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 * This file implements the abstract {@link Plugin} class.
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2004-2006 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link}.
 * @package plugins
 * @todo Add links to pages on, once they are "clean"/tiny
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

 * Plugin Class
 * Real plugins should be derived from this class.
 * @abstract
 * @package plugins
class Plugin
     * Variables below MUST be overriden by plugin implementations,
     * either in the subclass declaration or in the subclass constructor.

     * Default plugin name as it will appear in lists.
     * To make it available for translation set it in the constructor by
     * using the {@link Plugin::T_()} function.
     * This should be no longer than 50 characters.
     * @var string
var $name = '';

     * Globally unique code for this plugin functionality. 32 chars. MUST BE SET.
     * A common code MIGHT be shared between different plugins providing the same functionnality.
     * This allows to replace a given renderer with another one and keep the associations with posts.
     * Example: replacing a GIF smiley renderer with an SWF smiley renderer...
     * @var string
var $code = '';

     * Default priority.
     * Priority determines in which order the plugins get called.
     * Range: 1 to 100 (the lower the number, the earlier it gets called)
     * @var int
var $priority = 50;

     * Plugin version number (max 42 chars, so obscure CVS Revision keywords get handled).
     * This must be compatible to PHP's {@link version_compare()},
     * e.g. '1', '2', '1.1', '2.1b' and '10-1-1a' are fine.
     * This can be used by other plugins when requiring your plugin
     * through {@link Plugin::GetDependencies()}.
     * By increasing it, you can request a call of {@link GetDbLayout()} upon instantiating.
     * If there are DB layout changes to be made, the plugin gets changed to status "needs_config".
     * @var string
var $version = '0.0.1';

     * Plugin author.
     * This is for user info only.
     * @var string
var $author = 'Unknown author';

     * The topic of the plugin manual page in the b2evolution manual.
     * If empty, it defaults to [plugin_classname], which is the plugin's PHP class name.
     * @var string
var $help_topic = '';

     * URL for more info about the plugin, author and new versions.
     * This is for user info only.
     * If empty, it defaults to {@link get_manual_url( Plugin->help_topic )}.
     * @var string
var $help_url = '';

     * Plugin short description.
     * This should be no longer than a line and is limited to 255 chars.
     * @var string
var $short_desc;


     * Variables below MAY be overriden.

     * Plugin long description.
     * This should be no longer than a line.
     * @var string
var $long_desc;

     * Number of allowed installs.
     * When installing the plugin it gets checked if the plugin is already installed this
     * many times. If so, the installation gets aborted.
var $number_of_installs;

     * Main group of the plugin.
     * @var string
var $group;

     * Sub-Group of the plugin.
     * @var string
var $sub_group;

     * Name of the ping service (if this is a ping plugin, see {@link Plugin::ItemSendPing()})
     * @var string
var $ping_service_name;

     * Note about the ping service, used in the list of ping services in the blog settings
     * (if this is a ping plugin, see {@link Plugin::ItemSendPing()})
     * @var string
var $ping_service_note;


     * Variables below MUST NOT be overriden or changed by you!
     * @access private

     * Name of the current class. (AUTOMATIC)
     * Will be set automatically (from filename) when registering the plugin.
     * @var string
var $classname;

     * Internal (DB) ID. (AUTOMATIC)
     * ID < 1 means 'NOT installed'
     * @var int
var $ID = 0;

     * If the plugin provides settings, this will become the object to access them.
     * This gets instantianted on Plugin registration for PHP4 and through
     * overloading in PHP5+, which means on first access.
     * @see GetDefaultSettings()
     * @var PluginSettings
var $Settings;

     * If the plugin provides user settings, this will become the object to access them.
     * This gets instantianted on Plugin registration for PHP4 and through
     * overloading in PHP5+, which means on first access.
     * NOTE: its methods use {@link $current_User::$ID} by default, but you may call it
     *       if there's no {@link $current_User} instantiated (yet).
     * @see GetDefaultUserSettings()
     * @var PluginUserSettings
var $UserSettings;

     * If the plugin provides group settings, this will become the object to access them.
     * This gets instantianted on Plugin registration for PHP4 and through
     * overloading in PHP5+, which means on first access.
     * NOTE: its methods use {@link $current_User::$grp_ID} by default, but you may call it
     *       if there's no {@link $current_User} instantiated (yet).
     * @see GetDefaultGroupSettings()
     * @var PluginGroupSettings
var $GroupSettings;

     * The status of the plugin.
     * Use {@link set_status()} to change it, if you need to.
     * Either 'enabled', 'disabled', 'needs_config' or 'broken'.
     * @var string
var $status;

     * The translations keyed by locale. They get loaded through include() of _global.php.
     * @see Plugin::T_()
     * @var array
var $_trans = array();

     * Has the global /locales/_global.php file (where translation for
     * all languages can be put into) been loaded?
     * @var boolean
var $_trans_loaded_global = false;

     * Plugin URL
     * This gets lazy-filled URL by {@link get_plugin_url()}.
     * @var string
private $_plugin_url;

     * Plugin template
     * @var array
var $template;

     * Plugin actions
     * List of actions that the plugin supports
     * @var array
var $plugin_actions = array();

     * Widget icon name.
     * Use icon name from
     * @var string
var $widget_icon = 'puzzle-piece';


     * Constructor.
     * You should not use a constructor with your plugin, but the
     * {@link Plugin::PluginInit()} method instead!
function __construct()

     * Init the Plugin after it has been registered/instantiated.
     * Should set name and description in a localizable fashion.
     * You DON'T NEED to include this, if you override this method.
     * This gets called on every instantiated plugin, also if it's just for discovering the list of available plugins in the backoffice.
     * Use this to validate Settings/requirements and/or cache them into class properties.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     *              'is_installed': true, if the plugin is installed; false if not (probably it got discovered then)
     *              'db_row': an array with the columns of the plugin DB entry (in T_plugins).
     *                        This is empty, if the plugin is not installed!
     *                        E.g., 'plug_version' might be interesting to compare again "$this->version".
     * @return boolean If this method returns false, the Plugin gets unregistered (for the current request only).
function PluginInit( & $params )
// NOTE: the code below is just to handle stuff that has been deprecated since b2evolution 1.9.
        // You DON'T NEED to include this, if you override this method.

if( is_null($this->short_desc) )
// may have been set in plugin's constructor (which is deprecated since 1.9)
$this->short_desc = T_('No desc available');
is_null($this->long_desc) )
// may have been set in plugin's constructor (which is deprecated since 1.9)
$this->long_desc = T_('No description available');

method_exists( $this, 'AppendPluginRegister' ) && $params['is_installed'] )
// Wrapper for deprecated AppendPluginRegister method (deprecated since 1.9)
$this->debug_log('Plugin has deprecated AppendPluginRegister method. Use PluginInit instead.', array('deprecated'));



     * Get param prefix with is used on edit forms and submit data
     * @return string
function get_param_prefix()
'edit_plugin_'.( empty( $this->ID ) ? '0' : $this->ID ).'_set_';

     * Load template params from current skin
function load_template()
$params = array(
'toolbar_before'       => '<div class="edit_toolbar $toolbar_class$">',
'toolbar_after'        => '</div>',
'toolbar_title_before' => '',
'toolbar_title_after'  => '',
'toolbar_group_before' => '',
'toolbar_group_after'  => ' ',
'toolbar_button_class' => 'quicktags',

is_admin_page() )
// Get plugin template from backoffice skin
if( is_logged_in() )
$current_User, $UserSettings, $adminskins_path;
$admin_skin = $UserSettings->get( 'admin_skin', $current_User->ID );
$AdminUI = new AdminUI();
$skin_template = $AdminUI->get_template( 'plugin_template' );
// Get plugin template from frontoffice skin
global $Collection, $Blog;
            if( ! empty(
$Blog ) )
$skin_ID = $Blog->get_skin_ID();
$SkinCache = & get_SkinCache();
$Skin = & $SkinCache->get_by_ID( $skin_ID, false, false ) )
$skin_template = $Skin->get_template( 'plugin_template' );

        if( empty(
$skin_template ) )
// Use default template params when they are not set by skin
$this->template = $params;
// Merge default params with current skin params
$this->template = array_merge( $params, $skin_template );

        if( ! empty(
$this->template['toolbar_title_after'] ) )
// Add toolbar info icon after the title
$toolbar_params = array(
'tooltip_field' => 'name',
'tooltip_placement' => 'top',
'info_suffix_text' => '',
'icon_color' => 'gray' );
$this->template['toolbar_title_after'] = $this->get_help_link( '', 'info', true, $toolbar_params ).$this->template['toolbar_title_after'];

     * Get param of the current loaded template
     * @param string Param name
     * @param array What should be replaced in the param (e.g. array( '$toolbar_class$' => 'quicktags_toolbar' ) )
function get_template( $param_name, $replaces = NULL )
is_null( $this->template ) )
// Load template only first time

        if( ! isset(
$this->template[ $param_name ] ) )
// Return empty string if no defined param
return '';

$param_value = $this->template[ $param_name ];

is_array( $replaces ) )
$replaces as $search => $replace )
$param_value = str_replace( $search, $replace, $param_value );


// Plugin information (settings, DB layout, ..): {{{

     * Define the GLOBAL settings of the plugin here. These can then be edited in the backoffice in System > Plugins.
     * You can access them in the plugin through the member object
     * {@link Plugin::$Settings}, e.g.:
     * <code>$this->Settings->get( 'my_param' );</code>
     * fp> this is unclear: You probably don't need to set or change values (other than the
     * defaultvalues), but if you know what you're doing, see
     * {@link PluginSettings}, where {@link Plugin::$Settings} gets derived from.
     * NOTE: this method gets called by b2evo when instantiating the plugin
     *       settings and when the settings get displayed for editing in the backoffice.
     *       In the second case, $params['for_editing'] will be true.
     * @todo 3.0 fp> 1) This is not an event: RENAME to lowercase (in b2evo 3.0)
     *           dh> Not only events are CamelCase, but "interactions" with the Plugins(_admin) class, too!
     *               Maybe it should get prefixed with "Plugin"?!
     *               The intention is: all interfacing methods are camel-cased. That makes a lot of sense,
     *               given the provided helpers (get_plugin_url etc).
     *               This applies to the other todos below, too.
     * @todo 3.0 fp> 2) This defines more than Default values ::  confusing name
     * @todo name tentative get_general_param_definitions()
     * @param array Associative array of parameters (since v1.9).
     *    'for_editing': true, if the settings get queried for editing;
     *                   false, if they get queried for instantiating {@link Plugin::$Settings}.
     * @return array
     * The array to be returned should define the names of the settings as keys (max length is 30 chars)
     * and assign an array with the following keys to them (only 'label' is required):
     * 'label': Name/Title of the param, gets displayed as label for the input field, or
     *              as "legend" tag with types "array" and "fieldset".
     * 'defaultvalue': Default value for the setting, defaults to '' (empty string)
     * 'type', which can be:
     *     'text' (default): an input field to enter a string
     *     'string': static text to print out on plugin settings edit form the 'label' of a param
     *     'begin_line': start a group of several params in one by <code>$Form->begin_line( param[label] );</code> (Use together with end_line)
     *     'end_line': start a group of several params in one by <code>$Form->end_line( param[label] );</code> (Use together with begin_line)
     *     'password': like text, but hidden during input
     *     'html_input' : like text, but allows html
     *     'checkbox': a checkbox field to set values either 0 or 1
     *     'checklist': a field or several checkboxes, you must set 'options' for it:
     *         'options': an array of options ( 'name', 'value' ), see {@link Form::checklist()}.
     *     'integer': a number (no float, can have leading "+" or "-") (like 'text' for input, but gets validated when submitting)
     *     'float': a floating number (can have leading "+" or "-", e.g. "+1", "-0.05") (like 'text' for input, but gets validated when submitting)
     *     'textarea': several lines of input. The following can be set for this type:
     *         'rows': number of rows
     *         'cols': number of columns
     *     'html_textarea': like textarea, but allows html
     *     'select': a drop down field; you must set 'options' for it:
     *         'options': an array of options ('value' => 'description'), see {@link Form::select_input_array()}.
     *     'select_blog': a drop down field, providing all existing blogs (Blog ID is the value or "" if "allow_none" is true) (WARNING: does not scale - not recommended)
     *     'select_group': a drop down field, providing all existing groups (Group ID is the value or "" if "allow_none" is true)
     *     'select_user': a drop down field, providing all existing groups (User ID is the value or "" if "allow_none" is true) (WARNING: does not scale - not recommended)
     *     'radio' : radio select (options on same line by default)
     *          'field_lines' : set to true to have options on separate line
     *     'array': a subset of settings without type forcing or checking
     *                 for sub-entries involved (e.g., if you have an entry of type "integer", you could get
     *                 a non-numeric string there). NOTE: VERY UNSAFE!
     *     'array:integer': a subset of settings with type forcing to integer
     *     'array:array:integer':  a subset of settings with type forcing to integer
     *     'array:string': a subset of settings with type forcing to string
     *     'array:array:string': a subset of settings with type forcing to string
     *     'array:regexp': a subset of settings with type forcing by regexp
     *         The value gets automagically (un)serialized through get() and set().
     *         The following keys apply to these types:
     *        'entries': an array with meta information about sub-settings
     *             (which can be everything from the top-level, except: "valid_pattern", "valid_range").
     *        'key': defines the key to use for each entry. This may be a text input for example
     *              (with label, note etc). (optional, default is numeric keys, which are not editable)
     *        'max_count': maximum count of sets (optional, default is no restriction)
     *        'min_count': minimum count of sets (optional, default is no restriction)
     *       'fileselect': opens a modal window to select file. The following can be set for this type:
     *        'root': default root
     *        'path': default path
     *        'thumbnail_size': thumbnail size
     *        'max_file_num': maximum number of files
     *        'initialize_with': initial value
     *     'input_group': a subset of settings arranged in a line, you must specify 'inputs' for it:
     *        'inputs': an array of setting parameters
     *     'info': a form info field with label and info text see {@link Form::info()}; you must set 'info' for text.
     *     'color': a form color picker field, use 'defaultvalue' in format '#FFFFFF'
     *     'usertag': an input field to enter user tags
     * 'note' (gets displayed as a note to the param field),
     * 'info': Text for param with type 'info'
     * 'size': Size of the HTML input field (applies to types 'text', 'password' and 'integer'; defaults to 15)
     * 'maxlength': maxlength attribute for the input field (See 'size' above; defaults to no limit)
     * 'disabled': if true, it adds a 'disabled="disabled"' html attribute to the element and the value cannot be changed
     * 'no_edit': if true, the setting is not editable. This is useful for internal settings.
     * 'allow_none': set this to true to have "None" in the options list for types 'select_group' and 'select_user'.
     * 'allow_empty': true to allow empty values, e.g. when type=integer but the value is not required
     * 'valid_pattern': A regular expression pattern that the value must match.
     *                      This is either just a regexp pattern as string or an array
     *                      with the keys 'pattern' and 'error' to define a custom error message.
     * 'valid_range': An array with keys 'min', 'max' and (optionally) 'error' to define
     *                    a custom error message. At least "min" or "max" must be given.
     * 'help': can be:
     *          '#anchor': anchor that gets appended to {@link $help_url}
     *          true: the settings name/key gets transformed to an html ID and gets used as anchor to {@link $help_url}.
     *          '': a full URL (starting with http:// or https://)
     * 'layout': Use this to visually group your settings.
     *               Either 'begin_fieldset', 'end_fieldset' or 'separator'. You can use 'label' for 'begin_fieldset'.
     * 'multiple': This allows to select multiple values in a SELECT (including select_*) (boolean)
     * 'id', 'onchange', 'onclick', 'onfocus', 'onkeyup', 'onkeydown', 'onreset', 'onselect', 'cols', 'rows', 'maxlength':
     *       get passed through as attributes to the form/input element.
     * e.g.:
     * <code>
     * return array(
     *   'my_param' => array(
     *     'label' => $this->T_('My Param'),
     *     'defaultvalue' => '10',
     *     'note' => $this->T_('Quite cool, eh?'),
     *     'valid_pattern' => array( 'pattern' => '[1-9]\d+', $this->T_('The value must be >= 10.') ),
     *   ),
     *   'another_param' => array( // this one has no 'note'
     *     'label' => $this->T_('My checkbox'),
     *     'defaultvalue' => '1',
     *     'type' => 'checkbox',
     *   ),
     *   array( 'layout' => 'separator' ),
     *   'my_select' => array(
     *     'label' => $this->T_('Selector'),
     *     'defaultvalue' => 'one',
     *     'type' => 'select',
     *     'options' => array( 'sun' => $this->T_('Sunday'), 'mon' => $this->T_('Monday') ),
     *   ) );
     * </code>
function GetDefaultSettings( & $params )
        return array();

     * Define the PER-USER settings of the plugin here. These can then be edited by each user.
     * You can access them in the plugin through the member object
     * {@link $UserSettings}, e.g.:
     * <code>$this->UserSettings->get( 'my_param' );</code>
     * This method behaves exactly like {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()},
     * except that it defines user specific settings instead of global settings.
     * @todo 3.0 fp> 1) This is not an event: RENAME to lowercase (in b2evo 3.0)
     * @todo 3.0 fp> 2) This defines more than Default values ::  confusing name
     * @todo name tentative get_user_param_definitions()
     * @see Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     *    'for_editing': true, if the settings get queried for editing;
     *                   false, if they get queried for instantiating {@link Plugin::$UserSettings}.
     * @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function GetDefaultUserSettings( & $params )
        return array();

     * Define the PER-GROUP settings of the plugin here. These can then be edited by each group.
     * You can access them in the plugin through the member object
     * {@link $GroupSettings}, e.g.:
     * <code>$this->GroupSettings->get( 'my_param' );</code>
     * This method behaves exactly like {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()},
     * except that it defines group specific settings instead of global settings.
     * @todo 3.0 fp> 1) This is not an event: RENAME to lowercase (in b2evo 3.0)
     * @todo 3.0 fp> 2) This defines more than Default values ::  confusing name
     * @todo name tentative get_group_param_definitions()
     * @see Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     *    'for_editing': true, if the settings get queried for editing;
     *                   false, if they get queried for instantiating {@link Plugin::$GroupSettings}.
     * @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function GetDefaultGroupSettings( & $params )
        return array();

     * Define here default custom settings that are to be made available
     *     in the backoffice for collections, private messages and newsletters.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     * @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function get_custom_setting_definitions( & $params )
        return array();

     * Define here default collection/blog settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
     * @see Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     *    'for_editing': true, if the settings get queried for editing;
     *                   false, if they get queried for instantiating {@link Plugin::$UserSettings}.
     * @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function get_coll_setting_definitions( & $params )
$default_settings = array();

// Set default collection plugin settings depending on group:
switch( $this->group )
// Renderer plugins:
$render_note = '';
                if( empty(
$this->code ) )
$render_note .= T_('Note: The plugin code is empty, so this plugin will not work as an "opt-out", "opt-in" or "lazy" renderer.');
$admin_Plugins = & get_Plugins_admin();
$rendering_options = $admin_Plugins->get_apply_rendering_values( true );
$default_post_rendering = ( isset( $params['default_post_rendering'] ) && in_array( $params['default_post_rendering'], $rendering_options ) ) ? $params['default_post_rendering'] : 'opt-out';
$default_comment_rendering = ( isset( $params['default_comment_rendering'] ) && in_array( $params['default_comment_rendering'], $rendering_options ) ) ? $params['default_comment_rendering'] : 'never';
$default_settings = array(
'coll_apply_rendering' => array(
'label'        => T_('Apply rendering to posts'),
'type'         => 'select',
'options'      => $rendering_options,
'defaultvalue' => $default_post_rendering,
'note'         => $render_note,
'coll_apply_comment_rendering' => array(
'label'        => T_('Apply rendering to comments'),
'type'         => 'select',
'options'      => $rendering_options,
'defaultvalue' => $default_comment_rendering,
'note'         => $render_note,

// Editor plugins:
$default_post_using = isset( $params['default_post_using'] ) ? $params['default_post_using'] : 1;
$default_post_using != 'disabled' )
$default_settings['coll_use_for_posts'] = array(
'label'        => T_('Use for posts'),
'type'         => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => $default_post_using,
'note'         => '',
$default_comment_using = isset( $params['default_comment_using'] ) ? $params['default_comment_using'] : 1;
$default_comment_using != 'disabled' )
$default_settings['coll_use_for_comments'] = array(
'label'        => T_('Use for comments'),
'type'         => 'checkbox',
'defaultvalue' => $default_comment_using,
'note'         => '',

array_merge( $default_settings, $this->get_custom_setting_definitions( $params ) );

     * Define here default message settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
     * @see Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     *    'for_editing': true, if the settings get queried for editing;
     *                   false, if they get queried for instantiating {@link Plugin::$UserSettings}.
     * @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function get_msg_setting_definitions( & $params )
$this->group != 'rendering' )
$this->get_custom_setting_definitions( $params );

$render_note = '';
        if( empty(
$this->code ) )
$render_note .= T_('Note: The plugin code is empty, so this plugin will not work as an "opt-out", "opt-in" or "lazy" renderer.');
$admin_Plugins = & get_Plugins_admin();
$rendering_options = $admin_Plugins->get_apply_rendering_values( true );
$default_msg_rendering = ( isset( $params['default_msg_rendering'] ) && in_array( $params['default_msg_rendering'], $rendering_options ) ) ? $params['default_msg_rendering'] : 'never';
$r = array(
'msg_apply_rendering' => array(
'label' => T_('Apply rendering to messages'),
'type' => 'select',
'options' => $rendering_options,
'defaultvalue' => $default_msg_rendering,
'note' => $render_note,

array_merge( $r, $this->get_custom_setting_definitions( $params ) );

     * Define here default email settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
     * @see Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     *    'for_editing': true, if the settings get queried for editing;
     *                   false, if they get queried for instantiating {@link Plugin::$UserSettings}.
     * @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function get_email_setting_definitions( & $params )
$this->group != 'rendering' )
$this->get_custom_setting_definitions( $params );

$render_note = '';
        if( empty(
$this->code ) )
$render_note .= T_('Note: The plugin code is empty, so this plugin will not work as an "opt-out", "opt-in" or "lazy" renderer.');
$admin_Plugins = & get_Plugins_admin();
$rendering_options = $admin_Plugins->get_apply_rendering_values( true );
$default_email_rendering = ( isset( $params['default_email_rendering'] ) && in_array( $params['default_email_rendering'], $rendering_options ) ) ? $params['default_email_rendering'] : 'never';
$r = array(
'email_apply_rendering' => array(
'label' => T_('Apply rendering to emails'),
'type' => 'select',
'options' => $rendering_options,
'defaultvalue' => $default_email_rendering,
'note' => $render_note,

array_merge( $r, $this->get_custom_setting_definitions( $params ) );

     * Define here default shared settings that are to be made available in the backoffice.
     * @see Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     *    'for_editing': true, if the settings get queried for editing;
     *                   false, if they get queried for instantiating {@link Plugin::$UserSettings}.
     * @return array See {@link Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()}.
function get_shared_setting_definitions( & $params )
$this->group != 'rendering' )
$this->get_custom_setting_definitions( $params );

$render_note = '';
        if( empty(
$this->code ) )
$render_note .= T_('Note: The plugin code is empty, so this plugin will not work as an "opt-out", "opt-in" or "lazy" renderer.');
$admin_Plugins = & get_Plugins_admin();
$rendering_options = $admin_Plugins->get_apply_rendering_values( true );
$default_shared_rendering = ( isset( $params['default_shared_rendering'] ) && in_array( $params['default_shared_rendering'], $rendering_options ) ) ? $params['default_shared_rendering'] : 'never';
$r = array(
'shared_apply_rendering' => array(
'label' => T_('Apply rendering to shared container widgets'),
'type' => 'select',
'options' => $rendering_options,
'defaultvalue' => $default_shared_rendering,
'note' => $render_note,

array_merge( $r, $this->get_custom_setting_definitions( $params ) );

     * Get definitions for widget specific editable params
     * @see Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()
     * @param array Local params like 'for_editing' => true
function get_widget_param_definitions( $params )
        if( !
is_array( $params ) )
// Must be array:
$params = array();

// Load new widget to get default param definitions:
load_class( 'widgets/model/_widget.class.php', 'ComponentWidget' );
$ComponentWidget = new ComponentWidget();

array_merge( $ComponentWidget->get_param_definitions( array() ), $params );

     * Get keys for block/widget caching
     * Maybe be overriden by some widgets, depending on what THEY depend on..
     * @param integer Widget ID
     * @return array of keys this widget depends on
function get_widget_cache_keys( $widget_ID = 0 )
// Load new widget to get default cache keys:
load_class( 'widgets/model/_widget.class.php', 'ComponentWidget' );
$ComponentWidget = new ComponentWidget();

$widget_cache_keys = $ComponentWidget->get_cache_keys();

$widget_cache_keys['wi_ID'] = $widget_ID;


     * Get the list of dependencies that the plugin has.
     * This gets checked on install or uninstall of a plugin.
     * There are two <b>classes</b> of dependencies:
     *  - 'recommends': This is just a recommendation. If it cannot get fulfilled
     *                  there will just be a note added on install.
     *  - 'requires': A plugin cannot be installed if the dependencies cannot get
     *                fulfilled. Also, a plugin cannot get uninstalled, if another
     *                plugin depends on it.
     * Each <b>class</b> of dependency can have the following types:
     *  - 'events_by_one': A list of eventlists that have to be provided by a single plugin,
     *                     e.g., <code>array( array('RequestCaptcha', 'ValidateCaptcha') )</code>
     *                     to look for a plugin that provides both events.
     *  - 'plugins':
     *    A list of plugins, either just the plugin's classname or an array with
     *    classname and minimum version of the plugin (see {@link Plugin::$version}).
     *    E.g.: <code>array( 'test_plugin', '1' )</code> to require at least version "1"
     *          of the test plugin.
     *  - 'app_min': Minimum application (b2evo) version, e.g. "1.9".
     *               This way you can make sure that the hooks you need are implemented
     *               in the core.
     *               (Available since b2evo 1.8.3. To make it work before 1.8.2 use
     *               "api_min" and check for array(1, 2) (API version of 1.9)).
     *  - 'api_min': You can require a specific minimum version of the Plugins API here.
     *               If it's just a number, only the major version is checked against.
     *               To check also for the minor version, you have to give an array:
     *               array( major, minor ).
     *               Obsolete since 1.9! Used API versions: 1.1 (b2evo 1.8.1) and 1.2 (b2evo 1.9).
     * @see test_plugin::GetDependencies()
     * @return array
function GetDependencies()
        return array();
// no dependencies by default, of course

     * This method should return your DB schema, consisting of a list of CREATE TABLE
     * queries.
     * The DB gets changed accordingly on installing or enabling your Plugin.
     * If you want to change your DB layout in a new version of your Plugin, simply
     * adjust the queries here and increase {@link Plugin::$version}, because this will
     * request to check the current DB layout against the one you require.
     * For restrictions see {@link db_delta()}.
function GetDbLayout()
        return array();

     * This method gets asked when plugins get installed and allows you to return a list
     * of extra events, which your plugin triggers itself (e.g. through
     * {@link $Plugins->trigger_event()}).
     * NOTE: PLEASE use a distinct prefix for the event name, e.g. "$this->classname".
     * NOTE: The length of event names is limited to 40 chars.
     * NOTE: Please comment the params and the return value here with the list
     *       that you return. Only informal as comment, but makes it easier for
     *       others.
     * @see test_plugin::GetExtraEvents()
     * @return NULL|array "event_name" => "description"
function GetExtraEvents()

     * Override this method to define methods/functions that you want to make accessible
     * through /htsrv/call_plugin.php, which allows you to call those methods by HTTP request.
     * This is useful for things like AJAX or displaying an IFRAME element, where the content
     * should get provided by the plugin itself.
     * E.g., the image captcha plugin uses this method to serve a generated image.
     * NOTE: the Plugin's method must be prefixed with "htsrv_", but in this list (and the URL) it
     *       is not. E.g., to have a method "disp_image" that should be callable through this method
     *       return <code>array('disp_image')</code> here and implement it as
     *       <code>function htsrv_disp_image( $params )</code> in your plugin.
     *       This is used to distinguish those methods from others, but keep URLs nice.
     * @see get_htsrv_url()
     * @return array
function GetHtsrvMethods()
        return array();

     * This method gets asked for a list of cronjobs that the plugin
     * provides.
     * If a user installs a cron job out of this list, the
     * {@link Plugin::ExecCronJob()} of the plugin gets called.
     * @return array Array of arrays with keys "name", "ctrl" and "params".
     *               "name" gets used for display. "ctrl" (string) and
     *               "params" (array) get passed to the
     *               {@link Plugin::ExecCronJob()} method when the cronjob
     *               gets executed.
function GetCronJobs( & $params )
        return array();

     * Execute/handle a cron job, which has been scheduled by the admin out
     * of the list that the Plugin provides (see {@link GetCronJobs()}).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'ctrl': The "ctrl" name as defined in {@link GetCronJobs()}
     *   - 'params': The "params" value as defined in {@link GetCronJobs()},
     *               plus "ctsk_ID" which holds the cron task ID.
     * @return array with keys "code" (integer, 1 is ok), "message" (gets logged)
function ExecCronJob( & $params )

// }}}

     * Event handlers. These are meant to be implemented by your plugin. {{{

    // Admin/backoffice events (without events specific to Items or Comments): {{{

     * Event handler: Gets invoked in / after the menu structure is built.
function AdminAfterEvobarInit()

     * Event handler: Gets invoked in /evoadm.php for every backoffice page after
     *                the menu structure is built. You could use the {@link $AdminUI} object
     *                to modify it.
     * This is the hook to register menu entries. See {@link register_menu_entry()}.
     * Remember to set adminUI_set_path() function to set the correct full selected path.
function AdminAfterMenuInit()
// Example:
$this->register_menu_entry( $this->T_('My Tab') );

     * Event handler: Called when ending the admin html head section.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     * @return boolean did we do something?
function AdminEndHtmlHead( & $params )
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called right after displaying the admin page footer.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     * @return boolean did we do something?
function AdminAfterPageFooter( & $params )
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called when displaying editor buttons (in back-office).
     * This method, if implemented, should output the buttons (probably as html INPUT elements)
     * and return true, if button(s) have been displayed.
     * You should provide an unique html ID with each button.
     * Be careful, this is used inside an output buffer in some places.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     *   - 'target_type': either 'Comment' or 'Item' or 'EmailCampaign'.
     *   - 'edit_layout': "inskin", "expert", etc. (users, hackers, plugins, etc. may create their own layouts in addition to these)
     *                    NOTE: Please respect the "inskin" mode, which should display only the most simple things!
     * @return boolean did we display a button?
function AdminDisplayEditorButton( & $params )
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called when displaying editor buttons (in front-office).
     * This method, if implemented, should output the buttons (probably as html INPUT elements)
     * and return true, if button(s) have been displayed.
     * You should provide an unique html ID with each button.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     *   - 'target_type': either 'Comment' or 'Item'.
     *   - 'edit_layout': "inskin", "expert", etc. (users, hackers, plugins, etc. may create their own layouts in addition to these)
     *                    NOTE: Please respect the "inskin" mode, which should display only the most simple things!
     * @return boolean did we display a button?
function DisplayEditorButton( & $params )
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called when displaying editor toolbars on post/item form.
     * This is for post/item edit forms only. Comments, PMs and emails use different events.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'edit_layout': "inskin", "expert", etc. (users, hackers, plugins, etc. may create their own layouts in addition to these)
     *                    NOTE: Please respect the "inskin" mode, which should display only the most simple things!
     * @return boolean did we display a toolbar?
function AdminDisplayToolbar( & $params )
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called when handling actions for the "Tools" menu.
     * Use {@link msg()} to add messages for the user.
function AdminToolAction()

     * Event handler: Called when displaying the block in the "Tools" menu.
     * @return boolean did we display something?
function AdminToolPayload()
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Method that gets invoked when our tab is selected.
     * You should catch (your own) params (using {@link param()}) here and do actions
     * (but no output!).
     * Use {@link msg()} to add messages for the user.
function AdminTabAction()

     * Event handler: Gets invoked when our tab is selected and should get displayed.
     * Do your output here.
     * @return boolean did we display something?
function AdminTabPayload()
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Gets invoked before the main payload in the backoffice.
function AdminBeginPayload()

     * Event handler: Called at the beginning of the "Edit wdiget" form on back-office.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Form': the {@link Form} object (by reference)
     *   - 'ComponentWidget': the Widget which gets edited (by reference)
     * @return boolean did we display something?
function WidgetBeginSettingsForm( & $params )
false; // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called at the end of the "Edit wdiget" form on back-office.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Form': the {@link Form} object (by reference)
     *   - 'ComponentWidget': the Widget which gets edited (by reference)
     * @return boolean did we display something?
function WidgetEndSettingsForm( & $params )
false; // Do nothing by default.

// }}}

    // Skin/Blog events: {{{

     * Event handler: Called before a blog gets displayed (in
function BeforeBlogDisplay( & $params )

     * Event handler: Gets invoked when an action request was called which should be blocked in specific cases
     * Blocakble actions: comment post, user login/registration, email send/validation, account activation
function BeforeBlockableAction()

     * Event handler: Called when a MainList object gets created.
     * Note: you must create your own MainList object here, set filters and query the database, see init_MainList() for detailes.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'MainList': The "MainList" object (by reference).
     *   - 'limit': The number of posts to display
     * @return boolean True if you've created your own MainList object and queried the database, false otherwise.
function InitMainList( & $params )
// Do nothing by default:
return false;

     * Event handler: Called at the beginning of the skin's HTML HEAD section.
     * Use this to add any HTML HEAD lines (like CSS styles or links to resource files (CSS, JavaScript, ..)).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
function SkinBeginHtmlHead( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called at the end of the skin's HTML HEAD section.
     * Use this to add any HTML HEAD lines (like CSS styles or links to resource files (CSS, JavaScript, ..)).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
function SkinEndHtmlHead( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called at the beginning of the skin's HTML BODY section.
     * Use this to add any HTML snippet at the beginning of the generated page.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
function SkinBeginHtmlBody( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called at the end of the skin's HTML BODY section.
     * Use this to add any HTML snippet at the end of the generated page.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
function SkinEndHtmlBody( & $params )

     * Event handler: Gets called before skin wrapper.
     * Use this to add any HTML code before skin wrapper and after evo toolbar.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
function BeforeSkinWrapper( & $params )

     * Called when a plugin gets called by its {@link $code}.
     * If you provide this event, b2evolution will assume your plugin
     * provides a widget and list it in the "Available widgets" list.
     * @see $code
     * @see Plugins::call_by_code()
     * @param array The array passed to {@link Plugins::call_by_code()}.
function SkinTag( & $params )

     * Event handler: Gets asked about a list of skin names that the plugin handles.
     * If one of the skins returned gets called through the "skin=X" URL param, the
     * {@link Plugin::DisplaySkin()} method of your plugin gets called.
     * @return array
function GetProvidedSkins()
        return array();

     * Event handler: Display a skin. Use {@link Plugin::GetProvidedSkins()} to return
     * a list of names that you register.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'skin': name of skin to be displayed (from the list of {@link Plugin::GetProvidedSkins()}).
     *             If your Plugin only registers one skin, you can ignore it.
function DisplaySkin( & $params )

// }}}

    // (Un)Install / (De)Activate events: {{{

     * Event handler: Called before the plugin is going to be installed.
     * This is the hook to create any DB tables or the like.
     * If you just want to add a note, use {@link Plugin::msg()} (and return true).
     * @return true|string True, if the plugin can be enabled/activated,
     *                     a string with an error/note otherwise.
function BeforeInstall()
true;  // default is to allow Installation

     * Event handler: Called after the plugin has been installed.
function AfterInstall()

     * Event handler: Called before the plugin is going to be un-installed.
     * This is the hook to remove any files or the like - tables with canonical names
     * (see {@link Plugin::get_sql_table()}, are handled internally.
     * See {@link BeforeUninstallPayload()} for the corresponding payload handler, which you
     * can request to invoke by returning NULL here.
     * Note: this method gets called again, if the uninstallation has to be confirmed,
     *       either because you've requested a call to {@link BeforeUninstallPayload()}
     *       or there are tables to be dropped (what the admin user has to confirm).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     *              'unattended': true if Uninstall is unattended (e.g., the /install action "deletedb" uses it).
     *                            This should cleanup everything without confirmation!
     * @return boolean|NULL
     *         true when it's ok to uninstall,
     *         false on failure (the plugin won't get uninstalled then).
     *               You should add the reason for it through {@link Plugin::msg()}.
     *         NULL requests to execute the {@link BeforeUninstallPayload()} method.
function BeforeUninstall( & $params )

     * Event handler: Gets invoked to display the payload before uninstalling the plugin.
     * You have to request a call to this during the plugin uninstall procedure by
     * returning NULL in {@link BeforeUninstall()}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     *              'Form': The {@link Form} that asks the user for confirmation (by reference).
     *                      If your plugin uses canonical table names (see {@link Plugin::get_sql_table()}),
     *                      there will be already a list of those tables included in it.
     *                      Do not end the form, just add own inputs or hidden keys to it.
function BeforeUninstallPayload( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called when the admin tries to enable the plugin, changes
     * its configuration/settings and after installation.
     * Use this, if your plugin needs configuration before it can be used.
     * @return true|string True, if the plugin can be enabled/activated,
     *                     a string with an error/note otherwise.
function BeforeEnable()
true;  // default is to allow Activation

     * Event handler: Your plugin gets notified here, just before it gets
     * disabled.
     * You cannot prevent this, but only clean up stuff, if you have to.
function BeforeDisable()

     * NOTE: function AppendPluginRegister( & $params ) is deprecated since 1.9.
     * Use Plugin::PluginInit() instead.

     * Event handler: Called when we detect a version change (in {@link Plugins::register()}).
     * Use this for your upgrade needs.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters.
     *              'old_version': The old version of your plugin as stored in DB.
     *              'db_row': an array with the columns of the plugin DB entry (in T_plugins).
     *                        The key 'plug_version' is the same as the 'old_version' key.
     * @return boolean If this method returns false, the Plugin's status gets changed to "needs_config" and
     *                 it gets unregistered for the current request.
function PluginVersionChanged( & $params )

// }}}

    // Blog events: {{{

     * Event handler: called at the end of {@link Blog::dbinsert() inserting
     * a blog into the database}, which means it has been created.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Blog': the related Blog (by reference)
function AfterCollectionInsert( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the end of {@link Blog::dbupdate() updating
     * a blog in the database}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Blog': the related Blog (by reference)
function AfterCollectionUpdate( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the end of {@link Blog::dbdelete() deleting
     * a blog from the database}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Blog': the related Blog (by reference)
function AfterCollectionDelete( & $params )

     * Event handler: Defines blog kinds, their names and description.
     * Define blog settings in {@link Plugin::InitCollectionKinds()} method of your plugin.
     * Note: You can change default blog kinds $params['kinds'] (which get passed by reference).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'kinds': dafault blog kinds (by reference)
     * @retun: array
function GetCollectionKinds( & $params )
        return array();

     * Event handler: Defines blog settings by its kind. Use {@link get_collection_kinds()} to return
     * an array of available blog kinds and their names.
     * Define new blog kinds in {@link Plugin::GetCollectionKinds()} method of your plugin.
     * Note: You have to change $params['Blog'] (which gets passed by reference).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Blog': created Blog (by reference)
     *   - 'kind': the kind of created blog (by reference)
function InitCollectionKinds( & $params )

// }}}

    // Item events: {{{

     * Event handler: Called when rendering item/post contents as HTML. (CACHED)
     * The rendered content will be *cached* and the cached content will be reused on subsequent displays.
     * Use {@link DisplayItemAsHtml()} instead if you want to do rendering at display time.
      * Note: You have to change $params['data'] (which gets passed by reference).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the data (by reference). You probably want to modify this.
     *   - 'format': see {@link format_to_output()}. Only 'htmlbody' and 'entityencoded' will arrive here.
     *   - 'Item': the {@link Item} object which gets rendered.
     *   - 'view_type': What part of a post are we displaying: 'teaser', 'extension' or 'full'
     * @return boolean Have we changed something?
function RenderItemAsHtml( & $params )
        $content = & $params['data'];
        $content = 'PREFIX__'.$content.'__SUFFIX'; // just an example
        return true;

     * Event handler: Called prepare params before rendering attachments of item contents.
     * Note: You have to change $params['data'] (which gets passed by reference).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the data (by reference). You probably want to modify this.
     *   - 'format': see {@link format_to_output()}. Only 'htmlbody' and 'entityencoded' will arrive here.
     *   - 'Item': the {@link Item} object which gets rendered.
     * @return boolean Have we changed something?
function PrepareForRenderItemAttachment( & $params )
false; // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called when rendering attachments of item contents.
     * Note: You have to change $params['data'] (which gets passed by reference).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the data (by reference). You probably want to modify this.
     *   - 'format': see {@link format_to_output()}. Only 'htmlbody' and 'entityencoded' will arrive here.
     *   - 'Item': the {@link Item} object which gets rendered.
     * @return boolean Have we changed something?
function RenderItemAttachment( & $params )
false; // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called when rendering item/post contents as XML.
     * Should this plugin apply to XML?
     * It should actually only apply when:
     * - it generates some content that is visible without HTML tags
     * - it removes some dirty markup when generating the tags (which will get stripped afterwards)
     * Note: htmlentityencoded is not considered as XML here.
     * Note: You have to change $params['data'] (which gets passed by reference).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the data (by reference). You probably want to modify this.
     *   - 'format': see {@link format_to_output()}. Only 'xml' will arrive here.
     *   - 'Item': the {@link Item} object which gets rendered.
     *   - 'view_type': What part of a post are we displaying: 'teaser', 'extension' or 'full'
     * @return boolean Have we changed something?
function RenderItemAsXml( & $params )
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called when rendering item/post contents other than XML or HTML.
     * Note: return value is ignored. You have to change $params['data'].
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the data (by reference). You probably want to modify this.
     *   - 'format': see {@link format_to_output()}. Only 'text' will arrive here.
     *   - 'Item': the {@link Item} object which gets rendered.
     *   - 'view_type': What part of a post are we displaying: 'teaser', 'extension' or 'full'
     * @return boolean Have we changed something?
function RenderItemAsText( & $params )
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called when displaying an item/post's content as HTML.
     * This is different from {@link RenderItemAsHtml()}, because it gets called
     * on every display (while rendering gets cached).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the data (by reference). You probably want to modify this.
     *   - 'format': see {@link format_to_output()}.
     *   - 'Item': The {@link Item} that gets displayed (by reference).
     *   - 'Comment': The {@link Comment} that gets displayed (by reference).
     *   - 'Message': The {@link Message} that gets displayed (by reference).
     *   - 'EmailCampaign': The {@link EmailCampaign} that gets displayed (by reference).
     *   - 'Widget': The {@link Widget} that gets displayed (by reference).
     *   - 'preview': Is this only a preview?
     *   - 'dispmore': Does this include the "more" text (if available), which means "full post"?
     *   - 'view_type': What part of a post are we displaying: 'teaser', 'extension' or 'full'
     * @return boolean Have we changed something?
function DisplayItemAsHtml( & $params )
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called when displaying an item/post's content as XML.
     * This is different from {@link RenderItemAsXml()}, because it gets called
     * on every display (while rendering gets cached).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the data (by reference). You probably want to modify this.
     *   - 'format': see {@link format_to_output()}.
     *   - 'Item': The {@link Item} that gets displayed (by reference).
     *   - 'preview': Is this only a preview?
     *   - 'dispmore': Does this include the "more" text (if available), which means "full post"?
     *   - 'view_type': What part of a post are we displaying: 'teaser', 'extension' or 'full'
     * @return boolean Have we changed something?
function DisplayItemAsXml( & $params )
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called when displaying an item/post's content as text.
     * This is different from {@link RenderItemAsText()}, because it gets called
     * on every display (while rendering gets cached).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the data (by reference). You probably want to modify this.
     *   - 'format': see {@link format_to_output()}. Only 'text' will arrive here.
     *   - 'Item': The {@link Item} that gets displayed (by reference).
     *   - 'preview': Is this only a preview?
     *   - 'dispmore': Does this include the "more" text (if available), which means "full post"?
     *   - 'view_type': What part of a post are we displaying: 'teaser', 'extension' or 'full'
     * @return boolean Have we changed something?
function DisplayItemAsText( & $params )
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: called at the beginning of {@link Item::dbupdate() updating
     * an item/post in the database}.
     * Use this to manipulate the {@link Item}, e.g. adding a renderer code
     * through {@link Item::add_renderer()}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Item': the related Item (by reference)
function PrependItemUpdateTransact( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the end of {@link Item::dbupdate() updating
     * an item/post in the database}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Item': the related Item (by reference)
     *   - 'dbchanges': array with DB changes; a copy of {@link Item::dbchanges()},
     *                  before they got applied (since 1.9)
function AfterItemUpdate( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the beginning of {@link Item::dbinsert() inserting
     * an item/post in the database}.
     * Use this to manipulate the {@link Item}, e.g. adding a renderer code
     * through {@link Item::add_renderer()}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Item': the related Item (by reference)
function PrependItemInsertTransact( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the end of {@link Item::dbinsert() inserting
     * a item/post into the database}, which means it has been created.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Item': the related Item (by reference)
     *   - 'dbchanges': array with DB changes; a copy of {@link Item::dbchanges()},
     *                  before they got applied (since 1.9)
function AfterItemInsert( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the end of {@link Item::dbdelete() deleting
     * an item/post from the database}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Item': the related Item (by reference)
function AfterItemDelete( & $params )

     * Event handler: called when instantiating an Item for preview.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Item': the related Item (by reference)
function AppendItemPreviewTransact( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the end of {@link Item::load_from_Request() loading
     * item/post fields from request}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Item': the related Item (by reference)
function ItemLoadFromRequest( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called at the end of the "Edit item" form.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Form': the {@link Form} object (by reference)
     *   - 'Item': the Item which gets edited (by reference)
     *   - 'edit_layout': "inskin", "expert", etc. (users, hackers, plugins, etc. may create their own layouts in addition to these)
     *                    NOTE: Please respect the "inskin" mode, which should display only the most simple things!
     * @return boolean did we display something?
function AdminDisplayItemFormFieldset( & $params )
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called at the end of the "Edit item" form in front-office.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Form': the {@link Form} object (by reference)
     *   - 'Item': the Item which gets edited (by reference)
     *   - 'edit_layout': "inskin", "expert", etc. (users, hackers, plugins, etc. may create their own layouts in addition to these)
     *                    NOTE: Please respect the "inskin" mode, which should display only the most simple things!
     * @return boolean did we display something?
function DisplayItemFormFieldset( & $params )
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called before an item gets deleted (in the backoffice).
     * You could {@link Plugin::msg() add a message} of
     * category "error" here, to prevent the comment from being deleted.
     * @since 2.0
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *              'Item': the Item which gets created (by reference)
function AdminBeforeItemEditDelete( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called before a new item gets created (in the backoffice).
     * You could {@link Plugin::msg() add a message} of
     * category "error" here, to prevent the comment from being inserted.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *              'Item': the Item which gets created (by reference)
function AdminBeforeItemEditCreate( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called before an existing item gets updated (in the backoffice).
     * You could {@link Plugin::msg() add a message} of
     * category "error" here, to prevent the comment from being inserted.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *              'Item': the Item which gets updated (by reference)
function AdminBeforeItemEditUpdate( & $params )

     * Event handler: the plugin gets asked if an item can receive feedback/comments.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *              'Item': the Item
     * @return boolean|string
     *   true, if the Item can receive feedback
     *   false/string, if the Item cannot receive feedback. If you return a string
     *                 this gets displayed as an error/explanation.
     *   NULL, if you do not want to say "yes" or "no".
function ItemCanComment( & $params )

     * Event handler: send a ping about a new item.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *        'Item': the Item (by reference)
     *        'xmlrpcresp': Set this to the {@link xmlrpcresp} object, if the plugin
     *                      uses XMLRPC.
     *        'display': Should results get displayed? (normally you should not need
     *                   to care about this, especially if you can set 'xmlrpcresp')
     * @return boolean Was the ping successful?
function ItemSendPing( & $params )

     * Event handler: called to display the URL that accepts trackbacks for
     *                an item.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Item': the {@link Item} object (by reference)
     *   - 'template': the template to display the URL (%url%)
function DisplayTrackbackAddr( & $params )

     * Event handler: Does your Plugin want to apply as a renderer for the item?
     * NOTE: this is especially useful for lazy Plugins, which would look
     *       at the content and decide, if they apply.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Item': the {@link Item} object (by reference)
     * @return boolean|NULL If true, the Plugin gets added as a renderer, false
     *         removes it as a renderer (if existing) and NULL does not change the
     *         renderer setting regarding your Plugin.
function ItemApplyAsRenderer( & $params )

// }}}

    // Feedback (Comment/Trackback) events: {{{

     * Event handler: Called when displaying editor toolbars on comment form.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     * @return boolean did we display a toolbar?
function DisplayCommentToolbar( & $params )
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called at the end of the "Edit comment" form on back-office.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Form': the {@link Form} object (by reference)
     *   - 'Comment': the Comment which gets edited (by reference)
     *   - 'edit_layout': only NULL currently, as there's only one layout
     * @return boolean did we display something?
function AdminDisplayCommentFormFieldset( & $params )
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called at the end of the front-office comment form.
     * You might want to use this to inject antispam payload to use in
     * in {@link GetSpamKarmaForComment()} or modify the Comment according
     * to it in {@link BeforeCommentFormInsert()}.
     * @see Plugin::BeforeCommentFormInsert(), Plugin::AfterCommentFormInsert()
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Form': the comment form generating object
     *   - 'Item': the Item for which the comment is meant
function DisplayCommentFormFieldset( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called in the submit button section of the
     * front-office comment form.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Form': the comment form generating object
     *   - 'Item': the Item for which the comment is meant
function DisplayCommentFormButton( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called before at the beginning, if a comment form gets sent (and received).
     * Use this to filter input, e.g. the OpenID uses this to provide alternate authentication.
     * If you need to delegate to another service (what OpenID does), you need to remember all
     * these params (use array_keys($params)) and restore them when coming back.
     * Only comment_item_ID is required at the beginning of comment_post.php (where this hook)
     * is located (and has to be passed via GET/POST) - all other params can get stored in a
     * local session and restored when coming back (this is recommended.)
     * @since 1.10.0
     * @see Plugin::DisplayCommentFormFieldset()
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'comment_item_ID': ID of the item the comment is for
     *   - 'comment': the comment text (by reference)
     *   - 'original_comment': the original, unfiltered comment text - you should not modify it here,
     *      this is meant e.g. for the OpenID plugin to re-inject it after redirection (by reference)
     *   - 'action': "save" or "preview" (by reference)
     *   - 'User': {@link User}, if logged in or null (by reference)
     *   - 'anon_name': Name of the anonymous commenter (by reference)
     *   - 'anon_email': E-Mail of the anonymous commenter (by reference)
     *   - 'anon_url': URL of the anonymous commenter (by reference)
     *   - 'anon_allow_msgform': "Allow msgform" preference of the anonymous commenter (by reference)
     *   - 'anon_cookies': "Remember me" preference of the anonymous commenter (by reference)
     *   - 'redirect_to': URL where to redirect to in the end of comment posting (by reference)
     *   - 'crumb_comment': Crumb expected for the comment (see {@link Session::assert_received_crumb()})
     *     (by reference).
function CommentFormSent( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called before a comment gets inserted through the public comment
     *                form.
     * Use this, to validate a comment: you could {@link Plugin::msg() add a message} of
     * category "error" here, to prevent the comment from being inserted.
     * @see Plugin::DisplayCommentFormFieldset()
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Comment': the Comment (by reference)
     *   - 'original_comment': this is the unstripped and unformated posted comment
     *   - 'action': "save" or "preview" (by reference) (since 1.10)
     *   - 'is_preview': is this a request for previewing the comment? (boolean)
function BeforeCommentFormInsert( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called when a comment form has been processed and the comment
     *                got inserted into DB.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Comment': the Comment (by reference)
     *   - 'original_comment': this is the unstripped and unformated posted comment
function AfterCommentFormInsert( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called to ask the plugin for the spam karma of a comment/trackback.
     * This gets called just before the comment gets stored.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Comment': the {@link Comment} object (by reference)
     *   - The following values are interesting if you want to provide skipping of a test:
     *     - 'cur_karma': current karma value (cur_karma_abs/cur_karma_divider or NULL)
     *     - 'cur_karma_abs': current karma absolute value or NULL (if no Plugin returned karma before)
     *     - 'cur_karma_divider': current divider (sum of weights)
     *     - 'cur_count_plugins': number of Plugins that have already been asked
     * @return integer|NULL Spam probability (-100 - 100).
     *                -100 means "absolutely no spam", 100 means "absolutely spam".
     *                Only if you return a numeric value, it gets considered (e.g., "", NULL or false get ignored).
function GetSpamKarmaForComment( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the beginning of {@link Comment::dbupdate() updating
     * a Comment in the database}.
     * Use this to manipulate the {@link Comment}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Comment': the related Comment (by reference)
function PrependCommentUpdateTransact( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the end of {@link Comment::dbupdate() updating
     * a comment in the database}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Comment': the related Comment (by reference)
     *   - 'dbchanges': array with DB changes; a copy of {@link Comment::dbchanges()},
     *                  before they got applied (since 1.9)
function AfterCommentUpdate( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the beginning of {@link Comment::dbinsert() inserting
     * a Comment in the database}.
     * Use this to manipulate the {@link Comment}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Comment': the related Comment (by reference)
function PrependCommentInsertTransact( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the end of {@link Comment::dbinsert() inserting
     * a comment into the database}, which means it has been created.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Comment': the related Comment (by reference)
     *   - 'dbchanges': array with DB changes; a copy of {@link Comment::dbchanges()},
     *                  before they got applied (since 1.9)
function AfterCommentInsert( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the end of {@link Comment::dbdelete() deleting
     * a comment from the database}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Comment': the related Comment (by reference)
function AfterCommentDelete( & $params )

     * Event handler: called before a trackback gets recorded.
     * Use this, to validate a trackback: you could {@link Plugin::msg() add a message} of
     * category "error" here, to prevent the trackback from being accepted.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Comment': the trackback (which is a {@link Comment} object with "trackback" type) (by reference)
     *        The trackback-params get mapped like this:
     *        - "blog_name" => "author"
     *        - "url" => "author_url"
     *        - "title"/"excerpt" => "comment"
function BeforeTrackbackInsert( & $params )

     * Event handler: Gets called after a trackback has been recorded.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Comment': the trackback (which is a {@link Comment} object with "trackback" type) (by reference)
     *        The trackback-params get mapped like this:
     *        - "blog_name" => "author"
     *        - "url" => "author_url"
     *        - "title"/"excerpt" => "comment"
function AfterTrackbackInsert( & $params )

     * Event handler: called to filter the comment's anonymous author name
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the name of the author/blog (by reference)
     *   - 'Comment': the {@link Comment} object
function FilterCommentAuthor( & $params )

     * Event handler: called to filter the comment's author URL.
     * This may be either the URL only or a full link (A tag).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the URL of the author/blog (by reference)
     *   - 'makelink': true, if the "data" contains a link (HTML A tag)
     *   - 'Comment': the {@link Comment} object
function FilterCommentAuthorUrl( & $params )

     * Event handler: called to filter the comment's content
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the name of the author/blog (by reference)
     *   - 'Comment': the {@link Comment} object
function FilterCommentContent( & $params )
$this->group == 'rendering' )
// All plugin from 'rendering' group has a 'coll_apply_comment_rendering' setting
$Comment = & $params['Comment'];
$comment_Item = & $Comment->get_Item();
$comment_Blog = & $comment_Item->get_Blog();
in_array( $this->code, $Comment->get_renderers_validated() ) )
// Always allow rendering for comment
$render_params = array_merge(  array( 'data' => & $Comment->content ), $params );
$this->RenderItemAsHtml( $render_params );

// }}}

    // Message form events: {{{

     * Event handler: Called when displaying editor toolbars for message.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     * @return boolean did we display a toolbar?
function DisplayMessageToolbar( & $params )
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called at the end of the front-office message form, which
     * allows to send an email to a user/commentator.
     * You might want to use this to inject antispam payload to use in
     * in {@link MessageFormSent()}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Form': the comment form generating object
     *   - 'recipient_ID': ID of the user (if any)
     *   - 'item_ID': ID of the item where the user clicked the msgform icon (if any)
     *   - 'comment_ID': ID of the comment where the user clicked the msgform icon (if any)
function DisplayMessageFormFieldset( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called in the submit button section of the
     * front-office message form.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Form': the comment form generating object
     *   - 'recipient_ID': ID of the user (if any)
     *   - 'item_ID': ID of the item where the user clicked the msgform icon (if any)
     *   - 'comment_ID': ID of the comment where the user clicked the msgform icon (if any)
function DisplayMessageFormButton( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called before at the beginning, if a message of thread form gets sent (and received).
     * Use this to filter input
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'content': the message text (by reference)
function MessageThreadFormSent( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called when a message form has been submitted.
     * Add messages of category "error" to prevent the message from being sent.
     * You can also alter the "message" or "message_footer" that gets sent here.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'recipient_ID': ID of the user (if any)
     *   - 'item_ID': ID of the item where the user clicked the msgform icon (if any)
     *   - 'comment_ID': ID of the comment where the user clicked the msgform icon (if any)
     *   - 'sender_name': The name of the sender (by reference) (since 1.10.0)
     *   - 'sender_email': The email address of the sender (by reference) (since 1.10.0)
     *   - 'subject': The subject of the message to be sent (by reference) (since 1.10.0)
     *   - 'message': The message to be sent (by reference)
     *   - 'Blog': The blog, depending on the context (may be null) (by reference) (since 1.10.0)
function MessageFormSent( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called after a message has been sent through the public email form.
     * This is meant to cleanup generated data.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'success_message' (bool): true if the message has been sent, false otherwise
function MessageFormSentCleanup( & $params )

     * Event handler: called to filter the message's content
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the name of the author/blog (by reference)
     *   - 'Message': the {@link Comment} object
function FilterMsgContent( & $params )
$this->group == 'rendering' )
// All plugin from 'rendering' group has a 'msg_apply_rendering' setting
$Message = & $params['Message'];
in_array( $this->code, $Message->get_renderers_validated() ) )
// Always allow rendering for message
$render_params = array_merge(  array( 'data' => & $Message->text ), $params );
$this->RenderMessageAsHtml( $render_params );

     * Event handler: called at the beginning of {@link Message::dbinsert_discussion() or Message::dbinsert_message() inserting
     * an Message in the database}.
     * Use this to manipulate the {@link Message}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Message': the related Message (by reference)
function PrependMessageInsertTransact( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called when rendering message contents as HTML. (CACHED)
     * The rendered content will be *cached* and the cached content will be reused on subsequent displays.
     * Use {@link DisplayContentAsHtml()} instead if you want to do rendering at display time.
     * Note: You have to change $params['data'] (which gets passed by reference).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the data (by reference). You probably want to modify this.
     *   - 'format': see {@link format_to_output()}. Only 'htmlbody' and 'entityencoded' will arrive here.
     *   - 'Item': the {@link Item} object which gets rendered.
     *   - 'view_type': What part of a post are we displaying: 'teaser', 'extension' or 'full'
     * @return boolean Have we changed something?
function RenderMessageAsHtml( & $params )
// Use this render by default temporarily
return $this->RenderItemAsHtml( $params );

     * Event handler: Called prepare params before rendering attachments of message contents.
     * Note: You have to change $params['data'] (which gets passed by reference).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the data (by reference). You probably want to modify this.
     *   - 'format': see {@link format_to_output()}. Only 'htmlbody' and 'entityencoded' will arrive here.
     *   - 'Message': the {@link Message} object which gets rendered.
     * @return boolean Have we changed something?
function PrepareForRenderMessageAttachment( & $params )
false; // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called when rendering attachments of message contents.
     * Note: You have to change $params['data'] (which gets passed by reference).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the data (by reference). You probably want to modify this.
     *   - 'format': see {@link format_to_output()}. Only 'htmlbody' and 'entityencoded' will arrive here.
     *   - 'Message': the {@link Message} object which gets rendered.
     * @return boolean Have we changed something?
function RenderMessageAttachment( & $params )
// Use this render by default temporarily:
return $this->RenderItemAttachment( $params );

// }}}

    // Email form events: {{{

     * Event handler: Called when displaying editor toolbars for email.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     * @return boolean did we display a toolbar?
function DisplayEmailToolbar( & $params )
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called before at the beginning, if an email form gets sent (and received).
     * Use this to filter input
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'content': the message text (by reference)
function EmailFormSent( & $params )

     * Event handler: called to filter the email's content
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'EmailCampaign': the {@link EmailCampaign} object
function FilterEmailContent( & $params )
$this->group == 'rendering' )
// All plugin from 'rendering' group has a 'email_apply_rendering' setting
$EmailCampaign = & $params['EmailCampaign'];
in_array( $this->code, $EmailCampaign->get_renderers_validated() ) )
// Always allow rendering for $EmailCampaign
$render_params = array_merge( array( 'data' => & $EmailCampaign->email_text ), $params );
$this->RenderEmailAsHtml( $render_params );

     * Event handler: called at the beginning of {@link EmailCampaign::dbinsert() inserting
     * an Email Campaign in the database}.
     * Use this to manipulate the {@link EmailCampaign}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'EmailCampaign': the related EmailCampaign (by reference)
function PrependEmailInsertTransact( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the beginning of {@link EmailCampaign::dbupdate() updating
     * an Email Campaign in the database}.
     * Use this to manipulate the {@link EmailCampaign}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'EmailCampaign': the related EmailCampaign (by reference)
function PrependEmailUpdateTransact( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called when rendering email contents as HTML. (CACHED)
     * The rendered content will be *cached* and the cached content will be reused on subsequent displays.
     * Note: You have to change $params['data'] (which gets passed by reference).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the data (by reference). You probably want to modify this.
     *   - 'format': see {@link format_to_output()}. Only 'htmlbody' and 'entityencoded' will arrive here.
     *   - 'EmailCampaign': the {@link EmailCampaign} object which gets rendered.
     * @return boolean Have we changed something?
function RenderEmailAsHtml( & $params )
// Use this render by default temporarily
return $this->RenderItemAsHtml( $params );

     * Event handler: Called prepare params before rendering attachments of email campaign contents.
     * Note: You have to change $params['data'] (which gets passed by reference).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the data (by reference). You probably want to modify this.
     *   - 'format': see {@link format_to_output()}. Only 'htmlbody' and 'entityencoded' will arrive here.
     *   - 'EmailCampaign': the {@link EmailCampaign} object which gets rendered.
     * @return boolean Have we changed something?
function PrepareForRenderEmailAttachment( & $params )
false; // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called when rendering attachments of email campaign contents.
     * Note: You have to change $params['data'] (which gets passed by reference).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the data (by reference). You probably want to modify this.
     *   - 'format': see {@link format_to_output()}. Only 'htmlbody' and 'entityencoded' will arrive here.
     *   - 'EmailCampaign': the {@link EmailCampaign} object which gets rendered.
     * @return boolean Have we changed something?
function RenderEmailAttachment( & $params )
// Use this render by default temporarily
return $this->RenderItemAttachment( $params );

// }}}

    // Caching events: {{{

     * Event handler: called to cache object data.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'action': 'delete', 'set', 'get'
     *   - 'key': The key to refer to 'data'
     *   - 'data': The actual data. This must be set by the plugin.
     * @return boolean True if action was successful, false otherwise.
function CacheObjects( & $params )

     * Event handler: called to cache page content (get cached content or request caching).
     * This method must build a unique key for the requested page (including cookie/session info) and
     * start an output buffer, to get the content to cache.
     * Note, that there are special occassions when this event does not get called, because we want
     * really fresh content always:
     *  - we're generating static pages
     *  - there gets a "dynamic object", such as "Messages" or "core.preview_Comment" transported in the session
     * @see Plugin::CacheIsCollectingContent()
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': this must get set to the page content on cache hit
     * @return boolean True if we handled the request (either returned caching data or started buffering),
     *                 false if we do not want to cache this page.
function CachePageContent( & $params )

     * Event handler: gets asked for if we are generating cached content.
     * This is useful to not generate a list of online users or the like.
     * @see Plugin::CachePageContent()
     * @return boolean
function CacheIsCollectingContent()

     * This gets called before an image thumbnail gets created.
     * This is useful to post-process the thumbnail image (add a watermark or change colors).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'File': the related File (by reference)
     *   - 'imh': image resource (by reference)
     *   - 'size': size name (by reference)
     *   - 'mimetype': mimetype of thumbnail (by reference)
     *   - 'quality': JPEG image quality [0-100] (by reference)
     *   - 'root_type': file root type 'user', 'group', 'collection' etc. (by reference)
     *   - 'root_type_ID': ID of user, group or collection (by reference)
function BeforeThumbCreate( & $params )

// }}}

    // PluginSettings {{{
     * Event handler: Called before displaying or setting a plugin's setting in the backoffice.
     * @see GetDefaultSettings()
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'name': name of the setting
     *   - 'value': value of the setting (by reference)
     *   - 'meta': meta data of the setting (as given in {@link GetDefaultSettings()})
     *   - 'action': 'display' or 'set'
     * @return string|NULL Return a string with an error to prevent the setting from being set
     *                     and/or a message added to the settings field.
function PluginSettingsValidateSet( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called as action just before updating the {@link Plugin::$Settings plugin's settings}.
     * The "regular" settings from {@link GetDefaultSettings()} have been set into
     * {@link Plugin::$Settings}, but get saved into DB after this method has been called.
     * Use this to catch custom input fields from {@link PluginSettingsEditDisplayAfter()} or
     * add notes/errors through {@link Plugin::msg()}.
     * If you want to modify plugin events (see {@link Plugin::enable_event()} and
     * {@link Plugin::disable_event()}), you should use {@link Plugin::BeforeEnable()}, because Plugin
     * events get saved (according to the edit settings screen) after this event.
     * @return false|NULL Return false to prevent the settings from being updated to DB.
function PluginSettingsUpdateAction()

     * Event handler: Called as action before displaying the "Edit plugin" form,
     * which includes the display of the {@link Plugin::$Settings plugin's settings}.
     * You may want to use this to check existing settings or display notes about
     * something.
function PluginSettingsEditAction()

     * Event handler: Called after the form to edit the {@link Plugin::$Settings} has been
     * displayed.
     * Use this to add custom input fields (and catch them in {@link PluginSettingsUpdateAction()})
     * or display custom output (e.g. a test link).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Form': the {@link Form}, where an fieldset has been opened already (by reference)
function PluginSettingsEditDisplayAfter( & $params )

// }}}

    // PluginUserSettings {{{
     * Event handler: Called before displaying or setting a plugin's user setting in the backoffice.
     * @see GetDefaultUserSettings()
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'name': name of the setting
     *   - 'value': value of the setting (by reference)
     *   - 'meta': meta data of the setting (as given in {@link GetDefaultUserSettings()})
     *   - 'User': the {@link User} for which the setting is
     *   - 'action': 'display' or 'set'
     * @return string|NULL Return a string with an error to prevent the setting from being set
     *                     and/or a message added to the settings field.
function PluginUserSettingsValidateSet( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called as action just before updating the {@link Plugin::$UserSettings plugin's user settings}.
     * The "regular" settings from {@link GetDefaultUserSettings()} have been set into
     * {@link Plugin::$UserSettings}, but get saved into DB after this method has been called.
     * Use this to catch custom input fields from {@link PluginUserSettingsEditDisplayAfter()} or
     * add notes/errors through {@link Plugin::msg()}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'User': the {@link User} for which the settings get updated
     *   - 'action': "save", "reset"
     * @return false|NULL Return false to prevent the settings from being updated to DB.
function PluginUserSettingsUpdateAction( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called as action before displaying the "Edit user" form,
     * which includes the display of the {@link Plugin::$UserSettings plugin's user settings}.
     * You may want to use this to check existing settings or display notes about
     * something.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'User': the {@link User} for which the settings are being displayed/edited
function PluginUserSettingsEditAction( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called after the form to edit the {@link Plugin::$UserSettings} has been
     * displayed.
     * Use this to add custom input fields (and catch them in {@link PluginUserSettingsUpdateAction()})
     * or display custom output (e.g. a test link).
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Form': the {@link Form}, where an fieldset has been opened already (by reference)
     *   - 'User': the {@link User} whose settings get displayed for editing (since 1.10.0)
function PluginUserSettingsEditDisplayAfter( & $params )

// }}}

    // PluginGroupSettings {{{
     * Event handler: Called before displaying or setting a plugin's group setting in the backoffice.
     * @see GetDefaultGroupSettings()
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'name': name of the setting
     *   - 'value': value of the setting (by reference)
     *   - 'meta': meta data of the setting (as given in {@link GetDefaultGroupSettings()})
     *   - 'Group': the {@link Group} for which the setting is
     *   - 'action': 'display' or 'set'
     * @return string|NULL Return a string with an error to prevent the setting from being set
     *                     and/or a message added to the settings field.
function PluginGroupSettingsValidateSet( & $params )

// }}}

    // PluginCollSettings {{{
     * Event handler: Called as action just before updating plugin's collection/blog settings.
     * Use this to add notes/errors through {@link Plugin::msg()} or to process saved settings.
function PluginCollSettingsUpdateAction()

// }}}

    // PluginMsgSettings {{{
     * Event handler: Called as action just before updating plugin's messages settings.
     * Use this to add notes/errors through {@link Plugin::msg()} or to process saved settings.
function PluginMsgSettingsUpdateAction()

// }}}

    // PluginEmailSettings {{{
     * Event handler: Called as action just before updating plugin's email campaign settings.
     * Use this to add notes/errors through {@link Plugin::msg()} or to process saved settings.
function PluginEmailSettingsUpdateAction()

// }}}

    // PluginSharedSettings {{{
     * Event handler: Called as action just before updating plugin's shared campaign settings.
     * Use this to add notes/errors through {@link Plugin::msg()} or to process saved settings.
function PluginSharedSettingsUpdateAction()

// }}}

    // User related events, including registration and login (procedure): {{{

     * Event handler: Called at the end of the login procedure, if the
     *                user is anonymous ({@link $current_User current User} NOT set).
     * Use this for example to read some cookie and define further handling of
     * this visitor or force them to login, by {@link Plugin::msg() adding a message}
     * of class "login_error", which will trigger the login screen.
     * asimo> There is no message with "login_error" class anymore,
     * there is a $login_error global variable
function AfterLoginAnonymousUser( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called at the end of the login procedure, if the
     *                {@link $current_User current User} is set and the
     *                user is therefor registered.
     * Use this for example to re-act on specific {@link Plugin::$UserSettings user settings},
     * e.g., call {@link Plugin::forget_events()} to de-activate the plugin for
     * the current request.
     * You can also {@link Plugin::msg() add a message} of class "login_error"
     * to prevent the user from accessing the site and triggering
     * the login screen.
     * asimo> There is no message with "login_error" class anymore,
     * there is a $login_error global variable
function AfterLoginRegisteredUser( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called when a new user has registered, at the end of the
     *                DB transaction that created this user.
     * If you want to modify the about-to-be-created user (if the transaction gets
     * committed), you'll have to call {@link User::dbupdate()} on it, because he
     * got already inserted (but the transaction is not yet committed).
     * Note: if you want to re-act on a new user,
     * use {@link Plugin::AfterUserRegistration()} instead!
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'User': the {@link User user object} (as reference).
     * @return boolean false if the whole transaction should get rolled back (the user does not get created).
function AppendUserRegistrTransact( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called when a new user has registered and got created.
     * Note: if you want to modify a new user,
     * use {@link Plugin::AppendUserRegistrTransact()} instead!
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'User': the {@link User user object} (as reference).
function AfterUserRegistration( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called at the begining of the "Register as new user" form.
     * You might want to use this to inject antispam payload to use
     * in {@link Plugin::RegisterFormSent()}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Form': the comment form generating object (by reference)
     *   - 'inskin': boolean true if the form is displayed in skin
function DisplayRegisterFormBefore( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called at the end of the "Register as new user" form.
     * You might want to use this to inject antispam payload to use
     * in {@link Plugin::RegisterFormSent()}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Form': the comment form generating object (by reference)
     *   - 'inskin': boolean true if the form is displayed in skin
function DisplayRegisterFormFieldset( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called when a "Register as new user" form has been submitted.
     * You can cancel the registration process by {@link Plugin::msg() adding a message}
     * of type "error".
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'login': Login name (by reference) (since 1.10.0)
     *   - 'email': E-Mail value (by reference) (since 1.10.0)
     *   - 'locale': Locale value (by reference) (since 1.10.0)
     *   - 'pass1': Password (by reference) (since 1.10.0)
     *   - 'pass2': Confirmed password (by reference) (since 1.10.0)
function RegisterFormSent( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called at the end of the "Login" form.
     * You might want to use this to inject payload to use
     * in {@link LoginAttempt()}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Form': the comment form generating object (by reference)
function DisplayLoginFormFieldset( & $params )

     * Event handler: called when a user attemps to login.
     * You can prevent the user from logging in by {@link Plugin::msg() adding a message}
     * of type "login_error".
     * Otherwise, this hook is meant to authenticate a user against some
     * external database (e.g. LDAP) and generate a new user.
     * To check, if a user already exists in b2evo with that login/password, you might
     * want to use <code>user_pass_ok( $login, $pass_md5, true )</code>.
     * NOTE: if 'pass_hashed' is not empty, you won't receive the password in clear-type. It
     *       has been hashed using client-side Javascript.
     *       SHA1( MD5($params['pass']).$params['pass_salt'] ) should result in $params['pass_hashed']!
     *       If you need the raw password, see {@link LoginAttemptNeedsRawPassword()}.
     * @see Plugin::AlternateAuthentication()
     * @see Plugin::Logout()
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'login': user's login (by reference since 1.10.0)
     *   - 'pass': user's password (by reference since 1.10.0)
     *   - 'pass_md5': user's md5 password (by reference since 1.10.0)
     *   - 'pass_salt': the salt used in "pass_hashed" (by reference)
     *   - 'pass_hashed': if non-empty this is the users passwords hashed. See note above. (by reference)
     *   - 'pass_ok': is the password ok for 'login'? (by reference) (since 1.10.0)
function LoginAttempt( & $params )

     * Event handler: your Plugin should return true here, if it needs a raw (un-hashed)
     * password for the {@link Plugin::LoginAttempt()} event. If any Plugin returns true
     * for this event, client-side hashing of the password is not used.
     * NOTE: this causes passwords to travel un-encrypted, unless SSL/HTTPS get used.
     * @return boolean True, if you need the raw password.
function LoginAttemptNeedsRawPassword()

     * Event handler: called when a user logs out.
     * This is meant to cleanup data, e.g. if you use the
     * {@link Plugin::AlternateAuthentication()} hook.
     * @see Plugin::AlternateAuthentication()
     * @see Plugin::Logout()
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'User': the user object
function Logout( $params )

     * Event handler: Called at the end of the "Validate user account" form, which gets
     *                invoked if newusers_mustvalidate is enabled and the user has not
     *                been validated yet.
     * The corresponding action event is {@link Plugin::ValidateAccountFormSent()}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Form': the comment form generating object (by reference)
function DisplayValidateAccountFormFieldset( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called when a "Validate user account" form has been submitted.
     * You can cancel the registration process by {@link Plugin::msg() adding a message}
     * of type "error".
function ValidateAccountFormSent( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called at the end of the "User profile" form.
     * The corresponding action event is {@link Plugin::ProfileFormSent()}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Form': the user profile form generating object (by reference)
     *   - 'User': the edited user object (by reference)
     *   - 'edit_layout':
     *            "public" - public front-office user profile form (info only),
     *            "private" - private front-office user profile form (editable),
     *   - 'is_admin_page': (boolean) indicates whether we are in front-office or back-office
function DisplayProfileFormFieldset( & $params )
$params['edit_layout'] == 'public' )
// Do nothing in public mode
return false;

false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called before at the beginning, if a profile form gets sent (and received).
     * Use this to filter input
     * @see Plugin::DisplayProfileFormFieldset()
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'User': edited {@link User} object (by reference)
     *   - 'newuser_firstname': firstname (by reference)
     *   - 'newuser_lastname': lastname (by reference)
     *   - 'newuser_nickname': nickname (by reference)
     *   - 'newuser_locale': locale (by reference)
     *   - 'newuser_url': URL (by reference)
     *   - 'newuser_email': email (by reference)
     *   - 'newuser_allow_msgform': "message form" status (by reference)
     *   - 'newuser_notify': "notifications" status (by reference)
     *   - 'newuser_showonline': "show online" status (by reference)
     *   - 'newuser_gender': gender (by reference)
     *   - 'pass1': pass1 (by reference)
     *   - 'pass2': pass2 (by reference)
function ProfileFormSent( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the end of the login process, if the user did not try to
     *                login (by sending "login" and "pwd"), the session has no user attached
     *                or only "login" is given.
     * This hook is meant to automagically login/authenticate an user by his/her IP address,
     * special cookie, etc..
     * If you can authenticate the user, you'll have to attach him to the {@link $Session},
     * either through {@link Session::set_user_ID()} or {@link Session::set_User()}.
     * @see Plugin::LoginAttempt()
     * @see Plugin::Logout()
     * @return boolean True, if the user has been authentificated (set in $Session)
function AlternateAuthentication( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the end of {@link User::dbupdate() updating
     * an user account in the database}, which means that it has been changed.
     * @since 1.8.1
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'User': the related User (by reference)
function AfterUserUpdate( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the end of {@link User::dbinsert() inserting
     * an user account into the database}, which means it has been created.
     * @since 1.8.1
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'User': the related User (by reference)
function AfterUserInsert( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the end of {@link User::dbdelete() deleting
     * an user from the database}.
     * @since 1.8.1
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'User': the related User (by reference)
function AfterUserDelete( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called right after displaying the admin users list.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     * @return boolean did we do something?
function AdminAfterUsersList( & $params )
false;        // Do nothing by default.

// }}}

    // General events: {{{

     * Event handler: Return data to display captcha html code
     * @param array Associative array of parameters:
     *   - 'Form':          Form object
     *   - 'form_type':     Form type
     *   - 'form_position': Current form position where this event is called
     *   - 'captcha_info':  Default captcha info text(can be changed by this plugin)
     *   - 'captcha_template_question': Default HTML template for question text = '<span class="evo_captcha_question">$captcha_question$</span><br>'
     *   - 'captcha_template_answer':   Default HTML template for answer field = '<span class="evo_captcha_answer">$captcha_answer$</span><br>'
     * @return array Associative array of parameters:
     *   - 'captcha_position': Captcha position where current plugin must be displayed for the requested form type
     *   - 'captcha_html':     Captcha html code
     *   - 'captcha_info':     Captcha info text
function RequestCaptcha( & $params )

     * Event handler: general event to validate a captcha which payload was added
     * through {@link RequestCaptcha()}.
     * NOTE: if the action is verified/completed in total, you HAVE to cleanup its data
     *       and is not vulnerable against multiple usage of the same captcha!
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     * @return boolean true if the catcha could be validated
function ValidateCaptcha( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the end of {@link DataObject::dbinsert() inserting an object in the database}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Object': the related Object (by reference)
     *   - 'type': class name of deleted Object (Chapter, File, Blog, Link, Comment, Slug etc.) (by reference)
function AfterObjectInsert( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the end of {@link DataObject::dbupdate() updating an object in the database}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Object': the related Object (by reference)
     *   - 'type': class name of deleted Object (Chapter, File, Blog, Link, Comment, Slug etc.) (by reference)
function AfterObjectUpdate( & $params )

     * Event handler: called at the end of {@link DataObject::dbdelete() deleting an object from the database}.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Object': the related Object (by reference)
     *   - 'type': class name of deleted Object (Chapter, File, Blog, Link, Comment, Slug etc.) (by reference)
function AfterObjectDelete( & $params )
// }}}

     * Event handler: Called when an IP address gets displayed, typically in a protected
     * area or for a privileged user, e.g. in the backoffice statistics menu.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'data': the data (by reference). You probably want to modify this.
     *   - 'format': see {@link format_to_output()}.
     * @return boolean Have we changed something?
function FilterIpAddress( & $params )
false;        // Do nothing by default.

     * Event handler: Called after initializing plugins, DB, Settings, Hit, .. but
     * quite early.
     * This is meant to be a good point for Antispam plugins to cancel the request.
     * @see dnsbl_antispam_plugin
function SessionLoaded()

     * Event handler: Called right after initializing plugins. This is the earliest event you can use.
     * This is meant to be a good point for doing early processing and cancelling the request.
     * Note that at this point DB charset is not set, Session and Hit aren't initialized
function AfterPluginsInit()

     * Event handler: Called at the end of This is the the latest event called before blog initialization.
     * This is meant to be a good point for doing processing that don't require a blog to be initialized.
function AfterMainInit()

     * Event handler: Called before pruning sessions. The plugin can prevent deletion
     * of particular sessions, by returning their IDs.
     * Note: There can be hundreds of thousands of sessions about to be deleted.
     * Any plugin making use of this may have serious performance/memory issues.
     * fp> TODO: maybe we should pass the prune cut off date instead.
     * What's a use case for this?
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'IDs': list of session IDs that are about to get deleted (WARNING: potentially huge)
     * @return array List of IDs that should not get deleted
function BeforeSessionsDelete( & $params )
        return array();

     * Event handler: Called when a hit gets logged, but before it gets recorded.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'Hit': The "Hit" object (by reference).
     * @return boolean True if you've handled the recording of the hit, false otherwise.
function AppendHitLog( & $params )
// Do nothing by default:
return false;

     * Event handler: Called before an uploaded file gets saved on server.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'File': The "File" object (by reference).
     *   - 'name': file name (by reference).
     *   - 'type': file mimetype (by reference).
     *   - 'tmp_name': file location (by reference).
     *   - 'size': file size in bytes  (by reference).
     * @return boolean 'false' to abort file upload, otherwise return 'true'
function AfterFileUpload( & $params )
        return array();
// Do nothing by default:

     * Event handler: Called to ask the plugin for authorization links to specified social networks providers.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'providers': array of names of social network providers.
     *   - 'links': array that will contain the links (by reference)
     *   - 'link_params': array of parameters for displaying the link
     * @return string link to authorization
function GetAuthLinksForSocialNetworks( & $params )

     * Event handlers }}}

     * Helper methods. You should not change/derive those in your plugin, but use them only. {{{

     * Get a string, unqiue for the plugin, usable in HTML form elements.
     * @param string Optional text to append (gets prefixed with "_").
     * @return string
function get_class_id( $append = '' )
$this->classname.'_id'.$this->ID.( $append ? '_'.$append : '' );

     * Translate a given string, in the Plugin's context.
     * This means, that the translation is obtained from the Plugin's "locales" folder.
     * @link
     * It uses the global/regular {@link T_()} function as a fallback.
     * @param string The string (english), that should be translated
     * @param string Requested locale ({@link $current_locale} gets used by default)
     * @return string The translated string.
     * @uses T_()
function T_( $string, $req_locale = '' )

$globalfile_path = $plugins_path.$this->classname.'/locales/_global.php';
$trans = & $this->_trans;

// Load the global messages file, if existing:
if( ! $this->_trans_loaded_global )
$this->_trans_loaded_global = true;

// fp> TODO: there should not be any filestats for plugins that don't implement localization.
if( file_exists( $globalfile_path ) && is_readable( $globalfile_path ) )
// This is pollution of the debug log.
                // $this->debug_log( 'T_: Plugin global messages file does not exist or is not readable: '.$globalfile_path, 'locale' );

        if ( (
$return = T_( $string, $req_locale, array(
'ext_transarray' => & $this->_trans,
'alt_basedir'    => $plugins_path.$this->classname,
                            ) ) ) ==
$string )
// Fallback to global translation file:
return T_( $string, $req_locale );

     * Translate and escape single quotes.
     * This is to be used mainly for Javascript strings.
     * @uses Plugin::T_()
     * @since 2.5.0
     * @param string String to translate
     * @param string Locale to use
     * @return string The translated and escaped string.
function TS_( $string, $req_locale = '' )
str_replace( "'", "\\'", $this->T_( $string, $req_locale ) );

     * Get the absolute URL to the plugin's directory (where the plugins classfile is).
     * Trailing slash included.
     * @param string Get absolute URL? (or make it relative to $ReqHost)
     * @return string
function get_plugin_url( $dummy = false )
$ReqHost, $plugins_url, $plugins_path, $Collection, $Blog;

        if( empty(
$this->_plugin_url ) )
// Initialize plugin URL only first time request:

            // Get sub-path below $plugins_path, if any:
$sub_path = preg_replace( ':^'.preg_quote( $plugins_path, ':' ).':', '', dirname( $this->classfile_path ).'/' );

is_admin_page() || empty( $Blog ) )
// Get plugin url for nack-office and when collection is not viewed now:
$r = $plugins_url.$sub_path;
// Get plugin url depending on collection setting:
$r = $Blog->get_local_plugins_url().$sub_path;

// Use the same protocol as with current host (so includes from within https do not fail when on http):
$r = force_https_if_needed( $r );

$this->_plugin_url = $r;


     * Log a debug message.
     * This gets added to {@link $Debuglog the global Debuglog} with
     * the category '[plugin_classname]_[plugin_ID]'.
     * NOTE: if debugging is not enabled (see {@link $debug}), {@link $Debuglog}
     * is of class {@link Log_noop}, which means it does not accept nor display
     * messages.
     * @param string Message to log.
     * @param array Optional list of additional categories.
function debug_log( $msg, $add_cats = array() )

        if( !
is_array($add_cats) )
$add_cats = array($add_cats);

        if( ! isset(
$this->ID, $this->classname) )
// plugin not yet instantiated. This happens, if the (deprecated) constructor of a plugin gets used.
$add_cats[] = get_class($this).'_?';
$add_cats[] = $this->classname.'_'.$this->ID;
$Debuglog->add( $msg, $add_cats );

     * Get the URL to call a plugin method through http. This links to the /htsrv/call_plugin.php
     * file.
     * It uses either {@link $htsrv_url} or {@link https version of $htsrv_url} (if {@link $ReqHost} is on https).
     * NOTE: AJAX callbacks are required to be on the same domain/protocol, so if you're using absolute
     *       blog URLs on different domains you must set {@link $htsrv_url} dynamically, to use the same domain!
     * @todo dh> we might want to provide whitelisting of methods through {@link $Session} here and check for it in the htsrv handler.
     * @param string Method to call. This must be listed in {@link GetHtsrvMethods()}.
     * @param array Array of optional parameters passed to the method.
     * @param string Glue for additional GET params used internally.
     * @param string Get absolute URL? (or cut off $ReqHost at the beginning)
     * @return string The URL
function get_htsrv_url( $method, $params = array(), $glue = '&amp;', $abs = false )

$base = substr( $ReqHost, 0, 6 ) == 'https:' ? get_htsrv_url( true ) : get_htsrv_url();

        if( !
$abs && strpos( $base, $ReqHost ) === 0 )
// cut off $ReqHost if the resulting URL starts with it:
$base = substr($base, strlen($ReqHost));

$r = $base.'call_plugin.php?plugin_ID='.$this->ID.$glue.'method='.$method;
        if( !empty(
$params ) )
$r .= $glue.'params='.rawurlencode(serialize( $params ));


     * A simple wrapper around the {@link $Messages} object with a default
     * catgory of 'note'.
     * @param string Message
     * @param string|array category ('note', 'error', 'success'; default: 'note')
function msg( $msg, $category = 'note' )
$Messages->add( $msg, $category );

     * Register a tab (sub-menu) for the backoffice Tools menus.
     * @param string Text for the tab.
     * @param string|array Path to add the menu entry into.
     *        See {@link AdminUI::add_menu_entries()}. Default: 'options' -> 'misc' for the Tools menu.
     * @param array Optional params. See {@link AdminUI::add_menu_entries()}.
function register_menu_entry( $text, $path = array( 'options', 'misc' ), $menu_entry_props = array() )

$menu_entry_props['text'] = $text;
$menu_entry_props['href'] = $this->get_tools_tab_url();

$AdminUI->add_menu_entries( $path, array( 'plug_ID_'.$this->ID => $menu_entry_props ) );

     * Get URL for the tools tab for this plugin.
     * The tools tab must be provided with AdminTabPayload()
function get_tools_tab_url()

     * Check if the requested list of events is provided by any or one plugin.
     * @param array|string A single event or a list thereof
     * @param boolean Make sure there's at least one plugin that provides them all?
     *                This is useful for event pairs like "RequestCaptcha" and "ValidateCaptcha", which
     *                should be served by the same plugin.
     * @return boolean
function are_events_available( $events, $by_one_plugin = false )

$Plugins->are_events_available( $events, $by_one_plugin );

     * Set the status of the plugin.
     * @param string 'enabled', 'disabled' or 'needs_config'
     * @return boolean
function set_status( $status )

        if( !
in_array( $status, array( 'enabled', 'disabled', 'needs_config' ) ) )

$Plugins->set_Plugin_status( $this, $status );

     * Get canonical name for database tables a plugin uses, by adding an unique
     * prefix for your plugin instance.
     * You should use this when referring to your SQL table names.
     * E.g., for the "test_plugin" with ID 7 and the default {@link $tableprefix} of "evo_" it
     * would generate: "evo_plugin_test_7_log" for a requested name "log".
     * @param string Your name, which gets returned with the unique prefix.
     * @return string
function get_sql_table( $name )

// NOTE: table name length seems limited to 64 chars (MySQL 5) - classname is limited to 40 (in T_plugins)
return $tableprefix.'plugin_'.preg_replace( '#_plugin$#', '', $this->classname ).'_'.$this->ID.'_'.$name;

     * Stop propagation of the event to next plugins (with lower priority)
     * in events that get triggered for a batch of Plugins.
     * @see Plugins::trigger_event()
     * @see Plugins::stop_propagation()
function stop_propagation()

     * Set a data value for the session.
     * NOTE: the session data is limited to about 64kb, so do not use it for huge data!
     *       Please consider using an own database table (see {@link Plugin::GetDbLayout()}).
     * @param string Name of the data's key (gets prefixed with 'plugIDX_' internally).
     * @param mixed The value
     * @param integer Time in seconds for data to expire (0 to disable).
     * @param boolean Should the data get saved immediately? (otherwise it gets saved on script shutdown)
function session_set( $name, $value, $timeout, $save_immediately = false )

$r = $Session->set( 'plugID'.$this->ID.'_'.$name, $value, $timeout );
$save_immediately )

     * Get a data value for the session, using a unique prefix to the Plugin.
     * This checks for the data to be expired and unsets it then.
     * @param string Name of the data's key (gets prefixed with 'plugIDX_' internally).
     * @param mixed Default value to use if key is not set or has expired. (since 1.10.0)
     * @return mixed The value, if set; otherwise $default
function session_get( $name, $default = NULL )

$Session->get( 'plugID'.$this->ID.'_'.$name, $default );

     * Delete a value from the session data, using a unique prefix to the Plugin.
     * @param string Name of the data's key (gets prefixed with 'plugIDX_' internally).
function session_delete( $name )

$Session->delete( 'plugID'.$this->ID.'_'.$name );

     * Call this to unregister all your events for the current request.
function forget_events()
$Plugins->forget_events( $this->ID );

     * Disable an event.
     * This removes it from the events table.
     * @return boolean True, if status has changed; false if it was disabled already
function disable_event( $event )
$Plugins_admin = & get_Plugins_admin();
$Plugins_admin->set_event_status( $this->ID, $event, 0 );

     * Enable an event.
     * This adds it to the events table.
     * @return boolean True, if status has changed; false if it was enabled already
function enable_event( $event )
$Plugins_admin = & get_Plugins_admin();
$Plugins_admin->set_event_status( $this->ID, $event, 1 );

     * Helper methods }}}

     * Interface methods. You should not override those! {{{
     * These are used to access certain plugin internals.

     * Get a link to a help page (with icon).
     * @param string Target; one of the following:
     *         - anchor to {@link $help_url} ("#anchor")
     *         - absolute link to some URL, e.g. ""
     *         - '$help_url' or empty for {@link $help_url}, then also the "www" icon gets used
     *         - '$apply_rendering' - url to manual page about "Plugin / Apply Rendering"
     *         - '$widget_url' - url to manual page about widget plugin
     * @param string Icon
     * @param boolean TRUE - to add info to display it in tooltip on mouseover
     * @return string The html A tag, linking to the help (or empty in case of $readme, if there is none).
function get_help_link( $target = '', $icon = 'help', $use_tooltip = true, $params = array() )
$target_counter = 0;
$title = '';
$word = '';
$link_attribs = array( 'target' => '_blank', 'id' => 'anchor_help_plugin_'.$this->ID.'_'.$target_counter++ );
$params = array_merge( array(
'tooltip_field'    => 'long_desc',
'tooltip_placement'=> 'right',
'info_suffix_text' => '<p><strong>'
.sprintf( T_('Click %s to access full documentation for this plugin'), get_icon( 'help' ) )
'icon_color'       => NULL,
$params );

        if( empty(
$target ) || in_array( $target, array( '$help_url', '$apply_rendering', '$widget_url' ) ) )
$target == '$apply_rendering' )
// Url to info about plugin apply rendering options
$url = get_manual_url( 'plugin-apply-rendering' );
// Url to current plugin info
$url = $this->get_help_url( $target );
$title = T_('Homepage of the plugin');
$use_tooltip )
// Add these data only for tooltip
$link_attribs['class'] = 'action_icon help_plugin_icon';
$tooltip_text = isset( $this->{$params['tooltip_field']} ) ? $this->{$params['tooltip_field']} : $this->long_desc;
$tooltip_text .= $params['info_suffix_text'];
$link_attribs['data-popover'] = format_to_output( $tooltip_text, 'htmlspecialchars' );
$link_attribs['data-placement'] = $params['tooltip_placement'];
                if( isset(
$params['icon_color'] ) )
$link_attribs['style'] = 'color: '.$params['icon_color'].';';
$target == '$readme' )
            // fplanque> note: we do NOT want the plugin to waste time searching for files on disk -- this has been replaced with bubbletips.
return '';
substr($target, 0, 1) == '#' )
// anchor
$url = $this->get_help_url().$target;
preg_match( '~^https?://~', $target ) )
// absolute URL (strict match to allow other formats later if needed)
$url = $target;
debug_die( 'Invalid get_help_link() target: '.$target );

action_icon( $title, $icon, $url, $word, 4, 1, $link_attribs );

     * Get the plugin's external help/website URL.
     * If {@link Plugin::$help_url} is empty, it defaults to the manual wiki.
     * @param string Target; one of the following:
     *         - '$help_url' or empty for standard help url
     *         - '$widget_url' - url to manual page about widget plugin
     * @return string
function get_help_url( $target = '' )
$target == '$widget_url' )
// Get url for widget plugin manual
$plugin_slug = ( empty( $this->help_topic ) ? $this->classname : $this->help_topic );
$plugin_slug = preg_replace( '/[^a-z0-9]+/', '-', strtolower( $plugin_slug ).'-widget' );
$plugin_slug = str_replace( '-plugin', '', $plugin_slug );
get_manual_url( $plugin_slug );
// Get standard help url of the plugin
if( empty( $this->help_url ) )
get_manual_url( empty( $this->help_topic ) ? $this->classname : $this->help_topic );

     * @deprecated Backwards compatibility wrapper (for 1.8)
function get_README_link()
// fplanque> note: we do NOT want the plugin to waste time searching for files on disk -- this has been replaced with bubbletips.
return '';

     * Get the help file for a Plugin ID. README.LOCALE.html will take
     * precedence above the general (english) README.html.
     * @todo Handle encoding of files (to $io_charset)
     * @return false|string
function get_help_file()
$default_locale, $plugins_path;

        if( !
check_user_perm( 'options', 'view' ) )
// README gets displayed through plugins controller, which requires these perms
            // TODO: Catch "disp_help" and "disp_help_plain" messages in plugins.php before general perms check!?
return false;

// Get the language. We use $default_locale because it does not have to be activated ($current_locale)
$lang = substr( $default_locale, 0, 2 );

$help_dir = dirname($this->classfile_path).'/';
$help_dir == $plugins_path )
$help_dir .= $this->classname.'/';

// Try help for the user's locale:
$help_file = $help_dir.'README.'.$lang.'.html';

        if( !
file_exists($help_file) )
// Fallback: README.html
$help_file = $help_dir.'README.html';

            if( !
file_exists($help_file) )


     * Get a link to edit the Plugin's settings (if the user has permission).
     * @return false|string
function get_edit_settings_link()
$url = $this->get_edit_settings_url() )
action_icon( T_('Edit plugin settings!'), 'edit', $url );

     * Get an URL to edit the Plugin's settings (if the user has permission).
     * @return false|string
function get_edit_settings_url()

        if( !
check_user_perm( 'options', 'edit', false ) )


     * Initialize Widget params
     * @param array Custom params
     * @param array Default params
function init_widget_params( $params, $default_params = array() )
        if( isset(
$params['wi_ID'] ) &&
            ( ! isset(
$this->current_widget_ID ) || $this->current_widget_ID != $params['wi_ID'] ) )
// Reset widget params on switch plugin to display next widget:
$this->widget_params = NULL;
// Store current widget ID to know when next widget is started to display:
$this->current_widget_ID = $params['wi_ID'];

        if( ! isset(
$this->widget_params ) )
// Don't initialize params twice:
$this->widget_params = array_merge( $default_params, $params );

     * Get Widget setting
     * @param string Name of setting
     * @param array Array of params (like widget params), NULL - to use the initialized widget params, @see Plugin::init_widget_params()
     * @return mixed|null
function get_widget_setting( $name = NULL, $params = NULL )
$params === NULL && isset( $this->widget_params ) )
// Use the initialized widget params by default:
$params = $this->widget_params;

        if ( empty(
$name ) || ! isset ( $params[$name] ) )

     * Get widget icon
     * @return string
function get_widget_icon()
        if( empty(
$this->widget_icon ) )

'<span class="label label-info evo_widget_icon"><span class="fa fa-'.$this->widget_icon.'"></span></span>';

     * Display widget title
     * @param string Title, NULL to use title from widget param 'title'
function display_widget_title( $widget_title = NULL )
$widget_title === NULL )
// Use title from widget param:
$widget_title = $this->get_widget_setting( 'title' );

        if( ! empty(
$widget_title ) )
// We want to display a title for the widget block:
echo $this->widget_params['block_title_start'];

     * Display widget debug message e-g on designer mode when we need to show widget when nothing to display currently
     * @param string Message
function display_widget_debug_message( $message = NULL, $params = array() )
$this->init_widget_params( $params, array(
// This is what will enclose the block in the skin:
'block_start'       => '<div class="evo_widget widget $wi_class$">',
'block_end'         => "</div>\n",
// Title:
'block_title_start' => '<h4>',
'title'             => '',
'block_title_end'   => '</h4>',
// This is what will enclose the body:
'block_body_start'  => '',
'block_body_end'    => '',
// Widget debug mode: 'normal', 'designer'
'debug_mode'        => 'normal',
            ) );

        if( isset(
$this->widget_params['debug_mode'] ) && $this->widget_params['debug_mode'] == 'designer' )
// Display message on designer mode:
echo $this->widget_params['block_start'];
            if( ! empty(
$this->widget_params['title'] ) )
// Display title:
echo $this->widget_params['block_title_start'];

     * PHP5 overloading of get method to lazy-load (User)Settings, when they get
     * accessed.
     * With PHP4, settings get instantiated in Plugins::init_settings right away.
     * @return Reference to the object or null
function & __get( $nm )

$nm )
$this->ID < 0 )
debug_die('Tried to access "Settings" on a non-installed plugin. ('.$this->classname.'/'.$this->ID.')');
$Plugins->instantiate_Settings( $this, 'Settings' );
                if( isset(
$this->Settings) )

$this->ID < 0 )
debug_die('Tried to access "UserSettings" on a non-installed plugin. ('.$this->classname.'/'.$this->ID.')');
$Plugins->instantiate_Settings( $this, 'UserSettings' );
                if( isset(
$this->UserSettings) )

$this->ID < 0 )
debug_die( 'Tried to access "GroupSettings" on a non-installed plugin. ('.$this->classname.'/'.$this->ID.')' );
$Plugins->instantiate_Settings( $this, 'GroupSettings' );
                if( isset(
$this->GroupSettings ) )
$r = null;

     * Interface methods }}}

     * Get collection from given params
     * @param array Params: 'Item', 'Comment', 'Blog'
     * @return object|false Collection object or FALSE with wrong params
function & get_Blog_from_params( $params )
$setting_Blog = false;

$setting_Item = & $this->get_Item_from_params( $params ) )
// Get Collection from given Item or Comment:
$setting_Blog = & $setting_Item->get_Blog();
        elseif( ! empty(
$params['Blog'] ) )
// Get Collection from params:
$setting_Blog = & $params['Blog'];


     * Get Item from given params
     * @param array Params: 'Item', 'Comment'
     * @return object|false Item object or FALSE with wrong params
function & get_Item_from_params( $params )
$setting_Item = false;

        if( ! empty(
$params['Item'] ) && $params['Item'] instanceof Item )
// Use the passed Item:
$setting_Item = & $params['Item'];
        elseif( ! empty(
$params['Comment'] ) && $params['Comment'] instanceof Comment )
// Get Item from given Comment:
$Comment = & $params['Comment'];
$setting_Item = & $Comment->get_Item();


     * Get a skin specific param value from current Blog
     * @param string Setting name
     * @param object Blog collection
     * @param boolean TRUE - to allow empty Blog, it is used to get default value when Blog is not defined, e.g. in case with Messages
     * @param string Input group name
     * @return string Setting value
function get_coll_setting( $parname, & $Blog, $allow_null_blog = false, $group = NULL )
        if( empty(
$Blog ) )
// Blog is not defined
if( !$allow_null_blog )
// Empty blog is not allowed, Exit here
return NULL;
// We can get the coll default settings of this plugin
$blog_type = 'std';
// Get setting value from Blog
            // Name of the setting in the blog settings:
$blog_setting_name = 'plugin'.$this->ID.'_'.$parname;

strpos( $blog_setting_name, '[' ) !== false )
// Get value for array setting like "sample_sets[0][group_name_param_name]":
$setting_names = explode( '[', $blog_setting_name );
$value = $Blog->get_setting( $setting_names[0] );
$setting_names[0] );
$setting_names as $setting_name )
$setting_name = trim( $setting_name, ']' );
                    if( isset(
$value[ $setting_name ] ) )
$value = $value[ $setting_name ];
$value = NULL;
// Get normal(not array) setting value:
$value = $Blog->get_setting( $blog_setting_name );

            if( !
is_null( $value ) )
// We have a value for this param:
return $value;

$blog_type = $Blog->get( 'type' );

// Try default values:
return $this->get_coll_default_setting( $parname, $blog_type, $group );

     * Get default value of plugin setting
     * @param string Setting name
     * @param array Config array of plugin settings
     * @param string Input group name
     * @return mixed Default value
function get_default_setting( $parname, $params, $group = NULL )
$group === NULL )
// Get default value from sinple field:
if( isset( $params[$parname]['type'] ) && $params[$parname]['type'] == 'checklist' &&
                ! empty(
$params[$parname]['options'] ) && is_array( $params[$parname]['options'] ) )
// Get default values for checklist:
$param_defaults = array();
$params[$parname]['options'] as $param_option )
$param_defaults[ $param_option[0] ] = $param_option[2];
            elseif( isset(
$params[$parname]['defaultvalue'] ) )
// We have a default value:
return $params[$parname]['defaultvalue'];
// Get default value from input group field:
$parname = substr( $parname, strlen( $group ) );
            if( isset(
$params[$group]['inputs'][$parname]['defaultvalue'] ) )
// We have a default value:
return $params[$group]['inputs'][$parname]['defaultvalue'] ;


     * Get a coll default param value of this Plugin
     * @param string Setting name
     * @param string Blog type
     * @param string Input group name
     * @return string Setting value
function get_coll_default_setting( $parname, $blog_type = 'std', $group = NULL )
$tmp_params = array( 'for_editing' => true, 'blog_type' => $blog_type );
$params = $this->get_coll_setting_definitions( $tmp_params );

$this->get_default_setting( $parname, $params, $group );

     * Set a skin specific param value for current Blog
     * @param string parameter name
     * @param mixed parameter value
function set_coll_setting( $parname, $parvalue, $blog = NULL )
         * @var Blog

if( empty( $blog ) )
$Collection, $Blog;
$BlogCache = & get_BlogCache();
$Collection = $Blog = & $BlogCache->get_by_ID( $blog, false, false );

// Name of the setting in the blog settings:
$blog_setting_name = 'plugin'.$this->ID.'_'.$parname;
$Blog->set_setting( $blog_setting_name, $parvalue );

     * Delete param setting from current Blog
     * @param string parameter name
     * @param string blog id
function delete_coll_setting( $parname, $blog = NULL )
         * @var Blog

if( empty( $blog ) )
$Collection, $Blog;
$BlogCache = & get_BlogCache();
$Collection = $Blog = & $BlogCache->get_by_ID( $blog, false, false );

// Name of the setting in the blog settings:
$blog_setting_name = 'plugin'.$this->ID.'_'.$parname;
$Blog->delete_setting( $blog_setting_name );

     * Get a specific param value
     * @param string Setting name
     * @param string Input group name
     * @return string Setting value
function get_setting( $parname, $group = NULL )
        if( empty(
$this->Settings ) )
$Plugins->instantiate_Settings( $this, 'Settings' );

$value = $this->Settings->get( $parname );

$value !== NULL )
// We have a value for this param:
return $value;

// Try default values:
$tmp_params = array( 'for_editing' => true );
$params = $this->GetDefaultSettings( $tmp_params );

$this->get_default_setting( $parname, $params, $group );

     * Get a message specific param value
     * @param string Setting name
     * @param string Input group name
     * @return string Setting value
function get_msg_setting( $parname, $group = NULL )
        if( empty(
$this->Settings ) )
$Plugins->instantiate_Settings( $this, 'Settings' );

// Use prefix 'msg_' for all message settings except of "msg_apply_rendering":
$value = $this->Settings->get( $parname == 'msg_apply_rendering' ? $parname : 'msg_'.$parname );

        if( !
is_null( $value ) )
// We have a value for this param:
return $value;

// Try default values:
$tmp_params = array( 'for_editing' => true );
$params = $this->get_msg_setting_definitions( $tmp_params );

$this->get_default_setting( $parname, $params, $group );

     * Get a email specific param value
     * @param string Setting name
     * @param string Input group name
     * @return string Setting value
function get_email_setting( $parname, $group = NULL )
        if( empty(
$this->Settings ) )
$Plugins->instantiate_Settings( $this, 'Settings' );

// Try default values:
$tmp_params = array( 'for_editing' => true );
$params = $this->get_email_setting_definitions( $tmp_params );

$parname == 'email_apply_rendering' && empty( $params ) )
// Empty params mean this plugin cannot be used for Email Campaign at all:
return 'never';

// Use prefix 'email_' for all message settings except of "email_apply_rendering":
$value = $this->Settings->get( $parname == 'email_apply_rendering' ? $parname : 'email_'.$parname );

        if( !
is_null( $value ) )
// We have a value for this param:
return $value;

$this->get_default_setting( $parname, $params, $group );

     * Get a shared specific param value
     * @param string Setting name
     * @param string Input group name
     * @return string Setting value
function get_shared_setting( $parname, $group = NULL )
        if( empty(
$this->Settings ) )
$Plugins->instantiate_Settings( $this, 'Settings' );

// Use prefix 'shared_' for all message settings except of "shared_apply_rendering":
$value = $this->Settings->get( $parname == 'shared_apply_rendering' ? $parname : 'shared_'.$parname );

        if( !
is_null( $value ) )
// We have a value for this param:
return $value;

// Try default values:
$tmp_params = array( 'for_editing' => true );
$params = $this->get_shared_setting_definitions( $tmp_params );
$group === NULL )
// Get default value from sinple field:
if( isset( $params[$parname]['defaultvalue'] ) )
// We have a default value:
return $params[$parname]['defaultvalue'] ;
// Get default value from input group field:
$parname = substr( $parname, strlen( $group ) );
            if( isset(
$params[$group]['inputs'][$parname]['defaultvalue'] ) )
// We have a default value:
return $params[$group]['inputs'][$parname]['defaultvalue'] ;


     * Check if plugin is rendering to widget from shared container
     * @return boolean
function is_shared_widget( $params )
        if( !
is_array( $params ) || ! isset( $params['Widget'] ) )
// This is a not request for widget rendering:
return false;

        if( (
$plugin_WidgetContainer = & $params['Widget']->get_WidgetContainer() ) &&
$plugin_WidgetContainer->get( 'coll_ID' ) == 0 ) )
// This is a request to render widget from shared container:
return true;


     * Check if this plugin is enabled to render
     * @param string Setting "apply_rendering" of current Blog or global for Messages
     * @param array What renderers are selected for current Item, Comment or Message
     * @return boolean TRUE if this plugin is enabled to render, otherwise FALSE
function is_renderer_enabled( $rendering_setting_value, $renderers )
$rendering_setting_value )
// Always enabled
return true;

is_array( $renderers ) && in_array( $this->code, $renderers ) )
// Option is enabled
return true;
// Option is disabled
return false;

// Never enabled
return false;

     * This method checks if the plugin can process the requested action
     * @param string Action
     * @return boolean TRUE if the plugin can process the action, otherwise FALSE
function is_plugin_action( $action )
in_array( $action, $this->plugin_actions );

     * This method should return a string that used as suffix
     *   for the field 'From Country' on the user profile page in the BackOffice
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'User': the related User (by reference)
     * @return string Field suffix
function GetUserFromCountrySuffix( & $params )

     * This method initializes an array that used as additional columns
     *   for the results table in the BackOffice
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   'table'   - Special name that used to know what plugin must use current table
     *   'column'  - DB field which contains IP address
     *   'Results' - Object
function GetAdditionalColumnsTable( & $params  )

     * Event handler: Called when rendering inline tags in contents of Item, Comment, Message or Email Campaign.
     * @param array Associative array of parameters
     *   - 'inline_tags' - Array of inline tags
     *   - 'Object' - Item, Comment, Message, EmailCampaign
     * @return array Rendered tags: Key - Original inline tag, Value - The rendered tag html
function RenderInlineTags( & $params )

     * This method initializes an array that used as additional tabs/forms
     *   for the modal/popup window "Insert image into content"
     * @param array Array of parameters:
     *   - 'link_ID' - Link ID
     *   - 'active_tag' - Index of current tag: 'image', 'thumbnail', 'inline' or custom from a plugin
     * @return array Array:
     *   key - Index of additional tab/form, NOTE: indexes 'image', 'thumbnail', 'inline' are used by core
     *   value - Tab title
function GetImageInlineTags( & $params )
        return array();

     * This method initializes params for form of additional tab
     *   on the modal/popup window "Insert image into content"
     * @param array Array of parameters:
     *   - 'tag_type' - Active tag type
     *   - 'link_ID' - Link ID
     *   - 'short_tag' - Full code of short tag
     * @return array Array of parameters:
     *   - 'tag_type' - Overridden tag type
     *   - 'link_ID' - Overridden link ID
function InitImageInlineTagForm( & $params )

     * This method displays a form for additional tab
     *   on the modal/popup window "Insert image into content"
     * @param array Array of parameters:
     *   - 'link_ID' - Link ID
     *   - 'active_tag' - Index of currently active tag: 'image', 'thumbnail', 'inline' or custom from a plugin
     *   - 'display_tag' - Index of the plugin tag which should be displayed
     *   - 'Form' - Form object
     * @return boolean Did we display a form?
function DisplayImageInlineTagForm( & $params )

     * This method initializes JavaScript before submit/insert inline tag
     *   from the modal/popup window "Insert image into content"
     * @param array Array of parameters:
     *   - 'link_ID' - Link ID
     * @return string JavaScript code
function GetInsertImageInlineTagJavaScript( & $params )

     * Memorize that a specific css that file will be required by the current page.
     * @see require_css() for full documentation,
     * this function is used to add unique version number for each plugin
     * @param string Name of CSS file relative to current plugin folder
     * @param boolean TRUE to print style tag on the page, FALSE to store in array to print then inside <head> or <body>
     * @param string Position where the CSS files will be inserted, either 'headlines' (inside <head>) or 'footerlines' (before </body>)
     * @param boolean TRUE to load CSS file asynchronously, FALSE otherwise.
function require_css( $css_file, $output = false, $position = 'headlines', $async = false )
require_css( $this->get_plugin_url().$css_file, 'absolute', NULL, NULL, $this->version.'+'.$app_version_long, $output, $position, $async );

     * Require CSS file to load asynchronously
     * @param string Name of CSS file relative to current plugin folder
     * @param boolean TRUE to print style tag on the page, FALSE to store in array to print then inside <head> or <body>
     * @param string Position where the CSS files will be inserted, either 'headlines' (inside <head>) or 'footerlines' (before </body>)
function require_css_async( $css_file, $output = false, $position = 'headlines' )
require_css( $this->get_plugin_url().$css_file, 'absolute', NULL, NULL, $this->version.'+'.$app_version_long, $output, $position, true );

     * Memorize that a specific javascript file will be required by the current page.
     * @see require_js() for full documentation,
     * this function is used to add unique version number for each plugin
     * @param string Name of JavaScript file relative to plugin folder
     * @param boolean TRUE to print script tag on the page, FALSE to store in array to print then inside <head>
     * @param boolean 'async' or TRUE to add attribute "async" to load javascript asynchronously,
     *                'defer' to add attribute "defer" asynchronously in the order they occur in the page,
     *                'immediate' or FALSE to load javascript immediately
     * @param string Position where the JS file will be inserted, either 'headlines' (inside <head>) or 'footerlines' (before </body>)
function require_js( $js_file, $output = false, $async_defer = false, $position = 'headlines' )
require_js( $this->get_plugin_url().$js_file, 'absolute', $async_defer, $output, $this->version.'+'.$app_version_long, $position );

     * Require javascript file to load asynchronously with attribute "async"
     * @param string Name of JavaScript file relative to plugin folder
     * @param boolean TRUE to print script tag on the page, FALSE to store in array to print then inside <head>
     * @param string Position where the JS file will be inserted, either 'headlines' (inside <head>) or 'footerlines' (before </body>)
function require_js_async( $js_file, $output = false, $position = 'headlines' )
$this->require_js( $js_file, $output, 'async', $position );

     * Require javascript file to load asynchronously with attribute "defer" in the order they occur in the page
     * @param string Name of JavaScript file relative to plugin folder
     * @param boolean TRUE to print script tag on the page, FALSE to store in array to print then inside <head>
     * @param string Position where the JS file will be inserted, either 'headlines' (inside <head>) or 'footerlines' (before </body>)
function require_js_defer( $js_file, $output = false, $position = 'headlines' )
$this->require_js( $js_file, $output, 'defer', $position );

     * Get value of setting with format "checklist" which values are stored as array
     * @param string Group name
     * @param string Setting name
     * @param string Setting type: 'default', 'coll', 'msg', 'email', 'shared'
     * @return boolean
function get_checklist_setting( $group_name, $setting_name, $setting_type = 'default', $object = NULL )
$setting_type )
$group_array = $this->get_coll_setting( $group_name, $object );

$group_array = $this->get_msg_setting( $group_name );

$group_array = $this->get_email_setting( $group_name );

$group_array = $this->get_shared_setting( $group_name );

$group_array = $this->get_setting( $group_name );

        return isset(
$group_array[ $setting_name ] ) ? $group_array[ $setting_name ] : NULL;

     * Event handler: Called for additional initialization of importer classes
     * @param array Array of parameters:
     *   - 'type'     - Type of importer class, e.g. 'markdown'
     *   - 'Importer' - Importer Object, e.g. Object of the class MarkdownImport
function ImporterConstruct( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called to set Item field from Importer class
     * @param array Array of parameters:
     *   - 'type'     - Type of importer class, e.g. 'markdown'
     *   - 'Importer' - Importer Object, e.g. Object of the class MarkdownImport
     *   - 'Item'     - $Item,
     *   - 'field_type' - Field type, e.g. 'yaml',
     *   - 'field_name' - Field name
     *   - 'field_data' - Field data
function ImporterSetItemField( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called for additional updating Item after it was imported
     * @param array Array of parameters:
     *   - 'type'     - Type of importer class, e.g. 'markdown'
     *   - 'Importer' - Importer Object, e.g. Object of the class MarkdownImport
     *   - 'Item'     - $Item,
     *   - 'data'     - Data of the Item from imported file,
function ImporterAfterItemImport( & $params )

     * Event handler: Called after Items were deleted in Importer class
     * @param array Array of parameters:
     *   - 'type'             - Type of importer class, e.g. 'markdown'
     *   - 'Importer'         - Importer Object, e.g. Object of the class MarkdownImport
     *   - 'deleted_item_IDs' - IDs of deleted Items,
function ImporterAfterItemsDelete( & $params )
