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 * This is the init file for the central antispam module
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}
if( !defined('EVO_CONFIG_LOADED') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

 * Minimum PHP version required for central antispam module to function properly
$required_php_version[ 'central_antispam' ] = '5.6';

 * Minimum MYSQL version required for central antispam module to function properly
$required_mysql_version[ 'central_antispam' ] = '5.1';

 * Aliases for table names:
 * (You should not need to change them.
 *  If you want to have multiple b2evo installations in a single database you should
 *  change {@link $tableprefix} in _basic_config.php)
$db_config['aliases'] = array_merge( $db_config['aliases'], array(
'T_centralantispam__keyword' => $tableprefix.'centralantispam__keyword',
'T_centralantispam__source'  => $tableprefix.'centralantispam__source',
'T_centralantispam__report'  => $tableprefix.'centralantispam__report',
    ) );

 * Controller mappings.
 * For each controller name, we associate a controller file to be found in /inc/ .
 * The advantage of this indirection is that it is easy to reorganize the controllers into
 * subdirectories by modules. It is also easy to deactivate some controllers if you don't
 * want to provide this functionality on a given installation.
 * Note: while the controller mappings might more or less follow the menu structure, we do not merge
 * the two tables since we could, at any time, decide to make a skin with a different menu structure.
 * The controllers however would most likely remain the same.
 * @global array
$ctrl_mappings = array_merge( $ctrl_mappings, array(
'central_antispam' => 'central_antispam/central_antispam.ctrl.php',
    ) );

 * Get the CaKeywordCache
 * @param string The text that gets used for the "None" option in the objects options list
 * @return CaKeywordCache
function & get_CaKeywordCache( $none_name = NULL )

    if( ! isset(
$CaKeywordCache ) )
// Cache doesn't exist yet:
$CaKeywordCache = new DataObjectCache( 'CaKeyword', false, 'T_centralantispam__keyword', 'cakw_', 'cakw_ID', 'cakw_keyword', 'cakw_keyword', $none_name ? $none_name : T_('Unknown') );


 * Get the CaSourceCache
 * @param string The text that gets used for the "None" option in the objects options list
 * @return CaSourceCache
function & get_CaSourceCache( $none_name = NULL )

    if( ! isset(
$CaSourceCache ) )
// Cache doesn't exist yet:
$CaSourceCache = new DataObjectCache( 'CaSource', false, 'T_centralantispam__source', 'casrc_', 'casrc_ID', 'casrc_baseurl', 'casrc_baseurl', $none_name ? $none_name : T_('Unknown') );


 * central_antispam_Module definition
class central_antispam_Module extends Module
$this->check_required_php_version( 'central_antispam' );

     * Builds the 2nd half of the menu. This is the one with the configuration features
     * At some point this might be displayed differently than the 1st half.
function build_menu_3()
$AdminUI, $admin_url;

        if( !
check_user_perm( 'centralantispam', 'view' ) )
// Don't display menu if current user has no access to central antispam:

// Display Central Antispam menu:
$AdminUI->add_menu_entries( NULL, array(
'central_antispam' => array(
'text' => T_('Central Antispam'),
'href' => $admin_url.'?ctrl=central_antispam',
'entries' => array(
'keywords' => array(
'text' => T_('Keywords'),
'href' => $admin_url.'?ctrl=central_antispam&amp;tab=keywords',
'reporters' => array(
'text' => T_('Reporters'),
'href' => $admin_url.'?ctrl=central_antispam&amp;tab=reporters',
            ) ) );

     * Get default module permissions
     * #param integer Group ID
     * @return array
function get_default_group_permissions( $grp_ID )
$grp_ID )
1: // Administrators group ID equals 1
$perm_centralantispam = 'allowed';
// Other groups
$perm_centralantispam = 'none';

// We can return as many default permissions as we want:
        // e.g. array ( permission_name => permission_value, ... , ... )
return $permissions = array(
'perm_centralantispam' => $perm_centralantispam

     * Get available group permissions
     * @return array
function get_available_group_permissions()
// 'label' is used in the group form as label for radio buttons group
        // 'user_func' is used to check user permission. This function should be defined in module initializer.
        // 'group_func' is used to check group permission. This function should be defined in module initializer.
        // 'perm_block' group form block where this permissions will be displayed. Now available, the following blocks: additional, system
        // 'options' is permission options
$permissions = array(
'perm_centralantispam' => array(
'label' => T_('Allow central antispam management'),
'user_func'  => 'check_centralantispam_user_perm',
'group_func' => 'check_centralantispam_group_perm',
'perm_block' => 'additional',
'perm_type' => 'checkbox',
'note' => '',
// We can return as many permissions as we want.
        // In other words, one module can return many pluggable permissions.
return $permissions;

     * Check permission for the group
function check_centralantispam_group_perm( $permlevel, $permvalue, $permtarget )
// Only 'allowed' value means group has permission
return $permvalue == 'allowed';

     * Upgrade this module's tables in b2evo database
function upgrade_b2evo_tables()
$DB, $tableprefix, $old_db_version;

// Check if DB tables of this module were installed before:
$existing_tables = $DB->get_col( 'SHOW TABLES LIKE "'.$tableprefix.'centralantispam__%"' );

        if( !
in_array( $tableprefix.'centralantispam__keyword', $existing_tables ) )
// Create a table only if it doesn't exist yet:
task_begin( 'Creating table for central antispam keywords...' );
db_create_table( 'T_centralantispam__keyword', '
                cakw_ID              INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                cakw_keyword         VARCHAR(2000) NULL,
                cakw_status          ENUM("new", "published", "revoked") NOT NULL DEFAULT "new",
                cakw_statuschange_ts TIMESTAMP NULL,
                cakw_lastreport_ts   TIMESTAMP NULL,
                PRIMARY KEY (cakw_ID),
                INDEX cakw_keyword (cakw_keyword(255)),
                INDEX cakw_statuschange_ts (cakw_statuschange_ts),
                INDEX cakw_lastreport_ts (cakw_lastreport_ts)'

        if( !
in_array( $tableprefix.'centralantispam__source', $existing_tables ) )
// Create a table only if it doesn't exist yet:
task_begin( 'Creating table for central antispam sources...' );
db_create_table( 'T_centralantispam__source', '
                casrc_ID      INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                casrc_baseurl VARCHAR(2000) NULL,
                casrc_status  ENUM ("trusted", "promising", "unknown", "suspect", "blocked") NOT NULL DEFAULT "unknown",
                PRIMARY KEY (casrc_ID)'

        if( !
in_array( $tableprefix.'centralantispam__report', $existing_tables ) )
// Create a table only if it doesn't exist yet:
task_begin( 'Creating table for central antispam reports...' );
db_create_table( 'T_centralantispam__report', '
                carpt_cakw_ID  INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
                carpt_casrc_ID INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
                carpt_ts       TIMESTAMP NULL,
                PRIMARY KEY carpt_PK (carpt_cakw_ID, carpt_casrc_ID)'

$old_db_version < 12066 )
// part of 6.8.0-alpha
task_begin( 'Upgrade central antispam keywords table...' );
$DB->query( 'ALTER TABLE T_centralantispam__keyword
                MODIFY cakw_status ENUM("new", "published", "revoked", "ignored") NOT NULL DEFAULT "new"'

     * Handle collections module htsrv actions
function handle_htsrv_action()
$DB, $Session, $localtimenow, $debug, $debug_jslog;

        if( !
is_logged_in() )
// User must be logged in:
bad_request_die( T_( 'You are not logged in.' ) );

load_funcs( 'central_antispam/model/_central_antispam.funcs.php' );

// Do not append Debuglog to response!
$debug = false;

// Do not append Debug JSlog to response!
$debug_jslog = false;

param_action() )
// Update status of central antispam keyword from list screen by clicking on the status column:

                // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request:
$Session->assert_received_crumb( 'cakeyword' );

// Check permission:
check_user_perm( 'centralantispam', 'edit', true );

$new_status = param( 'new_status', 'string' );
$cakw_ID = param( 'cakw_ID', 'integer', true );
$statuschange_ts = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $localtimenow );

$DB->query( 'UPDATE T_centralantispam__keyword
                        SET cakw_status = '
.( empty( $new_status ) ? 'NULL' : $DB->quote( $new_status ) ).',
                                cakw_statuschange_ts = '
.$DB->quote( $statuschange_ts ).'
                    WHERE cakw_ID ='
.$DB->quote( $cakw_ID ) );
'<a href="#" rel="'.$new_status.'" style="color:#FFF" color="'.ca_get_keyword_status_color( $new_status ).'" date="'.format_to_output( mysql2localedatetime_spans( $statuschange_ts ), 'htmlspecialchars' ).'">'.ca_get_keyword_status_title( $new_status ).'</a>';

// Update status of central antispam source from list screen by clicking on the status column:

                // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request:
$Session->assert_received_crumb( 'casource' );

// Check permission:
check_user_perm( 'centralantispam', 'edit', true );

$new_status = param( 'new_status', 'string' );
$casrc_ID = param( 'casrc_ID', 'integer', true );

$DB->query( 'UPDATE T_centralantispam__source
                        SET casrc_status = '
.( empty( $new_status ) ? 'NULL' : $DB->quote( $new_status ) ).'
                    WHERE casrc_ID ='
.$DB->quote( $casrc_ID ) );
'<a href="#" rel="'.$new_status.'" style="color:#FFF" color="'.ca_get_source_status_color( $new_status ).'">'.ca_get_source_status_title( $new_status ).'</a>';

// EXit here because next code will try to call "header_redirect()":

$central_antispam_Module = new central_antispam_Module();
