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 * This file implements the Page list Widget class.
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * @package evocore
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

load_class( 'widgets/widgets/_coll_item_list.widget.php','coll_item_list_Widget');

 * ComponentWidget Class
 * A ComponentWidget is a displayable entity that can be placed into a Container on a web page.
 * @package evocore
class coll_page_list_Widget extends coll_item_list_Widget
$icon = 'list-ul';

     * Constructor
function __construct( $db_row = NULL )
// Call parent constructor:
ComponentWidget::__construct( $db_row, 'core', 'coll_page_list' );

     * Get definitions for editable params
     * @see Plugin::GetDefaultSettings()
     * @param local params like 'for_editing' => true
function get_param_definitions( $params )
$ItemTypeCache = & get_ItemTypeCache();
$ItemTypeCache->load_where( 'ityp_usage = "page" OR ityp_usage = "widget-page"' ); // Load only page item types
$item_type_cache_load_all = $ItemTypeCache->load_all; // Save original value
$ItemTypeCache->load_all = false; // Force to don't load all item types in get_option_array() below
$page_item_type_options =
''  => T_('All'),
            ) +
// Revert back to original value:
$ItemTypeCache->load_all = $item_type_cache_load_all;

// This is derived from coll_post_list_Widget, so we DO NOT ADD ANY param here!
$r = parent::get_param_definitions( $params );
// We only change the defaults and hide some params.
$r['title']['defaultvalue'] = T_('Pages');
$r['title_link']['no_edit'] = true;
$r['item_type_usage']['no_edit'] = true;
$r['flagged']['no_edit'] = true;
$r['follow_mainlist']['no_edit'] = true;
$r['blog_ID']['no_edit'] = true;
$r['blog_ID']['defaultvalue'] = '-'; // Display the pages only of the current blog and exclude the aggregated blogs
$r['cat_IDs']['no_edit'] = true;
$r['item_group_by']['no_edit'] = true;
$r['item_title_link_type']['no_edit'] = true;
$r['disp_first_image']['no_edit'] = true;
$r['disp_first_image']['defaultvalue'] = 'special';
$r['item_pic_link_type']['no_edit'] = true;
// $r['disp_excerpt']['no_edit'] = true;
        // $r['disp_teaser']['no_edit'] = true;
$r['disp_teaser_maxwords']['no_edit'] = true;
$r['widget_css_class']['no_edit'] = true;
$r['widget_ID']['no_edit'] = true;

// Hide the 2 last orderby fields with order direction:
for( $order_index = 1; $order_index <= 2 /* The number of orderby fields - 1 */; $order_index++ )
$r['orderby_'.$order_index.'_begin_line']['no_edit'] = true;
$r['order_by_'.$order_index]['no_edit'] = true;
$r['order_dir_'.$order_index]['no_edit'] = true;
$r['orderby_'.$order_index.'_end_line']['no_edit'] = true;

// Allow to select what page item type to display:
$r['item_type'] = array(
'label' => T_('Exact post type'),
'note' => T_('What type of items do you want to list?'),
'type' => 'select',
'options' => $page_item_type_options,
'defaultvalue' => '',


     * Get help URL
     * @return string URL
function get_help_url()
get_manual_url( 'simple-page-list-widget' );

     * Get name of widget
function get_name()
T_('Page list');

     * Get a very short desc. Used in the widget list.
function get_short_desc()

     * Get short description
function get_desc()
T_('Simplified Item list for listing pages.');

     * Prepare display params
     * @param array MUST contain at least the basic display params
function init_display( $params )
// Force some params (because this is a simplified widget):
$params['item_type_usage'] = 'page,widget-page';    // Use post types usage "page" only

parent::init_display( $params );

