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 * This file implements the post by mail cron job
 * Uses MIME E-mail message parser classes written by Manuel Lemos: {@link}
 * @author Stephan Knauss
 * @author tblue246: Tilman Blumenbach
 * @author sam2kb: Alex
 * TODO:
 * - Try more exotic email clients like mobile phones
 * - TODO Tested and working with thunderbird (text, html, signed), yahoo mail (text, html), outlook webmail, K800i
 * - Allow the user to choose whether to upload attachments to the blog media folder or to his user root.
 * - Create a copy of check_html_sanity function and clean up dangerous HTML code
 * - Add support for shortcodes instead of <tags> similar to:
 *    [title Your post title]
 *    [category x,y,z]
 *    [excerpt]some excerpt[/excerpt]
 *    [tags x,y,z]
 *    [delay +1 hour]
 *    [comments on | off]
 *    [status publish | pending | draft | private]
 *    [slug some-url-name]
 *    [end] - everything after this shortcode is ignored (i.e. signatures)
 *    [more] - more tag
 *    [nextpage] - pagination
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

$Settings, $DB;
$pbm_item_files, $pbm_messages, $pbm_items, $post_cntr, $del_cntr, $is_cron_mode;

// Are we in cron job mode?
$is_cron_mode = 'yes';

load_funcs( 'cron/model/_post_by_mail.funcs.php');

if( !
$Settings->get( 'eblog_enabled' ) )
pbm_msg( T_('Post by email feature is not enabled.'), true );
2; // error

if( !
extension_loaded('imap') )
pbm_msg( T_('The php_imap extension is not available to PHP on this server. Please load it in php.ini or ask your hosting provider to do so.'), true );
2; // error

load_class( 'items/model/_itemlist.class.php', 'ItemList' );
load_class( '_ext/mime_parser/rfc822_addresses.php', 'rfc822_addresses_class' );
load_class( '_ext/mime_parser/mime_parser.php', 'mime_parser_class' );

if( isset(
$GLOBALS['files_Module']) )
load_funcs( 'files/model/_file.funcs.php');

$Settings->get('eblog_test_mode') )
pbm_msg( T_('This is just a test run. Nothing will be posted to the database nor will your inbox be altered').'.', true );

if( !
$mbox = pbm_connect() )
// We couldn't connect to the mail server
return 20; // IMAP error

// Read messages from server
pbm_msg( T_('Reading messages from server'), true );
$imap_obj = imap_check( $mbox );
pbm_msg( sprintf( T_('Found %d messages'), intval( $imap_obj->Nmsgs ) ), true );

$imap_obj->Nmsgs == 0 )
pbm_msg( T_('There are no messages in the mailbox'), true );
imap_close( $mbox );
1; // success

// Create posts
pbm_process_messages( $mbox, $imap_obj->Nmsgs, true );

if( !
$Settings->get('eblog_test_mode') && $del_cntr > 0 )
// We want to delete processed emails from server
imap_expunge( $mbox );
pbm_msg( sprintf( T_('Deleted %d processed message(s) from inbox.'), $del_cntr ), true );

imap_close( $mbox );

// Send reports
if( $post_cntr > 0 )
pbm_msg( sprintf( '%d new posts have created', $post_cntr ), true );

$UserCache = & get_UserCache();
$pbm_items as $Items )
// Send report to post author
$to_user_ID = 0;
$Items as $Item )
$to_user_ID == 0 && ( $item_creator_User = & $Item->get_creator_User() ) )
// Get author ID:
$to_user_ID = $item_creator_User->ID;
$email_template_params = array(
'Items' => $Items
$to_User = $UserCache->get_by_ID( $to_user_ID );
// Change locale here to localize the email subject and content
locale_temp_switch( $to_User->get( 'locale' ) );
send_mail_to_User( $to_user_ID, T_('Post by email report'), 'post_by_email_report', $email_template_params ) )
// Log success mail sending:
cron_log_action_end( 'User '.$to_User->get_identity_link().' has been reported' );
// Log failed mail sending:
global $mail_log_message;
cron_log_action_end( 'User '.$to_User->get_identity_link().' could not be reported because of error: '
.'"'.( empty( $mail_log_message ) ? 'Unknown Error' : $mail_log_message ).'"', 'warning' );

// sam2kb> TODO: Send detailed report to blog owner
    // global $pbm_messages;
    // send_mail( $blog_owner_email, $blog_owner_name, T_('Post by email detailed report'), implode("\n",$pbm_messages) );

1; // success