Seditio Source
Root |
 * This is b2evolution's main config file, which just includes all the other
 * config files.
 * This file should not be edited. You should edit the sub files instead.
 * See {@link _basic_config.php} for the basic settings.
 * @package conf

if( defined('EVO_CONFIG_LOADED') )

if( file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/maintenance.html') )
// Stop execution as soon as possible. This is useful while uploading new app files via FTP.
header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable');
file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/umaintenance.html') )
// Maintenance mode with a file - "umaintenance.html" with an "u" prevents access to the site but NOT to upgrade
$get_ctrl = isset( $_GET['ctrl'] ) ? $_GET['ctrl'] : ( isset( $_POST['ctrl'] ) ? $_POST['ctrl'] : '' );
// Check if the request is to the upgrade controller or it is an upgrade action request from the upgrade ctrl
$is_upgrade = ( ( $get_ctrl == 'upgrade' ) || ( ( substr( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -17 ) == 'install/index.php' )
                && isset(
$_GET['action'] ) && ( $_GET['action'] == 'auto_upgrade' ) ) ); // The request action is 'auto_upgrade'
if( ! $is_upgrade )
// NOT an upgrade
header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable');

 * This makes sure the config does not get loaded twice in Windows
 * (when the /conf file is in a path containing uppercase letters as in /Blog/conf).
define( 'EVO_CONFIG_LOADED', true );

// basic settings
if( file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/_basic_config.php') )
// Use configured base config:
require_once  dirname(__FILE__).'/_basic_config.php';
// Use default template:
require_once  dirname(__FILE__).'/_basic_config.template.php';

// DEPRECATED -- You can now have a _basic_config.php file that will not be overwritten by new releases
if( file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/_config_TEST.php') )
// Put testing conf in there (For testing, you can also set $install_password here):
include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/_config_TEST.php';       // FOR TESTING / DEVELOPMENT OVERRIDES

if( empty(
$assets_baseurl) )
// We need to set this var before we continue:
$assets_baseurl = $baseurl;

dirname(__FILE__).'/_advanced.php';           // advanced settings
require_once  dirname(__FILE__).'/_locales.php';            // locale settings
require_once  dirname(__FILE__).'/_formatting.php';         // formatting settings
require_once  dirname(__FILE__).'/_stats.php';              // stats/hitlogging settings
require_once  dirname(__FILE__).'/_application.php';        // application settings

global $app_pro;
if( isset(
$app_pro ) && $app_pro === true )
// Load social settings only for PRO version:
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/_social.php';    // social settings

file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/_local.php') )
// Override for local config in there:
include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/_local.php';            // Will not be overridden on upgrade.
file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).'/_overrides_TEST.php') )
// Legacy file (not recommended):
include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/_overrides_TEST.php';    // Will not be overridden on upgrade.

// Load to use evo_setcookie() for proper working with cookies on different domains from $baseurl:
require_once $inc_path.'sessions/model/_cookie.funcs.php';

// Handle debug cookie:
if( $debug == 'pwd' )
// Debug *can* be enabled/disabled by cookie:

    // Disabled until we find a reason to enable:
$debug = 0;

    if( !empty(
$debug_pwd ) )
// We have configured a password that could enable debug mode:
if( isset( $_GET['debug'] ) )
// We have submitted a ?debug=password
if( $_GET['debug'] == $debug_pwd )
// Password matches
$debug = 1;
evo_setcookie( 'debug', $debug_pwd, 0, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain, false, true );
// Password doesn't match: turn off debug mode:
evo_setcookie( 'debug', '', $cookie_expired, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain, false, true );
        elseif( !empty(
$_COOKIE['debug'] ) && $_COOKIE['debug'] == $debug_pwd )
// We have a cookie with the correct debug password:
$debug = 1;

// Handle debug jslog cookie:
if( $debug_jslog == 'pwd' )
// Debug *can* be enabled/disabled by cookie:

    // Disabled until we find a reason to enable:
$debug_jslog = 0;

    if( !empty(
$debug_pwd ) )
// We have configured a password that could enable debug mode:
if( isset( $_GET['jslog'] ) )
// We have submitted a ?jslog=password
if( $_GET['jslog'] == $debug_pwd )
// Password matches
$debug_jslog = 1;
evo_setcookie( 'jslog', $debug_pwd, 0, '/' );
// Password doesn't match: turn off debug mode:
evo_setcookie( 'jslog', '', $cookie_expired, '/' );
                if( !empty(
$_COOKIE['jslog_style'] ) )
// Change the saved styles to hide jslog
$_COOKIE['jslog_style'] = str_replace( 'display: block', 'display: none', $_COOKIE['jslog_style'] );
evo_setcookie( 'jslog_style', $_COOKIE['jslog_style'], 0, '/' );
        elseif( !empty(
$_COOKIE['jslog'] ) && $_COOKIE['jslog'] == $debug_pwd )
// We have a cookie with the correct debug password:
$debug_jslog = 1;
            if( !empty(
$_COOKIE['jslog_style'] ) )
// Change the saved styles to show jslog
$_COOKIE['jslog_style'] = str_replace( 'display: none', 'display: block', $_COOKIE['jslog_style'] );
evo_setcookie( 'jslog_style', $_COOKIE['jslog_style'], 0, '/' );

// To help debugging severe errors, you'll probably want PHP to display the errors on screen.
if( $debug > 0 || $display_errors_on_production )
// We are debugging or we want to display errors on screen production anyways:
@ini_set( 'display_errors', 'On' );
// Do not display errors on screen:
@ini_set( 'display_errors', 'Off' );

// Check compatibility. Server PHP version can't be lower than the application's required PHP version.
$php_version = phpversion();
version_compare( $php_version, $required_php_version[ 'application' ], '<' ) )
$compat = sprintf( 'You cannot use %1$s %2$s on this server because it requires PHP version %3$s or higher. You are running version %4$s.',
$app_name, $app_version, $required_php_version[ 'application' ], $php_version );

'<h1>Insufficient Requirements</h1><p>'.$compat.'</p>');

// Check timezone setting:
$date_timezone = ini_get( "date.timezone" );
if( ( !empty(
$date_default_timezone ) || empty( $date_timezone ) ) )
// Set default timezone if $date_default_timezone is set or php.ini 'date.timezone' setting was not set
date_default_timezone_set( empty( $date_default_timezone ) ? 'Europe/Paris' : $date_default_timezone );

// STUFF THAT SHOULD BE INITIALIZED (to avoid param injection on badly configured PHP)
$use_db = true;
$use_session = true;
