Seditio Source
Root |
 * This file implements the UI view for the Collection features properties.
 * This file is part of the b2evolution/evocms project - {@link}.
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}.
 * {@internal Below is a list of authors who have contributed to design/coding of this file: }}
 * @package admin
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

 * @var Blog
global $edited_Blog, $AdminUI, $Settings, $admin_url;
$notifications_mode = $Settings->get( 'outbound_notifications_mode' );

$Form = new Form( NULL, 'coll_features_checkchanges' );

$Form->begin_form( 'fform' );

$Form->add_crumb( 'collection' );
$Form->hidden( 'action', 'update' );
$Form->hidden( 'tab', 'features' );
$Form->hidden( 'blog', $edited_Blog->ID );

$Form->begin_fieldset( TB_('Post list').get_manual_link('item-list-features') );

$Form->checkbox( 'postlist_enable', $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'postlist_enable' ), TB_('Enable Post list') );

// Display the 3 orderby fields with order direction
for( $order_index = 0; $order_index <= 2 /* The number of orderby fields - 1 */; $order_index++ )
// The order fields:
$field_suffix = ( $order_index == 0 ? '' : '_'.$order_index );

// Direction
$Form->output = false;
$Form->switch_layout( 'none' );
$field_params = array();
        if( (
$order_index == 2 ) && ! $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'orderdir_1' ) )
// The third orderby field should be disable if the second was not set yet
$field_params['disabled'] = 'disabled';
$orderdir_select = $Form->select_input_array( 'orderdir'.$field_suffix, $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'orderdir'.$field_suffix ), array(
'ASC' => TB_('Ascending'),
'DESC' => TB_('Descending'), ), '', '', $field_params );
$Form->switch_layout( NULL );
$Form->output = true;

// Set order direction as field suffix
$field_params['field_suffix'] = $orderdir_select;
// Get orderby options and create the select list
$orderby_options = get_post_orderby_options( $edited_Blog->ID, $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'orderby'.$field_suffix ), $order_index > 0 );
$Form->select_input_options( 'orderby'.$field_suffix, $orderby_options, ( $order_index == 0 ? TB_('Order by') : '' ), '', $field_params );

$Form->begin_line( TB_('Display') );
$Form->text( 'posts_per_page', $edited_Blog->get_setting('posts_per_page'), 4, '', '', 4 );
$Form->radio( 'what_to_show', $edited_Blog->get_setting('what_to_show'),
                                    array(  array(
'days', TB_('days') ),
'posts', TB_('posts') ),
'' );
$Form->end_line( TB_('per page') );

$Form->checkbox( 'disp_featured_above_list', $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'disp_featured_above_list' ), TB_('Featured post above list'), TB_('Check to display a featured post above the list (as long as no Intro post is displayed).') );

$ItemTypeCache = & get_ItemTypeCache();
$enabled_item_types = $edited_Blog->get_enabled_item_types( 'post' );
$show_post_types_options = array();
$show_post_types_values = explode( ',', $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'show_post_types' ) );
$enabled_item_types as $enabled_item_type_ID )
        if( (
$enabled_ItemType = & $ItemTypeCache->get_by_ID( $enabled_item_type_ID, false, false ) ) )
$show_post_types_options[] = array( 'show_post_types[]', $enabled_item_type_ID, $enabled_ItemType->get_name(), ! in_array( $enabled_item_type_ID, $show_post_types_values ) );
$Form->checklist( $show_post_types_options, '', TB_('Show post types') );

$Form->output = false;
$Form->switch_layout( 'none' );
$timestamp_min_duration_input = $Form->duration_input( 'timestamp_min_duration', $edited_Blog->get_setting('timestamp_min_duration'), '' );
$Form->switch_layout( NULL );
$Form->output = true;
$Form->radio( 'timestamp_min', $edited_Blog->get_setting('timestamp_min'),
                                array(  array(
'yes', TB_('yes') ),
'no', TB_('no') ),
'duration', TB_('only the last'), '', $timestamp_min_duration_input ),
TB_('Show past posts'), true );

$Form->output = false;
$Form->switch_layout( 'none' );
$timestamp_max_duration_input = $Form->duration_input( 'timestamp_max_duration', $edited_Blog->get_setting('timestamp_max_duration'), '' );
$Form->switch_layout( NULL );
$Form->output = true;
$Form->radio( 'timestamp_max', $edited_Blog->get_setting('timestamp_max'),
                                array(  array(
'yes', TB_('yes') ),
'no', TB_('no') ),
'duration', TB_('only the next'), '', $timestamp_max_duration_input ),
TB_('Show future posts'), true );

$Form->checklist( get_inskin_statuses_options( $edited_Blog, 'post' ), 'post_inskin_statuses', TB_('Front office statuses'), false, false, array( 'note' => 'Uncheck the statuses that should never appear in the front office.' ) );

$Form->radio( 'main_content', $edited_Blog->get_setting('main_content'),
'excerpt', TB_('Post excerpts'), '('.TB_('No Teaser images will be displayed on default skins').')' ),
'normal', TB_('Standard post contents (stopping at "[teaserbreak]")'), '('.TB_('Teaser images will be displayed').')' ),
'full', TB_('Full post contents (including after "[teaserbreak]")'), '('.TB_('All images will be displayed').')' ),
TB_('Post contents'), true );


$Form->begin_fieldset( TB_('Single Item view').get_manual_link('item-single-item-view-features'), array( 'id' => 'post_options' ) );

$Form->radio( 'post_navigation', $edited_Blog->get_setting('post_navigation'),
        array( array(
'same_blog', TB_('same blog') ),
'same_category', TB_('same category') ),
'same_author', TB_('same author') ),
'same_tag', TB_('same tag') ) ),
TB_('Default post by post navigation should stay in'), true, TB_( 'Skins may override this setting!') );


$Form->begin_fieldset( TB_('Create/Edit options').get_manual_link('blog-features-settings'), array( 'id' => 'post_options' ) );

$Form->checkbox( 'post_anonymous', $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'post_anonymous' ), TB_('New posts by anonymous users'), TB_('Check to allow anonymous users to create new posts (useful for Forums). NOTE: a user account will be automatically created when they post.') );

// Get max allowed visibility status:
$max_allowed_status = get_highest_publish_status( 'comment', $edited_Blog->ID, false );

// Get those statuses which are not allowed for the current User to create posts in this blog
$exclude_statuses = array_merge( get_restricted_statuses( $edited_Blog->ID, 'blog_post!', 'create' ), array( 'trash' ) );
$default_post_status_index = array_search( $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'default_post_status' ), $exclude_statuses );
$default_post_status_index !== false )
// Allow to select status that is selected currently:
unset( $exclude_statuses[ $default_post_status_index ] );

    if( isset(
$AdminUI, $AdminUI->skin_name ) && $AdminUI->skin_name == 'bootstrap' )
// Use dropdown for bootstrap skin:
$default_status_field = get_status_dropdown_button( array(
'name'             => 'default_post_status',
'value'            => $edited_Blog->get_setting('default_post_status'),
'title_format'     => 'notes-string',
'exclude_statuses' => $exclude_statuses,
            ) );
$Form->info( TB_('Default status for new posts in backoffice'), $default_status_field, TB_('Typically Draft if you want to make sure you don\'t publish by mistake.') );
$Form->hidden( 'default_post_status', $edited_Blog->get_setting('default_post_status') );
$default_status_field_anon = get_status_dropdown_button( array(
'name'             => 'default_post_status_anon',
'value'            => $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'default_post_status_anon' ),
'title_format'     => 'notes-string',
'exclude_statuses' => $exclude_statuses,
            ) );
$Form->info( TB_('Default status for new anonymous posts'), $default_status_field_anon, TB_('Typically Review if you want to prevent Spam.') );
$Form->hidden( 'default_post_status_anon', $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'default_post_status_anon' ) );
// Use standard select element for other skins:
$Form->select_input_array( 'default_post_status', $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'default_post_status' ), get_visibility_statuses( 'notes-string', $exclude_statuses ), TB_('Default status for new posts in backoffice'), TB_('Typically Draft if you want to make sure you don\'t publish by mistake.') );
$Form->select_input_array( 'default_post_status_anon', $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'default_post_status_anon' ), get_visibility_statuses( 'notes-string', $exclude_statuses ), TB_('Default status for new anonymous posts'), TB_('Typically Review if you want to prevent Spam.') );

$Form->radio( 'enable_goto_blog', $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'enable_goto_blog' ),
        array( array(
'no', TB_( 'No' ), TB_( 'Check this to view list of the posts.' ) ),
'blog', TB_( 'View home page' ), TB_( 'Check this to automatically view the blog after publishing a post.' ) ),
'post', TB_( 'View new post' ), TB_( 'Check this to automatically view the post page.' ) ), ),
TB_( 'View blog after creating' ), true );

$Form->radio( 'editing_goto_blog', $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'editing_goto_blog' ),
        array( array(
'no', TB_( 'No' ), TB_( 'Check this to view list of the posts.' ) ),
'blog', TB_( 'View home page' ), TB_( 'Check this to automatically view the blog after editing a post.' ) ),
'post', TB_( 'View edited post' ), TB_( 'Check this to automatically view the post page.' ) ), ),
TB_( 'View blog after editing' ), true );

// FP> TODO:
    // -post_url  always('required')|optional|never
    // -multilingual:  true|false   or better yet: provide a list to narrow down the active locales
    // -tags  always('required')|optional|never

$Form->radio( 'post_categories', $edited_Blog->get_setting('post_categories'),
        array( array(
'one_cat_post', TB_('Allow only one category per post') ),
'multiple_cat_post', TB_('Allow multiple categories per post') ),
'main_extra_cat_post', TB_('Allow one main + several extra categories') ),
'no_cat_post', TB_('Don\'t allow category selections'), TB_('(Main cat will be assigned automatically)') ) ),
TB_('Post category options'), true );

$coll_in_skin_editing_options = array();
check_user_perm( 'blog_admin', 'edit', false, $edited_Blog->ID ) )
// Permission to edit advanced admin settings:
$coll_in_skin_editing_options[] = array( 'in_skin_editing', 1, TB_('Allow posting/editing from the Front-Office').get_admin_badge(), $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'in_skin_editing' ) );
$coll_in_skin_editing_options[] = array( 'in_skin_editing_renderers', 1, TB_('Allow Text Renderers selection in Front-Office edit screen').get_admin_badge(), $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'in_skin_editing_renderers' ), ! $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'in_skin_editing' ) );
$coll_in_skin_editing_options[] = array( 'in_skin_editing_category', 1, TB_('Allow Category selection in Front-Office edit screen'), $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'in_skin_editing_category' ), ! $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'in_skin_editing' ) );
$coll_in_skin_editing_options[] = array( 'in_skin_editing_category_order', 1, TB_('Allow Order field in Category selection in Front-Office edit screen'), $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'in_skin_editing_category_order' ), ! $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'in_skin_editing' ) || ! $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'in_skin_editing_category' ) );
$Form->checklist( $coll_in_skin_editing_options, 'front_office_posting', TB_('Front-Office posting') );


$Form->begin_fieldset( TB_('Post moderation').get_manual_link( 'post-moderation' ) );

// Moderation statuses setting:
$all_statuses = get_visibility_statuses( 'keys', NULL );
$not_moderation_statuses = array_diff( $all_statuses, get_visibility_statuses( 'moderation' ) );
// Get moderation statuses with status text:
$moderation_statuses = get_visibility_statuses( '', $not_moderation_statuses );
$moderation_status_icons = get_visibility_statuses( 'icons', $not_moderation_statuses );
$blog_moderation_statuses = $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'post_moderation_statuses' );
$checklist_options = array();
// Set this flag to false in order to find first allowed status below:
$status_is_hidden = true;
$all_statuses as $status )
// Add a checklist option for each possible modeartion status:
if( $status == $max_allowed_status )
// This is first allowed status, then all next statuses are also allowed:
$status_is_hidden = false;
        if( ! isset(
$moderation_statuses[ $status ] ) )
// Don't display a checkbox for non moderation status:
$checklist_options[] = array(
'post_notif_'.$status, // Field name of checkbox
1, // Field value
$moderation_status_icons[ $status ].' '.$moderation_statuses[ $status ], // Text
( strpos( $blog_moderation_statuses, $status) !== false ), // Checked?
'', // Disabled?
'', // Note
'', // Class
$status_is_hidden, // Hidden field instead of checkbox?
'data-toggle' => 'tooltip',
'data-placement' => 'top',
'title' => get_status_tooltip_title( $status ) )
$Form->checklist( $checklist_options, 'post_moderation_statuses', TB_('"Require moderation" statuses'), false, false, array( 'note' => TB_('Posts with the selected statuses will be considered to require moderation. They will trigger "moderation required" notifications and will appear as such on the collection dashboard.') ) );

$Form->text_input( 'old_content_alert', $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'old_content_alert' ), 2, TB_('Stale content alert'), TB_('Posts that have not been updated within the set delay will be reported to content moderators. Leave empty if you don\'t want such alerts.'), array( 'input_suffix' => ' '.TB_('months').'.' ) );


$Form->begin_fieldset( TB_('Voting options').get_manual_link( 'item-voting-options' ), array( 'id' => 'voting_options' ) );

$voting_disabled = ! $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'voting_positive' );

$Form->checkbox( 'voting_positive', $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'voting_positive' ), TB_('Allow Positive vote'), get_icon( 'thumb_up', 'imgtag', array( 'title' => TB_('Allow Positive vote') ) ) );

$Form->checkbox( 'voting_neutral', $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'voting_neutral' ), TB_('Allow Neutral vote'), get_icon( 'ban', 'imgtag', array( 'title' => TB_('Allow Neutral vote') ) ), '', 1, $voting_disabled );

$Form->checkbox( 'voting_negative', $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'voting_negative' ), TB_('Allow Negative vote'), get_icon( 'thumb_down', 'imgtag', array( 'title' => TB_('Allow Negative vote') ) ), '', 1, $voting_disabled );


// display features settings provided by optional modules:
modules_call_method( 'display_collection_features', array( 'Form' => & $Form, 'edited_Blog' => & $edited_Blog ) );

$Form->begin_fieldset( TB_('RSS/Atom feeds').get_manual_link('item-feeds-features') );
$edited_Blog->get_setting( 'allow_access' ) == 'users' )
'<p class="center orange">'.TB_('This collection is for logged in users only.').' '.TB_('It is recommended to keep feeds disabled.').'</p>';
$edited_Blog->get_setting( 'allow_access' ) == 'members' )
'<p class="center orange">'.TB_('This collection is for members only.').' '.TB_('It is recommended to keep feeds disabled.').'</p>';
$Form->radio( 'feed_content', $edited_Blog->get_setting('feed_content'),
                                array(  array(
'none', TB_('No feeds') ),
'title', TB_('Titles only') ),
'excerpt', TB_('Post excerpts') ),
'normal', TB_('Standard post contents (stopping at "[teaserbreak]")') ),
'full', TB_('Full post contents (including after "[teaserbreak]")') ),
TB_('Post feed contents'), true, TB_('How much content do you want to make available in post feeds?') );

$Form->text( 'posts_per_feed', $edited_Blog->get_setting('posts_per_feed'), 4, TB_('Posts in feeds'),  TB_('How many of the latest posts do you want to include in RSS & Atom feeds?'), 4 );

    if( isset(
$GLOBALS['files_Module']) )
load_funcs( 'files/model/_image.funcs.php' );
$params['force_keys_as_values'] = true;
$Form->select_input_array( 'image_size', $edited_Blog->get_setting('image_size') , get_available_thumb_sizes(), TB_('Image size'), '', $params );

$notifications_mode != 'off' )
$Form->begin_fieldset( TB_('Subscriptions').get_manual_link( 'item-subscriptions' ) );
$Form->checklist( array(
'allow_subscriptions', 1, TB_('Allow users to subscribe and receive email notifications for each new post.'), $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'allow_subscriptions' ) ),
'allow_item_subscriptions', 1, TB_( 'Allow users to subscribe and receive email notifications for comments on a specific post.' ), $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'allow_item_subscriptions' ) ),
'allow_item_mod_subscriptions', 1, TB_( 'Allow users to subscribe and receive email notifications when post is modified and user has permission to moderate it.' ), $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'allow_item_mod_subscriptions' ) ),
'allow_coll_subscriptions', TB_('Email subscriptions') );

$Form->begin_fieldset( TB_('Aggregation').get_admin_badge().get_manual_link('collection-aggregation-settings') );
$Form->text( 'aggregate_coll_IDs', $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'aggregate_coll_IDs' ), 30, TB_('Collections to aggregate'), TB_('List collection IDs separated by \',\', \'*\' for all collections or leave empty for current collection.').'<br />'.TB_('Note: Current collection is always part of the aggregation.'), 255 );

$Form->begin_fieldset( TB_('Workflow').get_manual_link( 'coll-workflow-settings' ) );

$Form->checkbox( 'blog_use_workflow', $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'use_workflow' ), TB_('Use workflow'), TB_('This will notably turn on the Tracker tab in the Posts view.') );

$Form->checkbox( 'blog_use_deadline', $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'use_deadline' ), TB_('Options'), TB_('Use deadline.'), '', 1, ! $edited_Blog->get_setting( 'use_workflow' ) );


$Form->end_form( array( array( 'submit', 'submit', TB_('Save Changes!'), 'SaveButton' ) ) );

'<div class="well">';
'<p>'.sprintf( TB_('You can find more settings in the <a %s>Post Types</a>, including:'), 'href="'.$admin_url.'?blog='.$edited_Blog->ID.'&amp;ctrl=itemtypes&amp;ityp_ID='.$edited_Blog->get_setting( 'default_post_type' ).'&amp;action=edit"' ).'</p>';
'<li>'.TB_('Display instructions').'</li>';
'<li>'.TB_('Use title').', '.TB_('Use text').', '.TB_('Allow HTML').'...</li>';
'<li>'.TB_('Use of Advanced Properties').' ('.TB_('Tags').', '.TB_('Excerpt').'...)</li>';
'<li>'.TB_('Use of Location').'</li>';
'<li>'.TB_('Use of Custom Fields').'</li>';

jQuery( 'input[name=in_skin_editing]' ).click( function()
    jQuery( 'input[name^=in_skin_editing_]' ).prop( 'disabled', ! jQuery( this ).is( ':checked' ) );
} );
jQuery( 'input[name=in_skin_editing_category]' ).click( function()
    jQuery( 'input[name=in_skin_editing_category_order]' ).prop( 'disabled', ! jQuery( this ).is( ':checked' ) );
} );

jQuery( '#voting_positive' ).click( function()
    if( jQuery( this ).is( ':checked' ) )
        jQuery( '#voting_neutral, #voting_negative' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' );
        jQuery( '#voting_neutral, #voting_negative' ).attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' ).removeAttr( 'checked' );
} );

// JS for order fields:
<?php echo get_post_orderby_js( 'orderby', 'orderdir' ); ?>

jQuery( 'input[name=blog_use_workflow]' ).click( function()
{    // Disable setting "Use deadline" when setting "Use workflow" is unchecked:
    jQuery( 'input[name=blog_use_deadline]' ).prop( 'disabled', ! jQuery( this ).is( ':checked' ) );
} );