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 * Controller mappings.
 * For each controller name, we associate a controller file to be found in /inc/ .
 * The advantage of this indirection is that it is easy to reorganize the controllers into
 * subdirectories by modules. It is also easy to deactivate some controllers if you don't
 * want to provide this functionality on a given installation.
 * Note: while the controller mappings might more or less follow the menu structure, we do not merge
 * the two tables since we could, at any time, decide to make a skin with a different menu structure.
 * The controllers however would most likely remain the same.
 * @global array
if( !defined('EVO_CONFIG_LOADED') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

 * Minimum PHP version required for maintenance module to function properly
$required_php_version[ 'maintenance' ] = '5.6';

 * Minimum MYSQL version required for maintenance module to function properly
$required_mysql_version[ 'maintenance' ] = '5.1';

$ctrl_mappings['backup'] = 'maintenance/backup.ctrl.php';
$ctrl_mappings['upgrade'] = 'maintenance/upgrade.ctrl.php';

 * maintenance_Module definition
class maintenance_Module extends Module
     * Do the initializations. Called from in
     * This is typically where classes matching DB tables for this module are registered/loaded.
     * Note: this should only load/register things that are going to be needed application wide,
     * for example: for constructing menus.
     * Anything that is needed only in a specific controller should be loaded only there.
     * Anything that is needed only in a specific view should be loaded only there.
function init()
$this->check_required_php_version( 'maintenance' );

load_funcs( 'maintenance/model/_maintenance.funcs.php' );

     * Get default module permissions
     * @param integer Group ID
     * @return array
function get_default_group_permissions( $grp_ID )
$grp_ID )
1: // Administrators group ID equals 1
$perm_maintenance = 'upgrade'; // Maintenance permissions like backup or upgrade
// Other groups
$perm_maintenance = 'none';

// We can return as many default permissions as we want:
        // e.g. array ( permission_name => permission_value, ... , ... )
return $permissions = array( 'perm_maintenance' => $perm_maintenance );

     * Get available group permissions
     * @return array (may contain several permission blocks)
function get_available_group_permissions()
// 'label' is used in the group form as label for radio buttons group
        // 'user_func' function used to check user permission. This function should be defined in Module.
        // 'group_func' function used to check group permission. This function should be defined in Module.
        // 'perm_block' group form block where this permissions will be displayed. Now available, the following blocks: additional, system
        // 'options' is permission options
$permissions = array(
'perm_maintenance' => array(
'label' => TB_('Maintenance'),
'user_func'  => 'check_maintenance_user_perm',
'group_func' => 'check_maintenance_group_perm',
'perm_block' => 'system',
'options'  => array(
// format: array( radio_button_value, radio_button_label, radio_button_note )
array( 'none', TB_('No Access'), '' ),
'backup', TB_('Create backups'), '' ),
'upgrade', TB_('Create backups & upgrade b2evolution'), '' ),

     * Check a permission for the user. ( see 'user_func' in get_available_group_permissions() function  )
     * @param string Requested permission level
     * @param string Permission value
     * @param mixed Permission target (blog ID, array of cat IDs...)
     * @return boolean True on success (permission is granted), false if permission is not granted
function check_maintenance_user_perm( $permlevel, $permvalue, $permtarget )

     * Check a permission for the group. ( see 'group_func' in get_available_group_permissions() function )
     * @param string Requested permission level
     * @param string Permission value
     * @param mixed Permission target (blog ID, array of cat IDs...)
     * @return boolean True on success (permission is granted), false if permission is not granted
function check_maintenance_group_perm( $permlevel, $permvalue, $permtarget )
$perm = false;
        switch (
$permvalue )
// Users can create backups & upgrade the app.
if( $permlevel == 'upgrade' )
// User can ask for delete perm...
$perm = true;

//  Users can create backups
if( $permlevel == 'backup' )
$perm = true;


     * Builds the 3rd half of the menu. This is the one with the configuration features
     * At some point this might be displayed differently than the 1st half.
function build_menu_3()
$AdminUI, $auto_upgrade_from_any_url;

        if( !
check_user_perm( 'admin', 'normal' ) )

check_user_perm( 'maintenance', 'backup' ) )
// Display Backup tab in System -> Maintenance menu
$AdminUI->add_menu_entries( array( 'options', 'misc' ), array(
'backup' => array(
'text' => TB_('Backup'),
'href' => '?ctrl=backup'    ),
                            ) );

check_user_perm( 'maintenance', 'upgrade' ) )
// Display Updates tab in System -> Maintenance menu
$AdminUI->add_menu_entries( array( 'options', 'misc' ), array(
'upgrade' => array(
'text' => TB_('Auto Upgrade'),
'href' => '?ctrl=upgrade' ),
                            ) );
$auto_upgrade_from_any_url )
// Deny upgrade from Git because upgrade from any URL is denied by config:
$AdminUI->add_menu_entries( array( 'options', 'misc' ), array(
'upgradegit' => array(
'text' => TB_('Upgrade from Git'),
'href' => '?ctrl=upgrade&amp;tab=git' ),
                            ) );

     * Get the maintenance module cron jobs
     * @see Module::get_cron_jobs()
function get_cron_jobs()
        return array(
'test' => array(
'name'   => TB_('Basic test job'),
'help'   => '#',
'ctrl'   => 'cron/jobs/_test.job.php',
'params' => NULL,
'error-test' => array(
'name'   => TB_('Error test job'),
'help'   => '#',
'ctrl'   => 'cron/jobs/_error_test.job.php',
'params' => NULL,
'cleanup-scheduled-jobs' => array(
'name'   => TB_('Clean up scheduled jobs older than a threshold'),
'help'   => '#',
'ctrl'   => 'cron/jobs/_cleanup_jobs.job.php',
'params' => NULL,
'cleanup-email-logs' => array(
'name'   => TB_('Clean up email logs older than a threshold'),
'help'   => '#',
'ctrl'   => 'cron/jobs/_cleanup_email_logs.job.php',
'params' => NULL,
'heavy-db-maintenance' => array(
'name'   => TB_('Heavy DB maintenance (CHECK & OPTIMIZE)'),
'help'   => '#',
'ctrl'   => 'cron/jobs/_heavy_db_maintenance.job.php',
'params' => NULL,
'light-db-maintenance' => array(
'name'   => TB_('Light DB maintenance (ANALYZE)'),
'help'   => '#',
'ctrl'   => 'cron/jobs/_light_db_maintenance.job.php',
'params' => NULL,
'prune-old-files-from-page-cache' => array(
'name'   => TB_('Prune old files from page cache'),
'help'   => '#',
'ctrl'   => 'cron/jobs/_prune_page_cache.job.php',
'params' => NULL,
'prune-recycled-comments' => array(
'name'   => TB_('Prune recycled comments'),
'help'   => '#',
'ctrl'   => 'cron/jobs/_prune_recycled_comments.job.php',
'params' => NULL,

$maintenance_Module = new maintenance_Module();
