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 * Upgrade API: Core_Upgrader class
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Upgrader
 * @since 4.6.0

 * Core class used for updating core.
 * It allows for WordPress to upgrade itself in combination with
 * the wp-admin/includes/update-core.php file.
 * @since 2.8.0
 * @since 4.6.0 Moved to its own file from wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php.
 * @see WP_Upgrader
class Core_Upgrader extends WP_Upgrader {

     * Initialize the upgrade strings.
     * @since 2.8.0
public function upgrade_strings() {
$this->strings['up_to_date'] = __( 'WordPress is at the latest version.' );
$this->strings['locked']     = __( 'Another update is currently in progress.' );
$this->strings['no_package'] = __( 'Update package not available.' );
/* translators: %s: Package URL. */
$this->strings['downloading_package']   = sprintf( __( 'Downloading update from %s&#8230;' ), '<span class="code">%s</span>' );
$this->strings['unpack_package']        = __( 'Unpacking the update&#8230;' );
$this->strings['copy_failed']           = __( 'Could not copy files.' );
$this->strings['copy_failed_space']     = __( 'Could not copy files. You may have run out of disk space.' );
$this->strings['start_rollback']        = __( 'Attempting to roll back to previous version.' );
$this->strings['rollback_was_required'] = __( 'Due to an error during updating, WordPress has rolled back to your previous version.' );

     * Upgrade WordPress core.
     * @since 2.8.0
     * @global WP_Filesystem_Base $wp_filesystem                WordPress filesystem subclass.
     * @global callable           $_wp_filesystem_direct_method
     * @param object $current Response object for whether WordPress is current.
     * @param array  $args {
     *     Optional. Arguments for upgrading WordPress core. Default empty array.
     *     @type bool $pre_check_md5    Whether to check the file checksums before
     *                                  attempting the upgrade. Default true.
     *     @type bool $attempt_rollback Whether to attempt to rollback the chances if
     *                                  there is a problem. Default false.
     *     @type bool $do_rollback      Whether to perform this "upgrade" as a rollback.
     *                                  Default false.
     * }
     * @return string|false|WP_Error New WordPress version on success, false or WP_Error on failure.
public function upgrade( $current, $args = array() ) {

ABSPATH . WPINC . '/version.php'; // $wp_version;

$start_time = time();

$defaults    = array(
'pre_check_md5'                => true,
'attempt_rollback'             => false,
'do_rollback'                  => false,
'allow_relaxed_file_ownership' => false,
$parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );


// Is an update available?
if ( ! isset( $current->response ) || 'latest' === $current->response ) {
            return new
WP_Error( 'up_to_date', $this->strings['up_to_date'] );

$res = $this->fs_connect( array( ABSPATH, WP_CONTENT_DIR ), $parsed_args['allow_relaxed_file_ownership'] );
        if ( !
$res || is_wp_error( $res ) ) {

$wp_dir = trailingslashit( $wp_filesystem->abspath() );

$partial = true;
        if (
$parsed_args['do_rollback'] ) {
$partial = false;
        } elseif (
$parsed_args['pre_check_md5'] && ! $this->check_files() ) {
$partial = false;

         * If partial update is returned from the API, use that, unless we're doing
         * a reinstallation. If we cross the new_bundled version number, then use
         * the new_bundled zip. Don't though if the constant is set to skip bundled items.
         * If the API returns a no_content zip, go with it. Finally, default to the full zip.
if ( $parsed_args['do_rollback'] && $current->packages->rollback ) {
$to_download = 'rollback';
        } elseif (
$current->packages->partial && 'reinstall' !== $current->response && $wp_version === $current->partial_version && $partial ) {
$to_download = 'partial';
        } elseif (
$current->packages->new_bundled && version_compare( $wp_version, $current->new_bundled, '<' )
            && ( !
$to_download = 'new_bundled';
        } elseif (
$current->packages->no_content ) {
$to_download = 'no_content';
        } else {
$to_download = 'full';

// Lock to prevent multiple Core Updates occurring.
$lock = WP_Upgrader::create_lock( 'core_updater', 15 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS );
        if ( !
$lock ) {
            return new
WP_Error( 'locked', $this->strings['locked'] );

$download = $this->download_package( $current->packages->$to_download, true );

// Allow for signature soft-fail.
        // WARNING: This may be removed in the future.
if ( is_wp_error( $download ) && $download->get_error_data( 'softfail-filename' ) ) {
// Output the failure error as a normal feedback, and not as an error:
            /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/update-core.php */
apply_filters( 'update_feedback', $download->get_error_message() );

// Report this failure back to for debugging purposes.
'signature_failure_code' => $download->get_error_code(),
'signature_failure_data' => $download->get_error_data(),

// Pretend this error didn't happen.
$download = $download->get_error_data( 'softfail-filename' );

        if (
is_wp_error( $download ) ) {
WP_Upgrader::release_lock( 'core_updater' );

$working_dir = $this->unpack_package( $download );
        if (
is_wp_error( $working_dir ) ) {
WP_Upgrader::release_lock( 'core_updater' );

// Copy update-core.php from the new version into place.
if ( ! $wp_filesystem->copy( $working_dir . '/wordpress/wp-admin/includes/update-core.php', $wp_dir . 'wp-admin/includes/update-core.php', true ) ) {
$wp_filesystem->delete( $working_dir, true );
WP_Upgrader::release_lock( 'core_updater' );
            return new
WP_Error( 'copy_failed_for_update_core_file', __( 'The update cannot be installed because some files could not be copied. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.' ), 'wp-admin/includes/update-core.php' );
$wp_filesystem->chmod( $wp_dir . 'wp-admin/includes/update-core.php', FS_CHMOD_FILE );

wp_opcache_invalidate( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/update-core.php' );
ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/update-core.php';

        if ( !
function_exists( 'update_core' ) ) {
WP_Upgrader::release_lock( 'core_updater' );
            return new
WP_Error( 'copy_failed_space', $this->strings['copy_failed_space'] );

$result = update_core( $working_dir, $wp_dir );

// In the event of an issue, we may be able to roll back.
if ( $parsed_args['attempt_rollback'] && $current->packages->rollback && ! $parsed_args['do_rollback'] ) {
$try_rollback = false;
            if (
is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
$error_code = $result->get_error_code();
                 * Not all errors are equal. These codes are critical: copy_failed__copy_dir,
                 * mkdir_failed__copy_dir, copy_failed__copy_dir_retry, and disk_full.
                 * do_rollback allows for update_core() to trigger a rollback if needed.
if ( false !== strpos( $error_code, 'do_rollback' ) ) {
$try_rollback = true;
                } elseif (
false !== strpos( $error_code, '__copy_dir' ) ) {
$try_rollback = true;
                } elseif (
'disk_full' === $error_code ) {
$try_rollback = true;

            if (
$try_rollback ) {
/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/update-core.php */
apply_filters( 'update_feedback', $result );

/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/update-core.php */
apply_filters( 'update_feedback', $this->strings['start_rollback'] );

$rollback_result = $this->upgrade( $current, array_merge( $parsed_args, array( 'do_rollback' => true ) ) );

$original_result = $result;
$result          = new WP_Error(
                    (object) array(
'update'   => $original_result,
'rollback' => $rollback_result,

/** This action is documented in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php */
'action' => 'update',
'type'   => 'core',

// Clear the current updates.
delete_site_transient( 'update_core' );

        if ( !
$parsed_args['do_rollback'] ) {
$stats = array(
'update_type'      => $current->response,
'success'          => true,
'fs_method'        => $wp_filesystem->method,
'fs_method_forced' => defined( 'FS_METHOD' ) || has_filter( 'filesystem_method' ),
'fs_method_direct' => ! empty( $GLOBALS['_wp_filesystem_direct_method'] ) ? $GLOBALS['_wp_filesystem_direct_method'] : '',
'time_taken'       => time() - $start_time,
'reported'         => $wp_version,
'attempted'        => $current->version,

            if (
is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
$stats['success'] = false;
// Did a rollback occur?
if ( ! empty( $try_rollback ) ) {
$stats['error_code'] = $original_result->get_error_code();
$stats['error_data'] = $original_result->get_error_data();
// Was the rollback successful? If not, collect its error too.
$stats['rollback'] = ! is_wp_error( $rollback_result );
                    if (
is_wp_error( $rollback_result ) ) {
$stats['rollback_code'] = $rollback_result->get_error_code();
$stats['rollback_data'] = $rollback_result->get_error_data();
                } else {
$stats['error_code'] = $result->get_error_code();
$stats['error_data'] = $result->get_error_data();

wp_version_check( $stats );

WP_Upgrader::release_lock( 'core_updater' );


     * Determines if this WordPress Core version should update to an offered version or not.
     * @since 3.7.0
     * @param string $offered_ver The offered version, of the format x.y.z.
     * @return bool True if we should update to the offered version, otherwise false.
public static function should_update_to_version( $offered_ver ) {
ABSPATH . WPINC . '/version.php'; // $wp_version; // x.y.z

$current_branch = implode( '.', array_slice( preg_split( '/[.-]/', $wp_version ), 0, 2 ) ); // x.y
$new_branch     = implode( '.', array_slice( preg_split( '/[.-]/', $offered_ver ), 0, 2 ) ); // x.y

$current_is_development_version = (bool) strpos( $wp_version, '-' );

// Defaults:
$upgrade_dev   = get_site_option( 'auto_update_core_dev', 'enabled' ) === 'enabled';
$upgrade_minor = get_site_option( 'auto_update_core_minor', 'enabled' ) === 'enabled';
$upgrade_major = get_site_option( 'auto_update_core_major', 'unset' ) === 'enabled';

// WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE = true (all), 'beta', 'rc', 'development', 'branch-development', 'minor', false.
if ( defined( 'WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE' ) ) {
            if (
false === WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE ) {
// Defaults to turned off, unless a filter allows it.
$upgrade_dev   = false;
$upgrade_minor = false;
$upgrade_major = false;
            } elseif (
|| in_array( WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE, array( 'beta', 'rc', 'development', 'branch-development' ), true )
            ) {
// ALL updates for core.
$upgrade_dev   = true;
$upgrade_minor = true;
$upgrade_major = true;
            } elseif (
'minor' === WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE ) {
// Only minor updates for core.
$upgrade_dev   = false;
$upgrade_minor = true;
$upgrade_major = false;

// 1: If we're already on that version, not much point in updating?
if ( $offered_ver === $wp_version ) {

// 2: If we're running a newer version, that's a nope.
if ( version_compare( $wp_version, $offered_ver, '>' ) ) {

$failure_data = get_site_option( 'auto_core_update_failed' );
        if (
$failure_data ) {
// If this was a critical update failure, cannot update.
if ( ! empty( $failure_data['critical'] ) ) {

// Don't claim we can update on update-core.php if we have a non-critical failure logged.
if ( $wp_version === $failure_data['current'] && false !== strpos( $offered_ver, '' ) ) {

             * Cannot update if we're retrying the same A to B update that caused a non-critical failure.
             * Some non-critical failures do allow retries, like download_failed.
             * 3.7.1 => 3.7.2 resulted in files_not_writable, if we are still on 3.7.1 and still trying to update to 3.7.2.
if ( empty( $failure_data['retry'] ) && $wp_version === $failure_data['current'] && $offered_ver === $failure_data['attempted'] ) {

// 3: 3.7-alpha-25000 -> 3.7-alpha-25678 -> 3.7-beta1 -> 3.7-beta2.
if ( $current_is_development_version ) {

             * Filters whether to enable automatic core updates for development versions.
             * @since 3.7.0
             * @param bool $upgrade_dev Whether to enable automatic updates for
             *                          development versions.
if ( ! apply_filters( 'allow_dev_auto_core_updates', $upgrade_dev ) ) {
// Else fall through to minor + major branches below.

// 4: Minor in-branch updates (3.7.0 -> 3.7.1 -> 3.7.2 -> 3.7.4).
if ( $current_branch === $new_branch ) {

             * Filters whether to enable minor automatic core updates.
             * @since 3.7.0
             * @param bool $upgrade_minor Whether to enable minor automatic core updates.
return apply_filters( 'allow_minor_auto_core_updates', $upgrade_minor );

// 5: Major version updates (3.7.0 -> 3.8.0 -> 3.9.1).
if ( version_compare( $new_branch, $current_branch, '>' ) ) {

             * Filters whether to enable major automatic core updates.
             * @since 3.7.0
             * @param bool $upgrade_major Whether to enable major automatic core updates.
return apply_filters( 'allow_major_auto_core_updates', $upgrade_major );

// If we're not sure, we don't want it.
return false;

     * Compare the disk file checksums against the expected checksums.
     * @since 3.7.0
     * @global string $wp_version       The WordPress version string.
     * @global string $wp_local_package Locale code of the package.
     * @return bool True if the checksums match, otherwise false.
public function check_files() {
$wp_version, $wp_local_package;

$checksums = get_core_checksums( $wp_version, isset( $wp_local_package ) ? $wp_local_package : 'en_US' );

        if ( !
is_array( $checksums ) ) {

        foreach (
$checksums as $file => $checksum ) {
// Skip files which get updated.
if ( 'wp-content' === substr( $file, 0, 10 ) ) {
            if ( !
file_exists( ABSPATH . $file ) || md5_file( ABSPATH . $file ) !== $checksum ) {
