Seditio Source
Root |
 * This file implements the UI view for the users statistics.
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * @package admin
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );


/*** Email statistics ***/

$SQL = new SQL();
$SQL->SELECT( 'dom_name,
    COUNT( IF( user_status = \'new\', 1, NULL ) ) AS cnt_new,
    COUNT( IF( user_status = \'activated\', 1, NULL ) ) AS cnt_activated,
    COUNT( IF( user_status = \'manualactivated\', 1, NULL ) ) AS cnt_manualactivated,
    COUNT( IF( user_status = \'autoactivated\', 1, NULL ) ) AS cnt_autoactivated,
    COUNT( IF( user_status = \'emailchanged\', 1, NULL ) ) AS cnt_emailchanged,
    COUNT( IF( user_status = \'deactivated\', 1, NULL ) ) AS cnt_deactivated,
    COUNT( IF( user_status = \'failedactivation\', 1, NULL ) ) AS cnt_failedactivation,
    COUNT( IF( user_status = \'closed\', 1, NULL ) ) AS cnt_closed,
    ( COUNT( IF( user_status IN( \'activated\', \'autoactivated\' ), 1, NULL ) ) / COUNT( * ) ) AS percent'
$SQL->FROM( 'T_users' );
$SQL->FROM_add( 'LEFT JOIN T_basedomains ON dom_ID = user_email_dom_ID' );
$SQL->GROUP_BY( 'dom_ID' );

$count_SQL = new SQL();
$count_SQL->SELECT( 'COUNT( DISTINCT user_email_dom_ID )' );
$count_SQL->FROM( 'T_users' );

// Create result set:
$Results = new Results( $SQL->get(), 'dom_', '--D', NULL, $count_SQL->get() );

$Results->title = T_('Email statistics').get_manual_link( 'user-stats' );

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('Email domain'),
'td' => '$dom_name$',
'order' => 'dom_name',
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('# New'),
'td' => '$cnt_new$',
'order' => 'cnt_new',
'default_dir' => 'D',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('# Activated'),
'td' => '$cnt_activated$',
'order' => 'cnt_activated',
'default_dir' => 'D',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('# Manually activated'),
'td' => '$cnt_manualactivated$',
'order' => 'cnt_manualactivated',
'default_dir' => 'D',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('# Autoactivated'),
'td' => '$cnt_autoactivated$',
'order' => 'cnt_autoactivated',
'default_dir' => 'D',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('# Email changed'),
'td' => '$cnt_emailchanged$',
'order' => 'cnt_emailchanged',
'default_dir' => 'D',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('# Deactivated'),
'td' => '$cnt_deactivated$',
'order' => 'cnt_deactivated',
'default_dir' => 'D',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('# Failed Activation'),
'td' => '$cnt_failedactivation$',
'order' => 'cnt_failedactivation',
'default_dir' => 'D',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('# Closed'),
'td' => '$cnt_closed$',
'order' => 'cnt_closed',
'default_dir' => 'D',

 * Format percent value
 * @param float Percent
 * @return string Formatted percent
function stats_active_percent( $percent )
floor( $percent * 100 ).' %';
$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => /* xgettext:no-php-format */ T_('% of active users'),
'td' => '%stats_active_percent( #percent# )%',
'order' => 'percent',
'default_dir' => 'D',

$Results->display( array(
'page_url' => $admin_url.'?ctrl=users&amp;tab=stats'
) );

// ---- The data for donut chart: BEGIN ---- //
global $user_gender_color;

$donut_chart = array();

// Canvas size:
$donut_chart['width'] = 280;
$donut_chart['height'] = 280;

// Colors:
$donut_chart['series_color'] = array();
$donut_chart['series_color'][0] = array(); // Outer donut
$donut_chart['series_color'][1] = $user_gender_color; // Middle donut
$donut_chart['series_color'][2] = array(); // Inner donut
$c = 0;
$user_gender_color as $color )
$donut_chart['series_color'][0][] = $color;
// Use white(transparent) color for users without photos
$donut_chart['series_color'][0][] = 'FFF';
$c % 3 == 0 )
// The inner donut uses only 3 main colors
$donut_chart['series_color'][2][] = $color;

// Legend titles:
$donut_chart['legend_numrows'] = 9;
$donut_chart['legends'] = array(
T_('Women').' / '.T_('Active').' / '.T_('With Photo'),
T_('Women').' / '.T_('Active').' / '.T_('No Photo'),
T_('Women').' / '.T_('Inactive').' / '.T_('With Photo'),
T_('Women').' / '.T_('Inactive').' / '.T_('No Photo'),
T_('Women').' / '.T_('Closed').' / '.T_('With Photo'),
T_('Women').' / '.T_('Closed').' / '.T_('No Photo'),
T_('Men').' / '.T_('Active').' / '.T_('With Photo'),
T_('Men').' / '.T_('Active').' / '.T_('No Photo'),
T_('Men').' / '.T_('Inactive').' / '.T_('With Photo'),
T_('Men').' / '.T_('Inactive').' / '.T_('No Photo'),
T_('Men').' / '.T_('Closed').' / '.T_('With Photo'),
T_('Men').' / '.T_('Closed').' / '.T_('No Photo'),
T_('Unknown').' / '.T_('Active').' / '.T_('With Photo'),
T_('Unknown').' / '.T_('Active').' / '.T_('No Photo'),
T_('Unknown').' / '.T_('Inactive').' / '.T_('With Photo'),
T_('Unknown').' / '.T_('Inactive').' / '.T_('No Photo'),
T_('Unknown').' / '.T_('Closed').' / '.T_('With Photo'),
T_('Unknown').' / '.T_('Closed').' / '.T_('No Photo') );

// Data:
$donut_chart['data'] = array();
$donut_chart['data'][0] = array();
$donut_chart['data'][1] = array();
$donut_chart['data'][2] = array();

 * Test data array:
 *   F - Female, M - Male, G - No gender
 *   a - Active, i - Inactive, c - closed
 *   p - with photo, n - without photo
$donut_chart['data'][0] = array( 'Fap' => 1, 'Fan' => 4, 'Fip' => 1, 'Fin' => 2, 'Fcp' => 2, 'Fcn' => 1,
                                   'Map' => 3, 'Man' => 1, 'Mip' => 2, 'Min' => 1, 'Mcp' => 0, 'Mcn' => 1,
                                   'Gap' => 1, 'Gan' => 0, 'Gip' => 2, 'Gin' => 0, 'Gcp' => 1, 'Gcn' => 3 );
$donut_chart['data'][1] = array( 'Fa' => 5, 'Fi' => 3, 'Fc' => 3,
                                   'Ma' => 4, 'Mi' => 3, 'Mc' => 1,
                                   'Ga' => 1, 'Gi' => 2, 'Gc' => 4 );
$donut_chart['data'][2] = array( 'F' => 11, 'M' => 8, 'G' => 7 );*/

// Get users data for donut charts from DB
$donut_SQL = new SQL();
$donut_SQL->SELECT( 'IF( user_gender IN ( "M", "F" ), user_gender, "G" ) AS gender, '
.'IF( user_status IN( "activated", "autoactivated", "manualactivated" ), "a", IF( user_status = "closed", "c", "i" ) ) AS active, '
.'IF( user_avatar_file_ID IS NOT NULL, "p", "n" ) AS photo, '
.'COUNT( user_ID ) AS cnt' );
$donut_SQL->FROM( 'T_users' );
$donut_SQL->GROUP_BY( 'gender, active, photo' );
$donut_data = $DB->get_results( $donut_SQL->get(), ARRAY_A );

// Go through these shcemes to build/init a correct data for donut charts
$scheme_gender = array( 'F', 'M', 'G' );
$scheme_active = array( 'a', 'i', 'c' );
$scheme_photos = array( 'p', 'n' );
$scheme_gender as $gender )
// Genders
$donut_chart['data'][2][ $gender ] = 0;
$scheme_active as $active )
// Actives
$donut_chart['data'][1][ $gender.$active ] = 0;
$scheme_photos as $photo )
// Photos
$donut_chart['data'][0][ $gender.$active.$photo ] = 0;

// Insert the data from DB to the donut chart data
foreach( $donut_data as $donut_data_row )
$donut_chart['data'][0] as $gap => $value )
// Gender + Active + Photo
if( $donut_data_row['gender'].$donut_data_row['active'].$donut_data_row['photo'] == $gap )
$donut_chart['data'][0][ $gap ] += $donut_data_row['cnt'];
$donut_chart['data'][1] as $ga => $value )
// Gender + Active
if( $donut_data_row['gender'].$donut_data_row['active'] == $ga )
$donut_chart['data'][1][ $ga ] += $donut_data_row['cnt'];
$donut_chart['data'][2] as $g => $value )
// Gender
if( $donut_data_row['gender'] == $g )
$donut_chart['data'][2][ $g ] += $donut_data_row['cnt'];

'<div style="width:690px;margin:auto;">';
CanvasDonutChart( $donut_chart );
// ---- The data for donut chart: END ---- //

/*** Gender statistics ***/

// Get total values
$SQL = new SQL( 'Get active users' );
$SQL->SELECT( 'COUNT( * )' );
$SQL->FROM( 'T_users' );
// Active users
$SQL->WHERE( 'user_status IN( \'activated\', \'autoactivated\', \'manualactivated\' )' );
$total_cnt_active = $DB->get_var( $SQL );

// Not active users
$SQL->WHERE( 'user_status NOT IN( \'activated\', \'autoactivated\', \'closed\' )' );
$total_cnt_notactive = $DB->get_var( $SQL, 0, NULL, 'Get not active users' );

// Closed users
$SQL->WHERE( 'user_status = \'closed\'' );
$total_cnt_closed = $DB->get_var( $SQL, 0, NULL, 'Get closed users' );

// Users with pictures
$SQL->WHERE( 'user_avatar_file_ID IS NOT NULL' );
$total_cnt_pictured = $DB->get_var( $SQL, 0, NULL, 'Get users with pictures' );

// Get all records
$SQL = new SQL();
$SQL->SELECT( 'IF( user_gender IN ( "M", "F" ), user_gender, "A" ) AS gender_sign,
    COUNT( IF( user_status IN( \'activated\', \'autoactivated\', \'manualactivated\' ), 1, NULL ) ) AS cnt_active,
    COUNT( IF( user_status IN( \'activated\', \'autoactivated\', \'manualactivated\', \'closed\' ), NULL, 1 ) ) AS cnt_notactive,
    COUNT( IF( user_status = \'closed\', 1, NULL ) ) AS cnt_closed,
    COUNT( IF( user_avatar_file_ID IS NOT NULL, 1, NULL ) ) AS cnt_pictured'
$SQL->FROM( 'T_users' );
$SQL->GROUP_BY( 'gender_sign' );

// Create result set:
$Results = new Results( $SQL->get(), 'gender_', 'D', NULL, 3 );

$Results->title = T_('Gender statistics');

 * Get formatted data with current value and percentage
 * @param integer Cell value
 * @param integer Total of the column
 * @return string Value (Percent)
function stats_gender_value( $value, $total )
$percent = $total == 0 ? 0 : floor( $value / $total * 100 );

$value.' ('.$percent.'%)';

 * Convert gender value from DB short name to full readable name
 * @param string Gender value
 * @return string Gender name
function stats_gender_name( $gender )
$gender )
$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('Gender'),
'td' => '%stats_gender_name( #gender_sign# )%',
'order' => 'gender_sign',
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'total' => '<strong>'.T_('Total').'</strong>',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('# Active'),
'td' => '%stats_gender_value( #cnt_active#, '.$total_cnt_active.' )%',
'order' => 'cnt_active',
'default_dir' => 'D',
'total' => $total_cnt_active,

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('# Not active'),
'td' => '%stats_gender_value( #cnt_notactive#, '.$total_cnt_notactive.' )%',
'order' => 'cnt_notactive',
'default_dir' => 'D',
'total' => $total_cnt_notactive,

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('# Closed'),
'td' => '%stats_gender_value( #cnt_closed#, '.$total_cnt_closed.' )%',
'order' => 'cnt_closed',
'default_dir' => 'D',
'total' => $total_cnt_closed,

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('# With profile picture'),
'td' => '%stats_gender_value( #cnt_pictured#, '.$total_cnt_pictured.' )%',
'order' => 'cnt_pictured',
'default_dir' => 'D',
'total' => $total_cnt_pictured,

'<br />';
$Results->display( array(
'page_url' => $admin_url.'?ctrl=users&amp;tab=stats'
) );

/*** Graph of registrations per day ***/

echo '<h2>'.T_('# registrations per day').'</h2>';

$AdminUI, $user_gender_color;

$SQL = new SQL( 'Get user summary' );
        CONCAT( IF( user_gender IN ( "M", "F" ), user_gender, "G" ), "_", IF( user_status IN ( "activated", "autoactivated", "manualactivated" ), "active", ( IF( user_status = "closed", "closed", "notactive" ) ) ) ) AS user_gender_status,
        EXTRACT(YEAR FROM user_created_datetime) AS year,
        EXTRACT(MONTH FROM user_created_datetime) AS month,
        EXTRACT(DAY FROM user_created_datetime) AS day'
$SQL->FROM( 'T_users' );
$SQL->WHERE( 'user_created_datetime >= '.$DB->quote( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime( date( 'H' ), date( 'i' ), date( 's' ), date( 'm' ) - 1, date( 'd' ), date( 'Y' ) ) ) ) );
$SQL->GROUP_BY( 'year, month, day, user_gender_status' );
$SQL->ORDER_BY( 'year DESC, month DESC, day DESC, user_gender_status' );
$res_users = $DB->get_results( $SQL, ARRAY_A );

 * Chart
if( count( $res_users ) )
$last_date = 0;

ONE COLOR for Active Female
ONE COLOR for Inactive Female
ONE COLOR for Closed Female
ONE COLOR for Active Male
ONE COLOR for Inactive Male
ONE COLOR for Closed Male
ONE COLOR for Active No gender
ONE COLOR for Inactive No gender
ONE COLOR for Closed No gender
$col_mapping = array(
'F_active'    => 1,
'F_notactive' => 2,
'F_closed'    => 3,
'M_active'    => 4,
'M_notactive' => 5,
'M_closed'    => 6,
'G_active'    => 7,
'G_notactive' => 8,
'G_closed'    => 9,

$i = 0; $i <= 9; $i++ )
$chart[ 'chart_data' ][ $i ] = array();

$chart['dates'] = array();
$chart['legend_numrows'] = 3;

$count = 0;
$res_users as $row_stats )
$this_date = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $row_stats['month'], $row_stats['day'], $row_stats['year'] );
$last_date != $this_date )
// We just hit a new day, let's display the previous one:
$last_date = $this_date;    // that'll be the next one
$count ++;
array_unshift( $chart[ 'chart_data' ][ 0 ], date( 'D '.locale_datefmt(), $last_date ) );
$i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++ )
array_unshift( $chart[ 'chart_data' ][ $i ], 0 );

array_unshift( $chart['dates'], $last_date );
        if( ! empty (
$col_mapping[ $row_stats['user_gender_status'] ] ) )
// those users are calculated here
$col = $col_mapping[ $row_stats['user_gender_status'] ];
$chart['chart_data'][$col][0] = $row_stats['users'];

ONE COLOR for user_gender = F AND status IN ( activated, autoactivated, manualactivated )
ONE COLOR for user_gender = F AND status NOT IN ( activated, autoactivated, manualactivated )
ONE COLOR for user_gender = M AND status IN ( activated, autoactivated, manualactivated )
ONE COLOR for user_gender = M AND status NOT IN ( activated, autoactivated, manualactivated )
ONE COLOR for user_gender = NULL AND status IN ( activated, autoactivated, manualactivated )
ONE COLOR for user_gender = NULL AND status NOT IN ( activated, autoactivated, manualactivated )
array_unshift( $chart[ 'chart_data' ][ 0 ], '' );
array_unshift( $chart[ 'chart_data' ][ 1 ], T_('Women (Active)') );
array_unshift( $chart[ 'chart_data' ][ 2 ], T_('Women (Inactive)') );
array_unshift( $chart[ 'chart_data' ][ 3 ], T_('Women (Closed)') );
array_unshift( $chart[ 'chart_data' ][ 4 ], T_('Men (Active)') );
array_unshift( $chart[ 'chart_data' ][ 5 ], T_('Men (Inactive)') );
array_unshift( $chart[ 'chart_data' ][ 6 ], T_('Men (Closed)') );
array_unshift( $chart[ 'chart_data' ][ 7 ], T_('Unknown (Active)') );
array_unshift( $chart[ 'chart_data' ][ 8 ], T_('Unknown (Inactive)') );
array_unshift( $chart[ 'chart_data' ][ 9 ], T_('Unknown (Closed)') );

$chart[ 'series_color' ] = $user_gender_color;

$chart[ 'canvas_bg' ] = array( 'width'  => 780, 'height' => 355 );

'<div class="center" style="margin-bottom:70px">';
CanvasBarsChart( $chart );
