Seditio Source
Root |
 * This file initializes everything BUT the blog!
 * It is useful when you want to do very customized templates!
 * It is also called by more complete initializers.
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2004-2006 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link}.
 * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2005-2006 by PROGIDISTRI - {@link}.
 * @package evocore
if( !defined('EVO_CONFIG_LOADED') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

$Timer->resume( '_init_login' );

 * Login procedure:
 * TODO: dh> if a "logged in"-session exists (in most cases) it should not trigger parsing the meat of this code.
 * fp> mind you, most hits will be on the font end and will not be loggedin sessions
 *     However, I agree that the login stuff should only be included when the user is actually attempting to log in.
if( !isset($login_required) )
$login_required = false;
if( !isset(
$validate_required) )
$validate_required = param( 'validate_required', 'boolean', false );

 * Login error message
 * @global string
$login_error = '';

$login = NULL;
$pass = NULL;
$pass_md5 = NULL;
$email_login = false;
$check_login_crumb = true;
$report_wrong_pass_hashing = true;

if( isset(
$_POST[ $dummy_fields[ 'login' ] ] ) && isset( $_POST[ $dummy_fields[ 'pwd' ] ] ) )
// Trying to log in with a POST:
$login_mode = 'post_form';
$login = $_POST[ $dummy_fields[ 'login' ] ];
$pass = $_POST[ $dummy_fields[ 'pwd' ] ];
$_POST[ $dummy_fields[ 'pwd' ] ] ); // password will be hashed below
elseif( isset(
$_GET[ $dummy_fields[ 'login' ] ] ) )
// Trying to log in with a GET; we might only provide a user here.
$login_mode = 'get_request';
$login = $_GET[ $dummy_fields[ 'login' ] ];
$pass = isset( $_GET[ $dummy_fields[ 'pwd' ] ] ) ? $_GET[ $dummy_fields[ 'pwd' ] ] : '';
$_GET[ $dummy_fields[ 'pwd' ] ] ); // password will be hashed below
elseif( empty(
$disable_http_auth ) && $Settings->get( 'http_auth_accept' ) && ! $Session->has_User() && isset( $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'], $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] ) )
// Trying to log in with HTTP basic authentication:
$login_mode = 'http_basic_auth';
$login = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
$pass = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'];
// Don't check crumb because it is impossible to send by this auth method:
$check_login_crumb = false;
// Don't report about not hashing password because it is impossible to send by this auth method:
$report_wrong_pass_hashing = false;
// Set action to simulate a form submit button like '<input type="submit" name="login_action[login]" >' for correct redirect after successful login:
$login_action = array( 'login' => '' );

$Debuglog->add( 'Login: login: '.var_export( htmlspecialchars( $login, ENT_COMPAT, $evo_charset ), true ), '_init_login' );
$Debuglog->add( 'Login: pass: '.( empty( $pass ) ? '' : 'not' ).' empty', '_init_login' );

// either 'login' (normal) or 'redirect_to_backoffice' may be set here. This also helps to display the login form again, if either login or pass were empty.
$login_action_value = param_arrayindex( 'login_action' );

if( (
$login != NULL ) && ( ! is_string( $login ) ) )
// Login must be string
$login = NULL;
    if( ! empty(
$login_action_value ) )
// This was a login request with an invalid login parameter type, so it must be a doctored request
debug_die('The type of the received login parameter is invalid!');
if( (
$pass != NULL ) && ( ! is_string( $pass ) ) )
// Password must be string
$pass = NULL;
    if( ! empty(
$login_action_value ) )
// This was a login request with an invalid pwd parameter type, so it must be a doctored request
debug_die('The type of the received password parameter is invalid!');

$UserCache = & get_UserCache();

if( ! empty(
$login_action_value ) || ( ! empty( $login ) && ! empty( $pass ) ) )
// User is trying to login right now

    // Stop a request from the blocked IP addresses or Domains

// Set $action so it can be recorded in the hitlog:
$action = 'login';

$Debuglog->add( 'Login: User is trying to log in.', '_init_login' );

header_nocache();        // Don't take risks here :p

if( $check_login_crumb )
// Check that this login request is not a CSRF hacked request:
$Session->assert_received_crumb( 'loginform' );
// fp> NOTE: TODO: now that we require going through the login form (instead of URL params), all the login logic that is here can probably be moved to login.php ?

// Note: login and password cannot include ' or " or > or <
    // Note: login cannot include @
$login = utf8_strtolower( utf8_strip_tags( $login ) );
$pass = utf8_strip_tags( $pass );
$pass_md5 = md5( $pass );

     * Handle javascript-hashed password:
     * If possible, the login form will hash the entered password with a salt that changes everytime.
param( 'pepper', 'string', '' ); // just for comparison with the one from Session
$pepper_sess = $Session->get( 'core.pepper' );

// $Debuglog->add( 'Login: salt: '.var_export($pepper, true).', session salt: '.var_export($pepper_sess, true), '_init_login' );

if( can_use_hashed_password() )
param( 'pwd_hashed', 'array:string', array() );
// at least one plugin requests the password un-hashed:
$pwd_hashed = array();

// $Debuglog->add( 'Login: pwd_hashed: '.var_export($pwd_hashed, true).', pass: '.var_export($pass, true), '_init_login' );

$pass_ok = false;
// Trigger Plugin event, which could create the user, according to another database:
if( $Plugins->trigger_event( 'LoginAttempt', array(
'login' => & $login,
'pass' => & $pass,
'pass_md5' => & $pass_md5,
'pass_salt' => & $pepper_sess,
'pass_hashed' => & $pwd_hashed,
'pass_ok' => & $pass_ok ) ) )
// clear the UserCache, if a plugin has been called - it may have changed user(s)

    if( ! empty(
$login_error ) )
// A plugin has thrown a login error..
        // Do nothing, the error will get displayed in the login form..

        // TODO: dh> make sure that the user gets logged out?! (a Plugin might have logged him in and another one thrown an error)
// Check login and password
if( is_email( $login ) )
// we have an email address instead of login name
            // get user by email and password
list( $User, $exists_more ) = $UserCache->get_by_emailAndPwd( $login, $pass, $pwd_hashed, $pepper_sess );
$User )
// user was found
$email_login = $User->get( 'login' );
param_check_valid_login( $dummy_fields[ 'login' ] ) )
// Make sure that we can load the user:
$User = & $UserCache->get_by_login($login);
$User = false;

$User )
// Check user login attempts
$login_attempts = $UserSettings->get( 'login_attempts', $User->ID );
$login_attempts = empty( $login_attempts ) ? array() : explode( ';', $login_attempts );
$failed_logins_lockout > 0 && count( $login_attempts ) >= $failed_logins_before_lockout - 1 )
// User already has a maximum value of the attempts
$first_attempt = explode( '|', $login_attempts[0] );
$localtimenow - $first_attempt[0] < $failed_logins_lockout )
// User has used N attempts during X minutes, Display error and Refuse login
$login_error = sprintf( T_('There have been too many failed login attempts. This account is temporarily locked. Try again in %s minutes.'), ceil( $failed_logins_lockout / 60 ) );

$User && ! $pass_ok && empty( $login_error ) )
// check the password, if no plugin has said "it's ok":
if( ! empty($pwd_hashed) )
// password hashed by JavaScript:

$Debuglog->add( 'Login: Hashed password available.', '_init_login' );

                if( empty(
$pepper_sess ) )
// no salt stored in session: either cookie problem or the user had already tried logging in (from another window for example)
$Debuglog->add( 'Login: Empty salt_sess!', '_init_login' );
                    if( (
$pos = strpos( $pass, '_hashed_' ) ) && substr($pass, $pos+8) == $Session->ID )
// session ID matches, no cookie problem
$login_error = T_('The login window has expired. Please try again.');
$Debuglog->add( 'Login: Session ID matches.', '_init_login' );
// more general error:
$login_error = T_('Either you have not enabled cookies or this login window has expired.');
$Debuglog->add( 'Login: Session ID does not match.', '_init_login' );
$pepper != $pepper_sess )
// submitted salt differs from the one stored in the session
$login_error = T_('The login window has expired. Please try again.');
$Debuglog->add( 'Login: Submitted salt and salt from Session do not match.', '_init_login' );
// compare the password, using the salt stored in the Session:
                    #pre_dump( sha1($User->pass.$pepper), $pwd_hashed );
foreach( $pwd_hashed as $encrypted_password )
$pass_ok = ( sha1( $User->pass.$pepper_sess ) == $encrypted_password );
$pass_ok )
// Break after the first matching password
$Session->delete( 'core.pepper' );
$Debuglog->add( 'Login: Compared hashed passwords. Result: '.(int)$pass_ok, '_init_login' );
// Password NOT hashed by Javascript:
$pass_ok = $User->check_password( $pass );
$Debuglog->add( 'Login: Compared raw passwords. Result: '.(int)$pass_ok, '_init_login' );
$report_wrong_pass_hashing && $pass_ok && can_use_hashed_password() )
// Report about this unsecure login action:
syslog_insert( sprintf( 'User %s logged in without password hashing.', $User->login ), 'error', 'user', $User->ID, 'core', NULL, $User->ID );
$Messages->add( T_('WARNING: password hashing did not work. You just logged in insecurely. Please report this to your administrator.'), 'error' );

$pass_ok )
// Login succeeded, set cookies
$Debuglog->add( 'Login: User successfully logged in with username and password...', '_init_login');
// set the user from the login that succeeded
if( $email_login )
$login = $email_login;
$current_User = & $UserCache->get_by_login($login);
// check and don't login if the current user account was closed
if( check_user_status( 'is_closed' ) )
// user account was closed
unset( $current_User );
$login_error = T_('This account is closed. You cannot log in.');
$Settings->get('system_lock') && ! check_user_perm( 'users', 'edit' ) )
// System is locked for maintenance and current user has no permission to log in this mode
unset( $current_User );
$login_error = T_('You cannot log in at this time because the system is under maintenance. Please try again in a few moments.');
// save the user for later hits
$Session->set_User( $current_User );

$user_PasswordDriver = $current_User->get_PasswordDriver();
$user_PasswordDriver->get_code() == 'evo$md5' )
$Messages->add( sprintf( T_('For best security, we recommend you <a %s>change your password now</a>. This will allow to re-encrypt your password in our database in a more secure way.'), 'href="'.get_user_pwdchange_url().'"' ), 'warning' );

$current_user_locale = $current_User->get( 'locale' );
            if( ( ! isset(
$locales[$current_user_locale] ) ) || ( ! $locales[$current_user_locale]['enabled'] ) )
// Current user locale doesn't exists or it is not enabled, update to the default locale if it is valid
$def_locale = $Settings->get( 'default_locale' );
                if( isset(
$locales[$def_locale] ) && $locales[$def_locale]['enabled'] )
// Update user locale to the default, and add warning message about the update
$current_User->set( 'locale', $def_locale );
$Messages->add( T_('Your preferred language/locale is no longer available on this site. You are now using the default language/locale.'), 'warning' );

$Settings->get('system_lock') && check_user_perm( 'users', 'edit' ) )
// System is locked for maintenance but current user has permission to log in, Display a message about this mode
$Messages->add( T_('The site is currently locked for maintenance.').' '.sprintf( T_('Click <a %s>here</a> to access lock settings.'), 'href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=tools"' ), 'warning' );

        if( ! empty(
$login_attempts ) )
// Display all attempts on success login
$current_ip = array_key_exists( 'REMOTE_ADDR', $_SERVER ) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '';
            if( ! isset(
$Plugins ) )
$Plugins = new Plugins();
// Initialize GeoIP plugin
$geoip_Plugin = & $Plugins->get_by_code( 'evo_GeoIP' );

$login_attempts as $attempt )
$attempt = explode( '|', $attempt );
$attempt_ip = $attempt[1];

$plugin_country_by_IP = '';
                if( ! empty(
$geoip_Plugin ) && $Country = $geoip_Plugin->get_country_by_IP( $attempt_ip ) )
// Get country by IP if plugin is enabled
$plugin_country_by_IP = ' ('.$Country->get_name().')';

$attempt_ip != $current_ip )
// Get DNS by IP if current IP is different from attempt IP
$attempt_ip .= ' '.gethostbyaddr( $attempt_ip );

$Messages->add_to_group( sprintf( T_('Someone tried to log in to your account with a wrong password on %s from %s%s'),
date( locale_datefmt().' '.locale_timefmt(), $attempt[0] ),
), 'error', T_('Invalid login attempts:') );
// Clear the attempts list
$UserSettings->delete( 'login_attempts', $current_User->ID );
    elseif( empty(
$login_error ) )
// if the login_error wasn't set yet, add the default one:
        // This will cause the login screen to "popup" (again)
if( $login_mode == 'http_basic_auth' )
// If wrong login from HTTP basic authentication
if( ! empty( $is_login_page ) )
// Display this error and login form only if user really is requesting a login page:
$login_error = T_('Wrong Login/Password provided by browser (HTTP Auth).');
// If wrong login from standard POST forms or GET request:
$login_error = T_('The Login/Password you entered is wrong.');

$current_login_pass = $login.':'.( empty( $pwd_hashed ) ? $pass : implode( '', $pwd_hashed ) );

        if( isset(
$login_attempts ) && $current_login_pass != $Session->get( 'wrong_loginpass' ) )
// Save new login attempt into DB only if previous login data were different:
if( count( $login_attempts ) >= $failed_logins_before_lockout - 1 )
// Unset first attempt to clear a space for new attempt:
unset( $login_attempts[0] );
$login_attempts[] = $localtimenow.'|'.( array_key_exists( 'REMOTE_ADDR', $_SERVER ) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '' );
$UserSettings->set( 'login_attempts', implode( ';', $login_attempts ), $User->ID );

// Save current wrong login/pass in session to know on next login trying that we get new data:
$Session->set( 'wrong_loginpass', $current_login_pass );

$Session->has_User() /* logged in */
&& /* No login param given or the same as current user: */
( empty($login) || ( ( $tmp_User = & $UserCache->get_by_ID($Session->user_ID) ) && $login == $tmp_User->login ) ) )
/* if the session has a user assigned to it:
     * User was not trying to log in, but he was already logged in:
    // get the user ID from the session and set up the user again
$current_User = & $UserCache->get_by_ID( $Session->user_ID );

$Settings->get('system_lock') )
// System is locked for maintenance
if( check_user_perm( 'users', 'edit' ) )
// Current user is a "super admin"
if( ! $Messages->count() )
// If there are no other messages yet, display a warning about the system lock
$Messages->add( T_('The site is currently locked for maintenance.').' '.sprintf( T_('Click <a %s>here</a> to access lock settings.'), 'href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=tools"' ), 'warning' );
// Current user has no permission to be logged in on this mode, we must logout it
$login_error = T_('You have been logged out because the system is under maintenance. Please log in again in a few moments.');
$Debuglog->add( 'Login: Was already logged in... ['.$current_User->get('login').']', '_init_login' );
// The Session has no user or $login is given (and differs from current user), allow alternate authentication through Plugin:
if( ($event_return = $Plugins->trigger_event_first_true( 'AlternateAuthentication' ))
$Session->has_User()  # the plugin should have attached the user to $Session
$Debuglog->add( 'Login: User has been authenticated through plugin #'.$event_return['plugin_ID'].' (AlternateAuthentication)', '_init_login' );
$current_User = & $UserCache->get_by_ID( $Session->user_ID );
$login_required )
         * ---------------------------------------------------------
         * User was not logged in at all, but login is required
         * ---------------------------------------------------------
        // echo ' NOT logged in...';
$Debuglog->add( 'Login: NOT logged in... (did not try)', '_init_login' );

$action = param( 'action', 'string', NULL );
// Check if the user needs to be validated, but is not yet:
if( check_user_status( 'can_be_validated' ) // user is logged in but not validated and validation is required
&& $action != 'logout'
&& $action != 'req_activate_email' && $action != 'activateacc_sec' && $validate_required )
// we're not in that action already:
$action = 'req_activate_email'; // for login.php
if( $is_admin_page )
$login_error = T_('In order to access the admin interface, you must first activate your account by clicking on the activation link in the email we sent you. <b>See below:</b>');
// asimo> If login action is not empty and there was no login error, and action is not logut the we must log in
if( ! empty( $login_action_value ) && empty( $login_error ) && ( $action != 'logout' ) )
// Trigger plugin event that allows the plugins to re-act on the login event:
    // TODO: dh> these events should provide a flag "login_attempt_failed".
if( empty($current_User) )
$Plugins->trigger_event( 'AfterLoginAnonymousUser', array() );
$Plugins->trigger_event( 'AfterLoginRegisteredUser', array() );

        if( ! empty(
$login_action_value ) )
// We're coming from the Login form and need to redirect to the requested page:
$redirect_to = param( 'redirect_to', 'url', $baseurl );
            if( empty(
$redirect_to ) ||
preg_match( '#/login.php([&?].*)?$#', $redirect_to ) ||
preg_match( '#/register.php([&?].*)?$#', $redirect_to ) ||
preg_match( '#disp=(login|register|lostpassword)#', $redirect_to ) )
// avoid redirect back to login/register screen. This shouldn't occur.
$redirect_to = $Settings->get( 'redirect_to_after_login' );
                if( empty(
$redirect_to ) )
$blog = param( 'blog', 'integer' );
$BlogCache = & get_BlogCache();
$Blog = & $BlogCache->get_by_ID( $blog, false, false );
$redirect_to = $Blog ? $Blog->get( 'url' ) : $baseurl;

$email_login )
$Messages->add( sprintf( T_( 'You are now logged in as <b>%s</b>' ), $login ), ( $exists_more ? 'error' : 'success' ) );

header_redirect( $redirect_to );

if( ! empty(
$login_error ) || ( $login_required && ! is_logged_in() ) )
// ----- LOGIN FAILED ----- OR Login is required and user is not logged in yet
$Debuglog->add( 'Login error: '.$login_error, '_init_login' );
// inskin param is set when the login request come from the front office
    // we need this to decide if we should use display in-skin login from or not
param( 'inskin', 'boolean', 0 );
$Debuglog->add( 'Param inskin: '.$inskin, '_init_login' );
$inskin || use_in_skin_login() )
// Use in-skin login
$Debuglog->add( 'Trying to use in-skin login', '_init_login' );

is_logged_in() )
// user is logged in, but the email address is not validated yet
$login = $current_User->login;
$email = $current_User->email;

        if( empty(
$Blog ) && init_requested_coll_or_process_tinyurl( false, false ) )
// $blog is set, init $Blog also
$BlogCache = & get_BlogCache();
$Collection = $Blog = $BlogCache->get_by_ID( $blog, false, false );

$blog_skin_ID = NULL;
        if( !empty(
$Blog ) )
// Blog was set
$blog_skin_ID = $Blog->get_skin_ID();

        if( !empty(
$blog_skin_ID ) )
// Blog exists and skin ID is set
            // Init charset handling:
init_charsets( $current_charset );
locale_activate( $Blog->get('locale') );
$Messages->add( $login_error );
$SkinCache = & get_SkinCache();
$Skin = & $SkinCache->get_by_ID( $blog_skin_ID );
$skin = $Skin->folder;
$disp = param( 'disp', 'string', 'login' );
// fp> We ABSOLUTELY want to recover the previous redirect_to so that after a new login attempt that may be successful,
            // we will finally reach our intended destination. This is paramount with emails telling people to come back to the site
            // to read a message or sth like that. They must log in first and they may enter the wrong password multiple times.
param( 'redirect_to', 'url', $Blog->gen_blogurl() );
$ads_current_skin_path = $skins_path.$skin.'/';
file_exists( $ads_current_skin_path.$disp.'.main.php' ) )
// Call custom file for login disp if it exists:
require $ads_current_skin_path.$disp.'.main.php';
// Call index main skin file to display a login disp:
require $ads_current_skin_path.'index.main.php';
// --- EXITED !! ---

$Debuglog->add( 'we have NO valid blog to use for inskin login', '_init_login' );

// Use standard login
$Debuglog->add( 'Using standard login', '_init_login' );
// Init charset handling:
init_charsets( $current_charset );
// --- EXITED !! ---

$Timer->pause( '_init_login' );
