Seditio Source
Root |
 * This is the site header include template.
 * If enabled, this will be included at the top of all skins to provide a common identity and site wide navigation.
 * NOTE: each skin is responsible for calling siteskin_include( '' );
 * @package foyer
 * @subpackage custom_site_skin
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

$baseurl, $Settings, $Blog, $disp, $site_Skin;

$notification_logo_file_ID = intval( $Settings->get( 'notification_logo_file_ID' ) );
$notification_logo_file_ID > 0 &&
$FileCache = & get_FileCache() ) &&
$File = $FileCache->get_by_ID( $notification_logo_file_ID, false ) ) &&
$File->is_image() )
// Display site logo image if the file exists in DB and it is an image:
$site_title = $Settings->get( 'notification_long_name' ) != '' ? ' title="'.$Settings->dget( 'notification_long_name', 'htmlattr' ).'"' : '';
$site_name_text = '<img src="'.$File->get_url().'" alt="'.$Settings->dget( 'notification_short_name', 'htmlattr' ).'"'.$site_title.' />';
$site_title_class = ' swhead_logo';
$site_has_logo_file = true;
// Display only short site name if the logo file cannot be used by some reason above:
$site_name_text = $Settings->get( 'notification_short_name' );
$site_title_class = '';
$site_has_logo_file = false;

<div id="evo_site_header" class="swhead_wrapper">

    <div class="swhead_menus">
        <div class="container-fluid level1">

// ------------------------- "Right Navigation" CONTAINER EMBEDDED HERE --------------------------
widget_container( 'right_navigation', array(
// The following params will be used as defaults for widgets included in this container:
'container_display_if_empty' => false, // If no widget, don't display container at all
'container_start'     => '<div class="pull-right evo_container $wico_class$">',
'container_end'       => '</div>',
'block_start'         => '',
'block_end'           => '',
'block_display_title' => false,
'list_start'          => '',
'list_end'            => '',
'item_start'          => '',
'item_end'            => '',
'item_selected_start' => '',
'item_selected_end'   => '',
'link_selected_class' => 'btn btn-default active btn-sm ',
'link_default_class'  => 'btn btn-default btn-sm ',
'link_text_myprofile' => '$login$',
                        ) );
// ----------------------------- END OF "Right Navigation" CONTAINER -----------------------------

                <?php if( $site_has_logo_file ) { ?>
               <div class="pull-left swhead_sitename<?php echo $site_title_class; ?>">
                    <a href="<?php echo $baseurl; ?>"><?php echo $site_name_text; ?></a>
                <?php } ?>

                <ul class="nav nav-tabs pull-left">
if( ! $site_has_logo_file )
// Display site name:
                   <li class="swhead_sitename no_logo<?php echo $site_title_class; ?>">
                        <a href="<?php echo $baseurl; ?>"><?php echo $site_name_text; ?></a>

            if( (
$header_tabs = $site_Skin->get_header_tabs() ) !== false )
// Display the grouped header tabs:
foreach( $header_tabs as $s => $header_tab )
// Display level 0 tabs:
                   <li<?php echo $site_Skin->get_header_tab_attr_class( $header_tab, $s ); ?>>
                        <a href="<?php echo $header_tab['url']; ?>"<?php echo empty( $header_tab['rel'] ) ? '' : ' rel="'.$header_tab['rel'].'"'; ?>><?php echo $header_tab['name']; ?></a>
// Display not grouped header tabs:

                // --------------------------------- START OF COLLECTION LIST --------------------------------
                // Call widget directly (without container):
skin_widget( array(
// CODE for the widget:
'widget' => 'colls_list_public',
// Optional display params
'block_start' => '',
'block_end' => '',
'block_display_title' => false,
'list_start' => '',
'list_end' => '',
'item_start' => '<li>',
'item_end' => '</li>',
'item_selected_start' => '<li class="active">',
'item_selected_end' => '</li>',
'link_selected_class' => 'active',
'link_default_class' => '',
                            ) );
// ---------------------------------- END OF COLLECTION LIST ---------------------------------

if( $site_Skin->get_info_coll_ID() > 0 )
// We have a collection for shared content blocks:
                    // --------------------------------- START OF PAGES LIST --------------------------------
                    // Call widget directly (without container):
skin_widget( array(
// CODE for the widget:
'widget' => 'coll_page_list',
// Optional display params
'block_start' => '',
'block_end' => '',
'block_display_title' => false,
'list_start' => '',
'list_end' => '',
'item_start' => '<li>',
'item_end' => '</li>',
'item_selected_start' => '<li class="active">',
'item_selected_end' => '</li>',
'link_selected_class' => 'active',
'link_default_class' => '',
'blog_ID' => $site_Skin->get_info_coll_ID(),
'item_group_by' => 'none',
'order_by' => 'order',        // Order (as explicitly specified)
) );
// ---------------------------------- END OF PAGES LIST ---------------------------------

// --------------------------------- START OF CONTACT LINK --------------------------------
                // Call widget directly (without container):
skin_widget( array(
// CODE for the widget:
'widget' => 'basic_menu_link',
// Optional display params
'block_start' => '',
'block_end' => '',
'block_display_title' => false,
'list_start' => '',
'list_end' => '',
'item_start' => '<li>',
'item_end' => '</li>',
'item_selected_start' => '<li class="active">',
'item_selected_end' => '</li>',
'link_selected_class' => 'active',
'link_default_class' => '',
'link_type' => 'ownercontact',
                            ) );
// --------------------------------- END OF CONTACT LINK --------------------------------

        </div><?php // END OF <div class="container-fluid level1"> ?>

if( $site_Skin->has_sub_menus() )
// Display sub menus of the selected level 0 tab only when at least two exist:
<div class="container-fluid level2">
        <ul class="nav nav-pills">
foreach( $header_tabs[ $site_Skin->header_tab_active ]['items'] as $menu_item )
is_array( $menu_item ) )
// Display menu item for collection:
           <li<?php echo $site_Skin->get_header_tab_attr_class( $menu_item ); ?>>
                <a href="<?php echo $menu_item['url']; ?>"<?php echo empty( $menu_item['rel'] ) ? '' : ' rel="'.$menu_item['rel'].'"'; ?>><?php echo $menu_item['name']; ?></a>
$menu_item == 'pages' )
// Display menu item for Pages of the info/shared collection:
            // --------------------------------- START OF PAGES LIST --------------------------------
            // Call widget directly (without container):
skin_widget( array(
// CODE for the widget:
'widget' => 'coll_page_list',
// Optional display params
'block_start' => '',
'block_end' => '',
'block_display_title' => false,
'list_start' => '',
'list_end' => '',
'item_start' => '<li>',
'item_end' => '</li>',
'item_selected_start' => '<li class="active">',
'item_selected_end' => '</li>',
'blog_ID' => $site_Skin->get_info_coll_ID(),
'item_group_by' => 'none',
'order_by' => 'order',        // Order (as explicitly specified)
) );
// ---------------------------------- END OF PAGES LIST ---------------------------------
</div><?php // END OF <div class="container-fluid level2"> ?>

    </div><?php // END OF <div class="swhead_menus"> ?>
</div><?php // END OF <div id="evo_site_header"> ?>

<?php if( $site_Skin->get_setting( 'back_to_top_button' ) )
// Check if "Back to Top" button is enabled
<a class="btn btn-primary slide-top<?php echo ( show_toolbar() ? ' slide-top-toolbar' : '' ).( $site_Skin->get_setting( 'fixed_header' ) ? ' slide-top-fixed-header' : '' ); ?>"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-up"></i></a>
( 'evo_init_scroll_to_top', true );