Seditio Source
Root |
 * This file is part of the evoCore framework - {@link}
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2009-2016 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2009 by The Evo Factory - {@link}.
 * @package evocore

if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

load_class( 'regional/model/_country.class.php', 'Country' );

 * @var City
global $edited_City;

// Determine if we are creating or updating...
global $action;
$creating = is_create_action( $action );

$Form = new Form( NULL, 'city_checkchanges', 'post', 'compact' );

$Form->global_icon( TB_('Delete this city!'), 'delete', regenerate_url( 'action', 'action=delete&amp;'.url_crumb('city') ) );
$Form->global_icon( TB_('Cancel editing').'!', 'close', regenerate_url( 'action' ) );

$Form->begin_form( 'fform', ( $creating ?  TB_('New city') : TB_('City') ).get_manual_link( 'cities-editing' ) );

$Form->add_crumb( 'city' );
$Form->hiddens_by_key( get_memorized( 'action'.( $creating ? ',city_ID' : '' ) ) ); // (this allows to come back to the right list order & page)

$CountryCache = & get_CountryCache();
$Form->select_country( 'city_ctry_ID', $edited_City->ctry_ID, $CountryCache, TB_('Country'), array( 'allow_none' => true, 'required' => true ) );

$Form->select_input_options( 'city_rgn_ID', get_regions_option_list( $edited_City->ctry_ID, $edited_City->rgn_ID, array( 'none_option_text' => TB_('Unknown') ) ), TB_('Region') );

$Form->select_input_options( 'city_subrg_ID', get_subregions_option_list( $edited_City->rgn_ID, $edited_City->subrg_ID, array( 'none_option_text' => TB_('Unknown') ) ), TB_('Sub-region') );

$Form->text_input( 'city_postcode', $edited_City->postcode, 12, TB_('Post code'), '', array( 'maxlength'=> 12, 'required'=>true ) );

$Form->text_input( 'city_name', $edited_City->name, 40, TB_('Name'), '', array( 'maxlength'=> 40, 'required'=>true ) );

$creating )
$Form->end_form( array( array( 'submit', 'actionArray[create]', TB_('Record'), 'SaveButton' ),
'submit', 'actionArray[create_new]', TB_('Record, then Create New'), 'SaveButton' ),
'submit', 'actionArray[create_copy]', TB_('Record, then Create Similar'), 'SaveButton' ) ) );
$Form->end_form( array( array( 'submit', 'actionArray[update]', TB_('Save Changes!'), 'SaveButton' ) ) );

jQuery( '#city_ctry_ID' ).change( function ()
{    // Load option list with regions for seleted country
    jQuery.ajax( {
    type: 'POST',
    url: '<?php echo get_htsrv_url(); ?>anon_async.php',
    data: 'action=get_regions_option_list&page=edit&mode=load_subregions&ctry_id=' + jQuery( this ).val(),
    success: function( result )
            result = ajax_debug_clear( result );
            var options = result.split( '-##-' );

            jQuery( '#city_rgn_ID' ).html( options[0] );
            jQuery( '#city_subrg_ID' ).html( options[1] );
    } );
} );

jQuery( '#city_rgn_ID' ).change( function ()
{    // Change option list with sub-regions
    load_subregions( jQuery( this ).val() );
} );

function load_subregions( region_ID )
{    // Load option list with sub-regions for seleted region
    jQuery.ajax( {
    type: 'POST',
    url: '<?php echo get_htsrv_url(); ?>anon_async.php',
    data: 'action=get_subregions_option_list&page=edit&rgn_id=' + region_ID,
    success: function( result )
            jQuery( '#city_subrg_ID' ).html( ajax_debug_clear( result ) );
    } );