Seditio Source
Root |
 * This is the template that displays the posts for a blog
 * This file is not meant to be called directly.
 * It is meant to be called by an include in the template.
 * To display the archive directory, you should call a stub AND pass the right parameters
 * For example: /blogs/index.php?disp=posts
 * b2evolution - {@link}
 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * @package evoskins
 * @subpackage bootstrap_forums
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

$number_of_posts_in_cat, $cat, $legend_icons, $tag;

if( !
is_array( $legend_icons ) )
// Init this array only first time
$legend_icons = array();

// Get ID of single selected category:
$single_cat_ID = intval( $cat );

// Get IDs of several selected categories:
$multi_cat_IDs = get_param( 'cat_array' );

$single_cat_ID )
$ChapterCache = & get_ChapterCache();
$current_Chapter = & $ChapterCache->get_by_ID( $single_cat_ID, false, false );

// Breadcrumbs
skin_widget( array(
// CODE for the widget:
'widget' => 'breadcrumb_path',
// Optional display params
'block_start'           => '<ol class="breadcrumb">',
'block_end'             => '</ol><div class="clear"></div>',
'separator'             => '',
'item_mask'             => '<li><a href="$url$">$title$</a></li>',
'item_logo_mask'        => '<li>$logo$ <a href="$url$">$title$</a></li>',
'item_active_logo_mask' => '<li class="active">$logo$ $title$</li>',
'item_active_mask'      => '<li class="active">$title$</li>',
'suffix_text'           => empty( $single_cat_ID ) ? T_('Latest topics') : '',
'coll_logo_size'        => 'fit-128x16',
    ) );

// Display default title only for tag page without intro Item:
request_title( array(
'title_before'      => '<h2 class="page_title">',
'title_after'       => '</h2>',
'format'            => 'htmlbody',
'posts_text'        => ( isset( $tag ) && ! has_featured_Item() ? '#' : '' ),
    ) );

// Go Grab the featured post:
if( ! in_array( $disp, array( 'single', 'page' ) ) &&
$Item = & get_featured_Item( 'posts', NULL, false, ( isset( $tag ) || $single_cat_ID ? false : NULL ) ) )
// We have a intro post to display:
$featured_item_ID = $Item->ID;
// Use background position image of intro-post for background URL:
$background_image_url = $Item->get_cover_image_url( 'background' );
$intro_item_style = $background_image_url ? 'background-image: url("'.$background_image_url.'")' : '';
// ---------------------- ITEM BLOCK INCLUDED HERE ------------------------
skin_include( '', array(
'content_mode'  => 'full', // We want regular "full" content, even in category browsing: i-e no excerpt or thumbnail
'intro_mode'    => 'normal',    // Intro posts will be displayed in normal mode
'item_class'    => 'well evo_intro_post'.( empty( $intro_item_style ) ? '' : ' evo_hasbgimg' ),
'item_style'    => $intro_item_style,
'Item'          => $Item,
        ) );
// ----------------------------END ITEM BLOCK  ----------------------------

$single_cat_ID )
// Display sub-chapters:

$ChapterCache = & get_ChapterCache();
$chapters = $ChapterCache->get_chapters( $Blog->ID, $single_cat_ID, true );

count( $chapters ) > 0 )
   <div class="panel panel-default forums_list front_panel">
= false;
$chapters as $Chapter )
// Loop through categories:
if( $Chapter->meta )
// Meta category
$chapters_children = $Chapter->get_children( true );
$section_is_started )
// Close previous opened table
= false;
       <header class="panel-heading meta_category"><a href="<?php echo $Chapter->get_permanent_url(); ?>" class="forumlink"><?php echo $Chapter->dget( 'name' ); ?></a></header>
// Simple category with posts
$chapters_children = array( $Chapter );

        if( !
$section_is_started )
$section_is_started = true;
       <section class="table table-hover">

$chapters_children as $Chapter )
// Loop through categories:
if( $Chapter->lock )
// Set icon for locked chapter
$chapter_icon = 'fa-lock big';
$chapter_icon_title = T_('This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.');
$legend_icons['forum_locked'] = 1;
// Set icon for unlocked chapter
$chapter_icon = 'fa-folder big';
$disp_detail == 'posts-subcat' )
$chapter_icon_title = T_('Sub-forum (contains several topics)');
$legend_icons['forum_sub'] = 1;
$chapter_icon_title = T_('Forum (contains several topics)');
$legend_icons['forum_default'] = 1;

       <article class="container group_row">
            <div class="ft_status__ft_title col-lg-8 col-md-7 col-sm-7 col-xs-6">
                <div class="ft_status"><i class="icon fa <?php echo $chapter_icon; ?>" title="<?php echo $chapter_icon_title; ?>"></i></div>
                <div class="ft_title ellipsis">
                <a href="<?php echo $Chapter->get_permanent_url(); ?>" class="forumlink"><?php echo $Chapter->dget( 'name' ); ?></a>
if( $Chapter->dget( 'description' ) != '' )
'<br /><span class="ft_desc">'.$Chapter->dget( 'description' ).'</span>';

$sorted_sub_chapters = $Chapter->get_children( true );
count( $sorted_sub_chapters ) > 0 )
// Subforums exist
echo '<div class="subcats">';
T_('Subforums').': ';
$cc = 0;
$sorted_sub_chapters as $child_Chapter )
// Display subforum
echo '<a href="'.$child_Chapter->get_permanent_url().'" class="forumlink">'.$child_Chapter->get('name').'</a>';
$cc < count( $sorted_sub_chapters ) - 1 ? ', ' : '';
            <div class="ft_count col-lg-1 col-md-1 col-sm-1 col-xs-2"><?php printf( T_('%s topics'), '<div><a href="'. $Chapter->get_permanent_url() .'">'.get_postcount_in_category( $Chapter->ID ).'</a></div>' ); ?></div>
            <div class="ft_count second_of_class col-lg-1 col-md-1 col-sm-1 col-xs-2"><?php printf( T_('%s replies'), '<div><a href="'. $Chapter->get_permanent_url() .'">'.get_commentcount_in_category( $Chapter->ID ).'</a></div>' ); ?></div>
            <div class="ft_date col-lg-2 col-md-3 col-sm-3"><?php echo $Chapter->get_last_touched_date( locale_extdatefmt().'<\b\r>'.locale_shorttimefmt() ); ?></div>
            <!-- Apply this on XS size -->
            <div class="ft_date_shrinked col-xs-2"><?php echo $Chapter->get_last_touched_date( locale_datefmt() ); ?></div>
// End of categories loop.
if( $section_is_started )


// ---------------------------------- START OF POSTS ------------------------------------
if( isset( $MainList ) &&
    ( ! isset(
$current_Chapter ) || ! $current_Chapter->meta ) && // Note: the meta categories cannot contain the posts
( empty( $single_cat_ID ) || // disp=posts List all posts
! empty( $multi_cat_IDs ) || // Filter for several categories
isset( $current_Chapter ) ) // Posts of the current viewed category ($disp_detail = posts-cat)
    echo !empty(
$chapters ) ? '<br />' : '';
<div class="panel panel-default forums_list">
if( $single_cat_ID )
// Display category title:
$ChapterCache = & get_ChapterCache();
$category = & $ChapterCache->get_by_ID( $single_cat_ID ) )
// Display category title:
$Skin->display_posts_list_header( '<h3 class="panel-title">'.$category->get( 'name' ).'</h3>', array(
'actions' => $Skin->get_post_button( $single_cat_ID, NULL, array(
'group_class'  => 'pull-right',
'button_class' => 'btn-sm',
                        ) ),
                ) );
// Display header for latest topics:
$Skin->display_posts_list_header( T_('Latest topics') );

    <section class="table table-hover">

if( $single_cat_ID )
// Go to grab only featured posts only on pages with defined category:
while( $Item = & get_featured_Item( 'posts', NULL, false, true, false ) )
// We have the featured posts to display:
if( isset( $featured_item_ID ) && $featured_item_ID == $Item->ID )
// Skip featured Item if it is already displayed above in intro style block:
// ---------------------- ITEM LIST INCLUDED HERE ------------------------
skin_include( '', array(
'Item'       => $Item,
'intro_mode' => 'normal', // Intro posts will be displayed in normal mode
) );
// ----------------------------END ITEM LIST  ----------------------------

$MainList->result_num_rows > 0 )
mainlist_get_item() )
// For each blog post, do everything below up to the closing curly brace "}"

        // ---------------------- ITEM BLOCK INCLUDED HERE ------------------------
skin_include( '', array(
'content_mode' => 'auto',        // 'auto' will auto select depending on $disp-detail
'image_size'   => 'fit-1280x720',
            ) );
// ----------------------------END ITEM BLOCK  ----------------------------
// Display a message about no posts:
<div class="ft_no_post">
    <?php echo isset( $current_Chapter ) ? T_('There is no topic in this forum yet.') : T_('No topics.'); ?>

    <div class="panel-body">
// -------------------- PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS (POST LIST MODE) --------------------
mainlist_page_links( array(
'block_start'           => '<div class="comments_link__pagination"><ul class="pagination">',
'block_end'             => '</ul></div>',
'page_current_template' => '<span>$page_num$</span>',
'page_item_before'      => '<li>',
'page_item_after'       => '</li>',
'page_item_current_before' => '<li class="active">',
'page_item_current_after'  => '</li>',
'prev_text'             => '<i class="fa fa-angle-double-left"></i>',
'next_text'             => '<i class="fa fa-angle-double-right"></i>',
            ) );
// ------------------------- END OF PREV/NEXT PAGE LINKS -------------------------

if( ! is_logged_in() && ! $Blog->get_setting( 'post_anonymous' ) )
// Display a warning to log in or register before new post creating:
$register_link = '';
$login_link = '<a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" href="'.get_login_url( 'cannot post' ).'">'.T_( 'Log in now!' ).'</a>';
            if( (
$Settings->get( 'newusers_canregister' ) == 'yes' ) && ( $Settings->get( 'registration_is_public' ) ) )
$register_link = '<a class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" href="'.get_user_register_url( NULL, 'reg to post' ).'">'.T_( 'Register now!' ).'</a>';
'<p class="alert alert-warning alert-item-new">';
T_( 'In order to start a new topic' ).' '.$login_link.( ! empty( $register_link ) ? ' '.T_('or').' '.$register_link : '' );

// Buttons to post/reply
$Skin->display_post_button( $single_cat_ID );

check_user_status( 'can_be_validated' ) )
// Display a warning if current user cannot post a topic because he must activate account:
global $Messages;
$Messages->add( T_( 'You must activate your account before you can post a new topic.' )
' <a href="'.get_activate_info_url( NULL, '&amp;' ).'">'.T_( 'More info &raquo;' ).'</a>', 'warning' );
} // ---------------------------------- END OF POSTS ------------------------------------