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* This file is part of the phpBB Forum Software package.
* @copyright (c) phpBB Limited <>
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
* For full copyright and license information, please see
* the docs/CREDITS.txt file.

namespace phpbb\textformatter;

    * There is an issue with the definition
const BBCODE_STATUS_INVALID_DEFINITION = 'invalid_definition';

    * There is an issue with the template
const BBCODE_STATUS_INVALID_TEMPLATE = 'invalid_template';

    * The BBCode is valid and can be safely used by anyone
const BBCODE_STATUS_SAFE = 'safe';

    * The BBCode is valid but may be unsafe to use
const BBCODE_STATUS_UNSAFE = 'unsafe';

    * Analyse given BBCode definition for issues and safeness
    * Required elements in the return array:
    *  - status: see BBCODE_STATUS_* constants
    * Optional elements in the return array:
    *  - name:       Name of the BBCode based on the definition. Required if status is "safe".
    *  - error_text: Textual description of the issue in plain text or as a L_* string.
    *  - error_html: Visual description of the issue in HTML.
    * @param  string $definition BBCode definition, e.g. [b]{TEXT}[/b]
    * @param  string $template   BBCode template, e.g. <b>{TEXT}</b>
    * @return array
public function analyse_bbcode(string $definition, string $template): array;