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 * This file implements the inactive account email reminder cron job
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

$DB, $UserSettings, $Settings;

$servertimenow, $baseurl;

$inactive_account_threshold = intval( $Settings->get( 'inactive_account_reminder_threshold' ) );
$inactive_account_threshold === 0 )
cron_log_append( 'Sending of inactive account reminders disabled.' );

if( empty(
$UserSettings ) )
// initialize UserSettings, because in CLI mode is not initialized yet:
load_class( 'users/model/_usersettings.class.php', 'UserSettings' );
$UserSettings = new UserSettings();

// Only users with "activated", "manualactivated" OR "autoactivated" statuses may receive inactive account reminders
$status_condition = '( user_status = "activated" OR user_status = "manualactivated" OR user_status = "autoactivated" )';

$SQL = new SQL();
$SQL->SELECT( 'T_users.*' );
$SQL->FROM( 'T_users' );
$SQL->FROM_add( 'LEFT JOIN T_users__usersettings last_sent ON last_sent.uset_user_ID = user_ID AND last_sent.uset_name = "last_inactive_status_email"' );
$SQL->FROM_add( 'LEFT JOIN T_users__usersettings notif_setting ON notif_setting.uset_user_ID = user_ID AND notif_setting.uset_name = "send_inactive_reminder"' );

// check that user status is 'activated' or 'manualactivated' or 'autoactivated', and send reminders only for these users.
$SQL->WHERE( $status_condition );
// check if user has an email address
$SQL->WHERE_and( 'LENGTH(TRIM(user_email)) > 0' );
// check that user email is not blocked
$SQL->WHERE_and( 'user_email NOT IN ( SELECT emadr_address FROM T_email__address WHERE '.get_mail_blocked_condition().' )' );
// check if user wants to receive inactive reminder or not
$SQL->WHERE_and( 'notif_setting.uset_value IS NULL OR notif_setting.uset_value <> '.$DB->quote( '0' ) );
// check if user last seen timestamp exceeds threshold for inactive users
$SQL->WHERE_and( 'TIMESTAMPDIFF( SECOND, GREATEST( user_created_datetime, IFNULL( user_lastseen_ts, 0 ), IFNULL( last_sent.uset_value, 0 ) ), '.$DB->quote( date2mysql( $servertimenow ) ).' ) > '.$inactive_account_threshold );

$UserCache = & get_UserCache();
// load all users to reminded into the UserCache
$UserCache->load_by_sql( $SQL );

// Send inactive reminder to every user loaded into the UserCache ( there are only not activated users )
$reminder_sent = send_inactive_user_emails( $UserCache->get_ID_array(), NULL, 'cron_job' );

cron_log_append( ( empty( $result_message ) ? '' : "\n" ).sprintf( T_( '%d of %d account inactive reminder emails were sent!' ), $reminder_sent, count( $UserCache->get_ID_array() ) ) );
1; /* ok */