Seditio Source
Root |
 * This file implements the UI view for the user subscriptions.
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2004-2006 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link}.
 * @package admin

if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

 * @var instance of GeneralSettings class
global $Settings;
 * @var instance of UserSettings class
global $UserSettings;
 * @var instance of User class
global $edited_User;
 * @var current action
global $action;
 * @var user permission, if user is only allowed to edit his profile
global $user_profile_only;
 * @var the action destination of the form (NULL for pagenow)
global $form_action;
 * @var Blog
global $Collection, $Blog;
 * @var DB
global $DB;

// Default params:
$default_params = array(
'skin_form_params'     => array(),
'form_class_user_subs' => 'bComment',

if( isset(
$params ) )
// Merge with default params
$params = array_merge( $default_params, $params );
// Use a default params
$params = $default_params;

// ------------------- PREV/NEXT USER LINKS -------------------
user_prevnext_links( array(
'user_tab' => 'subs'
) );
// ------------- END OF PREV/NEXT USER LINKS -------------------

$Form = new Form( $form_action, 'user_checkchanges' );

$Form->switch_template_parts( $params['skin_form_params'] );

if( !
$user_profile_only )
echo_user_actions( $Form, $edited_User, $action );

$is_admin_page = is_admin_page();
$is_admin_page )
$form_text_title = '<span class="nowrap">'.TB_( 'Edit notifications' ).'</span>'.get_manual_link( 'user-notifications-tab' ); // used for js confirmation message on leave the changed form
$form_title = get_usertab_header( $edited_User, 'subs', $form_text_title );
$form_class = 'fform';
$Form->title_fmt = '$title$';
$checklist_params = array();
$form_title = '';
$form_class = $params['form_class_user_subs'];
$checklist_params = array( 'wide' => true );

$Form->begin_form( $form_class, $form_title, array( 'title' => ( isset( $form_text_title ) ? $form_text_title : $form_title ) ) );

$Form->add_crumb( 'user' );
$Form->hidden( 'user_tab', 'subs' );
$Form->hidden( 'subscriptions_form', '1' );

$Form->hidden( 'user_ID', $edited_User->ID );
$Form->hidden( 'edited_user_login', $edited_User->login );
    if( isset(
$Blog ) )
$Form->hidden( 'blog', $Blog->ID );

$action != 'view' )
// We can edit the values:
$disabled = false;
// display only
$disabled = true;

$has_messaging_perm = $edited_User->check_perm( 'perm_messaging', 'reply', false );

$Form->begin_fieldset( TB_('Receiving emails').( is_admin_page() ? get_manual_link( 'user-notifications-email-panel' ) : '' ) );

$email_fieldnote = '<a href="mailto:'.$edited_User->get('email').'" class="'.button_class().'">'.get_icon( 'email', 'imgtag', array('title'=>TB_('Send an email')) ).'</a>';

$action != 'view' )
// We can edit the values:
$Form->email_input( 'edited_user_email', $edited_User->email, 30, TB_('Email address'), array( 'maxlength' => 255, 'required' => true, 'note' => $email_fieldnote ) );
$Form->radio_input( 'edited_user_email_format', $UserSettings->get( 'email_format',  $edited_User->ID ), array(
'value'   => 'auto',
'label'   => TB_('Automatic (HTML + Plain text)') ),
'value'   => 'html',
'label'   => TB_('HTML') ),
'value'   => 'text',
'label'   => TB_('Plain text') ),
TB_('Email format'), array( 'lines' => true ) );
// display only
$Form->info_field( TB_('Email'), $edited_User->get('email'), array( 'note' => $email_fieldnote, 'class' => 'info_full_height' ) );
$UserSettings->get( 'email_format',  $edited_User->ID ) )
$email_format_value_title = TB_('Automatic (HTML + Plain text)');
$email_format_value_title = TB_('HTML');
$email_format_value_title = TB_('Plain text');
$email_format_value_title = $UserSettings->get( 'email_format',  $edited_User->ID );
$Form->info_field( TB_('Email format'), $email_format_value_title );


$Form->begin_fieldset( TB_('Receiving private messages').( is_admin_page() ? get_manual_link( 'user-communications-panel' ) : '' ) );

$has_messaging_perm = $edited_User->check_perm( 'perm_messaging', 'reply', false );
$messaging_options = array(    array( 'enable_PM', 1, TB_( 'private messages on this site.' ), ( ( $UserSettings->get( 'enable_PM', $edited_User->ID ) ) && ( $has_messaging_perm ) ), !$has_messaging_perm || $disabled ) );
$emails_msgform = $Settings->get( 'emails_msgform' );

$email_messaging_note = '';
    if( !
$UserSettings->get( 'enable_email', $edited_User->ID ) &&
$emails_msgform == 'userset' || $emails_msgform == 'adminset' ) )
// Check if user has own blog and display a red note
$user_own_blogs_count = $edited_User->get_own_blogs_count();
$user_own_blogs_count > 0 )
$email_messaging_note = '<span class="red">'.sprintf( TB_('You are the owner of %d collections. Visitors of these collections will <b>always</b> be able to contact you through a message form if needed (your email address will NOT be revealed).'),
$user_own_blogs_count ).'</span>';

$msgform_checklist_params = $checklist_params;
$emails_msgform == 'userset' )
// user can set
$messaging_options[] = array( 'enable_email', 1, TB_( 'emails through a message form that will NOT reveal my email address.' ), $UserSettings->get( 'enable_email', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled, $email_messaging_note );
    elseif( (
$emails_msgform == 'adminset' ) )
// only administrator users can set and current User is in 'Administrators' group
$is_disabled_email_method = ( $disabled || ! check_user_perm( 'users', 'edit' ) );
$messaging_options[] = array( 'enable_email', 1, TB_( 'emails through a message form that will NOT reveal my email address.' ).get_admin_badge( 'user' ), $UserSettings->get( 'enable_email', $edited_User->ID ), $is_disabled_email_method, $email_messaging_note );
    elseif( ! empty(
$email_messaging_note ) )
// Display red message to inform user when he don't have a permission to edit the setting:
$msgform_checklist_params['note'] = $email_messaging_note;
$Form->checklist( $messaging_options, 'edited_user_msgform', TB_('Other users can send me'), false, false, $msgform_checklist_params );


$Form->begin_fieldset( TB_('List subscriptions').( is_admin_page() ? get_manual_link( 'user-lists-panel' ) : '' ) );

$allowed_newsletters = $edited_User->get_allowed_newsletters();
$user_newsletter_subscriptions = $edited_User->get_newsletter_subscriptions();
$NewsletterCache = & get_NewsletterCache();
$newsletter_options = array();
$NewsletterCache->cache as $Newsletter )
        if( isset(
$allowed_newsletters[ $Newsletter->ID ] ) ||
in_array( $Newsletter->ID, $user_newsletter_subscriptions ) )
// Display only allowed newsletter and what user is subscribed to:
$newsletter_options[] = array( 'edited_user_newsletters[]', $Newsletter->ID, '<b>'.$Newsletter->get( 'name' ).':</b> '.$Newsletter->get( 'label' ), in_array( $Newsletter->ID, $user_newsletter_subscriptions ), $disabled );
count( $newsletter_options ) )
$Form->checklist( $newsletter_options, 'edited_user_newsletter', TB_( 'Lists' ), false, false, $checklist_params );

// Limit newsletters:
if( $is_admin_page )
// Back office view
$Form->text_input( 'edited_user_newsletter_limit', $UserSettings->get( 'newsletter_limit',  $edited_User->ID ), 3, TB_( 'Never send me more than' ), '', array( 'maxlength' => 3, 'required' => true, 'input_suffix' => ' <b>'.TB_('list emails per day, all lists combined.').'</b>' ) );
// Front office view
$Form->text_input( 'edited_user_newsletter_limit', $UserSettings->get( 'newsletter_limit',  $edited_User->ID ), 3, TB_( 'Never send me more than %s list emails per day, all lists combined.' ), '', array( 'maxlength' => 3, 'required' => true, 'inline' => true ) );


$notifications_mode = $Settings->get( 'outbound_notifications_mode' );

$notifications_mode != 'off' )
$Form->begin_fieldset( TB_('Collection subscriptions').( is_admin_page() ? get_manual_link( 'user-coll-subscriptions-panel' ) : '' ), array( 'id' => 'subs' ) );

// Get those blogs for which we have already subscriptions (for this user)
$sql = 'SELECT blog_ID, blog_shortname,
                                MAX( IF( sub_items IS NULL, IF( opt.cset_name = "opt_out_subscription", 1, 0 ), sub_items ) ) AS sub_items,
                                MAX( IF( sub_items_mod IS NULL, IF( opt.cset_name = "opt_out_items_mod_subscription", 1, 0 ), sub_items_mod ) ) AS sub_items_mod,
                                MAX( IF( sub_comments IS NULL, IF( opt.cset_name = "opt_out_comment_subscription", 1, 0 ), sub_comments ) ) AS sub_comments
                            FROM T_blogs
                            LEFT JOIN T_coll_settings AS sub ON ( sub.cset_coll_ID = blog_ID AND sub.cset_name = "allow_subscriptions" )
                            LEFT JOIN T_coll_settings AS subc ON ( subc.cset_coll_ID = blog_ID AND subc.cset_name = "allow_comment_subscriptions" )
                            LEFT JOIN T_coll_settings AS opt ON ( opt.cset_coll_ID = blog_ID AND opt.cset_name IN ( "opt_out_subscription", "opt_out_comment_subscription", "opt_out_items_mod_subscription" ) )
                            LEFT JOIN T_subscriptions ON ( sub_coll_ID = blog_ID AND sub_user_ID = '
.$edited_User->ID.' )
                            LEFT JOIN T_coll_group_perms ON (bloggroup_blog_ID = blog_ID AND bloggroup_ismember = 1 AND opt.cset_value = "1" )
                            LEFT JOIN T_coll_user_perms ON (bloguser_blog_ID = blog_ID AND bloguser_ismember = 1 AND opt.cset_value = "1" )
                            LEFT JOIN T_users ON (user_grp_ID = bloggroup_group_ID AND user_ID = '
.$edited_User->ID.' AND opt.cset_value = "1" )
                            LEFT JOIN T_users__secondary_user_groups ON (sug_grp_ID = bloggroup_group_ID AND sug_user_ID = '
.$edited_User->ID.' AND opt.cset_value = "1" )
                            WHERE ( ( sub.cset_value = 1 OR sub.cset_value IS NULL ) OR ( subc.cset_value = 1 OR subc.cset_value IS NULL ) )
                                AND ( sug_user_ID = '
.$edited_User->ID.' OR bloguser_user_ID = '.$edited_User->ID.' OR user_ID = '.$edited_User->ID.' OR sub_user_ID = '.$edited_User->ID.' )
                                AND ( sub_items <> 0 OR sub_items_mod <> 0 OR sub_comments <> 0 OR sub_coll_ID IS NULL )
                                AND ( CASE opt.cset_value WHEN 1 THEN blog_advanced_perms = 1 ELSE TRUE END )
                            GROUP BY blog_ID, blog_shortname'
$blog_subs = $DB->get_results( $sql );

$BlogCache = & get_BlogCache();
$subs_blog_IDs = array();
$blog_subs AS $blog_sub )
                if( ! (
$sub_Blog = & $BlogCache->get_by_ID( $blog_sub->blog_ID, false, false ) ) )
// Skip wrong collection:
                if( ! (
$sub_Blog->get_setting( 'allow_subscriptions' ) && $blog_sub->sub_items ) &&
                        ! (
$sub_Blog->get_setting( 'allow_comment_subscriptions' ) && $blog_sub->sub_comments ) &&
                        ! (
$sub_Blog->get_setting( 'allow_item_mod_subscriptions' ) && $blog_sub->sub_items_mod ) )
// Skip because the collection doesn't allow any subscription:

$subs_blog_IDs[] = $sub_Blog->ID;

// Skip because the user no longer has access to the collection - but only after adding the collection ID to the $subs_blog_IDs array.
                // The subscription will be removed from the DB when the user saves the form
if( ! $sub_Blog->has_access( $edited_User ) )

$subscriptions = array();
$sub_Blog->get_setting( 'allow_subscriptions' ) )
// If subscription is allowed for new posts:
$subscriptions[] = array( 'sub_items_'.$sub_Blog->ID, '1', TB_('Notify me of any new post in this collection'), $blog_sub->sub_items, $disabled );
$sub_Blog->get_setting( 'allow_comment_subscriptions' ) )
// If subscription is allowed for new comments:
$subscriptions[] = array( 'sub_comments_'.$sub_Blog->ID, '1', TB_('Notify me of any new comment in this collection'), $blog_sub->sub_comments, $disabled );
$sub_Blog->get_setting( 'allow_item_mod_subscriptions' ) )
// If subscription is allowed for modified posts:
$subscriptions[] = array( 'sub_items_mod_'.$sub_Blog->ID, '1', TB_('Notify me when:').' '.TB_('a post is modified and I have permissions to moderate it.'), $blog_sub->sub_items_mod, $disabled );
$Form->checklist( $subscriptions, 'subscriptions', $sub_Blog->dget( 'shortname', 'htmlbody' ) );

$Form->hidden( 'subs_blog_IDs', implode( ',', $subs_blog_IDs ) );

$is_admin_page && $Settings->get( 'subscribe_new_blogs' ) == 'page' )
// To subscribe from blog page only
$Form->info_field( '', TB_('In order to subscribe to a new blog, go to the relevant blog and subscribe from there.'), array( 'class' => 'info_full' ) );
// To subscribe from current list of blogs

        // Load collections which have the enabled settings to subscribe on new posts or comments:
$BlogCache = new BlogCache();
$BlogCache->load_subscription_colls( $edited_User, $subs_blog_IDs );

        if( empty(
$BlogCache->cache ) )
// No blogs to subscribe
if( empty( $subs_blog_IDs ) )
// Display this info if really no blogs to subscribe
$Form->info_field( '', TB_('Sorry, no blogs available to subscribe.'), array( 'class' => 'info_full' ) );
// Display a form to subscribe on new blog
$subscribe_blog_ID = param( 'subscribe_blog' , '', isset( $Blog ) ? $Blog->ID : 0 );
$action != 'view' )
// If current user can edit this user:
if( empty( $blog_subs ) )
$Form->begin_line( TB_('Subscribe to') );
$Form->begin_line( TB_('Also available') );

$Form->select_input_object( 'subscribe_blog', $subscribe_blog_ID, $BlogCache, '', array( 'object_callback' => 'get_option_list_parent', 'loop_object_method' => 'get_shortname' ) );
$Form->button( array(
'name'  => 'actionArray[subscribe]',
'value' => TB_('Subscribe to this collection'),
'style' => 'margin-left:10px;'
) );

// Get collection to set proper active checkboxes on page loading:
if( isset( $BlogCache->cache[ $subscribe_blog_ID ] ) )
// Get selected collection:
$selected_subscribe_Blog = $BlogCache->cache[ $subscribe_blog_ID ];
// Get first collection from list:
foreach( $BlogCache->cache as $selected_subscribe_Blog )

$Form->begin_fieldset( TB_('Individual post subscriptions').( is_admin_page() ? get_manual_link( 'user-post-subscriptions-panel' ) : '' ) );

$sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT post_ID, blog_ID, blog_shortname
                FROM T_items__item
                INNER JOIN T_categories ON cat_ID = post_main_cat_ID
                INNER JOIN T_blogs ON blog_ID = cat_blog_ID
                LEFT JOIN T_coll_settings AS sub ON ( sub.cset_coll_ID = blog_ID AND sub.cset_name = "allow_item_subscriptions" )
                LEFT JOIN T_coll_settings AS opt ON ( opt.cset_coll_ID = blog_ID AND opt.cset_name = "opt_out_item_subscription" )
                LEFT JOIN T_items__subscriptions ON ( isub_item_ID = post_ID AND isub_user_ID = '
.$edited_User->ID.' )
                LEFT JOIN T_coll_group_perms ON (bloggroup_blog_ID = blog_ID AND bloggroup_ismember = 1 AND opt.cset_value = "1" )
                LEFT JOIN T_coll_user_perms ON (bloguser_blog_ID = blog_ID AND bloguser_ismember = 1 AND opt.cset_value = "1" )
                LEFT JOIN T_users ON (user_grp_ID = bloggroup_group_ID AND user_ID = '
.$edited_User->ID.' AND opt.cset_value = "1" )
                LEFT JOIN T_users__secondary_user_groups ON (sug_grp_ID = bloggroup_group_ID AND sug_user_ID = '
.$edited_User->ID.' AND opt.cset_value = "1" )
                WHERE ( sug_user_ID = '
.$edited_User->ID.' OR bloguser_user_ID = '.$edited_User->ID.' OR user_ID = '.$edited_User->ID.' OR isub_user_ID = '.$edited_User->ID.' )
                    AND ( sub.cset_value = "1" OR sub.cset_coll_ID IS NULL )
                    AND ( isub_comments <> 0 OR isub_item_ID IS NULL )
                ORDER BY blog_ID ASC, post_last_touched_ts DESC, post_ID DESC'
$individual_posts_subs = $DB->get_results( $sql );
$subs_item_IDs = array();
        if( empty(
$individual_posts_subs ) )
$Form->info_field( '', TB_( 'You are not subscribed to any updates on specific posts yet.' ), array( 'class' => 'info_full' ) );
$ItemCache = & get_ItemCache();

$Form->info_field( '', TB_( 'You are subscribed to be notified of all new comments on the following posts' ).':', array( 'class' => 'info_full' ) );
$blog_name = NULL;
$post_counter = 0;
$individual_posts_subs as $row )
                if( ! (
$Item = $ItemCache->get_by_ID( $row->post_ID, false, false ) ) )
// Item doesn't exist anymore
$subs_item_IDs[] = $row->post_ID;
$blog_name != $row->blog_shortname )
                    if( !empty(
$blog_name ) )
                        if( !empty(
$subs_group[$blog_name] ) )
$post_subs[] = array( 'item_grp_sub[]', implode( ',', $subs_group[$blog_name] ),
sprintf( TB_('+%d older posts'), count( $subs_group[$blog_name] ) ), 1,    $disabled );
$Form->checklist( $post_subs, 'item_subscriptions', $blog_name );
$blog_name = $row->blog_shortname;
$post_subs = array();
$post_counter = 0;
is_admin_page() && check_user_perm( 'item_post!CURSTATUS', 'view', false, $Item ) )
// Link title to back-office if user has a permission
$item_title = '<a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=items&amp;blog='.$row->blog_ID.'&amp;p='.$Item->ID.'">'.format_to_output( $Item->get( 'title' ) ).'</a>';
// Link title to front-office
$item_title = $Item->get_permanent_link( '#title#' );

$post_counter < 20 ) // Maximum number of items/posts to display
$post_subs[] = array( 'item_sub_'.$row->post_ID, 1, $item_title, 1, $disabled );
                    if( !isset(
$subs_group[$blog_name] ) )
$subs_group[$blog_name] = array();
$subs_group[$blog_name][] = $row->post_ID;
// display individual post subscriptions from the last Blog
if( !empty( $subs_group[$blog_name] ) )
$post_subs[] = array( 'item_grp_sub[]', implode( ',', $subs_group[$blog_name] ),
sprintf( TB_('+%d older posts'), count( $subs_group[$blog_name] ) ), 1,    $disabled );
$Form->checklist( $post_subs, 'item_subscriptions', $blog_name );
$Form->hidden( 'subs_item_IDs', implode( ',', $subs_item_IDs ) );
$Form->info_field( '', TB_( 'To subscribe to notifications on a specifc post, go to that post and click "Notify me by email when someone comments here." at the end of the comment list.' ), array( 'class' => 'info_full' ) );


$Form->begin_fieldset( TB_('Receiving notifications').( is_admin_page() ? get_manual_link( 'user-notifications-panel' ) : '' ) );

// User notification options
$notify_options = array();
$has_messaging_perm )
// show messaging notification settings only if messaging is available for edited user
$notify_options[ TB_('Messaging') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_messages', 1, TB_('I receive a private message.'),  $UserSettings->get( 'notify_messages', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$unread_message_reminder_delay = $Settings->get( 'unread_message_reminder_delay' );
$notify_options[ TB_('Messaging') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_unread_messages', 1, sprintf( TB_('I have unread private messages for more than %s.'), seconds_to_period( $Settings->get( 'unread_message_reminder_threshold' ) ) ),  $UserSettings->get( 'notify_unread_messages', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled, sprintf( TB_('This notification is sent only once every %s days.'), array_shift( $unread_message_reminder_delay ) ) );
$notify_options[ TB_('Comments') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_comment_mentioned', 1, TB_( 'I have been mentioned on a comment.' ), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_comment_mentioned', $edited_User->ID ) );
$edited_User->check_role( 'post_owner' ) )
// user has at least one post or user has right to create new post
$notify_options[ TB_('Comments') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_publ_comments', 1, TB_('a comment is published on one of <strong>my</strong> posts.'), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_published_comments', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$is_comment_moderator = $edited_User->check_role( 'comment_moderator' );
$is_comment_moderator || $edited_User->check_role( 'comment_editor' ) )
// edited user has permission to edit other than his own comments at least in one status in one collection:
$notify_options[ TB_('Comments') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_cmt_moderation', 1, TB_('a comment is posted and I have permissions to moderate it.'), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_comment_moderation', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$notify_options[ TB_('Comments') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_edit_cmt_moderation', 1, TB_('a comment is modified and I have permissions to moderate it.'), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_edit_cmt_moderation', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$notify_options[ TB_('Comments') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_spam_cmt_moderation', 1, TB_('a comment is reported as spam and I have permissions to moderate it.'), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_spam_cmt_moderation', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$is_comment_moderator )
// edited user is comment moderator at least in one blog
$notify_options[ TB_('Comments') ][] = array( 'edited_user_send_cmt_moderation_reminder', 1, sprintf( TB_('comments are awaiting moderation for more than %s.'), seconds_to_period( $Settings->get( 'comment_moderation_reminder_threshold' ) ) ), $UserSettings->get( 'send_cmt_moderation_reminder', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$edited_User->check_perm( 'admin', 'restricted', false ) )
// edited user has a permission to back-office
$notify_options[ TB_('Comments') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_meta_comment_mentioned', 1, TB_( 'I have been mentioned on an internal comment.' ), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_meta_comment_mentioned', $edited_User->ID ) );
$notify_options[ TB_('Comments') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_meta_comments', 1, TB_('an internal comment is posted.'), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_meta_comments', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$notify_options[ TB_('Posts') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_post_mentioned', 1, TB_( 'I have been mentioned on a post.' ), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_post_mentioned', $edited_User->ID ) );
$edited_User->check_role( 'post_moderator' ) )
// edited user is post moderator at least in one blog
$notify_options[ TB_('Posts') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_post_moderation', 1, TB_('a post is created and I have permissions to moderate it.'), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_post_moderation', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$notify_options[ TB_('Posts') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_edit_pst_moderation', 1, TB_('a post is modified and I have permissions to moderate it.'), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_edit_pst_moderation', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$notify_options[ TB_('Posts') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_post_proposed', 1, TB_('someone proposed a change on a post and I have permissions to moderate it.'), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_post_proposed', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$notify_options[ TB_('Posts') ][] = array( 'edited_user_send_pst_moderation_reminder', 1, sprintf( TB_('posts are awaiting moderation for more than %s.'), seconds_to_period( $Settings->get( 'post_moderation_reminder_threshold' ) ) ), $UserSettings->get( 'send_pst_moderation_reminder', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$notify_options[ TB_('Posts') ][] = array( 'edited_user_send_pst_stale_alert', 1, TB_('there are stale posts and I have permission to moderate them.'), $UserSettings->get( 'send_pst_stale_alert', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$edited_User->check_role( 'member' ) )
// user is member of at least one collection
$notify_options[ TB_('Posts') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_post_assignment', 1, TB_('a post was assigned to me.'), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_post_assignment', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
check_user_perm( 'users', 'edit' ) )
// current User is an administrator
$notify_options[ TB_('My account') ][] = array( 'edited_user_send_activation_reminder', 1, sprintf( TB_('my account was deactivated or is not activated for more than %s.').get_admin_badge( 'user' ), seconds_to_period( $Settings->get( 'activate_account_reminder_threshold' ) ) ), $UserSettings->get( 'send_activation_reminder', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$Settings->get( 'inactive_account_reminder_threshold' ) > 0 )
// If setting "Trigger after" of cron job "Send reminders about inactive accounts" is selected at least to 1 second:
$notify_options[ TB_('My account') ][] = array( 'edited_user_send_inactive_reminder', 1, sprintf( TB_('my account has been inactive for more than %s.'), seconds_to_period( $Settings->get( 'inactive_account_reminder_threshold' ) ) ), $UserSettings->get( 'send_inactive_reminder', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$edited_User->check_perm( 'users', 'edit' ) )
// edited user has permission to edit all users, save notification preferences
$notify_options[ TB_('System users') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_new_user_registration', 1, TB_( 'a new user has registered.' ), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_new_user_registration', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$notify_options[ TB_('System users') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_activated_account', 1, TB_( 'an account was activated.' ), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_activated_account', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$notify_options[ TB_('System users') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_closed_account', 1, TB_( 'an account was closed.' ), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_closed_account', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$notify_options[ TB_('System users') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_reported_account', 1, TB_( 'an account was reported.' ), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_reported_account', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$notify_options[ TB_('System users') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_changed_account', 1, TB_( 'an account was changed.' ), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_changed_account', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$edited_User->check_perm( 'options', 'edit' ) )
// edited user has permission to edit options, save notification preferences
$notify_options[ TB_('System maintenance') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_cronjob_error', 1, TB_( 'a scheduled task ends with an error or timeout.' ), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_cronjob_error',  $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );

$notify_options[ TB_('System maintenance') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_list_new_subscriber', 1, TB_('one of my Lists gets a new subscriber.'), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_list_new_subscriber', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
$notify_options[ TB_('System maintenance') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_list_lost_subscriber', 1, TB_('one of my Lists loses a subscriber.'), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_list_lost_subscriber', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
check_user_perm( 'users', 'edit' ) && $edited_User->check_perm( 'options', 'view' ) )
// current User is an administrator and the edited user has a permission to automations:
$notify_options[ TB_('System maintenance') ][] = array( 'edited_user_notify_automation_owner', 1, TB_('one of my automations wants to notify me.'), $UserSettings->get( 'notify_automation_owner', $edited_User->ID ), $disabled );
    if( !empty(
$notify_options ) )
$Form->checklist( array(), 'edited_user_notification', TB_('Notify me by email when the following events occur'), false, false, $checklist_params );
$notify_options as $notify_label => $notify_checkboxes )
$Form->checklist( $notify_checkboxes, 'edited_user_notification', $notify_label, false, false, $checklist_params );

// Limit notifications:
if( $is_admin_page )
// Back office view
$Form->text_input( 'edited_user_notification_email_limit', $UserSettings->get( 'notification_email_limit',  $edited_User->ID ), 3, TB_( 'Limit notifications to' ), '', array( 'maxlength' => 3, 'required' => true, 'input_suffix' => ' <b>'.TB_('emails per day').'</b>' ) );
// Front office view
$Form->text_input( 'edited_user_notification_email_limit', $UserSettings->get( 'notification_email_limit',  $edited_User->ID ), 3, TB_( 'Limit notifications to %s emails per day' ), '', array( 'maxlength' => 3, 'required' => true, 'inline' => true ) );


/***************  Buttons  **************/

if( $action != 'view' )
// Edit buttons
$Form->buttons( array( array( '', 'actionArray[update]', TB_('Save Changes!'), 'SaveButton' ) ) );
