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 * This file implements the UserSettings class which handles user_ID/name/value triplets.
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2004-2006 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link}.
 * @package evocore
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

 * Includes
load_class( 'settings/model/_abstractsettings.class.php', 'AbstractSettings' );

 * Class to handle the settings for users, and any user name-value pair which is not frequently used
 * @package evocore
class UserSettings extends AbstractSettings
     * The default settings to use, when a setting is not given
     * in the database.
     * @todo Allow overriding from /conf/_config_TEST.php?
     * @access protected
     * @var array
var $_defaults = array(
'action_icon_threshold' => 3,
'action_word_threshold' => 3,
'display_icon_legend' => 0,
'control_form_abortions' => 1,
'focus_on_first_input' => 0,            // TODO: fix sideeffect when pressing F5
'pref_browse_tab' => 'full',

// Folding settings, 1 - Hide, 0 - Show
'fold_itemform_custom_fields' => 1,
'fold_itemform_googlemap' => 1,
'fold_itemform_meta_cmnt' => 1,
'fold_itemform_extra' => 1,
'fold_itemform_comments' => 1,
'fold_itemform_usertags' => 1,
'fold_itemform_goals' => 1,
'fold_itemform_notifications' => 1,
'fold_cmntform_datetime' => 1,
'fold_cmntform_html' => 1,
'fold_cmntform_info' => 1,
'fold_cmntform_notifications' => 1,
'fold_upgrade_backup_options' => 1,
'fold_upgrade_file_options' => 0,
'fold_plugin_vars' => 1,
'fold_plugin_events' => 1,

'show_quick_publish' => 1, // Show the quick "Publish!" button on item form edit screen in back-office

'fm_imglistpreview' => 1,
'fm_getimagesizes' => 1,
'fm_showdate'       => 'compact',
'fm_allowfiltering' => 'simple',

'blogperms_layout' => 'wide',    // selected view in blog (user/group) perms

'login_multiple_sessions' => 0,     // disallow multiple concurrent sessions by default
'timeout_sessions' => NULL,            // user session timeout (NULL means application default)

'results_per_page' => 20,

'show_evobar' => 1,
'show_breadcrumbs' => 1,
'show_menu' => 1,

'last_activation_email' => NULL, // It should be the date of the last account activation email. If it is not set, and users is not activated means activation email wasn't sent.
'last_unread_messages_reminder' => NULL, // It will be the date when the last unread message reminder email was sent
'last_notification_email' => NULL, // It must have a 'timestamp_number' format, where the timestamp ( servertime ) is the last notification email ts, and the number is how many notification email was sent on that day
'last_newsletter' => NULL, // It must have a 'timestamp_number' format, where the timestamp ( servertime ) is the last newsletter ts, and the number is how many newsletter was sent on that day
'last_activation_reminder_key' => NULL, // It will be set at the first time when activation reminder email will be sent
'activation_reminder_count' => 0, // How many activation reminder was sent since the user is not activated
'send_activation_reminder' => 1, // Send reminder to activate my account if it is not activated
'send_inactive_reminder' => 1, // Send reminder when my account has been inactive for an extended period of time
'welcome_message_sent' => 0, // Used to know if user already received a welcome message after email activation

        // admin user notifications
'send_cmt_moderation_reminder' => 1, // Send reminders about comments awaiting moderation
'send_pst_moderation_reminder' => 1, // Send reminders about posts awaiting moderation
'send_pst_stale_alert' => 1, // Send alert about stale posts
'notify_new_user_registration' => 1, // Notify admin user when a new user has registered
'notify_activated_account' => 1, // Notify admin user when an account has been activated by email
'notify_closed_account' => 1, // Notify admin user when an account has been closed by the account owner
'notify_reported_account' => 1, // Notify admin user when an account has been reported by another user
'notify_changed_account' => 1, // Notify admin user when an account has been changed
'notify_cronjob_error' => 1, // Notify admin user when a scheduled task ends with an error or timeout
'notify_list_new_subscriber' => 1, // Notify list owner user when there is a new subscriber
'notify_list_lost_subscriber' => 1, // Notify list owner user when list loses a subscriber
'notify_automation_owner' => 1, // Notify automation owner user when step is executed

'account_close_ts' => NULL, // It will be the date when the account was closed. Until the account is not closed this will be NULL.
'account_close_reason' => NULL, // It will be the reason why the account was closed. Until the account is not closed this will be NULL.

'last_new_thread' => NULL, // It is the date when the user has created the last new thread, NULL if User has never create a new thread
'new_thread_count' => 0, // How many new thread was created by this user TODAY!

'show_online' => 1,     // Show if user is online or not
'user_registered_from_domain' => NULL, // Reverse DNS of IP address on user registration
'user_browser' => NULL, // User browser

'email_format' => 'auto', // Email format: auto | html | text

'admin_skin' => 'bootstrap',  // User default admin skin

'suggest_item_tags' => 1, // Suggest to autocomplete item tags on edit form

'agg_period' => 'last_30_days', // Date period to filter the aggregated hits data
'aggcmp_period' => 'prev_30_days', // Date period to compare the aggregated hits data

'git_upgrade_url' => '', // URL of Git repository
'git_upgrade_branch' => 'master', // Git branch

     * The configurable default settings.
     * Add those settings below, which default value is saved in GeneralSettings.
     * For these option we didn't add a default value here intentionally, this way it will get the default value from general settings!
     * All of this options must have a pair with a 'def_' prefix in GeneralSettings class.
     * We use this array when we are reseting the default settings.
     * @access protected
     * @var array
var $_configurable_defaults = array(
'notify_messages' => 1,     // Notify user when receives a private message
'notify_unread_messages' => 1, // Notify user when he has unread messages more then 24 hour, and he was not notified in the last 3 days
'notify_comment_mentioned' => 1, // Notify user when I have been mentioned on a comment
'notify_published_comments' => 1, // Notify user when a comment is published in an own post
'notify_comment_moderation' => 1, // Notify when new comment is awaiting moderation and the user has right to moderate that comment
'notify_edit_cmt_moderation' => 1, // Notify when edited comment is awaiting moderation and the user has right to moderate that comment
'notify_spam_cmt_moderation' => 1, // Notify when comment is reported as spam and the user has right to moderate that comment
'notify_post_mentioned' => 1, // Notify user when I have been mentioned on a post
'notify_post_moderation' => 1, // Notify when a new post is awaiting moderation and the user has right to moderate that post
'notify_edit_pst_moderation' => 1, // Notify when a edited post is awaiting moderation and the user has right to moderate that post
'notify_notify_post_proposed' => 1, // Notify when someone proposed a change on a post and the user has right to moderate that post
'notify_post_assignment' => 1, // Notify user when a post is assigned to the user
'notify_meta_comment_mentioned' => 1, // Notify user when I have been mentioned on an internal comment
'notify_meta_comments' => 1, // Notify user when an INTERNAL comment is published in a post where user can sees internal comments

'enable_PM' => 1,
'enable_email' => 1,

'notification_email_limit' => 3, // How many notification email is allowed per day for this user
'newsletter_limit' => 3, // How many newsletter email is allowed per day for this user

     * Constructor
function __construct()
// constructor
parent::__construct( 'T_users__usersettings', array( 'uset_user_ID', 'uset_name' ), 'uset_value', 1 );

     * Get a setting from the DB user settings table
     * @param string name of setting
     * @param integer User ID (by default $current_User->ID will be used)
function get( $setting, $user_ID = NULL )

        if( ! isset(
$user_ID) )

            if( ! isset(
$current_User) )
// no current/logged in user:
$result = $this->get_default($setting);
$result == NULL )
$result = $Settings->get( 'def_'.$setting );

$user_ID = $current_User->ID;

$result = parent::getx( $user_ID, $setting );
$result == NULL )
$result = $Settings->get( 'def_'.$setting );

     * Temporarily sets a user setting ({@link dbupdate()} writes it to DB)
     * @param string name of setting
     * @param mixed new value
     * @param integer User ID (by default $current_User->ID will be used)
function set( $setting, $value, $user_ID = NULL )
        if( ! isset(
$user_ID) )

            if( ! isset(
$current_User) )
// no current/logged in user:
return false;

$user_ID = $current_User->ID;

// Limit value with max possible length:
$value = utf8_substr( $value, 0, 10000 );

parent::setx( $user_ID, $setting, $value );

     * Mark a setting for deletion ({@link dbupdate()} writes it to DB).
     * @param string name of setting
     * @param integer User ID (by default $current_User->ID will be used)
function delete( $setting, $user_ID = NULL )
        if( ! isset(
$user_ID) )

            if( ! isset(
$current_User) )
// no current/logged in user:
return false;

$user_ID = $current_User->ID;

parent::delete( $user_ID, $setting );

     * Get a param from Request and save it to UserSettings, or default to previously saved user setting.
     * If the user setting was not set before (and there's no default given that gets returned), $default gets used.
     * @todo Move this to _abstractsettings.class.php - the other Settings object can also make use of it!
     * @param string Request param name
     * @param string User setting name. Make sure this is unique!
     * @param string Force value type to one of:
     * - integer
     * - float
     * - string (strips (HTML-)Tags, trims whitespace)
     * - array
     * - object
     * - null
     * - html (does nothing)
     * - '' (does nothing)
     * - '/^...$/' check regexp pattern match (string)
     * - boolean (will force type to boolean, but you can't use 'true' as a default since it has special meaning. There is no real reason to pass booleans on a URL though. Passing 0 and 1 as integers seems to be best practice).
     * Value type will be forced only if resulting value (probably from default then) is !== NULL
     * @param mixed Default value or TRUE if user input required
     * @param boolean Do we need to memorize this to regenerate the URL for this page?
     * @param boolean Override if variable already set
     * @return NULL|mixed NULL, if neither a param was given nor {@link $UserSettings} knows about it.
function param_Request( $param_name, $uset_name, $type = '', $default = '', $memorize = false, $override = false ) // we do not force setting it..
$value = param( $param_name, $type, NULL, $memorize, $override, false ); // we pass NULL here, to see if it got set at all

if( $value !== false )
// we got a value
$this->set( $uset_name, $value );
// get the value from user settings
$value = $this->get($uset_name);

is_null($value) )
// it's not saved yet and there's not default defined ($_defaults)
$value = $default;
$memorize )
// Memorize param
memorize_param( $param_name, $type, $default, $value );

set_param( $param_name, $value );

     * Reset a user settings to the default values
     * @param integer user ID
     * @param boolean set to true to save modifications
function reset_to_defaults( $user_ID, $db_save = true )
// Remove all UserSettings where a default or configurable default exists:
foreach( $this->_defaults as $k => $v )
$this->delete( $k, $user_ID );
$this->_configurable_defaults as $k => $v )
$this->delete( $k, $user_ID );

/** Get user setting per collection
     * @param string name of setting
     * @param integer Collection ID (by default global $Blog->ID will be used)
     * @param integer User ID (by default $current_User->ID will be used)
function get_collection_setting( $setting, $coll_ID = NULL, $user_ID = NULL )
$coll_ID === NULL )
// Use current blog ID by default
global $Collection, $Blog;

            if( ! empty(
$Blog ) )
$coll_ID = $Blog->ID;

$coll_ID === NULL )
// Collection is not detected
return NULL;

// Try to get user-collection setting from DB
$value = $this->get( $setting.'_'.$coll_ID, $user_ID );

$value === NULL )
// The user-collection setting is not defined in DB
            // Try to get a default value for this setting:
if( isset( $this->_defaults[ $setting ] ) )
// Default value is defined
$value = $this->_defaults[ $setting ];
// No default value
$value = NULL;

