Seditio Source
Root |
 * This is b2evolution's stats config file.
 * @deprecated TODO: It holds now just things that should be move around due to hitlog refactoring.
 * This file sets how b2evolution will log hits and stats
 * Last significant changes to this file: version 1.6
 * @package conf
if( !defined('EVO_CONFIG_LOADED') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

 * Self referers that should not be considered as "real" referers in stats.
 * This should typically include this site and maybe other subdomains of this site.
 * The following substrings will be looked up in the referer http header
 * in order to identify referers to hide in the logs.
 * The string must start within the 12 FIRST CHARS of the referer or it will be ignored.
 * note: is already 14 chars. 12 for safety.
 * WARNING: you should *NOT* use a slash at the end of simple domain names, as
 * older Netscape browsers will not send these. For example you should list
 * instead of .
 * @todo move to admin interface (T_basedomains list editor), but use for upgrading
 * @todo handle multiple blog roots.
 * @global array
$self_referer_list = array(
'://'.$basehost,            // This line will match all pages from the host of your $baseurl
'://www.'.$basehost,        // This line will also match www.you_base_host because any "www." will have been stripped away from your basehost

 * Speciallist: referrers that should not be considered as "real" referers in stats.
 * This should typically include stat services, online email services, online aggregators, etc.
 * The following substrings will be looked up in the referer http header
 * in order to identify referers to hide in the logs
 * THIS IS NOT FOR SPAM! Use the Antispam features in the admin section to control spam!
 * The string must start within the 12 FIRST CHARS of the referer or it will be ignored.
 * note: is already 14 chars. 12 for safety.
 * WARNING: you should *NOT* use a slash at the end of simple domain names, as
 * older Netscape browsers will not send these. For example you should list
 * instead of .
 * @todo move to admin interface (T_basedomains list editor), but use for upgrading
 * @global array
$SpecialList = array(
// webmails
// stat services
// aggregators
// caches
'/search?q=cache:',        // Google cache
    // redirectors
// site status services
// add your own...

 * UserAgent identifiers for logging/statistics
 * The following substrings will be looked up in the user_agent http header
 * 'type' aggregator currently gets only used to "translate" user agent strings.
 * An aggregator hit gets detected by accessing the feed.
 * @global array $user_agents
$user_agents = array(
// Robots:
1000 => array('robot', 'Googlebot', 'Google (Googlebot)' ), // removed slash in order to also match "Googlebot-Image", "Googlebot-Mobile", "Googlebot-Sitemaps"
1001 => array('robot', 'Slurp/', 'Inktomi (Slurp)' ),
1002 => array('robot', 'Yahoo! Slurp', 'Yahoo (Slurp)' ), // removed ; to also match "Yahoo! Slurp China"
1003 => array('robot', 'msnbot', 'MSN Search (msnbot)' ), // removed slash in order to also match "msnbot-media"
1004 => array('robot', 'Frontier/', 'Userland (Frontier)' ),
1005 => array('robot', '', '' ),
1006 => array('robot', 'organica/', 'Organica' ),
1007 => array('robot', 'Blogosphere/', 'Blogosphere' ),
1008 => array('robot', 'blogging ecosystem crawler', 'Blogging ecosystem'),
1009 => array('robot', 'FAST-WebCrawler/', 'Fast' ),            //
1010 => array('robot', 'timboBot/', 'Breaking Blogs (timboBot)' ),
1011 => array('robot', 'NITLE Blog Spider/', 'NITLE' ),
1012 => array('robot', 'The World as a Blog ', 'The World as a Blog' ),
1013 => array('robot', 'daypopbot/ ', 'DayPop' ),
1014 => array('robot', 'Bitacle bot/', 'Bitacle' ),
1015 => array('robot', 'Sphere Scout', 'Sphere Scout' ),
1016 => array('robot', 'Gigabot/', 'Gigablast (Gigabot)' ),
1017 => array('robot', 'Yandex', 'Yandex' ),
1018 => array('robot', 'Mail.RU/', 'Mail.Ru' ),
1019 => array('robot', 'Baiduspider', 'Baidu spider' ),
1020 => array('robot', 'infometrics-bot', 'Infometrics Bot' ),
1021 => array('robot', 'DotBot/', 'DotBot' ),
1022 => array('robot', 'Twiceler-', 'Cuil (Twiceler)' ),
1023 => array('robot', 'discobot/', 'Discovery Engine' ),
1024 => array('robot', 'Speedy Spider', 'Entireweb (Speedy Spider)' ),
1025 => array('robot', 'monit/', 'Monit'),
1026 => array('robot', 'Sogou web spider', 'Sogou'),
1027 => array('robot', 'Tagoobot/', 'Tagoobot'),
1028 => array('robot', 'MJ12bot/', 'Majestic-12'),
1029 => array('robot', 'ia_archiver', 'Alexa crawler'),
1030 => array('robot', 'KaloogaBot', 'Kalooga'),
1031 => array('robot', 'Flexum/', 'Flexum'),
1032 => array('robot', 'OOZBOT/', 'OOZBOT'),
1033 => array('robot', 'ApptusBot', 'Apptus'),
1034 => array('robot', 'Purebot', 'Pure Search'),
1035 => array('robot', 'Sosospider', 'Sosospider'),
1036 => array('robot', 'TopBlogsInfo', 'TopBlogsInfo'),
1037 => array('robot', 'spbot/', 'SEOprofiler'),
1038 => array('robot', 'StackRambler', 'Rambler' ),
1039 => array('robot', 'AportWorm', '' ),
1040 => array('robot', 'ScoutJet', 'ScoutJet' ),
1041 => array('robot', 'bingbot/', 'Bing' ),
1042 => array('robot', '', '' ),
1043 => array('robot', 'ichiro/', 'Ichiro' ),
1044 => array('robot', 'YoudaoBot/', 'Youdao' ),
1045 => array('robot', 'Sogou web spider/', 'Sogou web spider' ),
1046 => array('robot', '', '' ),
1047 => array('robot', 'SiteBot/', 'SiteBot' ),
1048 => array('robot', 'Nutch-', 'Apache Nutch' ),
1049 => array('robot', 'DoCoMo/', 'DoCoMo' ),
1050 => array('robot', 'findlinks/', 'FindLinks' ),
1051 => array('robot', 'MLBot', 'MLBot' ),
1052 => array('robot', 'facebookexternalhit', 'Facebook' ),
1053 => array('robot', ' oBot/', 'IBM Bot' ),
1054 => array('robot', 'GarlikCrawler/', 'Garlik' ),
1055 => array('robot', 'Yeti/', 'Naver' ),
1056 => array('robot', 'TurnitinBot/', 'Turnitin' ),
1057 => array('robot', 'NerdByNature.Bot', 'NerdByNature' ),
1058 => array('robot', 'SeznamBot/', 'SeznamBot' ),
1059 => array('robot', 'Nymesis/', 'Nymesis' ),
1060 => array('robot', 'YodaoBot/', 'YodaoBot' ),
1061 => array('robot', 'Exabot/', 'Exabot' ),
1062 => array('robot', 'AhrefsBot/', 'AhrefsBot' ),
1063 => array('robot', 'SISTRIX Crawler', 'SISTRIX' ),
1064 => array('robot', 'AcoonBot/', 'AcoonBot' ),
1065 => array('robot', 'VoilaBot', 'VoilaBot' ),
1066 => array('robot', 'SiteExplorer', 'SiteExplorer' ),
1067 => array('robot', 'IstellaBot/', 'IstellaBot' ),
1068 => array('robot', '', 'ExB Language Crawler' ),
1069 => array('robot', 'SemrushBot', 'SemrushBot' ),
1070 => array('robot', 'UptimeRobot', 'UptimeRobot' ),
1071 => array('robot', 'Qwantify', 'Qwant' ),
// Unknown robots:
5000 => array('robot', 'psycheclone', 'Psycheclone' ),
// Aggregators:
10000 => array('aggregator', 'AppleSyndication/', 'Safari RSS (AppleSyndication)' ),
10001 => array('aggregator', 'Feedreader', 'Feedreader' ),
10002 => array('aggregator', 'Syndirella/', 'Syndirella' ),
10003 => array('aggregator', 'rssSearch Harvester/', 'rssSearch Harvester' ),
10004 => array('aggregator', 'Newz Crawler',    'Newz Crawler' ),
10005 => array('aggregator', 'MagpieRSS/', 'Magpie RSS' ),
10006 => array('aggregator', 'CoologFeedSpider', 'CoologFeedSpider' ),
10007 => array('aggregator', 'Pompos/', 'Pompos' ),
10008 => array('aggregator', 'SharpReader/', 'SharpReader'),
10009 => array('aggregator', 'Straw ', 'Straw'),
10010 => array('aggregator', 'YandexBlog', 'YandexBlog'),
10011 => array('aggregator', ' Planet/', 'Planet Feed Reader'),
10012 => array('aggregator', 'UniversalFeedParser/', 'Universal Feed Parser'),

/* Set user devices */
$mobile_user_devices = array(
'iphone'   => '(iphone|ipod)',
'android'  => 'android.*mobile',
'blkberry' => 'blackberry',
'winphone' => 'windows phone os',
'wince'    => 'windows ce; (iemobile|ppc|smartphone)',
'palm'     => '(avantgo|blazer|elaine|hiptop|palm|plucker|xiino)',
'gendvice' => '(kindle|mobile|mmp|midp|pocket|psp|symbian|smartphone|treo|up.browser||vodafone|wap|opera mini)'

$tablet_user_devices = array(
'ipad'     => '(ipad)',
'andrtab'  => 'android(?!.*mobile)',
'berrytab' => 'rim tablet os',

// PC
$pc_user_devices = array(
'win311'   => 'win16',
'win95'    => '(windows 95)|(win95)|(windows_95)',
'win98'    => '(windows 98)|(win98)',
'win2000'  => '(windows nt 5.0)|(windows 2000)',
'winxp'    => '(windows nt 5.1)|(windows XP)',
'win2003'  => '(windows nt 5.2)',
'winvista' => '(windows nt 6.0)',
'win7'     => '(windows nt 6.1)',
'winnt40'  => '(windows nt 4.0)|(winnt4.0)|(winnt)|(windows nt)',
'winme'    => '(windows me)|(win 9x 4.90)',
'openbsd'  => 'openbsd',
'sunos'    => 'sunos',
'linux'    => '(linux)|(x11)',
'ubuntu'   => 'ubuntu',
'macosx'   => 'mac os x',
'macos'    => '(mac_powerpc)|(macintosh)',
'qnx'      => 'qnx',
'beos'     => 'beos',
'os2'      => 'os/2'

$user_devices = array_merge(

$user_devices_color = array(
// Mobile
'iphone'   => 'd8c1a1',
'ipad'     => 'c5aa8c',
'andrtab'  => 'cdba9c',
'android'  => 'e0caa5',
'berrytab' => 'b29575',
'blkberry' => 'baa286',
'winphone' => 'ceb28b',
'wince'    => 'e4d6b9',
'palm'     => 'c8ac84',
'gendvice' => 'e6d4bf',
// PC
'win311'   => 'CCCCCC',
'win95'    => '676767',
'win98'    => 'ABABAB',
'win2000'  => '898989',
'winxp'    => 'DEDEDE',
'win2003'  => 'A3A3A3',
'winvista' => 'EEEEEE',
'win7'     => '999999',
'winnt40'  => 'B9B9B9',
'winme'    => '7F7F7F',
'openbsd'  => 'AFAFAF',
'sunos'    => '808080',
'linux'    => 'E0E0E0',
'ubuntu'   => 'B4B4B4',
'macosx'   => '9F9F9F',
'macos'    => 'F0F0F0',
'qnx'      => 'D0D0D0',
'beos'     => '8F8F8F',
'os2'      => 'C0C0C0'

$referer_type_array = array (
'0'       => 'All',
'search'  => 'Search',
'referer' => 'Referer',
'direct'  => 'Direct',
'self'    => 'Self',
'special' => 'Special',
'spam'    => 'Spam',
'admin'   => 'Admin'

$referer_type_color = array(
'session' => '006699',
'search'  => '0099FF',
'special' => 'ff00ff',
'referer' => '00CCFF',
'direct'  => '00FFCC',
'spam'    => 'FF0000',
'self'    => '00FF99',
'admin'   => '999999',
'ajax'    => '339966',

$agent_type_array = array (
'0'       => 'All',
'robot'   => 'Robot',
'browser' => 'Browser',
'unknown' => 'Unknown',

$agent_type_color = array(
'rss'     => 'FF6600',
'robot'   => 'FF9900',
'browser' => 'FFCC00',
'unknown' => 'cccccc'

$hit_type_array = array (
'0'        => 'All',
'rss'      => 'RSS',
'standard' => 'Standard',
'ajax'     => 'AJAX',
'service'  => 'Service',
'admin'    => 'Admin',
'api'      => 'API'

$hit_type_color = array(
'standard'         => 'FFBB00',
'service'          => '6699CC',
'rss'              => 'FF6600',
'ajax'             => '339966',
'admin'            => 'AAE0E0',
'standard_robot'   => 'FF9900',
'standard_browser' => 'FFCC00',
'api'              => '5BC0DE',
'unknown'          => 'CCCCCC',

$hit_method_color = array(
'GET'    => '000000',
'POST'   => 'FFBB00',
'PUT'    => 'ff00ff',
'DELETE' => 'FF0000',
'HEAD'   => '00CCFF',

$user_gender_color = array(
'women_active'       => '990066',
'women_notactive'    => 'c72290',
'women_closed'       => 'ff66cc',
'men_active'         => '003399',
'men_notactive'      => '3268d4',
'men_closed'         => '6699ff',
'nogender_active'    => '666666',
'nogender_notactive' => '999999',
'nogender_closed'    => 'cccccc'

$activity_type_color = array(
'users'     => 'FF9900',
'posts'    => '6699CC',
'comments' => '5BC0DE'
