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 * This file implements the CollectionSettings class which handles
 * coll_ID/name/value triplets for collections/blogs.
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * @package evocore
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

load_class( 'settings/model/_abstractsettings.class.php', 'AbstractSettings' );

 * Class to handle the settings for collections/blogs
 * @package evocore
class CollectionSettings extends AbstractSettings
     * The default settings to use, when a setting is not defined in the database.
     * @access protected
var $_defaults = array(
// Home page settings:
'front_disp'             => 'posts',
'default_noindex'         => 0, // META NOINDEX on Default/Front collection page
'canonical_homepage'      => 1, // Redirect front page to its canonical Url?
'self_canonical_homepage' => 1, // Use self-referencing rel="canonical" tag
'relcanonical_homepage'   => 1, // If no 301, fall back to rel="canoncial" ?

        // Posts list settings:
'what_to_show'           => 'posts',      // posts, days
'main_content'           => 'normal',
'posts_per_page'         => '5',
'disp_featured_above_list' => 0,                // Don't display a featured post above the list by default
'canonical_posts'        => 1,                // Redirect disp=posts to its canonical Url?
'self_canonical_posts'   => 1,                // Use self-referencing rel="canonical" tag
'relcanonical_posts'     => 1,                // If no 301, fall back to rel="canoncial" ?
'posts_firstpage_noindex'=> 0,                // META NOINDEX on First page on disp=posts
'orderby'         => 'datestart',
'orderdir'        => 'DESC',
'title_link_type' => 'permalink',
'permalinks'      => 'single',                // single, archive, subchap
'postlist_enable' => 1,

// Page 2,3,4..; settings:
'paged_noindex' => '1',                            // META NOINDEX on following blog pages
'paged_nofollowto' => '0',                        // NOFOLLOW on links to following blog pages

        // User profile page settings:
'user_prefix' => 'user',
'user_links' => 'params',

// Single post settings:
'single_noindex' => 0,                    // META NOINDEX on Single/Page pages
'canonical_item_urls' => 1,                    // Redirect posts to their canonical Url?
'self_canonical_item_urls' => 1,        // Use self-referencing rel="canonical" tag
'allow_crosspost_urls' => 1,                    // For cross-posted Items, allow non-canonical URL
'relcanonical_item_urls' => 1,                // If no 301, fall back to rel="canoncial" ?
'single_links'   => 'short',
'single_item_footer_text' => '',
'slug_limit' => 8,
'tags_meta_keywords' => 1,
'tags_open_graph' => 1,
'tags_twitter_card' => 1,
'tags_structured_data' => 1,
// 'post_moderation_statuses' => NULL,            // Possible values are a list of statuses from: 'community', 'protected', 'review', 'draft', but we don't specify a general default because it depends from the blog type ( see @Blog::get_setting() )

        // Tiny URLs settings:
'tinyurl_type'   => 'basic',
'tinyurl_domain' => '',
'tinyurl_tag_source' => 'utm_source',
'tinyurl_tag_slug' => 'utm_campaign',
'tinyurl_tag_extra_term' => 'utm_term',

// Item voting settings:
'voting_positive' => 1, // Allow Positive vote
'voting_neutral'  => 0, // Allow Neutral vote
'voting_negative' => 0, // Allow Negative vote

        // Comment settings:
'new_feedback_status' => 'review',            // Default status for new anonymous comments: 'published', 'community', 'protected', 'private', 'review', 'draft' or 'deprecated'. We don't specify a general default because it depends from the blog type ( see @Blog::get_setting() )
            // 'moderation_statuses' => NULL,            // Possible values are a list of statuses from: 'community', 'protected', 'review', 'draft', but we don't specify a general default because it depends from the blog type ( see @Blog::get_setting() )
            // 'comment_inskin_statuses' => NULL,       // Possible value is a set of statuses wihtout the 'trash' status, but we don't specify a general default because it depends from the blog type ( see @Blog::get_setting() )
            // 'post_inskin_statuses' => NULL,          // Same as in case of comments
'allow_comments' => 'any',
'allow_view_comments' => 'any',                // 'any', 'registered', 'member', 'moderator'
'require_anon_name' => 1,
'require_anon_email' => 1,
'allow_anon_url' => 0,
'comment_maxlen' => 20000,
'allow_attachments' => 'registered',
'max_attachments' => '',
'display_rating_summary' => '1', // Display a summary of star ratings above the comments
'allow_rating_items' => 'never',
'allow_rating_comment_helpfulness' => '0',
'comments_orderdir' => 'ASC',
'threaded_comments' => '0',
'paged_comments' => '0',
'comments_per_page' => 1000,
'comments_avatars' => '1',
'comments_latest' => '1',
'comments_detect_email' => 1,
'comments_register' => 1,
'comment_quick_moderation' => 'expire',        // Comment quick moderation can be 'never', 'expire' - Links expire on first edit action, and 'always'
'autocomplete_usernames' => 1,
'meta_comments_frontoffice' => 1, // Display internal comments in front-office
'webmentions' => 1, // Allow to accept webmentions from other sites

        // Archive settings:
'arcdir_noindex' => '1',                    // META NOINDEX on Archive directory
'archive_mode'   => 'monthly',                // monthly, weekly, daily, postbypost
'archive_links'  => 'extrapath',            // param, extrapath
'canonical_archive_urls' => 1,                // Redirect archives to their canonical URL?
'self_canonical_archive_urls' => 1,        // Use self-referencing rel="canonical" tag
'relcanonical_archive_urls' => 1,            // If no 301, fall back to rel="canoncial" ?
'archive_content'   => 'excerpt',
'archive_posts_per_page' => '100',
'archive_noindex' => '1',                    // META NOINDEX on Archive pages
'archive_nofollowto' => '0',                // NOFOLLOW on links to archive pages
'archives_sort_order' => 'date',

// Chapter/Category settings:
'catdir_noindex' => '1',                    // META NOINDEX on Category directory
'chapter_links'  => 'chapters',                // 'param_num', 'subchap', 'chapters'
'canonical_cat_urls' => 1,                    // Redirect categories to their canonical URL?
'self_canonical_cat_urls' => 1,        // Use self-referencing rel="canonical" tag
'relcanonical_cat_urls' => 1,                // If no 301, fall back to rel="canoncial" ?
'chapter_content'   => 'normal',
'chapter_posts_per_page' => 100,
'chapter_noindex' => '1',       // META NOINDEX on Category pages without intro
'category_prefix'   => '',
'categories_meta_description' => 1,
'category_ordering' => 'alpha',             // Ordering of categories

        // Tag page settings:
'tag_links'  => 'colon',                    // 'param', 'semicolon' -- fp> we want this changed to prefix only for new blogs only
'canonical_tag_urls' => 1,                    // Redirect tag pages to their canonical Url?
'self_canonical_tag_urls' => 1,            // Use self-referencing rel="canonical" tag
'relcanonical_tag_urls' => 1,                // If no 301, fall back to rel="canoncial" ?
'tag_content'       => 'excerpt',
'tag_posts_per_page' => 100,
'tag_noindex' => '1',                          // META NOINDEX on Tag pages
'tag_prefix' => '',                            // fp> fp> we want this changed to prefix only for new blogs only
'tag_rel_attrib' => 1,                        // rel="tag" attribute for tag links ( -- valid only in prefix-only mode

        // User profile page settings:
'canonical_user_urls' => 1, // Redirect user profile pages to their canonical Url?

        // Other filtered pages:
'filtered_noindex' => '1',                    // META NOINDEX on other filtered pages
'filtered_content'  => 'excerpt',

// Other pages:
'feedback-popup_noindex' => '1',            // META NOINDEX on Feedback popups
'msgform_noindex' => '1',                    // META NOINDEX on Message forms
'msgform_nofollowto' => '1',
'special_noindex' => '1',                    // META NOINDEX on other special pages
'404_response' => '404',
'help_link' => 'slug',

// Feed settings: (should probably be duplicated for comment feed, category feeds, etc...)
'atom_redirect' => '',
'rss2_redirect' => '',
'feed_content'   => 'normal',
'posts_per_feed' => '8',
'xml_item_footer_text' => '<p><small><a href="$perm_url$">Original post</a> blogged on <a href="">b2evolution</a>.</small></p>',
'image_size'    => 'fit-320x320',

// Comment feed settings:
'comment_feed_content' => 'normal',
'comments_per_feed' => '8',

// Sitemaps settings:
'enable_sitemaps' => 1,

// General settings:
'ajax_form_enabled' => 1,                    // Comment, Contact & Quick registration forms will be fetched by javascript
'ajax_form_loggedin_enabled' => 0,            // Also use JS forms for logged in users
'cache_enabled' => 0,
'cache_enabled_widgets' => 0,
'in_skin_login' => 0,                        // Use in skin login form every time it's possible
'in_skin_editing' => 0,
'in_skin_change_proposal' => 1,
'in_skin_editing_renderers' => 1,
'in_skin_editing_category' => 1,
'in_skin_editing_category_order' => 1,
'default_cat_ID' => NULL,                    // Default Cat for new posts
'ping_plugins' => 'ping_pingomatic,ping_b2evonet,evo_twitter,webmention', // ping plugin codes, separated by comma
'allow_subscriptions' => 1,         // Allow email subscriptions for new post by default
'allow_comment_subscriptions' => 1, // Allow email subscriptions for new comment by default
'allow_item_subscriptions' => 1,    // Allow email subscriptions for a specific post by default
'allow_anon_subscriptions' => 1,    // Allow email subscriptions for replies to anonymous users comments
'default_anon_comment_notify' => 0, // Default option to subscribe anonymous users for replies notification
'anon_notification_email_limit' => 3, // Max # of email notifications an anonymous user may receive per day
'use_workflow' => 0,                        // Don't use workflow by default
'use_deadline' => 1,                        // Use deadline for workflow by default
'aggregate_coll_IDs' => '',
'blog_footer_text' => 'This collection &copy;$year$ by $publisher$',
'max_footer_credits' => 3,
'enable_goto_blog' => 'blog',  // 'no' - No redirect, 'blog' - Go to blog after publishing post, 'post' - Redirect to permanent post url
'editing_goto_blog' => 'post', // 'no' - No redirect, 'blog' - Go to blog after editing post, 'post' - Redirect to permanent post url
'default_post_type' => '1', // Default type for new posts, value is ID of post type from table T_items__type
'post_anonymous' => 0, // Allow to create new posts by anonymous users
            // 'default_post_status' => 'draft',        // Default status for new posts in backoffice ("published", "community", "protected", "private", "review", "draft", "deprecated", "redirected"). We don't specify a general default because it depends from the blog type ( see @Blog::get_setting() )
'default_post_status_anon' => 'review', // Default status for new posts from anonymous user ("published", "community", "protected", "private", "review", "draft", "deprecated", "redirected").
'post_categories' => 'main_extra_cat_post', // Post category setting
'post_navigation' => 'same_blog',           // Default post by post navigation should stay in the same blog, category, author or tag
'blog_head_includes' => '',
'blog_body_includes' => '',
'blog_footer_includes' => '',
'allow_html_comment' => 1, // Allow HTML in comments
'track_unread_content' => 0, // Should we track unread content on the specific blog. It can be modified on the Features/Other settings form.
'allow_access' => 'public', // Allow access to blog; Values: 'public' - Everyone (Public Blog), 'users' - Logged in users, 'members' - Members of the blog
'http_protocol' => 'allow_both', // SSL; Values: 'always_http' - Always use http, 'always_https' - Always use https, 'allow_both' - Allow both http and https as valid URLs.
            // Assets URLs:
'rsc_assets_url_type' => 'relative', // Load generic /rsc/ assets from: 'basic', 'relative', 'absolute'
'rsc_assets_absolute_url' => '', // Absolute URL for setting 'rsc_assets_url_type' with selected option 'absolute'
'media_assets_url_type' => 'relative', // Load generic /media/ assets from: 'basic', 'relative', 'absolute'
'media_assets_absolute_url' => '', // Absolute URL for setting 'media_assets_url_type' with selected option 'absolute'
'skins_assets_url_type' => 'relative', // Load generic /skins/ assets from: 'basic', 'relative', 'absolute'
'skins_assets_absolute_url' => '', // Absolute URL for setting 'skins_assets_url_type' with selected option 'absolute'
'plugins_assets_url_type' => 'relative', // Load generic /plugins/ assets from: 'basic', 'relative', 'absolute'
'plugins_assets_absolute_url' => '', // Absolute URL for setting 'plugins_assets_url_type' with selected option 'absolute'
'htsrv_assets_url_type' => 'relative', // Link to /htsrv/ through: 'basic', 'relative', 'absolute'
'htsrv_assets_absolute_url' => '', // Absolute URL for setting 'htsrv_assets_url_type' with selected option 'absolute'
'locale_source' => 'blog', // Source of the locale for navigation/widget: 'blog', 'user'
'post_locale_source' => 'post', // Source of the locale for post content: 'post', 'blog'
'new_item_locale_source' => 'select_coll', // Source of the locale for new items: 'select_coll', 'select_user'
            // Cookie settings:
'cookie_domain_type' => 'auto', // Cookie domain type: 'auto', 'custom'
'cookie_path_type' => 'auto', // Cookie path type: 'auto', 'custom'

        // Contact form settings (disp=msgform):
'msgform_display_recipient' => 1, // Display a "Message to:" line
'msgform_user_name' => 'none', // Name input for logged in users
'msgform_display_avatar' => 1, // Display recipient avatar
'msgform_avatar_size' => 'crop-top-48x48', // Recipient avatar size
'msgform_require_name' => 1, // Require name
'msgform_display_subject' => 1, // Display subject
'msgform_require_subject' => 1, // Require subject
'msgform_contact_method' => 1, // Require a preferred contact method
'msgform_display_message' => 1, // Display message
'msgform_require_message' => 1, // Require message

        // User directory:
'userdir_enable' => 1,
'userdir_filter_restrict_to_members' => 1,
'userdir_filter_name' => 1,
'userdir_filter_email' => 0,
'userdir_filter_country' => 1,
'userdir_filter_region' => 1,
'userdir_filter_subregion' => 1,
'userdir_filter_city' => 1,
'userdir_filter_age_group' => 1,
'userdir_picture' => 1,
'image_size_user_list' => 'crop-top-48x48',
'userdir_login' => 1,
'userdir_firstname' => 0,
'userdir_lastname' => 0,
'userdir_nickname' => 0,
'userdir_fullname' => 1,
'userdir_country' => 0,
'userdir_country_type' => 'both',
'userdir_region' => 0,
'userdir_subregion' => 0,
'userdir_city' => 1,
'userdir_phone' => 0,
'userdir_soclinks' => 0,
'userdir_lastseen' => 0,

// Other settings:
'image_size_messaging' => 'crop-top-32x32', // Used in disp = threads
'search_enable'        => 1, // Enable disp=search
'search_per_page'      => 20, // Number of results per page on disp=search
'search_sort_by'       => 'score', // Sort type of results on disp=search ('score', 'date')
'search_include_cats'  => 1, // Include categories to results on disp=search
'search_include_posts' => 1, // Include posts to results on disp=search
'search_include_cmnts' => 1, // Include comments to results on disp=search
'search_include_metas' => 1, // Include meta/internal comments to results on disp=search
'search_include_tags'  => 1, // Include tags to results on disp=search
'search_include_files' => 1, // Include files to results on disp=search
'search_score_post_title'          => 5, // weight multiplier for keywords found in post title
'search_score_post_content'        => 1, // weight multiplier for keywords found in post content
'search_score_post_tags'           => 4, // weight multiplier for keywords found in post tags
'search_score_post_excerpt'        => 1, // weight multiplier for keywords found in post excerpt
'search_score_post_titletag'       => 4, // weight multiplier for keywords found in post <title> tag
'search_score_post_metakeywords'   => 3, // weight multiplier for keywords found in post <meta> keywords
'search_score_post_author'         => 5, // weight multiplier for keywords found in post author login
'search_score_post_date_future'    => 0, // weight multiplier for posts from future
'search_score_post_date_moremonth' => 0, // weight multiplier for posts older month
'search_score_post_date_lastmonth' => 1, // weight multiplier for posts from the last month
'search_score_post_date_twoweeks'  => 2, // weight multiplier for posts from the last two weeks
'search_score_post_date_lastweek'  => 8, // weight multiplier for posts from the last week
'search_score_cmnt_post_title'     => 1, // weight multiplier for keywords found in title of the comment's post
'search_score_cmnt_content'        => 1, // weight multiplier for keywords found in comment content
'search_score_cmnt_author'         => 5, // weight multiplier for keywords found in comment author name
'search_score_cmnt_date_future'    => 0, // weight multiplier for comments from future
'search_score_cmnt_date_moremonth' => 0, // weight multiplier for comments older month
'search_score_cmnt_date_lastmonth' => 1, // weight multiplier for comments from the last month
'search_score_cmnt_date_twoweeks'  => 2, // weight multiplier for comments from the last two weeks
'search_score_cmnt_date_lastweek'  => 8, // weight multiplier for comments from the last week
'search_score_file_name'           => 3, // weight multiplier for keywords found in file name
'search_score_file_path'           => 1, // weight multiplier for keywords found in file path
'search_score_file_title'          => 3, // weight multiplier for keywords found in file long title
'search_score_file_alt'            => 1, // weight multiplier for keywords found in file alternative text
'search_score_file_description'    => 1, // weight multiplier for keywords found in file caption/description
'search_score_cat_name'            => 3, // weight multiplier for keywords found in category name
'search_score_cat_desc'            => 1, // weight multiplier for keywords found in category description
'search_score_tag_name'            => 3, // weight multiplier for keywords found in tag name
'search_result_template_item'      => 'search_result_item',
'search_result_template_comment'   => 'search_result_comment',
'search_result_template_meta'      => 'search_result_meta',
'search_result_template_file'      => 'search_result_file',
'search_result_template_category'  => 'search_result_category',
'search_result_template_tag'       => 'search_result_tag',
'latest_comments_num'  => 20, // Number of the shown comments on disp=comments

        // Time frame settings:
'timestamp_min' => 'yes',
'timestamp_max' => 'no',

// Back-end settings, these can't be modified by the users, it will be modified from code:
'last_invalidation_timestamp' => 0,

// Download settings:
'download_enable' => 1,
'download_delay' => 5,
'download_noindex' => 1,
'download_nofollowto' => 1,

// Popups settings:
'marketing_popup_using' => 'never',
'marketing_popup_animation' => 'random',
'marketing_popup_container_front' => 'marketing_popup',
'marketing_popup_container_posts' => 'marketing_popup',
'marketing_popup_container_single' => 'marketing_popup',
'marketing_popup_container_page' => 'marketing_popup',
'marketing_popup_container_catdir' => 'marketing_popup',
'marketing_popup_container_other_disps' => 'marketing_popup',
'marketing_popup_show_repeat' => 0,
'marketing_popup_show_frequency' => 'always',

     *  Configurable default settings
     *  These settings default is defined in general settings
     *  Skin settings:
     *  'normal_skin_ID' => NULL,
     *  'mobile_skin_ID' => NULL,
     *  'tablet_skin_ID' => NULL,
     *  'alt_skin_ID' => NULL,

     * Constructor
function __construct()
parent::__construct( 'T_coll_settings', array( 'cset_coll_ID', 'cset_name' ), 'cset_value', 1 );

     * Loads the settings. Not meant to be called directly, but gets called
     * when needed.
     * @param string First column key
     * @param string Second column key
     * @param string NOT USED (provided for compatibility with parent class)
     * @return boolean
function _load( $coll_ID = NULL, $arg = NULL, $arg3 = NULL )
        if( empty(
$coll_ID ) || empty( $arg ) )

parent::_load( $coll_ID, $arg );

     * Get a setting from the DB settings table.
     * @uses get_default()
     * @param string First column key
     * @param string Second column key
     * @return string|false|NULL value as string on success; NULL if not found; false in case of error
function get( $col_key1, $col_key2 )
parent::getx( $col_key1, $col_key2 );

     * Temporarily sets a setting ({@link dbupdate()} writes it to DB).
     * @param string First column key
     * @param string Second column key
     * @param mixed Value
     * @return boolean true, if the value has been set, false if it has not changed.
function set( $col_key1, $col_key2, $value )
is_array( $value ) )
// Don't crop a serialized value if value is an array,
            // e-g plugin setting with type "checklist":
if( strlen( serialize( $value  ) ) > 10000 )
// Stop here to avoid DB error on inserting of long value:
debug_die( 'Impossible to store long data(>10000 chars) of collection setting "'.$col_key2.'"!' );
// Limit value with max possible length:
$value = utf8_substr( $value, 0, 10000 );

parent::setx( $col_key1, $col_key2, $value );
