Seditio Source
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 * @package Dotclear
 * @copyright Olivier Meunier & Association Dotclear
 * @copyright GPL-2.0-only

$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Full'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Home (first page)'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Home (other pages)'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Entries for a category'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Entries for a tag'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Search result entries'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Month archive entries'] = '';
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$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Theme configuration upgraded.'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Header'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Hide blog description:'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Logo URL:'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['To configure the top menu go to the <a href="%s">Simple Menu administration page</a>.'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Stickers'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Stickers (footer)'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Image'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Entries list types and limits'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Entries lists'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Context'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Entries list type'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Miscellaneous options'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Comment preview is not mandatory:'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Presentation'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['General settings'] = '';
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$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Webfont family:'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Webfont URL:'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Webfont API:'] = '';
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$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Color:'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Post title'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Titles without link'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Inside posts links'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Normal and visited links color:'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Active, hover and focus links color:'] = '';
$GLOBALS['__l10n']['Mobile specific settings'] = '';