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 * This file implements the Suspicious file list.
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * @package admin
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

$DB, $UserSettings;

// set filter params
$min_inappropriate_votes = param( 'miv', 'integer', 1, true );
$min_spam_votes = param( 'msv', 'integer', 0, true );

// set default order
$default_order = ( $min_inappropriate_votes >= $min_spam_votes ) ? '----D' : '-----D';

// Create result set:
$SQL = new SQL();
$SQL->SELECT( 'f1.*,
    SUM( IFNULL( lvot_like, 0 ) ) as total_like,
    SUM( IFNULL( lvot_inappropriate, 0 ) ) as total_inappropriate,
    SUM( IFNULL( lvot_spam, 0 ) ) as total_spam,
    ( SELECT COUNT( file_ID ) FROM T_files AS f2 WHERE f1.file_hash = f2.file_hash ) - 1 AS total_duplicates'
$SQL->FROM( 'T_links__vote' );
$SQL->FROM_add( 'INNER JOIN T_links ON link_ID = lvot_link_ID' );
$SQL->FROM_add( 'INNER JOIN T_files AS f1 ON link_file_ID = file_ID' );
$SQL->GROUP_BY( 'link_file_ID' );
$SQL->ORDER_BY( '*, total_spam DESC, total_inappropriate DESC' );

// Set filters condition to SQL queries
if( $min_inappropriate_votes <= 1 && $min_spam_votes <= 1 && ( !( $min_inappropriate_votes && $min_spam_votes ) ) )
// We must show all votes or where is at least one spam vote or where is at least one inappropriate ( one filter must be 0 and none of them > 1 )
if( $min_inappropriate_votes )
// Min inappropriate filter is set to 1 but min spam is 0
$sql_where = 'lvot_inappropriate = 1';
$min_spam_votes )
// Min spam filter is set to 1 but min inappropriate is 0
$sql_where = 'lvot_spam = 1';
// We have to show all files which has any kind of spam vote
$sql_where = '( lvot_inappropriate = 1 OR lvot_spam = 1 )';
// Set the main query where condition
$SQL->WHERE_and( $sql_where );
// Create count result query
$count_SQL = new SQL();
$count_SQL->SELECT( 'COUNT( DISTINCT( link_file_ID ) )' );
$count_SQL->FROM( 'T_links__vote' );
$count_SQL->FROM_add( 'INNER JOIN T_links ON link_ID = lvot_link_ID' );
$count_SQL->WHERE_and( $sql_where );
// count the number of filtered result
$filtered_num_results = $DB->get_var( $count_SQL->get() );
// check to fit at least one of the minimum requirements
    // Set the main query having condition
$SQL->HAVING( '( total_inappropriate >= '.$DB->quote( $min_inappropriate_votes ).' ) AND ( total_spam >= '.$DB->quote( $min_spam_votes ).' )' );
// Create count result query
$count_SQL = new SQL();
$count_SQL->SELECT( 'link_file_ID' );
$count_SQL->FROM( 'T_links__vote' );
$count_SQL->FROM_add( 'INNER JOIN T_links ON link_ID = lvot_link_ID' );
$count_SQL->GROUP_BY( 'link_file_ID' );
$count_SQL->HAVING( '( SUM( lvot_inappropriate ) >= '.$DB->quote( $min_inappropriate_votes ).' ) AND ( SUM( lvot_spam ) >= '.$DB->quote( $min_spam_votes ).' )' );
// count the number of filtered result ( we need subquery because we can't count all when we have group by )
$filtered_num_results = $DB->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (". $count_SQL->get() ." )  AS TotalSelected " );

$Results = new Results( $SQL->get(), 'fsusp_', $default_order, $UserSettings->get( 'results_per_page' ), (int)$filtered_num_results );
$Results->Cache = & get_FileCache();
$Results->title = T_('Suspicious files').get_manual_link( 'file-moderation-suspicious' );

 * Callback to add filters on top of the result set
 * @param Form
function callback_filter_file_suspicious( & $Form )
$Form->text( 'miv', get_param( 'miv' ), 5, T_('Minimun inappropriate votes'), '', 6 );

$Form->text( 'msv', get_param( 'msv' ), 5, T_('Minimun spam votes'), '', 6 );

$Results->filter_area = array(
'callback' => 'callback_filter_file_suspicious',
'url_ignore' => 'results_fsusp_page',
$Results->register_filter_preset( 'all', T_('All'), '?ctrl=filemod&amp;tab=suspicious&amp;miv=0&amp;msv=0' );
$Results->register_filter_preset( 'inappropriate', T_('Inappropriate'), '?ctrl=filemod&amp;tab=suspicious&amp;miv=1&amp;msv=0' );
$Results->register_filter_preset( 'spam', T_('Spam'), '?ctrl=filemod&amp;tab=suspicious&amp;miv=0&amp;msv=1' );

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('Icon/Type'),
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td' => '% {Obj}->get_preview_thumb( "fulltype", array( "init" => true ) ) %',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('Path'),
'td' => '% {Obj}->get_view_link() % % {Obj}->get_target_icon() %',
'order' => 'file_path'

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('Attached To'),
'td' => '%get_file_links( #file_ID# )%',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => /* TRANS: Header for # of times photo has been liked */ T_('Likes'),
'td' => '$total_like$',
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'center',
'order' => 'total_like',
'default_dir' => 'D',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => /* TRANS: Header for # of times photo has been votes inappropriate */ T_('Inappropriate'),
'td' => '$total_inappropriate$',
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'center',
'order' => 'total_inappropriate',
'default_dir' => 'D',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('Spam'),
'td' => '$total_spam$',
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'center',
'order' => 'total_spam',
'default_dir' => 'D',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('Duplicates'),
'td' => '~conditional( #total_duplicates# >= 1, "<a href=\"?ctrl=filemod&amp;tab=duplicates&amp;file_ID=#file_ID#\">'./* TRANS: "This file" in suspicious file view */ T_('this one').' + #total_duplicates#</a>", "'.T_('none').'")~',
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'center',
'order' => 'total_duplicates',
'default_dir' => 'D',

