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 * Server communication functions - widgets javascript interface
 * This file contains JS code to work with collection widgets in back-office:
 *    - Add new widget in list
 *    - Sort widgets in list by drag and drop
 *    - Edit widget in modal window
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @author yabs -

 * @TODO yabs > finish docs

 * @internal string current_widgets
 * holds the list of current widgets
var current_widgets = '';

 * @internal object reorder_widgets_queue
 * re-order requests timer object
var reorder_widgets_queue;

 * @internal integer reorder_delay
 * time, in milliseconds, to buffer requests for
 * Does not work when set to 0 or even 20 !!
var reorder_delay = 200;

 * @internal integer reorder_delay_remaining
 * time in milliseconds before the request is sent
var reorder_delay_remaining = 0;

 * Init()
 * Activates the new interface if javascript enabled
jQuery(document).ready( function()
if( typeof( b2evo_widgets_init ) != 'undefined' && b2evo_widgets_init === false )
{ // Don't initialize widgets if it is special forced to stop it:

// Make widget rows drag and drop:
makeDragnDrop( '.draggable_widget' );

// make container title droppable -- fp> This works but gives no visual feedback. It would actually be cool to drop 'after' the current line in which case dropping on the title would make sense
jQuery( '.fieldset_title' ).each( function()
jQuery( this ).droppable(
accept: ".draggable_widget", // classname of objects that can be dropped
hoverClass: "droppable-hover", // classname when object is over this one
greedy: true, // stops propogation if over more than one
tolerance : "pointer", // droppable active when cursor over
delay: 1000,
drop: function(ev, ui)
{ // function called when object dropped
jQuery( ".fade_me" ).removeClass( "fade_me" ); // remove any existing fades
jQuery( '.available_widgets' ).removeClass( 'available_widgets_active' ); // close any open windows

jQuery( ui.draggable ).prependTo( jQuery( '#container_' + jQuery( this ).find( '.container_name' ).data( 'wico_id' ) ) ); // add the dragged widget to this container
jQuery( ui.draggable ).addClass( "fade_me server_update" ); // add fade class
jQuery( ui.draggable ).droppable( "enable" ); // enable dropping if disabled
doFade( ".fade_me" ); // fade the widget
sendWidgetOrder(); // send the new order to the server

// disable dropping on empty containers:
jQuery( '.no-drop .draggable_widget').droppable( "disable" );
jQuery( '.draggable_widget' ).bind( 'mousedown', function()
{ // hide any available widgets panes
if( !jQuery( this ).hasClass( 'new_widget' ) )
{ // we're dragging a current widget, close any open "available widgets" screens
jQuery( '.available_widgets_active' ).removeClass( 'available_widgets_active' );

colourWidgets(); // add odd/even classes to widgets

convertAvailableList(); // converts available widgets list to something we can work with

current_widgets = getWidgetOrder(); // save current widget order

doFade( '.evo_highlight' );// highlight any changed widgets

// Actions for buttons to select several widgets to activate/deactivate them by one action
jQuery( '#widget_button_check_all' ).click( function()
jQuery( this ).closest( 'form' ).find( 'input[type=checkbox]:enabled' ).prop( 'checked', true );
} );
jQuery( '#widget_button_uncheck_all' ).click( function()
jQuery( this ).closest( 'form' ).find( 'input[type=checkbox]' ).prop( 'checked', false );
} );
jQuery( '#widget_button_check_active' ).click( function()
jQuery( this ).closest( 'form' ).find( '.widget_checkbox.widget_checkbox_enabled input[type=checkbox]:enabled' ).prop( 'checked', true );
jQuery( this ).closest( 'form' ).find( '.widget_checkbox:not(.widget_checkbox_enabled) input[type=checkbox]' ).prop( 'checked', false );
} );
jQuery( '#widget_button_check_inactive' ).click( function()
jQuery( this ).closest( 'form' ).find( '.widget_checkbox.widget_checkbox_enabled input[type=checkbox]' ).prop( 'checked', false );
jQuery( this ).closest( 'form' ).find( '.widget_checkbox:not(.widget_checkbox_enabled) input[type=checkbox]:enabled' ).prop( 'checked', true );
} );

// Close widget settings or available widgets popup windows if Escape key is pressed:
jQuery( document ).keyup( function(e)
if( e.keyCode == 27 )
} );

 * Makes the selector drag and drop .. because I'm lazy ;)
 * @param mixed selector DOM ID or class or object
function makeDragnDrop( selector )
makeDraggable( selector );
makeDroppable( selector );

 * Makes an element / group of elements draggable
 * @param mixed selector : the object to make draggable
function makeDraggable( selector )
jQuery( selector ).draggable(
helper: "clone", // use a copy of the image
scroll: true, // scroll the window during dragging
scrollSensitivity: 100, // distance from edge before scoll occurs
zIndex: 999, // z-index whilst dragging
opacity: .8, // opacity whilst dragging
cursor: "move", // change the cursor whilst dragging
cancel: 'input,textarea,button,select,option,a,span.fa,span.widget_checkbox', // prevents dragging from starting on specified elements
start: function()
{ // Hide original row during dragging:
jQuery( this ).hide();
stop: function()
{ // Show original row after dragging:
jQuery( this ).show();
}).addClass( "draggable_widget" ); // add our css class

 * Makes an element / group of elements droppable
 * @param mixed selector : the object to make droppable
function makeDroppable( selector )
jQuery( selector ).droppable(
accept: ".draggable_widget", // classname of objects that can be dropped
hoverClass: "droppable-hover", // classname when object is over this one
greedy: true, // stops propogation if over more than one
tolerance : "pointer", // droppable active when cursor over
delay: 1000,
drop: function(ev, ui)
{ // function called when object dropped
jQuery( ".fade_me" ).removeClass( "fade_me" ); // remove any existing fades
jQuery( '.available_widgets' ).removeClass( 'available_widgets_active' ); // close any open windows
if( !jQuery( this ).hasClass( "available_widgets" ) )
{ // we're not deleting it
if( jQuery( ui.draggable ).hasClass( "new_widget" ) )
{ // this is a new widget, we need to treat it diffently
addNewWidget( ui.draggable, this ); // add as new widget
{ // this is an existing widget, just move it
jQuery( ui.draggable ).insertAfter( this ); // add the dragged widget before this widget
jQuery( ui.draggable ).addClass( "fade_me server_update" ); // add fade class
jQuery( ui.draggable ).droppable( "enable" ); // enable dropping if disabled
{ // we might be deleting the widget
if(  !jQuery( ui.draggable ).hasClass( "new_widget" ) )
{ // we're deleting it
jQuery( ui.draggable ).remove();
doFade( ".fade_me" ); // fade the widget
sendWidgetOrder();// send the new order to the server

 * Fades the relevant object
function doFade( selector )
jQuery( selector ).addClass( 'evo_highlight' );
setTimeout( function ()
jQuery( selector ).removeClass( 'evo_highlight' );
}, 5000 );

 * Send the current widget containers and order to the server
 * Successive calls within the buffer time resets the countdown
 * this reduces the number of server calls made
function sendWidgetOrder()
if( reorder_delay_remaining < 1 )
jQuery( '#server_messages' ).html( '<div class="log_container"><div class="log_error"></div></div>' );
// reset the clock
reorder_delay_remaining = reorder_delay;

 * Callback funtion for sendWidgetOrder()
 * Highlights the updated widgets and resets their odd/even style
function sendWidgetOrderCallback( server_response )
// alert( server_response+' vs '+blog );
doFade( '.server_updating' ); // highlight updated widgets
jQuery( '.server_updating' ).removeClass( 'server_updating' ); // remove "needs updating"
colourWidgets(); // redo widget odd/even colours

 * Buffered server call
 * Waits until delay period is over and then sends new order to the server
 * only sends if the current widget order has changed since last update
function bufferedServerCall()
var new_widget_order = getWidgetOrder();
if( new_widget_order != current_widgets )
{ // widget order has changed, we need to update
jQuery( '#server_messages' ).html( '<div class="action_messages container-fluid"><ul><li><div class="alert alert-dismissible alert-info fade in">'+T_( 'Saving changes' )+'</div></li></ul></div>' ); // inform user

current_widgets = new_widget_order; // store current order
//add crumbs here
new_widget_order += '&' + widget_crumb_url_param;
jQuery( '.pending_update' ).removeClass( 'pending_update' ).addClass( 'server_updating' ); // change class to "updating"

if( jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][name=wico_ID]' ).length )
{ // Send param to re-order only single container:
new_widget_order += '&wico_ID=' + jQuery( 'input[type=hidden][name=wico_ID]' ).val();

SendAdminRequest( 'widgets', 're-order', new_widget_order, false ); // send current order to server
{ // widget order either hasn't changed or has been changed back to original order
jQuery( '#server_messages' ).html( '<div class="action_messages container-fluid"><ul><li><div class="alert alert-dismissible alert-warning fade in">'
+T_( 'Widget order unchanged' )+'</div></li></ul></div>' ); // inform user
jQuery( '.pending_update' ).removeClass( 'pending_update' ); // remove "needs updating"
colourWidgets(); // redo widget colours

 * Gets the current widget order
 * @return string widget order
function getWidgetOrder()
// need to get every container, then every widget in container and send the lot to the server
var containers = new Array()
jQuery( '.widget_container' ).each(function()
var container_name = jQuery( this ).attr('id');
containers[ container_name ] = '';
jQuery( '#'+container_name+' .draggable_widget' ).each( function(){
if( jQuery( this ).attr( 'id' ) && jQuery( this ).attr( 'id' ) != 'undefined' )
{ // this is a widget
containers[container_name] += jQuery( this ).attr( 'id' ) + ', ';

var query_string = '';
var containers_list = '';
for( container in containers )
query_string += container+'='+containers[container]+'&';
containers_list += container+',';

var r = ( typeof( blog_id ) != 'undefined' ? 'blog='+blog_id : '' ) +'&'+query_string+'container_list='+containers_list;

// console.log( r );

return r;

 * Redo odd / even classes
function colourWidgets()
jQuery( ".draggable_widget" ).removeClass( "odd" ); // remove any odd classes
jQuery( ".draggable_widget" ).removeClass( "even" ); // remove any even classes
var pos = false; // will be used as a toggle for odd / even rows
jQuery( "#current_widgets .draggable_widget" ).each( function(){
pos = !pos; // toggle
jQuery(this).addClass( ( pos ? "even" : "odd" ) ); // add relevant new odd/even class

 * Delete widget
function deleteWidget( widget )
var widget_ID = widget.substr( 6, widget.length );
jQuery( '#wi_ID_' + widget_ID ).animate({
backgroundColor: "#f88"
},"fast", function(){
jQuery( this ).remove(); // remove the widget row from HTML page
colourWidgets(); // redo widget colours
SendAdminRequest( 'widgets', 'delete', 'wi_ID=' +  widget_ID + '& ' + widget_crumb_url_param, false ); // send a request to delete widget from DB
return false;

 * Duplicate widget
function duplicateWidget( widget, mode )
var widget_id = widget.substr( 6, widget.length );
var query_string = 'wi_ID=' + widget_id + '&' + widget_crumb_url_param;
if( mode == 'customizer' )
query_string += '&mode=customizer';
SendAdminRequest( 'widgets', 'duplicate', query_string, true );
return false;

 * Request edit screen from server...
function editWidget( widget )
jQuery( '#server_messages' ).html( '' );
msg = "wi_ID="+widget.substr( 6, widget.length ) + '&' + widget_crumb_url_param;
SendAdminRequest( "widgets", "edit", msg, true );
return false;

 * This is called when we get the response from the server:
function widgetSettings( the_html, wi_type, wi_code )
// add placeholder for widgets settings form:
jQuery( 'body' ).append( '<div id="screen_mask" onclick="closeWidgetSettings()"></div><div id="widget_settings" class="modal-content"></div>' );
jQuery( '#screen_mask' ).fadeTo(1,0.5).fadeIn(200);
jQuery( '#widget_settings' ).html( the_html ).addClass( 'widget_settings_active edit_widget_' + wi_type + '_' + wi_code );
jQuery( '#widget_settings' ).prepend( jQuery( '#server_messages' ) );
AttachServerRequest( 'widget_checkchanges' ); // send form via hidden iframe

// Create modal header for bootstrap skin
var page_title = jQuery( '#widget_settings' ).find( 'form >' );
if( page_title.length > 0 )
var page_title_icons = page_title.parent().children( 'span.global_icons' );
var page_title_icons_html = '';
if( page_title_icons.length > 0 )
page_title_icons.find( 'a.close_link' ).remove()
page_title_icons_html = '<span class="pull-right">' + page_title_icons.html() + '</span>';
jQuery( '#widget_settings' ).prepend( '<div class="modal-header"><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>' + page_title_icons_html + '<h4 class="modal-title">' + page_title.html() + '</h4></div>' );
jQuery( '#widget_settings button.close' ).bind( 'click', closeWidgetSettings );

jQuery( '#widget_settings a.close_link' ).bind( 'click', closeWidgetSettings );

function widgetSettingsCallback( wi_ID, wi_name, wi_cache_status )
jQuery( '#wi_ID_' + wi_ID + ' .widget_name' ).html( wi_name );
jQuery( '#wi_ID_' + wi_ID + ' .widget_cache_status' ).html( getWidgetCacheIcon( 'wi_ID_'+wi_ID, wi_cache_status ) );

function closeWidgetSettings( action )
if( ! jQuery( '#widget_settings' ).is( ':visible' ) )
{ // Close popup window with widget settings only if it is really opened,
// in order to don't hide #screen_mask when available widgets popup is opened currently:
return false;

if( typeof( bozo ) != 'undefined' &&
   ( typeof( action ) == 'undefined' || action != 'update' ) ) // Don't use bozo validator when form is updating
{ // Display a confirmation of bozo validator before closing a modified widget edit form:
if( bozo.validate_close() && ! confirm( bozo.validate_close() ) )
{ // Don't close a modified widget edit form without confirmation:
return false;
{ // After confirmation we should reset bozo validator modification counter to don't display a confirmation twice on page closing/refreshing:

jQuery( '#widget_settings' ).hide(); // removeClass( 'widget_settings_active' );
jQuery( '#server_messages' ).insertBefore( '.available_widgets' );
jQuery( '#widget_settings' ).remove();
jQuery( '#screen_mask' ).remove();
return false;

function showMessagesWidgetSettings( result )
if( typeof( result ) != 'undefined' && result == 'success' && typeof( bozo ) != 'undefined' )
{ // Reset bozo validator modification counter on successful updating widget settings,
// in order to allow close widget settings form popup without unexpected JS confirmation:

jQuery( '#widget_settings' ).animate( {
scrollTop: jQuery( '#widget_settings' ).scrollTop() +  + jQuery( '#server_messages' ).position().top - 20
}, 100 );
return false;

function T_( native_string )
if( typeof( T_arr[ native_string ] ) == "undefined" )
{ // we don't have a translation
return native_string;
{ // we have a translation
return T_arr[ native_string ];

 * Converts the widget available list to something we can work with
function convertAvailableList()
// Open list on click, not on hover!
jQuery( ".fieldset_title > span > a[id^='add_new']" ).attr( 'href', '#' ).bind( 'click', function(e)
// add placeholder for widgets settings form:
jQuery( 'body' ).append( '<div id="screen_mask" onclick="closeAvailableWidgets()"></div>' );
jQuery( '#screen_mask' ).fadeTo(1,0.5).fadeIn(200);
offset = jQuery( this ).offset();
var y =;
// can't dislay any lower than this!:
// var max_y = jQuery( window ).height() - jQuery( '.available_widgets' ).height(); // this doesn't work when window is scrolled :(
var max_y = jQuery( document ).height() - 10 - jQuery( '.available_widgets' ).height();
if( max_y < 20 ) { max_y = 20 };
if( y > max_y ) { y = max_y };
jQuery( '.available_widgets' ).addClass( 'available_widgets_active' ).attr( 'id', 'available_'+jQuery( this ).attr( "id" ) );

// cancel default href action:
return false;

// Close action:
jQuery( '.available_widgets_toolbar > a' ).bind( 'click', function(e)
// cancel default href action:
return false;

jQuery( ".available_widgets li" ).each( function()
{ // shuffle things around
jQuery( this ).addClass( "new_widget" ); // add hook for detecting new widgets

var the_link = jQuery( this ).children( 'a' ).attr( 'href' ); // grab the url
the_link = the_link.substr( the_link.indexOf( '&type' ) + 1, the_link.length );

// replace href with JS addnewwidget action:
jQuery( this ).children( 'a' ).attr( 'href', '#' ).bind( 'click', function(){
addNewWidget( this, the_link );
// cancel default href action:
return false;

 * Close available widgets overlay
function closeAvailableWidgets()
if( ! jQuery( '.available_widgets' ).is( ':visible' ) )
{ // Close popup window with available widgets only if it is really opened,
// in order to don't hide #screen_mask when widget edit form is opened currently:
return false;

jQuery( '.available_widgets' ).removeClass( 'available_widgets_active' );
jQuery( '#screen_mask' ).remove();

 * Adds a new widget to a container
function addNewWidget( widget_list_item, admin_call )

var widget_id = jQuery( widget_list_item ).attr( "id" );
jQuery( widget_list_item ).attr( "id", widget_id );

var destination = jQuery( '.available_widgets' ).attr( 'id' );
destination = destination.substr( 18, destination.length );

SendAdminRequest( 'widgets', 'create', admin_call+"&blog="+blog_id+"&container="+destination, true );

 * Adds a new widget to a container
 * @param integer wi_ID Id of the new widget
 * @param string container Container to add widget to
 * @param intger wi_order ( unused atm ) Order of the widget on the server
 * @param string wi_name Name of the new widget
 * @param boolean wi_enabled Is the widget enabled?
 * @param boolean wi_plugin_status
 * @param string wi_cache_status Cache status
 * @param integer wi_ID Id of widget where new widget will be added next to
 * @param string mode Mode
function addNewWidgetCallback( wi_ID, container, wi_order, wi_name, wi_enabled, wi_plugin_status, wi_cache_status, next_to_wi_ID, mode )
jQuery( '.fade_me' ).removeClass( 'fade_me' ); // kill any active fades
createWidget( 'wi_ID_' + wi_ID, container.replace( / /g, '_' ).replace( /:/g, '-' ), wi_order, wi_name, '', wi_enabled, wi_plugin_status, wi_cache_status, next_to_wi_ID, mode );
doFade( '#wi_ID_'+wi_ID );
if( reorder_delay_remaining > 0 )
{ // send outstanding updates
reorder_delay_remaining = 0;
{ // no outstanding updates, store current order
current_widgets = getWidgetOrder(); // store current order

 * Create a new widget in a container
 * @param integer wi_ID Id of the new widget
 * @param string container Container to add widget to
 * @param integer wi_order ( unused atm ) Order of the widget on the server
 * @param string wi_name Name of the new widget
 * @param string wi_class CSS class
 * @param boolean wi_enabled Is the widget enabled?
 * @param boolean wi_plugin_disabled
 * @param string wi_cache_status Cache status
 * @param integer wi_ID Id of widget where new widget will be added next to
 * @param string mode Mode
function createWidget( wi_ID, container, wi_order, wi_name, wi_class, wi_enabled, wi_plugin_disabled, wi_cache_status, next_to_wi_ID, mode )
var newWidget = jQuery( '<li id="'+ wi_ID +'" class="draggable_widget"><span class="widget_title">'+wi_name+'</span></li>' );
newWidget.find( 'a.widget_name' ).click( function()
return editWidget( wi_ID );
} );
if( wi_class )
{ // add class
jQuery( newWidget ).addClass( wi_class );

// Add state indicator:
jQuery( newWidget ).prepend( jQuery( '<span class="widget_state">'+
( wi_plugin_disabled ? disabled_plugin_tag :
'<a href="#" class="toggle_action" onclick="return toggleWidget( \''+ wi_ID +'\' );">' +
( wi_enabled ? enabled_icon_tag : disabled_icon_tag )+
'</a>' ) +
'</span>' ) );

if( mode != 'customizer' )
// Add checkbox:
jQuery( newWidget ).prepend( jQuery( '<span class="widget_checkbox' + ( wi_enabled ? ' widget_checkbox_enabled' : '' ) + '">' +
'<input type="checkbox" name="widgets[]" value="' + wi_ID.replace( 'wi_ID_', '' ) + '" ' + ( wi_plugin_disabled ? 'disabled="disabled" ' : '' ) + '/>'+
'</span>' ) );

// Add icon to toggle cache status:
var cacheIcon = jQuery( '<span class="widget_cache_status">' + getWidgetCacheIcon( wi_ID, wi_cache_status ) + '</span>' );
jQuery( newWidget ).append( cacheIcon ); // add widget action icons

// Add action icons:
// Toggle state
var actionIcons = '<span class="widget_actions">';

if( mode != 'customizer' )
actionIcons += '<a href="#" onclick="return editWidget( \'' + wi_ID + '\' );">' + edit_icon_tag + '</a>';
actionIcons += '<a href="#" onclick="return duplicateWidget( \'' + wi_ID + '\', \''  + mode + '\' );">' + duplicate_icon_tag + '</a>'
+ '<a href="#" onclick="return deleteWidget( \'' + wi_ID + '\' );">' + delete_icon_tag + '</a></span>'

actionIcons = jQuery( actionIcons );
jQuery( newWidget ).append( actionIcons ); // add widget action icons

if( next_to_wi_ID )
jQuery( '#container_' + container + ' li#wi_ID_' + next_to_wi_ID ).after( newWidget ); // add next to specified widget
jQuery( '#container_' + container ).append( newWidget ); // add widget to container

makeDragnDrop( '#'+wi_ID );
colourWidgets(); // recolour the widgets

 * Toggle the widget state.
 * @param string Widget ID.
function toggleWidget( wi_ID )
SendAdminRequest( 'widgets', 'toggle', 'wi_ID=' + wi_ID.substr( 6 ) + '&' + widget_crumb_url_param, true );
return false;

 * Callback for toggling a widget.
 * @param integer Widget ID
 * @param integer new widget state
function doToggle( wi_ID, wi_enabled, wi_plugin_disabled )
if( wi_plugin_disabled )
jQuery( '#wi_ID_' + wi_ID + ' .widget_state' ).html( disabled_plugin_tag );
jQuery( '#wi_ID_' + wi_ID + ' .toggle_action' ).css( 'visibility', 'hidden' );
jQuery( '#wi_ID_' + wi_ID + ' .toggle_action' ).css( 'visibility', 'visible' );
jQuery( '#wi_ID_' + wi_ID + ' .widget_state' ).html( '<a href="#" class="toggle_state" onclick="return toggleWidget( \'wi_ID_'+wi_ID+'\', \''+widget_crumb_url_param+'\' );">'+
( wi_enabled ? enabled_icon_tag : disabled_icon_tag )+
'</a>' );
if( wi_enabled )
jQuery( '#wi_ID_' + wi_ID + ' .widget_checkbox' ).addClass( 'widget_checkbox_enabled' );
jQuery( '#wi_ID_' + wi_ID + ' .widget_checkbox' ).removeClass( 'widget_checkbox_enabled' );
jQuery( '#wi_ID_' + wi_ID + ' .toggle_action' ).html( wi_enabled ? deactivate_icon_tag : activate_icon_tag );

doFade( '#wi_ID_' + wi_ID );

 * Toggle the widget cache status.
 * @param string Widget ID.
 * @param string Action: 'enable', 'disable'
function toggleCacheWidget( wi_ID, action )
SendAdminRequest( 'widgets', 'cache_' + action, 'wi_ID=' + wi_ID.substr( 6 ) + '&' + widget_crumb_url_param, true );
return false;

 * Callback for toggling a widget cache status.
 * @param integer Widget ID
 * @param integer new widget cache status
function doToggleCache( wi_ID, wi_cache_status )
jQuery( '#wi_ID_' + wi_ID + ' .widget_cache_status' ).html( getWidgetCacheIcon( 'wi_ID_'+wi_ID, wi_cache_status ) );

doFade( '#wi_ID_' + wi_ID );

 * replicates PHP's str_repeat() function
 * @param string data string to repeat
 * @param integer multiplier number of repeats required
 * @return the multiplied string
function str_repeat( data, multiplier )
return new Array( multiplier + 1 ).join( data );

 * Get icon for widget cache status
 * @param string Widget ID
 * @param string Widget cache status
 * @return string
function getWidgetCacheIcon( wi_ID, wi_cache_status )
switch( wi_cache_status )
case 'enabled':
return '<a href="#" class="cache_action" onclick="return toggleCacheWidget( \''+wi_ID+'\', \'disable\' );">' + cache_enabled_icon_tag + '</a>';

case 'disabled':
return '<a href="#" class="cache_action" onclick="return toggleCacheWidget( \''+wi_ID+'\', \'enable\' );">' + cache_disabled_icon_tag + '</a>';

case 'disallowed':
return cache_disallowed_icon_tag;

case 'denied':
return '<a href="?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=advanced&amp;blog=' + blog_id + '#fieldset_wrapper_caching">' + cache_denied_icon_tag + '</a>';