Seditio Source
Root |
 * This is the template that displays the contents for a post (images, teaser, more link, body, etc...)
 * It's typically called by the item_block template.
 * This file is not meant to be called directly.
 * It is meant to be called by an include in the template (or other templates)
 * b2evolution - {@link}
 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * @package evoskins
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );


// Default params:
$params = array_merge( array(
'content_mode'             => 'auto', // Can be 'excerpt', 'normal' or 'full'. 'auto' will auto select depending on backoffice SEO settings for $disp-detail
'intro_mode'               => 'normal', // Same as above. This will typically be forced to "normal" when displaying an intro section so that intro posts always display as normal there
                                                    // TODO: Why do we need an extra param 'intro_mode'=> 'normal'  . Why can this not be part of 'content_mode'   == 'auto' ?
'force_more'               => false, // This will be set to true id 'content_mode' resolves to 'full'.

'content_display_full'     => true, // Do we want to display all post content? false to display only images/attachments

        // Wrap images and text:
'content_start_excerpt'    => '<section class="evo_post__excerpt">',        // In case of compact display
'content_end_excerpt'      => '</section>',
'content_start_full'       => '<section class="evo_post__full">',            // In case of full display
'content_end_full'         => '</section>',

// In case we display a COMPACT version of the post:
'excerpt_before_text'      => '<div class="evo_post__excerpt_text">',
'excerpt_after_text'       => '</div>',

'excerpt_before_more'      => ' <span class="evo_post__excerpt_more_link">',
'excerpt_after_more'       => '</span>',
'excerpt_more_text'        => T_('more').' &raquo;',

// In case we display a FULL version of the post:
'content_start_full_text'  => '<div class="evo_post__full_text clearfix">',
'content_end_full_text'    => '</div>',

'before_content_teaser'    => '',
'after_content_teaser'     => '',
'before_content_extension' => '',
'after_content_extension'  => '',

// For teaser images:
'display_teaser_images'    => true,
'include_cover_images'     => false, // Set to true if you want cover images to appear with teaser images. This was implemented for the Reporter skin and should be removed at some point
        // For image blocks like Teaser, After-More:
'before_images'            => '<div class="evo_post_images">',
'after_images'             => '</div>',

// In case we display a CONTENT BLOCK (included in another post by short tag [include:item-slug]):
'content_block_start'         => '<div class="evo_content_block $cb_class$">',
'content_block_end'           => '</div>',
'content_block_before_images' => '<div class="evo_content_block_images">',
'content_block_after_images'  => '</div>',
'content_block_before_text'   => '<div class="evo_content_block_text">',
'content_block_after_text'    => '</div>',

// For all images, including inline images like [image:] and [thumbnail:]:
'before_image'             => '<figure class="evo_image_block">',
'before_image_legend'      => '<figcaption class="evo_image_legend">',  // not for [thumbnail:]
'after_image_legend'       => '</figcaption>', // not for [thumbnail:]
'after_image'              => '</figure>',
'image_class'              => 'img-responsive',
'image_size'               => get_skin_setting( 'main_content_image_size', 'fit-1280x720' ),
'image_sizes'              => NULL, // Simplified "sizes=" attribute for browser to select correct size from "srcset=".
                                                    // Must be set DIFFERENTLY depending on WIDGET/CONTAINER/SKIN LAYOUT. Each time we must estimate the size the image will have on screen.
                                                    // Sample value: (max-width: 430px) 400px, (max-width: 670px) 640px, (max-width: 991px) 720px, (max-width: 1199px) 698px, 848px
'image_limit'              =>  1000,
'image_link_to'            => 'original', // Can be 'original', 'single' or empty

        // Overrides for all images when displayed in COMPACT version of the post:
'excerpt_image_class'      => '',
'excerpt_image_size'       => 'fit-80x80',
'excerpt_image_sizes'      => NULL, // Simplified "sizes=" attribute for browser to select correct size from "srcset=".
                                                    // Must be set DIFFERENTLY depending on WIDGET/CONTAINER/SKIN LAYOUT. Each time we must estimate the size the image will have on screen.
                                                    // Sample value: (max-width: 430px) 400px, (max-width: 670px) 640px, (max-width: 991px) 720px, (max-width: 1199px) 698px, 848px
'excerpt_image_limit'      => 0,
'excerpt_image_link_to'    => 'single',

// When we display the contents of a folder (multiple images) and not a single image:
'before_gallery'           => '<div class="evo_post_gallery">',
'after_gallery'            => '</div>',
'gallery_table_start'      => '',
'gallery_table_end'        => '',
'gallery_row_start'        => '',
'gallery_row_end'          => '',
'gallery_cell_start'       => '<div class="evo_post_gallery__image">',
'gallery_cell_end'         => '</div>',
'gallery_image_size'       => 'crop-80x80',
'gallery_image_limit'      => 1000,
'gallery_colls'            => 5,
'gallery_order'            => '', // Can be 'ASC', 'DESC', 'RAND' or empty

'before_url_link'          => '<p class="evo_post_link">'.T_('Link').': ',
'after_url_link'           => '</p>',
'url_link_text_template'   => '$url$', // If evaluates to empty, nothing will be displayed (except player if podcast)
'url_link_url_template'    => '$url$', // $url$ will be replaced with saved URL address
'url_link_target'          => '', // Link target attribute e.g. '_blank'

'before_more_link'         => '<p class="evo_post_more_link">',
'after_more_link'          => '</p>',
'more_link_text'           => '#',
'more_link_to'             => 'single#anchor', // Can be 'single' or 'single#anchor' which is permalink + "#more55" where 55 is item ID
'anchor_text'              => '<p class="evo_post_more_anchor">...</p>', // Text to display as the more anchor (once the more link has been clicked, '#' defaults to "Follow up:")

'page_links_start'         => '<p class="evo_post_pagination">'.T_('Pages').': ',
'page_links_end'           => '</p>',
'page_links_separator'     => '&middot; ',
'page_links_single'        => '',
'page_links_current_page'  => '#',
'page_links_pagelink'      => '%d',
'page_links_url'           => '',

'footer_text_mode'         => '#', // 'single', 'xml' or empty. Will detect 'single' from $disp automatically.
'footer_text_start'        => '<div class="evo_post_footer">',
'footer_text_end'          => '</div>',
$params );

// Determine content mode to use..
if( $Item->is_intro() )
$content_mode = $params['intro_mode'];
$content_mode = $params['content_mode'];
$content_mode = resolve_auto_content_mode( $content_mode );

$params['include_cover_images'] )
// Include the cover images on teaser place
// TODO: synonym for '#cover_and_teaser_all'
$teaser_image_positions = 'cover,background,teaser,teaserperm,teaserlink';
// Don't include the cover images
// TODO: synonym for '#teaser_all'
$teaser_image_positions = 'teaser,teaserperm,teaserlink';

$content_mode )
// Compact display:
echo $params['content_start_excerpt'];

$params['display_teaser_images'] && !empty($params['excerpt_image_size']) && !empty($params['excerpt_image_limit']) )
// Display images that are linked to this post:
$Item->images( array(
'before'              => $params['before_images'],
'before_image'        => $params['before_image'],
'before_image_legend' => $params['before_image_legend'],
'after_image_legend'  => $params['after_image_legend'],
'after_image'         => $params['after_image'],
'after'               => $params['after_images'],
'image_class'         => $params['excerpt_image_class'],
'image_size'          => $params['excerpt_image_size'],
'image_sizes'         => $params['excerpt_image_sizes'],
'limit'               => $params['excerpt_image_limit'],
'image_link_to'       => $params['excerpt_image_link_to'],
'before_gallery'      => $params['before_gallery'],
'after_gallery'       => $params['after_gallery'],
'gallery_table_start' => $params['gallery_table_start'],
'gallery_table_end'   => $params['gallery_table_end'],
'gallery_row_start'   => $params['gallery_row_start'],
'gallery_row_end'     => $params['gallery_row_end'],
'gallery_cell_start'  => $params['gallery_cell_start'],
'gallery_cell_end'    => $params['gallery_cell_end'],
'gallery_image_size'  => $params['gallery_image_size'],
'gallery_image_limit' => $params['gallery_image_limit'],
'gallery_colls'       => $params['gallery_colls'],
'gallery_order'       => $params['gallery_order'],
// Optionally restrict to files/images linked to specific position: 'teaser'|'teaserperm'|'teaserlink'|'aftermore'|'inline'|'cover'|'background'
'restrict_to_image_position' => $teaser_image_positions,
                ) );

$Item->excerpt( array(
'before'              => $params['excerpt_before_text'],
'after'               => $params['excerpt_after_text'],
'excerpt_before_more' => $params['excerpt_before_more'],
'excerpt_after_more'  => $params['excerpt_after_more'],
'excerpt_more_text'   => $params['excerpt_more_text'],
            ) );


// Full display:
$params['force_more'] = true;
$params['anchor_text'] = '';
/* continue down */
case 'normal':
// Normal dislpay:  (and Full display if force_more is true)
echo $params['content_start_full'];

$params['display_teaser_images'] && ! empty($params['image_size']) )
// Display images that are linked to this post:
$Item->images( array(
'before'              => $params['before_images'],
'before_image'        => $params['before_image'],
'before_image_legend' => $params['before_image_legend'],
'after_image_legend'  => $params['after_image_legend'],
'after_image'         => $params['after_image'],
'after'               => $params['after_images'],
'image_class'         => $params['image_class'],
'image_size'          => $params['image_size'],
'image_sizes'         => $params['image_sizes'],
'limit'               => $params['image_limit'],
'image_link_to'       => $params['image_link_to'],
'before_gallery'      => $params['before_gallery'],
'after_gallery'       => $params['after_gallery'],
'gallery_table_start' => $params['gallery_table_start'],
'gallery_table_end'   => $params['gallery_table_end'],
'gallery_row_start'   => $params['gallery_row_start'],
'gallery_row_end'     => $params['gallery_row_end'],
'gallery_cell_start'  => $params['gallery_cell_start'],
'gallery_cell_end'    => $params['gallery_cell_end'],
'gallery_image_size'  => $params['gallery_image_size'],
'gallery_image_limit' => $params['gallery_image_limit'],
'gallery_colls'       => $params['gallery_colls'],
'gallery_order'       => $params['gallery_order'],
// Optionally restrict to files/images linked to specific position: 'teaser'|'teaserperm'|'teaserlink'|'aftermore'|'inline'|'cover'|'background'
'restrict_to_image_position' => $teaser_image_positions,
                ) );

$params['content_display_full'] )
// We want to display text, not just images:

echo $params['content_start_full_text'];

// Display CONTENT (at least the TEASER part):
$Item->content_teaser( array(
'content_block_start'         => $params['content_block_start'],
'content_block_end'           => $params['content_block_end'],
'content_block_before_images' => $params['content_block_before_images'],
'content_block_after_images'  => $params['content_block_after_images'],
'content_block_before_text'   => $params['content_block_before_text'],
'content_block_after_text'    => $params['content_block_after_text'],
'before'              => $params['before_content_teaser'],
'after'               => $params['after_content_teaser'],
'before_image'        => $params['before_image'],
'before_image_legend' => $params['before_image_legend'],
'after_image_legend'  => $params['after_image_legend'],
'after_image'         => $params['after_image'],
'image_class'         => $params['image_class'],
'image_size'          => $params['image_size'],
'image_sizes'         => $params['image_sizes'],
'limit'               => $params['image_limit'],
'image_link_to'       => $params['image_link_to'],
'before_gallery'      => $params['before_gallery'],
'after_gallery'       => $params['after_gallery'],
'gallery_table_start' => $params['gallery_table_start'],
'gallery_table_end'   => $params['gallery_table_end'],
'gallery_row_start'   => $params['gallery_row_start'],
'gallery_row_end'     => $params['gallery_row_end'],
'gallery_cell_start'  => $params['gallery_cell_start'],
'gallery_cell_end'    => $params['gallery_cell_end'],
'gallery_image_size'  => $params['gallery_image_size'],
'gallery_image_limit' => $params['gallery_image_limit'],
'gallery_colls'       => $params['gallery_colls'],
'gallery_order'       => $params['gallery_order'],
                ) );

// Display either the "Read more"/"Full story" link OR the #anchor for #direct linking to the "after more" part:
$Item->more_link( array(
'force_more'  => $params['force_more'],
'before'      => $params['before_more_link'],
'after'       => $params['after_more_link'],
'link_text'   => $params['more_link_text'],        // text to display as the more link
'anchor_text' => $params['anchor_text'],            // text to display as the more anchor (once the more link has been clicked, # defaults to "Follow up:")
'link_to'     => $params['more_link_to'],
                ) );

            if( ! empty(
$params['image_size'] ) && ( $more || $params['force_more'] ) && $Item->has_content_parts( $params ) /* only if not displayed all images already */ )
// Display images that are linked "after more" to this post:
$Item->images( array(
'before'              => $params['before_images'],
'before_image'        => $params['before_image'],
'before_image_legend' => $params['before_image_legend'],
'after_image_legend'  => $params['after_image_legend'],
'after_image'         => $params['after_image'],
'after'               => $params['after_images'],
'image_class'         => $params['image_class'],
'image_size'          => $params['image_size'],
'image_sizes'         => $params['image_sizes'],
'limit'               => $params['image_limit'],
'image_link_to'       => $params['image_link_to'],
'before_gallery'      => $params['before_gallery'],
'after_gallery'       => $params['after_gallery'],
'gallery_table_start' => $params['gallery_table_start'],
'gallery_table_end'   => $params['gallery_table_end'],
'gallery_row_start'   => $params['gallery_row_start'],
'gallery_row_end'     => $params['gallery_row_end'],
'gallery_cell_start'  => $params['gallery_cell_start'],
'gallery_cell_end'    => $params['gallery_cell_end'],
'gallery_image_size'  => $params['gallery_image_size'],
'gallery_image_limit' => $params['gallery_image_limit'],
'gallery_colls'       => $params['gallery_colls'],
'gallery_order'       => $params['gallery_order'],
// Optionally restrict to files/images linked to specific position: 'teaser'|'teaserperm'|'teaserlink'|'aftermore'|'inline'|'cover'|'background'
'restrict_to_image_position' => 'aftermore',
                    ) );

// Display the "after more" part of the text: (part after "[teaserbreak]")
$Item->content_extension( array(
'content_block_start'         => $params['content_block_start'],
'content_block_end'           => $params['content_block_end'],
'content_block_before_images' => $params['content_block_before_images'],
'content_block_after_images'  => $params['content_block_after_images'],
'content_block_before_text'   => $params['content_block_before_text'],
'content_block_after_text'    => $params['content_block_after_text'],
'before'              => $params['before_content_extension'],
'after'               => $params['after_content_extension'],
'before_image'        => $params['before_image'],
'before_image_legend' => $params['before_image_legend'],
'after_image_legend'  => $params['after_image_legend'],
'after_image'         => $params['after_image'],
'image_class'         => $params['image_class'],
'image_size'          => $params['image_size'],
'image_sizes'         => $params['image_sizes'],
'limit'               => $params['image_limit'],
'image_link_to'       => $params['image_link_to'],
'force_more'          => $params['force_more'],
                ) );

// Links to post pages (for multipage posts):
$Item->page_links( array(
'before'      => $params['page_links_start'],
'after'       => $params['page_links_end'],
'separator'   => $params['page_links_separator'],
'single'      => $params['page_links_single'],
'current_page'=> $params['page_links_current_page'],
'pagelink'    => $params['page_links_pagelink'],
'url'         => $params['page_links_url'],
                ) );

// Display Item footer text (text can be edited in Blog Settings):
$Item->footer( array(
'mode'        => $params['footer_text_mode'], // Will detect 'single' from $disp automatically
'block_start' => $params['footer_text_start'],
'block_end'   => $params['footer_text_end'],
                ) );


