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 * This file initializes everything BUT the blog!
 * It is useful when you want to do very customized templates!
 * It is also called by more complete initializers.
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2004-2006 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link}.
 * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2005-2006 by PROGIDISTRI - {@link}.
 * @package evocore
if( !defined('EVO_CONFIG_LOADED') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

$Timer->start( '_init_session' );

// fp> This needs to move to a better place
// Check base domain for admin
load_funcs( '_core/_url.funcs.php' );
if( !empty(
$is_admin_page) )
// Make sure we are calling the right page (on the right domain) to make sure that session cookie goes through:
if( ! is_same_url( $ReqHost.$ReqPath, get_admin_url(), true ) )
// The requested URL does not look like it's under the admin URL...
if( is_same_url( $ReqHost.$ReqPath, $baseurl.'admin.php', true ) )
// Permanent redirect from obsolete admin.php url:
header_redirect( $admin_url.( empty( $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ) ? '' : '?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ), 301 );
// Exit here.
// NOTE: URLs may have a different protocol, e.g. when "Require SSL" is enabled and URL "/evoadm.php?ctrl=user&user_tab=pwdchange"
header('X-Evo-Redirect: Redirect to canonical $admin_url'); // Add debug header to find the cause for infinite redirects better!
header_redirect( $admin_url, 302 );

$Timer->start( '_init_session__new' );
 * The Session class.
load_class( 'sessions/model/_session.class.php', 'Session' );
 * The Session object.
 * It has to be instantiated before the "SessionLoaded" hook.
 * @global Session
 * @todo dh> This needs the same mysqli::set_charset MySQL-setup as with Session::dbsave() - see the "TODO" with unserialize() in Session::Session()
 * @todo dh> makes no sense in CLI mode (no cookie); Add isset() checks to calls on the $Session object, e.g. below?
 *       fp> We might want to use a special session for CLI. And for cron jobs through http as well.
$Session = new Session(); // If this can't pull a session from the DB it will always INSERT a new one!
$Timer->stop( '_init_session__new' );

 * Handle saving the HIT and updating the SESSION at the end of the page
register_shutdown_function( 'shutdown' );

$Timer->start( '_init_session__plugin' );
 * Handle fatal error in order to display info message when debug is OFF
// set_error_handler( 'evo_error_handler' );
// fp> I disabled the above because it kills display of warnings like the following
// fp> see function evo_error_handler() for more comments
// echo $fddfdjshfjkdfsd;

// NOTE: it might be faster (though more bandwidth intensive) to spit cached pages (CachePageContent event) than to look into blocking the request (SessionLoaded event).
$Plugins->trigger_event( 'SessionLoaded' );
$Timer->stop( '_init_session__plugin' );

// Trigger a page content caching plugin. This would either return the cached content here or start output buffering
/* fp> if you still need this, please let me know which plugin uses that.

    if( $Session->get( 'core.no_CachePageContent' ) )
    { // The event is disabled for this request:
        $Debuglog->add( 'Login: Skipping CachePageContent event, because of core.no_CachePageContent setting.', 'plugins' );
    elseif( ( $get_return = $Plugins->trigger_event_first_true( 'CachePageContent' ) ) // Plugin responded to the event
            && ( isset($get_return['data']) ) ) // cached content returned
        echo $get_return['data'];
        // Note: we should not use debug_info() here, because the plugin has probably sent a Content-Length header.

// TODO: we need an event hook here for the transport_optimizer_plugin, which must get called,
//       AFTER another plugin might have started an output buffer for caching already.
//       Plugin priority is no option, because CachePageContent is a trigger_event_first_true event, for obvious reasons.
//       Name?
//       This must not be exactly here, but before any output.

$Timer->start( '_init_session__user_settings' );
// The following is needed during login, not sure that's right :/
load_class( 'users/model/_usersettings.class.php', 'UserSettings' );
 * Interface to user settings
 * @global UserSettings $UserSettings
$UserSettings = new UserSettings();
$Timer->stop( '_init_session__user_settings' );

// fp> TODO: even if the session already has a user, we still need to get in there... that should be changed.
$Timer->pause( '_init_session' );
$Timer->resume( '_init_session' );

$Timer->start( '_init_session__locale' );
 * User locale selection. Only override it if not set from REQUEST.
if( is_logged_in() )
$Debuglog->add( 'Login: locale from user profile: '.$current_User->get('locale'), 'locale' );
is_logged_in() && $current_User->get('locale') != $current_locale && ! $locale_from_get )
// change locale to users preference
     * User locale selection:
     * TODO: this should get done before instantiating $current_User, because we already use T_() there...
$Timer->start( '_init_session__locale_activate' );
locale_activate( $current_User->get('locale') );
$current_locale == $current_User->get('locale') )
$default_locale = $current_locale;
$Debuglog->add( 'Login: changing default_locale to: '.$default_locale, 'locale' );
$Debuglog->add( 'Login: locale from user profile could not be activated: '.$current_User->get('locale'), 'locale' );
$Timer->stop( '_init_session__locale_activate' );
$Timer->start( '_init_session__locale_init_charsets' );
// Init charset based on the selected locale
if( init_charsets( $current_charset ) )
// Charset was changed reload current User from db to make sure that all of it's data is in the current charset
$UserCache = & get_UserCache();
$current_User = & $UserCache->get_by_ID( $current_User->ID );
$Timer->stop( '_init_session__locale_init_charsets' );
$Timer->stop( '_init_session__locale' );

$Timer->pause( '_init_session' );