP version.
     * Each function is tested instead of checking for the zlib extension, to
     * ensure that the functions all exist in the PHP version and aren't
     * disabled.
     * @since 2.8.0
     * @return bool
public static function is_available() {
        return (
function_exists( 'gzuncompress' ) || function_exists( 'gzdeflate' ) || function_exists( 'gzinflate' ) );