Seditio Source
Root |

if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

 * @var user permission, if user is only allowed to edit his profile
global $user_profile_only;
 * @var User
global $edited_User;
 * @var User
global $current_User;
 * @var current action
global $action;
 * @var the action destination of the form (NULL for pagenow)
global $form_action;

// Default params:
$default_params = array(
'skin_form_params'       => array(),
'form_class_user_avatar' => 'bComment',

if( isset(
$params ) )
// Merge with default params
$params = array_merge( $default_params, $params );
// Use a default params
$params = $default_params;

// ------------------- PREV/NEXT USER LINKS -------------------
user_prevnext_links( array(
'user_tab' => 'avatar'
) );
// ------------- END OF PREV/NEXT USER LINKS -------------------

$Form = new Form( $form_action, 'user_checkchanges', 'post', NULL, 'multipart/form-data' );

$Form->switch_template_parts( $params['skin_form_params'] );

if( !
$user_profile_only )
echo_user_actions( $Form, $edited_User, $action );

$is_admin = is_admin_page();
$is_admin )
$form_text_title = '<span class="nowrap">'.TB_( 'Edit profile picture' ).'</span>'.get_manual_link( 'user-profile-picture-tab' ); // used for js confirmation message on leave the changed form
$form_title = get_usertab_header( $edited_User, 'avatar', $form_text_title );
$form_class = 'fform';
$Form->title_fmt = '$title$';
$ctrl_param = '?ctrl=user&amp;user_tab=avatar&amp;user_ID='.$edited_User->ID;
$Collection, $Blog;
$form_title = '';
$form_class = $params['form_class_user_avatar'];
$ctrl_param = url_add_param( $Blog->gen_blogurl(), 'disp='.$disp );

$Form->begin_form( $form_class, $form_title, array( 'title' => ( isset( $form_text_title ) ? $form_text_title : $form_title ) ) );

$Form->add_crumb( 'user' );
$is_admin )
$Form->hidden( 'disp', $disp );
$Form->hidden( 'user_tab', 'avatar' );
$Form->hidden( 'avatar_form', '1' );

$Form->hidden( 'user_ID', $edited_User->ID );
    if( isset(
$Blog ) )
$Form->hidden( 'blog', $Blog->ID );

/***************  Avatar  **************/

$Form->begin_fieldset( $is_admin ? TB_('Profile picture').get_manual_link( 'user-profile-picture-tab' ) : '', array( 'class'=>'fieldset clear' ) );

$avatar_tag = $edited_User->get_avatar_imgtag( 'fit-320x320', 'avatar', '', true, '', 'user_pictures' );
if( empty(
$avatar_tag ) )
    if( (
$current_User->ID == $edited_User->ID ) )
$avatar_tag = TB_( 'You currently have no profile picture.' );
$avatar_tag = TB_( 'This user currently has no profile picture.' );

$can_moderate_user = $current_User->can_moderate_user( $edited_User->ID );
$edited_User->has_avatar() && ( $avatar_Link = & $edited_User->get_avatar_Link() ) )
$action_picture_links = '';
    if( (
$current_User->ID == $edited_User->ID ) || $can_moderate_user )
// Display actions only if current user can edit this user
if( is_admin_page() )
$remove_picture_url = $ctrl_param.'&amp;action=remove_avatar&amp;'.url_crumb('user');
$delete_picture_url = $ctrl_param.'&amp;action=delete_avatar&amp;file_ID='.$edited_User->avatar_file_ID.'&amp;'.url_crumb('user');
$remove_picture_url = get_htsrv_url().'profile_update.php?user_tab=avatar&amp;blog='.$Blog->ID.'&amp;action=remove_avatar&amp;'.url_crumb('user');
$delete_picture_url = get_htsrv_url().'profile_update.php?user_tab=avatar&amp;blog='.$Blog->ID.'&amp;action=delete_avatar&amp;file_ID='.$edited_User->avatar_file_ID.'&amp;'.url_crumb('user');

$rotate_icons = $edited_User->get_rotate_avatar_icons( $edited_User->avatar_file_ID, array(
'before' => '',
'after'  => '<br />',
'text'   => ' '.TB_('Rotate'),
            ) );

$crop_icon = $edited_User->get_crop_avatar_icon( $edited_User->avatar_file_ID, array(
'before'  => '',
'after'   => '<br />',
'text'    => ' '.TB_('Crop'),
'onclick' => 'return user_crop_avatar( '.$edited_User->ID.', '.$edited_User->avatar_file_ID.' )'
) );

$remove_picture_text = TB_( 'No longer use this as main profile picture' );
$delete_picture_text = TB_( 'Delete this profile picture' );

$forbid_link = '';
$duplicated_files_message = '';
is_admin_page() && $can_moderate_user )
// Only if current user can edit this user
            // Allow to forbid main picture
$forbid_picture_text = TB_( 'Forbid using as main profile picture' );
$forbid_picture_url = $ctrl_param.'&amp;action=forbid_avatar&amp;'.url_crumb('user');
$forbid_link = action_icon( $forbid_picture_text, 'move_down_orange', $forbid_picture_url, ' '.$forbid_picture_text, 3, 4 ).'<br />';
// Display a message about the duplicated profile picture
$avatar_File = & $avatar_Link->get_File();
$duplicated_files_message = $avatar_File->get_duplicated_files_message( array(
'message' => '<p class="duplicated_avatars">'
.get_icon( 'warning_yellow', 'imgtag', array( 'style' => 'padding-left:16px') ).' '
.TB_('Also used by: %s').'</p>'
) );

$action != 'view' )
// If current user can edit this User:
$action_picture_links = '<div class="avatar_actions">'.
action_icon( $remove_picture_text, 'move_down', $remove_picture_url, ' '.$remove_picture_text, 3, 4 ).'<br />'.
action_icon( $delete_picture_text, 'delete', $delete_picture_url, ' '.$delete_picture_text, 3, 4, array( 'onclick' => 'return confirm(\''.TS_('Are you sure want to delete this picture?').'\');' ) ).'<br />'.
'</div><div class="clear"></div>';

$avatar_tag = '<div class="avatar_main_frame">'.$avatar_tag.$action_picture_links.'</div>';

$Form->info( TB_( 'Current profile picture' ), $avatar_tag );

// fp> TODO: a javascript REFRAME feature would ne neat here: selecting a square area of the img and saving it as a new avatar image

if( ( $current_User->ID == $edited_User->ID ) || $can_moderate_user )
// Upload or select:
global $Settings;
$Settings->get('upload_enabled') && ( $Settings->get( 'fm_enable_roots_user' ) ) )
// Upload is enabled and we have permission to use it...
$user_avatars = $edited_User->get_avatar_Links();
count( $user_avatars ) > 0 )
$info_content = '';
$user_avatars as $user_Link )
$info_content .= '<div class="avatartag avatar_rounded'.( $action == 'view' ? ' no_avatar_actions' : '' ).'">';
$info_content .= $user_Link->get_tag( array(
'before_image'        => '',
'before_image_legend' => '',
'after_image_legend'  => '',
'after_image'         => '',
'image_size'          => 'crop-top-160x160',
'image_link_title'    => $edited_User->login,
'image_link_rel'      => 'lightbox[user_pictures]',
                    ) );
$action != 'view' )
// If current user can edit this User:
if( $user_Link->File->get( 'can_be_main_profile' ) )
// Link to set picture as Main
$url_update = is_admin_page() ?
regenerate_url( '', 'user_tab=avatar&user_ID='.$edited_User->ID.'&action=update_avatar&file_ID='.$user_Link->File->ID.'&'.url_crumb( 'user' ), '', '&') :
get_htsrv_url().'profile_update.php?user_tab=avatar&blog='.$Blog->ID.'&user_ID='.$edited_User->ID.'&action=update_avatar&file_ID='.$user_Link->File->ID.'&'.url_crumb( 'user' );
$info_content .= '<br />'.action_icon( TB_('Use as main picture'), 'move_up', $url_update, TB_('Main'), 3, 4, array(), array( 'style' => 'margin-right:4px' ) );
is_admin_page() && $can_moderate_user )
// Link to Restore picture if it was forbidden (only for admins)
$url_restore = regenerate_url( '', 'user_tab=avatar&user_ID='.$edited_User->ID.'&action=restore_avatar&file_ID='.$user_Link->File->ID.'&'.url_crumb( 'user' ), '', '&');
$info_content .= '<br />'.action_icon( TB_('Restore to use as main picture'), 'move_up', $url_restore, TB_('Restore'), 3, 4, array(), array( 'style' => 'margin-right:4px' ) );
// Display empty line
$info_content .= '<br />';
// Link to Delete picture
$url_delete = is_admin_page() ?
regenerate_url( '', 'user_tab=avatar&user_ID='.$edited_User->ID.'&action=delete_avatar&file_ID='.$user_Link->File->ID.'&'.url_crumb( 'user' ), '', '&') :
get_htsrv_url().'profile_update.php?user_tab=avatar&blog='.$Blog->ID.'&user_ID='.$edited_User->ID.'&action=delete_avatar&file_ID='.$user_Link->File->ID.'&'.url_crumb( 'user' );
$info_content .= '<br />'.action_icon( TB_('Delete this picture'), 'delete', $url_delete, TB_('Delete'), 3, 4, array( 'onclick' => 'return confirm(\''.TS_('Are you sure want to delete this picture?').'\');' ), array( 'style' => 'margin-right:4px' ) );
// Links to rotate picture
$info_content .= $edited_User->get_rotate_avatar_icons( $user_Link->File->ID );
$info_content .= $edited_User->get_crop_avatar_icon( $user_Link->File->ID, array(
'onclick' => 'return user_crop_avatar( '.$edited_User->ID.', '.$user_Link->File->ID.' )'
) );
is_admin_page() && $can_moderate_user )
// Only if current user can edit this user
                        // Display a message about the duplicated profile picture
$info_content .= $user_Link->File->get_duplicated_files_message( array(
'message' => '<div class="duplicated_avatars">'
.get_icon( 'warning_yellow', 'imgtag', array( 'style' => 'padding-left:16px') ).' '
.TB_('Also used by: %s').'</div>'
) );
$info_content .= '</div>';
$Form->info( TB_('Other pictures'), $info_content );

$Form->hidden( 'action', 'upload_avatar' );
// The following is mainly a hint to the browser.
$Form->hidden( 'MAX_FILE_SIZE', $Settings->get( 'upload_maxkb' )*1024 );

$action != 'view' )
// If current user can edit this User:
            // Display an input field to select new picture::
$Form->file_input( 'uploadfile[]', NULL, TB_('Upload a new picture'), '', array( 'size' => 10 ) );
// Display a button to upload new picture:
$Form->buttons( array( array( 'submit', NULL, '> './* TRANS: verb */ TB_('Upload!'), 'btn btn-primary ActionButton' ) ) );

$more_content = '';

$action != 'view' && check_user_perm( 'files', 'view' ) )
// If current user can edit this User:
$more_content .= '<a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=files&amp;user_ID='.$edited_User->ID.'">';
$more_content .= TB_( 'Use the file manager to assign a new profile picture' ).'</a>';

    if( ! empty(
$more_content ) )
$Form->info( TB_('More functions'), $more_content );


