Seditio Source
Root |
 * This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
 * @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <>
 * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
 * For full copyright and license information, please see
 * the docs/CREDITS.txt file.

namespace phpbb\install\module\install_database\task;


 * Create database schema
class add_config_settings extends \phpbb\install\task_base
     * @var \phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface
protected $db;

     * @var \phpbb\filesystem\filesystem_interface
protected $filesystem;

     * @var \phpbb\install\helper\config
protected $install_config;

     * @var \phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\iohandler_interface
protected $iohandler;

     * @var \phpbb\language\language
protected $language;

     * @var \phpbb\passwords\manager
protected $password_manager;

     * @var string
protected $phpbb_root_path;

     * @var string
protected $config_table;

     * @var string
protected $user_table;

     * @var string
protected $topics_table;

     * @var string
protected $forums_table;

     * @var string
protected $posts_table;

     * @var string
protected $moderator_cache_table;

     * Constructor
     * @param \phpbb\filesystem\filesystem_interface                $filesystem            Filesystem service
     * @param \phpbb\install\helper\config                            $install_config        Installer's config helper
     * @param \phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\iohandler_interface    $iohandler            Installer's input-output handler
     * @param \phpbb\install\helper\container_factory                $container            Installer's DI container
     * @param \phpbb\language\language                                $language            Language service
     * @param string                                                $phpbb_root_path    Path to phpBB's root
public function __construct(\phpbb\filesystem\filesystem_interface $filesystem,
phpbb\install\helper\config $install_config,
phpbb\install\helper\iohandler\iohandler_interface $iohandler,
phpbb\install\helper\container_factory $container,
phpbb\language\language $language,
$this->db                = $container->get('dbal.conn');
$this->filesystem        = $filesystem;
$this->install_config    = $install_config;
$this->iohandler        = $iohandler;
$this->language            = $language;
$this->password_manager    = $container->get('passwords.manager');
$this->phpbb_root_path    = $phpbb_root_path;

// Table names
$this->config_table                = $container->get_parameter('tables.config');
$this->forums_table                = $container->get_parameter('tables.forums');
$this->topics_table                = $container->get_parameter('tables.topics');
$this->user_table                = $container->get_parameter('tables.users');
$this->moderator_cache_table    = $container->get_parameter('tables.moderator_cache');
$this->posts_table                = $container->get_parameter('tables.posts');


     * {@inheritdoc}
public function run()

$server_name    = $this->install_config->get('server_name');
$current_time     = time();
$user_ip        = phpbb_ip_normalise($this->iohandler->get_server_variable('REMOTE_ADDR'));
$user_ip        = ($user_ip === false) ? '' : $user_ip;
$referer        = $this->iohandler->get_server_variable('REFERER');

// Calculate cookie domain
$cookie_domain = $server_name;

        if (
strpos($cookie_domain, 'www.') === 0)
$cookie_domain = substr($cookie_domain, 3);

// Set default config and post data, this applies to all DB's
$sql_ary = array(
'INSERT INTO ' . $this->config_table . " (config_name, config_value)
                VALUES ('board_startdate', '

'INSERT INTO ' . $this->config_table . " (config_name, config_value)
                VALUES ('default_lang', '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('default_lang')) . "')",

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('server_name')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'server_name'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('server_port')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'server_port'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('board_email')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'board_email'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('board_email')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'board_contact'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($cookie_domain) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'cookie_domain'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->language->lang('default_dateformat')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'default_dateformat'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('email_enable')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'email_enable'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('smtp_delivery')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'smtp_delivery'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('smtp_host')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'smtp_host'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('smtp_port')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'smtp_port'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('smtp_auth')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'smtp_auth_method'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('smtp_user')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'smtp_username'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('smtp_pass')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'smtp_password'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('cookie_secure')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'cookie_secure'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('force_server_vars')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'force_server_vars'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('script_path')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'script_path'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('server_protocol')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'server_protocol'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('admin_name')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'newest_username'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. md5(mt_rand()) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'avatar_salt'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. md5(mt_rand()) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'plupload_salt'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('board_name')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'sitename'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('board_description')) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'site_desc'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->user_table . "
                SET username = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('admin_name')) . "',
. $this->password_manager->hash($this->install_config->get('admin_passwd')) . "',
                    user_ip = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($user_ip) . "',
                    user_lang = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('user_language', 'en')) . "',
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('board_email')) . "',
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->language->lang('default_dateformat')) . "',
                    username_clean = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape(utf8_clean_string($this->install_config->get('admin_name'))) . "'
                WHERE username = 'Admin'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->moderator_cache_table . "
                SET username = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('admin_name')) . "'
                WHERE username = 'Admin'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->forums_table . "
                SET forum_last_poster_name = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('admin_name')) . "'
                WHERE forum_last_poster_name = 'Admin'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->topics_table . "
                SET topic_first_poster_name = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('admin_name')) . "',
                topic_last_poster_name = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->install_config->get('admin_name')) . "'
                WHERE topic_first_poster_name = 'Admin'
                    OR topic_last_poster_name = 'Admin'"

'UPDATE ' . $this->user_table . "
                SET user_regdate =

'UPDATE ' . $this->posts_table . "
                SET post_time =
$current_time, poster_ip = '" . $this->db->sql_escape($user_ip) . "'",

'UPDATE ' . $this->topics_table . "
                SET topic_time =
$current_time, topic_last_post_time = $current_time",

'UPDATE ' . $this->forums_table . "
                SET forum_last_post_time =

'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($this->db->sql_server_info(true)) . "'
                WHERE config_name = 'dbms_version'"

        if (@
$sql_ary[] = 'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = ''
                WHERE config_name = 'captcha_plugin'"

$sql_ary[] = 'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '1'
                WHERE config_name = 'captcha_gd'"

$ref = substr($referer, strpos($referer, '://') + 3);
        if (!(
stripos($ref, $server_name) === 0))
$sql_ary[] = 'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '0'
                WHERE config_name = 'referer_validation'"

// We set a (semi-)unique cookie name to bypass login issues related to the cookie name.
$cookie_name = 'phpbb3_';
$rand_str = md5(mt_rand());
$rand_str = str_replace('0', 'z', base_convert($rand_str, 16, 35));
$rand_str = substr($rand_str, 0, 5);
$cookie_name .= strtolower($rand_str);

$sql_ary[] = 'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
            SET config_value = '"
. $this->db->sql_escape($cookie_name) . "'
            WHERE config_name = 'cookie_name'"

// Disable avatars if upload directory is not writable
if (!$this->filesystem->is_writable($this->phpbb_root_path . 'images/avatars/upload/'))
$sql_ary[] = 'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '0'
                WHERE config_name = 'allow_avatar'"

$sql_ary[] = 'UPDATE ' . $this->config_table . "
                SET config_value = '0'
                WHERE config_name = 'allow_avatar_upload'"

$i = $this->install_config->get('add_config_settings_index', 0);
$total = count($sql_ary);
$sql_ary = array_slice($sql_ary, $i);

        foreach (
$sql_ary as $sql)
            if (!
$error = $this->db->sql_error($this->db->get_sql_error_sql());
$this->iohandler->add_error_message('INST_ERR_DB', $error['message']);


// Stop execution if resource limit is reached
if ($this->install_config->get_time_remaining() <= 0 || $this->install_config->get_memory_remaining() <= 0)

        if (
$i < $total)
$this->install_config->set('add_config_settings_index', $i);
            throw new

     * {@inheritdoc}
static public function get_step_count()

     * {@inheritdoc}
public function get_task_lang_name()