Seditio Source
Root |
 * This file implements the UI view for user marketing settings which are visible only for admin users.
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * @package admin

if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

 * @var instance of User class
global $edited_User, $UserSettings, $Settings, $Plugins;


$servertimenow, $admin_url, $user_tags, $action;

if( !
$current_User->can_moderate_user( $edited_User->ID ) )
// Check permission:
debug_die( TB_( 'You have no permission to see this tab!' ) );

// Begin payload block:

// ------------------- PREV/NEXT USER LINKS -------------------
user_prevnext_links( array(
'user_tab' => 'marketing'
) );
// ------------- END OF PREV/NEXT USER LINKS -------------------

$user_status_icons = get_user_status_icons();

$Form = new Form( NULL, 'user_checkchanges' );

$Form->title_fmt = '$title$';

echo_user_actions( $Form, $edited_User, $action );

$form_text_title = TB_( 'User marketing settings' ); // used for js confirmation message on leave the changed form
$form_title = get_usertab_header( $edited_User, 'marketing', '<span class="nowrap">'.TB_( 'User marketing settings' ).'</span>'.get_manual_link( 'user-marketing-tab' ) );

$Form->begin_form( 'fform', $form_title, array( 'title' => ( isset( $form_text_title ) ? $form_text_title : $form_title ) ) );

$Form->add_crumb( 'user' );
$Form->hidden( 'user_tab', 'marketing' );

$Form->hidden( 'user_ID', $edited_User->ID );
$Form->hidden( 'edited_user_login', $edited_User->login );

$Form->begin_fieldset( TB_('Tags').get_manual_link('user-marketing-tags') );

$action != 'view' )
// If current user can edit this user:
$Form->usertag_input( 'edited_user_tags', param( 'edited_user_tags', 'string', $user_tags ), 40, TB_('Tags'), '', array(
'maxlength' => 255,
'style'     => 'width: 100%;',
            ) );
// If current user cannot edit this user:
$Form->info( TB_('Tags'), $user_tags );

$Form->end_fieldset(); // user tags

if( $action != 'view' )
// If current user can edit this user:
$Form->buttons( array( array( '', 'actionArray[update]', TB_('Save Changes!'), 'SaveButton' ) ) );


// Display numbers of users queued for the edited Automation Step:
$SQL = new SQL( 'Get automations for the edited User #'.$edited_User->ID );
$SQL->SELECT( 'autm_ID, autm_name, step_ID, step_label, step_type, step_info, step_order, aust_next_exec_ts' );
$SQL->FROM( 'T_automation__user_state' );
$SQL->FROM_add( 'INNER JOIN T_automation__automation ON aust_autm_ID = autm_ID' );
$SQL->FROM_add( 'LEFT JOIN T_automation__step ON aust_next_step_ID = step_ID' );
$SQL->WHERE( 'aust_user_ID = '.$edited_User->ID );

$Results = new Results( $SQL->get(), 'ustep_', '--A' );

$action != 'view' )
// If current user can edit this user:
$Results->global_icon( TB_('Add user to an automation...'), 'new', regenerate_url( 'action,user_tab', 'action=new_automation&amp;user_tab=automation' ), TB_('Add user to an automation...'), 3, 4, array(
'class' => 'action_icon btn-primary',
'onclick' => 'return add_user_automation( '.$edited_User->ID.' )'
) );

$Results->title = TB_('Automations').get_manual_link( 'user-automations' );

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th'    => TB_('Automation'),
'order' => 'autm_name',
'td'    => ( check_user_perm( 'options', 'edit' )
'<a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=automations&amp;action=edit&amp;autm_ID=$autm_ID$"><b>$autm_name$</b></a>'
: '$autm_name$' ),

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th'    => TB_('Next step'),
'order' => 'step_order, step_label',
'td'    => '%step_td_user_state( #step_ID#, #step_label#, #step_type#, #step_info#, #step_order# )%',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th'       => TB_('Next execution time'),
'order'    => 'aust_next_exec_ts',
'td'       => '%mysql2localedatetime_spans( #aust_next_exec_ts# )%',
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'timestamp',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th'       => TB_('Actions'),
'td'       => action_icon( TB_('Remove this user from automation'), 'delete', $admin_url.'?ctrl=user&amp;action=remove_automation&amp;user_ID='.$edited_User->ID.'&amp;autm_ID=$autm_ID$&amp;'.url_crumb( 'user' ) ),
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap',


// Display email campaigns
$campaign_SQL = new SQL( 'Get email campaigns for the edited Uer #'.$edited_User->ID );
$campaign_SQL->SELECT( 'ecmp_ID, ecmp_name, csnd_last_sent_ts, csnd_last_open_ts, csnd_last_click_ts, csnd_cta1, csnd_cta2, csnd_cta3, csnd_like, csnd_status, enls_subscribed, csnd_emlog_ID' );
$campaign_SQL->FROM( 'T_email__campaign' );
$campaign_SQL->FROM_add( 'INNER JOIN T_email__newsletter_subscription ON enls_user_ID = '.$edited_User->ID.' AND enls_enlt_ID = ecmp_enlt_ID' );
$campaign_SQL->FROM_add( 'INNER JOIN T_email__campaign_send ON csnd_camp_ID = ecmp_ID' );
$campaign_SQL->WHERE( 'csnd_user_ID = '.$edited_User->ID );

$campaign_Results = new Results( $campaign_SQL->get(), 'ucamp_', 'D' );
$Results->Cache = & get_EmailCampaignCache();
$campaign_Results->title = TB_('Email campaigns').get_manual_link( 'email-campaign-recipients' );

$campaign_Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => TB_('ID'),
'order' => 'ecmp_ID',
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'right',
'td' => '$ecmp_ID$',

$campaign_Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => TB_('Campaign name'),
'order' => 'ecmp_name',
'td' => '<a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=campaigns&amp;action=edit&amp;ecmp_ID=$ecmp_ID$"><b>$ecmp_name$</b></a>',

$campaign_Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => TB_('List Status'),
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'nowrap',
'order' => 'enls_user_ID',
'td' => '~conditional( #enls_subscribed# > 0, \''.format_to_output( TB_('Still subscribed'), 'htmlattr' ).'\', \''.format_to_output( TB_('Unsubscribed'), 'htmlattr' ).'\' )~',

$campaign_Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => TB_('Campaign Status'),
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'center nowrap',
'order' => 'csnd_status',
'td' => '%user_td_campaign_status( #csnd_status#, #csnd_emlog_ID# )%'

$campaign_Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => TB_('Send date'),
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'timestamp',
'order' => 'csnd_last_sent_ts',
'default_dir' => 'D',
'td' => '%user_td_emlog_date( #csnd_last_sent_ts# )%',

$campaign_Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => TB_('Last opened'),
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'timestamp',
'order' => 'csnd_last_open_ts',
'default_dir' => 'D',
'td' => '%user_td_emlog_date( #csnd_last_open_ts# )%',

$campaign_Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => TB_('Last clicked'),
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'timestamp',
'order' => 'csnd_last_click_ts',
'default_dir' => 'D',
'td' => '%user_td_emlog_date( #csnd_last_click_ts# )%',

$campaign_Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => /* TRANS: Call To Action 1*/ TB_('CTA1'),
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'center',
'order' => 'csnd_cta1',
'td' => '%user_td_cta( #csnd_cta1# )%'

$campaign_Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => /* TRANS: Call To Action 2*/ TB_('CTA2'),
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'center',
'order' => 'csnd_cta2',
'td' => '%user_td_cta( #csnd_cta2# )%'

$campaign_Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => /* TRANS: Call To Action 3*/ TB_('CTA3'),
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'center',
'order' => 'csnd_cta3',
'td' => '%user_td_cta( #csnd_cta3# )%'

$campaign_Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => TB_('Liked'),
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'center',
'order' => 'csnd_like',
'td' => '%user_td_liked_email( #csnd_like# )%'
$action != 'view' )
// If current user can edit this user:
$campaign_Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => TB_('Actions'),
'th_class' => 'small',
'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap small',
'td' => '%user_td_campaign_actions( #ecmp_ID#, '.$edited_User->ID.', #csnd_status# )%'


// End payload block: